“This plugin is not endorsed or sponsored by Unity Technologies. This is an independent, unofficial plugin. UNITY and the Unity logo are Unity Technologies’ registered trademarks in the US and other countries--All rights reserved.“
This is UnityAds native extension for Defold engine. Extension supported IOS (minimum iOS version is 9.0) and Android.
To use this library in your Defold project, add the needed version URL to your game.project
dependencies from Releases
See the example folder for understand how to use extension. Especially ui.gui_script file.
Please, read Android API docs and iOS API docs
-- iOS only method that shows IDFA request popup.
-- On Android it always fire callback with MSG_IDFA/EVENT_NOT_SUPPORTED
-- should be called before initialization
local function defunityads_callback(self, message_id, message)
unityads.initialize("1401815", defunityads_callback)
-- `test_mode` is optional parameter:
unityads.initialize("1401815", defunityads_callback, true)
unityads.set_callback(defunityads_callback) -- set callback
unityads.set_callback(nil) -- remove callback
unityads.set_callback() -- remove callback
unityads.set_debug_mode(true) -- set debug mode
unityads.set_debug_mode(false) -- set debug mode
local is_debig_mode = unityads.getDebugMode() -- Returns true if current mod is debug
local is_initialized = unityads.is_initialized() -- Returns `true` if Unity ADS initialized
local is_supported = unityads.is_supported() -- Returns `true` if Unity Ads is supported by the current device
local version = unityads.get_version() -- Returns the Unity Ads SDK version as a string.
unityads.show("rewardedVideo") -- show rewardedVideo
unityads.load("rewardedVideo") -- load rewardedVideo
unityads.load_banner("banner") -- load banner, by defaulf width = 320, height = 50
unityads.load_banner("banner", 320, 50) -- load banner
unityads.unload_banner() -- unload banner
unityads.show_banner() -- show banner
unityads.hide_banner() -- hide banner
unityads.set_banner_position(position) -- set position of the banner
-- default value is unityads.BANNER_POSITION_TOP_CENTER
--possible positions:
local function defunityads_callback(self, message_id, message)
--possible values for `message_id` :
local function defunityads_callback(self, message_id, message)
if message_id == unityads.MSG_INIT then
if message.event == unityads.EVENT_COMPLETED then
-- message = {placement_id = "string", ...}
elseif message.event == unityads.EVENT_SDK_ERROR then
-- message = {code = int, error = "error message string"}
if message.code == unityads.ERROR_INTERNAL then
-- initialization failed due to environment or internal services
elseif message.code == unityads.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT then
-- initialization failed due to invalid argument(e.g. game ID)
elseif message.code == unityads.ERROR_AD_BLOCKER_DETECTED then
-- initialization failed due to url being blocked
elseif message.event == unityads.EVENT_JSON_ERROR then
-- message = {error = "error message string"}
local function defunityads_callback(self, message_id, message)
if message_id == unityads.MSG_SHOW then
if message.event == unityads.EVENT_COMPLETED then
-- message = {placement_id = "string"}
-- An event that indicates that the ad was played entirely.
elseif message.event == unityads.EVENT_SKIPPED then
-- message = {placement_id = "string"}
-- An event that indicates that the user skipped the ad.
elseif message.event == unityads.EVENT_START then
-- message = {placement_id = "string"}
-- UnityAds has started to show ad with a specific placement.
elseif message.event == unityads.EVENT_CLICKED then
-- message = {placement_id = "string"}
-- UnityAds has received a click while showing ad with a specific placement.
elseif message.event == unityads.EVENT_SDK_ERROR then
-- message = {code = int, error = "error message string", placement_id = "string"}
if message.code == unityads.ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED then
-- show failed due to SDK not initialized.
elseif message.code == unityads.ERROR_NOT_READY then
--show failed due to placement not being ready.
elseif message.code == unityads.ERROR_VIDEO_PLAYER then
-- show failed due to video player.
elseif message.code == unityads.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT then
-- show failed due to invalid arguments.
elseif message.code == unityads.ERROR_NO_CONNECTION then
-- show failed due to internet connection.
elseif message.code == unityads.ERROR_ALREADY_SHOWING then
-- show failed due to ad is already being showen.
elseif message.code == unityads.ERROR_INTERNAL then
-- show failed due to environment or internal services.
elseif message.code == unityads.ERROR_TIMEOUT then
-- Error related to an Ad being unable to show within a specified time frame
elseif message.event == unityads.EVENT_JSON_ERROR then
-- message = {error = "error message string"}
local function defunityads_callback(self, message_id, message)
if message.event == unityads.EVENT_LOADED then
-- message = {placement_id = "string"}
-- Load request has successfully filled the specified placementId with an ad that is ready to show.
elseif message.event == unityads.EVENT_SDK_ERROR then
-- message = {code = int, error = "error message string", placement_id = "string"}
if message.code == unityads.ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED then
-- Error related to SDK not initialized
elseif message.code == unityads.ERROR_INTERNAL then
-- Error related to environment or internal services
elseif message.code == unityads.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT then
-- Error related to invalid arguments
elseif message.code == unityads.ERROR_NO_FILL then
-- Error related to there being no ads available
elseif message.code == unityads.ERROR_TIMEOUT then
-- Error related to there being no ads available
elseif message.event == unityads.EVENT_JSON_ERROR then
-- message = {error = "error message string"}
local function defunityads_callback(self, message_id, message)
if message.event == unityads.EVENT_LOADED then
-- message = {placement_id = "string"}
-- Banner is loaded and ready to be placed in the view hierarchy.
elseif message.event == unityads.EVENT_LEFT_APPLICATION then
-- message = {placement_id = "string"}
-- Banner links outside the application.
elseif message.event == unityads.EVENT_CLICKED then
-- message = {placement_id = "string"}
-- Banner is clicked.
elseif message.event == unityads.EVENT_SDK_ERROR then
-- message = {code = int, error = "error message string", placement_id = "string"}
if message.code == unityads.ERROR_UNKNOWN then
-- Unknown error
elseif message.code == unityads.ERROR_NATIVE then
-- Error related to native
elseif message.code == unityads.ERROR_WEBVIEW then
-- Error related to webview
elseif message.code == unityads.ERROR_NO_FILL then
-- Error related to there being no ads available
elseif message.event == unityads.EVENT_JSON_ERROR then
-- message = {error = "error message string"}
local function defunityads_callback(self, message_id, message)
if message.event == unityads.EVENT_NOT_SUPPORTED then
-- IDFA isn't supported
elseif message.event == unityads.EVENT_STATUS_AUTORIZED then
elseif message.event == unityads.EVENT_STATUS_DENIED then
elseif message.event == unityads.EVENT_STATUS_NOT_DETERMINED then
elseif message.event == unityads.EVENT_STATUS_RESTRICTED then
elseif message.event == unityads.EVENT_JSON_ERROR then
-- message = {error = "error message string"}
If you have any issues, questions or suggestions please create an issue or contact me: [email protected]