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0x15. C - File I/O


This project covers the fundamental concepts of File I/O in the C programming language. It includes various tasks that involve creating, reading, writing, and manipulating files, understanding file descriptors, and working with ELF headers.


Man Pages

  • open
  • close
  • read
  • write
  • dprintf
  • lseek
  • printf

Learning Objectives

  • Learn to create, open, close, read, and write files in C.
  • Understand file descriptors and the three standard file descriptors: STDIN_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO, STDERR_FILENO.
  • Use I/O system calls such as open, close, read, and write.
  • Work with flags like O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, and O_RDWR when opening files.
  • Set file permissions using the open system call.
  • Understand the difference between functions and system calls.
  • Gain knowledge about ELF headers and display information from them.

Project Tasks

0. Tread lightly, she is near

Write a function that reads a text file and prints it to the POSIX standard output.

1. Under the snow

Create a function that creates a file.

2. Speak gently, she can hear

Write a function that appends text at the end of a file.

3. cp

Write a program that copies the content of a file to another file.

4. elf (Advanced)

Write a program that displays information contained in the ELF header at the start of an ELF file.

Compilation and Testing

All C files should be compiled on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using gcc with the options -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu89. Each task has its own test cases to ensure correctness.

Directory Structure

  • 0x15-file_io/
    • main.h: Header file containing function prototypes.
    • 0-read_textfile.c: Task 0 implementation.
    • 1-create_file.c: Task 1 implementation.
    • 2-append_text_to_file.c: Task 2 implementation.
    • 3-cp.c: Task 3 implementation.
    • 100-elf_header.c: Task 4 (Advanced) implementation.
    • ...