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File metadata and controls

99 lines (75 loc) · 5.39 KB

Contribution Guide

We really appreciate your contributions to the tools. We are committed to fostering a welcoming community, please see our Code of Conduct, which can be found here:

There are several ways to contribute:

  • Raise an issue found via GitHub Issues.
  • Open an pull request to:
    • Provide a fix.
    • Add an enhancement feature.
    • Correct, update or add documentation.

How to Contribute Documentation or Code

Please keep contributions small and independent. We would much rather have multiple pull requests for each thing done rather than have them all in the same one. This will help us review, give feedback and merge in the changes. The normal process to make a change is as follows:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Make your change and write unit tests, please try to match the existing documentation and coding style.
  3. Add a news file describing the changes and add it in the /news directory, see the section News Files below.
  4. Write a good commit message.
  5. Push to your fork.
  6. Submit a pull request.

We will review the proposed change as soon as we can and, if needed, give feedback. Please bear in mind that the tools are complex and cover a large number of use cases. This means we may ask for changes not only to ensure that the proposed change meets our quality criteria, but also to make sure the that the change is generally useful and doesn't impact other uses cases or maintainability.

News Files

News files serve a different purpose to commit messages, which are generally written to inform developers of the project. News files will form part of the release notes so should be written to target the consumer of the package or tool.

  • A news file should be added for each merge request to the directory /news.
  • The text of the file should be a single line describing the change and/or impact to the user.
  • The filename of the news file should take the form <number>.<extension>, e.g, 20191231.feature where:
    • The number is either the issue number or, if no issue exists, the date in the form YYYYMMDD.
    • The extension should indicate the type of change as described in the following table:
Change Type Extension Version Impact
Backwards compatibility breakages or significant changes denoting a shift direction. .major Major increment
New features and enhancements (non breaking). .feature Minor increment
Bug fixes or corrections (non breaking). .bugfix Patch increment
Documentation impacting the consumer of the package (not repo documentation, such as this file, for this use .misc). .doc N/A
Deprecation of functionality or interfaces (not actual removal, for this use .major). .removal None
Changes to the repository that do not impact functionality e.g. build scripts change. .misc None

Commit Hooks

We use pre-commit to install and run commit hooks, mirroring the code checks we run in our CI environment.

The pre-commit tool allows developers to easily install git hook scripts which will run on every git commit. The .pre-commit-config.yaml in our repository sets up commit hooks to run pytest, black, mypy and flake8. Those checks must pass in our CI before a PR is merged. Using commit hooks ensures you can't commit code which violates our style and maintainability requirements.

To install the commit hooks for the repository, run pipenv install --dev then pipenv shell, in the pipenv shell type pre-commit install, the checks will now run automatically every time you try to git commit to the repository.

Merging the Pull Request

When merging the pull request we will normally squash merge the changes give it a title which provides context to the changes:

  • <emoji> <Issue-Number> <Change Summary> (#<Pull Request Number>)

An emoji is used to highlight what has occurred in the change. Commonly used emojis can be seen below, but for a full list please see Gitmoji:

Emoji Topic(s)
New features or enhancements.
🐛 Bug / defect fixes.
🔒 Fixing security issues.
⚡️ Improving performance.
♻️ Refactoring or addressing technical debt.
💥 Breaking changes or removing functionality.
❗️ Notice of deprecation.
📝 Writing or updating documentation.
👷 Adding to the CI or build system.
💚️ Fixing CI or build system issues.
🚀 Releasing or deploying.

For more on the version number scheme please see the ReadMe.

Thank you 😃