diff --git a/contrib/opentimelineio_contrib/adapters/contrib_adapters.plugin_manifest.json b/contrib/opentimelineio_contrib/adapters/contrib_adapters.plugin_manifest.json
index e5568e8f4..2889bda6f 100644
--- a/contrib/opentimelineio_contrib/adapters/contrib_adapters.plugin_manifest.json
+++ b/contrib/opentimelineio_contrib/adapters/contrib_adapters.plugin_manifest.json
@@ -1,18 +1,5 @@
"OTIO_SCHEMA" : "PluginManifest.1",
- "adapters": [
- {
- "OTIO_SCHEMA": "Adapter.1",
- "name": "xges",
- "filepath": "xges.py",
- "suffixes": ["xges"]
- }
- ],
- "schemadefs" : [
- {
- "OTIO_SCHEMA" : "SchemaDef.1",
- "name" : "xges",
- "filepath" : "xges.py"
- }
- ]
+ "adapters": [],
+ "schemadefs" : []
diff --git a/contrib/opentimelineio_contrib/adapters/tests/sample_data/xges_example.xges b/contrib/opentimelineio_contrib/adapters/tests/sample_data/xges_example.xges
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c6af0d68..000000000
--- a/contrib/opentimelineio_contrib/adapters/tests/sample_data/xges_example.xges
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/opentimelineio_contrib/adapters/tests/tests_xges_adapter.py b/contrib/opentimelineio_contrib/adapters/tests/tests_xges_adapter.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 127e9f857..000000000
--- a/contrib/opentimelineio_contrib/adapters/tests/tests_xges_adapter.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2695 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Copyright Contributors to the OpenTimelineIO project
-import os
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-from fractions import Fraction
-from xml.etree import ElementTree
-import opentimelineio as otio
-import opentimelineio.test_utils as otio_test_utils
-from opentimelineio.schema import (
- Timeline,
- Stack,
- Track,
- Transition,
- Clip,
- Gap,
- ExternalReference,
- TrackKind,
- Effect,
- Marker,
- MarkerColor)
-SAMPLE_DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "sample_data")
-XGES_EXAMPLE_PATH = os.path.join(SAMPLE_DATA_DIR, "xges_example.xges")
-XGES_TIMING_PATH = os.path.join(SAMPLE_DATA_DIR, "xges_timing_example.xges")
-XGES_NESTED_PATH = os.path.join(SAMPLE_DATA_DIR, "xges_nested_example.xges")
- SAMPLE_DATA_DIR, "image_sequence_example.otio")
-SCHEMA = otio.schema.schemadef.module_from_name("xges")
-# TODO: remove once python2 has ended:
-# (problem is that python2 needs a source code encoding
-# definition to include utf8 text!!!)
-if str is bytes:
- UTF8_NAME = 'Ri"\',;=)(+9@{\xcf\x93\xe7\xb7\xb6\xe2\x98\xba'\
- '\xef\xb8\x8f l\xd1\xa6\xf1\xbd\x9a\xbb\xf1\xa6\x84\x83 \\'
- UTF8_NAME = str(
- b'Ri"\',;=)(+9@{\xcf\x93\xe7\xb7\xb6\xe2\x98\xba\xef\xb8'
- b'\x8f l\xd1\xa6\xf1\xbd\x9a\xbb\xf1\xa6\x84\x83 \\',
- encoding="utf8")
-GST_SECOND = 1000000000
-def _rat_tm_from_secs(val, rate=25.0):
- """Return a RationalTime for the given timestamp (in seconds)."""
- return otio.opentime.from_seconds(val).rescaled_to(rate)
-def _tm_range_from_secs(start, dur, rate=25.0):
- """
- Return a TimeRange for the given timestamp and duration (in
- seconds).
- """
- return otio.opentime.TimeRange(
- _rat_tm_from_secs(start), _rat_tm_from_secs(dur))
-def _make_media_ref(uri="file:///example", start=0, duration=1, name=""):
- """Return an ExternalReference."""
- ref = ExternalReference(
- target_url=uri,
- available_range=_tm_range_from_secs(start, duration))
- ref.name = name
- return ref
-def _make_clip(uri="file:///example", start=0, duration=1, name=""):
- """Return a Clip."""
- ref = _make_media_ref(uri, start, duration)
- return Clip(name=name, media_reference=ref)
-def _add_marker(otio_item, name, color, start, duration):
- """Add a marker to an otio item"""
- otio_item.markers.append(Marker(
- name=name, color=color,
- marked_range=_tm_range_from_secs(start, duration)))
-def _make_ges_marker(
- position, otio_color=None, comment=None, metadatas=None):
- """
- Return a GESMarker with the given timeline position (in seconds).
- """
- if comment is not None:
- metadatas = metadatas or SCHEMA.GstStructure("metadatas")
- metadatas.set("comment", "string", comment)
- ges_marker = SCHEMA.GESMarker(position * GST_SECOND, metadatas)
- if otio_color is not None:
- ges_marker.set_color_from_otio_color(otio_color)
- return ges_marker
-class XgesElement:
- """
- Generates an xges string to be converted to an otio timeline.
- """
- def __init__(self, name=None, marker_list=None):
- self.ges = ElementTree.Element("ges")
- self.project = ElementTree.SubElement(self.ges, "project")
- if name is not None:
- self.project.attrib["metadatas"] = \
- "metadatas, name=(string){};".format(
- SCHEMA.GstStructure.serialize_string(name))
- self.ressources = ElementTree.SubElement(
- self.project, "ressources")
- self.timeline = ElementTree.SubElement(
- self.project, "timeline")
- if marker_list is not None:
- self.timeline.attrib["metadatas"] = \
- "metadatas, markers=(GESMarkerList){};".format(
- SCHEMA.GstStructure.serialize_marker_list(marker_list))
- self.layer_priority = 0
- self.track_id = 0
- self.clip_id = 0
- self.layer = None
- self.clip = None
- def add_audio_track(self):
- """Add a basic Audio track."""
- track = ElementTree.SubElement(
- self.timeline, "track", {
- "caps": "audio/x-raw(ANY)",
- "track-type": "2",
- "track-id": str(self.track_id),
- "properties":
- r'properties, restriction-caps=(string)'
- r'"audio/x-raw\,\ format\=\(string\)S32LE\,\ '
- r'channels\=\(int\)2\,\ rate\=\(int\)44100\,\ '
- r'layout\=\(string\)interleaved", '
- r'mixing=(boolean)true;'})
- self.track_id += 1
- return track
- def add_video_track(self, framerate=None):
- """Add a basic Video track."""
- res_caps = \
- r"video/x-raw\,\ width\=\(int\)300\,\ height\=\(int\)250"
- if framerate:
- res_caps += fr"\,\ framerate\=\(fraction\){framerate}"
- track = ElementTree.SubElement(
- self.timeline, "track", {
- "caps": "video/x-raw(ANY)",
- "track-type": "4",
- "track-id": str(self.track_id),
- "properties":
- 'properties, restriction-caps=(string)'
- '"{}", mixing=(boolean)true;'.format(res_caps)})
- self.track_id += 1
- return track
- def add_text_track(self):
- """Add a basic Audio track."""
- track = ElementTree.SubElement(
- self.timeline, "track", {
- "caps": "text/x-raw(ANY)",
- "track-type": "8",
- "track-id": str(self.track_id),
- "properties":
- 'properties, mixing=(boolean)false;'})
- self.track_id += 1
- return track
- def add_layer(self):
- """Append a (lower priority) layer to the timeline."""
- self.layer = ElementTree.SubElement(
- self.timeline, "layer",
- {"priority": str(self.layer_priority)})
- self.layer_priority += 1
- return self.layer
- def add_asset(self, asset_id, extract_type, duration=None):
- """Add an asset to the project if it does not already exist."""
- asset = self.ressources.find(
- "./asset[@id='{}'][@extractable-type-name='{}']".format(
- asset_id, extract_type))
- if asset is not None:
- return asset
- asset = ElementTree.SubElement(
- self.ressources, "asset",
- {"id": asset_id, "extractable-type-name": extract_type})
- if duration is not None:
- asset.attrib["properties"] = \
- "properties, duration=(guint64){:d};".format(
- duration * GST_SECOND)
- return asset
- def add_clip(
- self, start, duration, inpoint, type_name, track_types,
- asset_id=None, name=None, asset_duration=None,
- properties=None, metadatas=None):
- """Add a clip to the most recent layer."""
- layer_priority = self.layer.get("priority")
- if asset_id is None:
- if type_name == "GESUriClip":
- asset_id = "file:///example"
- elif type_name == "GESTransitionClip":
- asset_id = "crossfade"
- else:
- asset_id = type_name
- if asset_duration is None and type_name == "GESUriClip":
- asset_duration = 100
- self.clip = ElementTree.SubElement(
- self.layer, "clip", {
- "id": str(self.clip_id),
- "asset-id": asset_id,
- "type-name": type_name,
- "track-types": str(track_types),
- "layer-priority": str(layer_priority),
- "start": str(start * GST_SECOND),
- "inpoint": str(inpoint * GST_SECOND),
- "duration": str(duration * GST_SECOND)})
- self.add_asset(asset_id, type_name, asset_duration)
- if properties is not None:
- self.clip.attrib["properties"] = str(properties)
- if metadatas is not None:
- self.clip.attrib["metadatas"] = str(metadatas)
- if name is not None:
- if properties is None:
- properties = SCHEMA.GstStructure("properties")
- properties.set("name", "string", name)
- self.clip.attrib["properties"] = str(properties)
- self.clip_id += 1
- return self.clip
- def add_effect(
- self, effect_name, track_type, track_id,
- type_name=None, properties=None, metadatas=None,
- children_properties=None):
- """Add an effect to the most recent clip."""
- if type_name is None:
- type_name = "GESEffect"
- clip_id = self.clip.get("id")
- effect = ElementTree.SubElement(
- self.clip, "effect", {
- "asset-id": effect_name,
- "clip-id": str(clip_id),
- "type-name": type_name,
- "track-type": str(track_type),
- "track-id": str(track_id)})
- if properties is not None:
- effect.attrib["properties"] = str(properties)
- if metadatas is not None:
- effect.attrib["metadatas"] = str(metadatas)
- if children_properties is not None:
- effect.attrib["children-properties"] = str(
- children_properties)
- return effect
- def get_otio_timeline(self):
- """Return a Timeline using otio's read_from_string method."""
- string = ElementTree.tostring(self.ges, encoding="UTF-8")
- return otio.adapters.read_from_string(string, "xges")
-class CustomOtioAssertions:
- """Custom Assertions to perform on otio objects"""
- @staticmethod
- def _typed_name(otio_obj):
- name = otio_obj.name
- if not name:
- name = '""'
- return f"{otio_obj.schema_name()} {name}"
- @classmethod
- def _otio_id(cls, otio_obj):
- otio_id = cls._typed_name(otio_obj)
- if isinstance(otio_obj, otio.core.Composable):
- otio_parent = otio_obj.parent()
- if otio_parent is None:
- otio_id += " (No Parent)"
- else:
- index = otio_parent.index(otio_obj)
- otio_id += " (Child {:d} of {})".format(
- index, cls._typed_name(otio_parent))
- return otio_id
- @staticmethod
- def _tm(rat_tm):
- return "{:g}/{:g}({:g}s)".format(
- rat_tm.value, rat_tm.rate, rat_tm.value / rat_tm.rate)
- @classmethod
- def _range(cls, tm_range):
- return "start_time:" + cls._tm(tm_range.start_time) \
- + ", duration:" + cls._tm(tm_range.duration)
- @classmethod
- def _val_str(cls, val):
- if isinstance(val, otio.opentime.RationalTime):
- return cls._tm(val)
- if isinstance(val, otio.opentime.TimeRange):
- return cls._range(val)
- return str(val)
- def assertOtioHasAttr(self, otio_obj, attr_name):
- """Assert that the otio object has an attribute."""
- if not hasattr(otio_obj, attr_name):
- raise AssertionError(
- "{} has no attribute {}".format(
- self._otio_id(otio_obj), attr_name))
- def assertOtioAttrIsNone(self, otio_obj, attr_name):
- """Assert that the otio object attribute is None."""
- self.assertOtioHasAttr(otio_obj, attr_name)
- val = getattr(otio_obj, attr_name)
- if val is not None:
- raise AssertionError(
- "{} {}: {} is not None".format(
- self._otio_id(otio_obj), attr_name,
- self._val_str(val)))
- def assertOtioHasAttrPath(self, otio_obj, attr_path):
- """
- Assert that the otio object has the attribute:
- attr_path[0].attr_path[1].---.attr_path[-1]
- and returns the value and an attribute string.
- If an attribute is callable, it will be called (with no
- arguments) before returning.
- If an int is given in the attribute path, it will be treated as
- a list index to call.
- """
- first = True
- attr_str = ""
- val = otio_obj
- for attr_name in attr_path:
- if isinstance(attr_name, int):
- if not hasattr(val, "__getitem__"):
- raise AssertionError(
- "{}{} is not a list".format(
- self._otio_id(otio_obj), attr_str))
- try:
- val = val[attr_name]
- except Exception as err:
- raise AssertionError(
- "{}{}: can't access item {:d}:\n{!s}".format(
- self._otio_id(otio_obj), attr_str,
- attr_name, err))
- if first:
- first = False
- attr_str += " "
- attr_str += f"[{attr_name:d}]"
- else:
- if not hasattr(val, attr_name):
- raise AssertionError(
- "{}{} has no attribute {}".format(
- self._otio_id(otio_obj), attr_str, attr_name))
- val = getattr(val, attr_name)
- if first:
- first = False
- attr_str += " " + attr_name
- else:
- attr_str += "." + attr_name
- if callable(val):
- val = val()
- return val, attr_str
- def assertOtioAttrPathEqual(self, otio_obj, attr_path, compare):
- """
- Assert that the otio object has the attribute:
- attr_path[0].attr_path[1].---.attr_path[-1]
- equal to 'compare'.
- See assertOtioHasAttrPath for special cases for the attr_path.
- """
- val, attr_str = self.assertOtioHasAttrPath(otio_obj, attr_path)
- if val != compare:
- raise AssertionError(
- "{}{}: {} != {}".format(
- self._otio_id(otio_obj), attr_str,
- self._val_str(val), self._val_str(compare)))
- def assertOtioAttrPathEqualList(
- self, otio_obj, list_path, attr_path, compare_list):
- """
- Assert that the otio object has the attribute:
- list_path[0].---.list_path[-1][i]
- .attr_path[0].---.attr_path[-1]
- == compare_list[i]
- See assertOtioHasAttrPath for special cases for the attr_path
- and list_path.
- """
- _list, list_str = self.assertOtioHasAttrPath(otio_obj, list_path)
- try:
- num = len(_list)
- except Exception as err:
- raise AssertionError(
- "{}{} has no len:\n{!s}".format(
- self._otio_id(otio_obj), list_str, err))
- num_cmp = len(compare_list)
- if num != num_cmp:
- raise AssertionError(
- "{}{} has a length of {:d} != {:d}".format(
- self._otio_id(otio_obj), list_str, num, num_cmp))
- for index, compare in enumerate(compare_list):
- self.assertOtioAttrPathEqual(
- otio_obj, list_path + [index] + attr_path, compare)
- def assertOtioAttrEqual(self, otio_obj, attr_name, compare):
- """
- Assert that the otio object attribute is equal to 'compare'.
- If an attribute is callable, it will be called (with no
- arguments) before comparing.
- """
- self.assertOtioAttrPathEqual(otio_obj, [attr_name], compare)
- def assertOtioIsInstance(self, otio_obj, otio_class):
- """
- Assert that the otio object is an instance of the given class.
- """
- if not isinstance(otio_obj, otio_class):
- raise AssertionError(
- "{} is not an otio {} instance".format(
- self._otio_id(otio_obj), otio_class.__name__))
- def assertOtioAttrIsInstance(self, otio_obj, attr_name, otio_class):
- """
- Assert that the otio object attribute is an instance of the
- given class.
- """
- self.assertOtioHasAttr(otio_obj, attr_name)
- val = getattr(otio_obj, attr_name)
- if not isinstance(val, otio_class):
- raise AssertionError(
- "{} {} is not an otio {} instance".format(
- self._otio_id(otio_obj), attr_name,
- otio_class.__name__))
- def assertOtioOffsetTotal(self, otio_trans, compare):
- """
- Assert that the Transition has a certain total offset.
- """
- in_set = otio_trans.in_offset
- out_set = otio_trans.out_offset
- if in_set + out_set != compare:
- raise AssertionError(
- "{} in_offset + out_offset: {} + {} != {}".format(
- self._otio_id(otio_trans),
- self._val_str(in_set), self._val_str(out_set),
- self._val_str(compare)))
- def assertOtioNumChildren(self, otio_obj, compare):
- """
- Assert that the otio object has a certain number of children.
- """
- self.assertOtioIsInstance(otio_obj, otio.core.Composable)
- num = len(otio_obj)
- if num != compare:
- raise AssertionError(
- "{} has {:d} children != {}".format(
- self._otio_id(otio_obj), num,
- self._val_str(compare)))
-class OtioTest:
- """Tests to be used by OtioTestNode and OtioTestTree."""
- @staticmethod
- def none_source(inst, otio_item):
- """Test that the source_range is None."""
- inst.assertOtioAttrIsNone(otio_item, "source_range")
- @staticmethod
- def is_audio(inst, otio_track):
- """Test that a Track is Audio."""
- inst.assertOtioAttrEqual(otio_track, "kind", TrackKind.Audio)
- @staticmethod
- def is_video(inst, otio_track):
- """Test that a Track is Video."""
- inst.assertOtioAttrEqual(otio_track, "kind", TrackKind.Video)
- @staticmethod
- def has_ex_ref(inst, otio_clip):
- """Test that a clip has an ExternalReference."""
- inst.assertOtioAttrIsInstance(
- otio_clip, "media_reference", ExternalReference)
- @staticmethod
- def no_effects(inst, otio_item):
- """Test that an item has no effects."""
- inst.assertOtioAttrPathEqualList(otio_item, ["effects"], [], [])
- @staticmethod
- def no_markers(inst, otio_item):
- """Test that an item has no markers."""
- inst.assertOtioAttrPathEqualList(otio_item, ["markers"], [], [])
- @staticmethod
- def start_time(start):
- """
- Return an equality test for an Item's source_range.start_time.
- Argument should be a timestamp in seconds.
- """
- return lambda inst, otio_item: inst.assertOtioAttrPathEqual(
- otio_item, ["source_range", "start_time"],
- _rat_tm_from_secs(start))
- @staticmethod
- def duration(dur):
- """
- Return an equality test for an Item's source_range.duration.
- Argument should be a timestamp in seconds.
- """
- return lambda inst, otio_item: inst.assertOtioAttrPathEqual(
- otio_item, ["source_range", "duration"],
- _rat_tm_from_secs(dur))
- @staticmethod
- def _test_both_rate(inst, otio_item, _rate):
- inst.assertOtioAttrPathEqual(
- otio_item, ["source_range", "start_time", "rate"], _rate)
- inst.assertOtioAttrPathEqual(
- otio_item, ["source_range", "duration", "rate"], _rate)
- @classmethod
- def rate(cls, _rate):
- """
- Return an equality test for an Item's
- source_range.start_time.rate and source_range.duration.rate.
- """
- return lambda inst, otio_item: cls._test_both_rate(
- inst, otio_item, _rate)
- @staticmethod
- def range(start, dur):
- """
- Return an equality test for an Item's source_range.
- Arguments should be timestamps in seconds.
- """
- return lambda inst, otio_item: inst.assertOtioAttrEqual(
- otio_item, "source_range", _tm_range_from_secs(start, dur))
- @staticmethod
- def range_in_parent(start, dur):
- """
- Return an equality test for an Item's range_in_parent().
- Arguments should be timestamps in seconds.
- """
- return lambda inst, otio_item: inst.assertOtioAttrEqual(
- otio_item, "range_in_parent", _tm_range_from_secs(start, dur))
- @staticmethod
- def offset_total(total):
- """
- Return an equality test for a Transition's total offset/range.
- Argument should be a timestamp in seconds.
- """
- return lambda inst, otio_trans: inst.assertOtioOffsetTotal(
- otio_trans, _rat_tm_from_secs(total))
- @staticmethod
- def name(name):
- """Return an equality test for an Otio Object's name."""
- return lambda inst, otio_item: inst.assertOtioAttrEqual(
- otio_item, "name", name)
- @staticmethod
- def effects(*effect_names):
- """Return a test that the otio_item contains the effects"""
- return lambda inst, otio_item: inst.assertOtioAttrPathEqualList(
- otio_item, ["effects"], ["effect_name"], list(effect_names))
- @staticmethod
- def _test_marker_details(inst, otio_item, marker_details):
- inst.assertOtioAttrPathEqualList(
- otio_item, ["markers"], ["name"],
- [mrk["name"] for mrk in marker_details])
- inst.assertOtioAttrPathEqualList(
- otio_item, ["markers"], ["color"],
- [mrk["color"] for mrk in marker_details])
- inst.assertOtioAttrPathEqualList(
- otio_item, ["markers"], ["marked_range", "start_time"],
- [_rat_tm_from_secs(mrk["start"]) for mrk in marker_details])
- inst.assertOtioAttrPathEqualList(
- otio_item, ["markers"], ["marked_range", "duration"],
- [_rat_tm_from_secs(mrk["duration"]) for mrk in marker_details])
- @classmethod
- def markers(cls, *marker_details):
- """
- Return a test that the otio_item contains the markers specified by
- the marker_details, which are dictionaries with the keys:
- color: (the marker color),
- name: (the name of the marker),
- start: (the start time of the marker in seconds),
- duration: (the range of the marker in seconds)
- """
- return lambda inst, otio_item: cls._test_marker_details(
- inst, otio_item, marker_details)
-class OtioTestNode:
- """
- An OtioTestTree Node that corresponds to some expected otio class.
- This holds information about the children of the node, as well as
- a list of additional tests to perform on the corresponding otio
- object. These tests should come from OtioTest.
- """
- def __init__(self, expect_type, children=[], tests=[]):
- if expect_type is Timeline:
- if len(children) != 1:
- raise ValueError("A Timeline must have one child")
- elif not issubclass(expect_type, otio.core.Composition):
- if children:
- raise ValueError(
- "No children are allowed if not a Timeline or "
- "Composition type")
- self.expect_type = expect_type
- self.children = children
- self.tests = tests
-class OtioTestTree:
- """
- Test an otio object has the correct type structure, and perform
- additional tests along the way."""
- def __init__(self, unittest_inst, base, type_tests=None):
- """
- First argument is a unittest instance which will perform all
- tests.
- 'type_test' argument is a dictionary of classes who's values are a
- list of tests to perform whenever a node is found that is an
- instance of that class. These tests should come from OtioTest.
- 'base' argument is the base OtioTestNode, where the comparison
- will begin.
- """
- self.unittest_inst = unittest_inst
- if type_tests is None:
- self.type_tests = {}
- else:
- self.type_tests = type_tests
- self.base = base
- def test_compare(self, otio_obj):
- """
- Test that the given otio object has the expected tree structure
- and run all tests that are found.
- """
- self._sub_test_compare(otio_obj, self.base)
- def _sub_test_compare(self, otio_obj, node):
- self.unittest_inst.assertOtioIsInstance(
- otio_obj, node.expect_type)
- if isinstance(otio_obj, Timeline):
- self._sub_test_compare(otio_obj.tracks, node.children[0])
- elif isinstance(otio_obj, otio.core.Composition):
- self.unittest_inst.assertOtioNumChildren(
- otio_obj, len(node.children))
- for sub_obj, child in zip(otio_obj, node.children):
- self._sub_test_compare(sub_obj, child)
- for otio_type in self.type_tests:
- if isinstance(otio_obj, otio_type):
- for test in self.type_tests[otio_type]:
- test(self.unittest_inst, otio_obj)
- for test in node.tests:
- test(self.unittest_inst, otio_obj)
-class CustomXgesAssertions:
- """Custom Assertions to perform on a ges xml object"""
- @staticmethod
- def _xges_id(xml_el):
- xges_id = f"Element <{xml_el.tag}"
- for key, val in xml_el.attrib.items():
- xges_id += f" {key}='{val}'"
- xges_id += " /> "
- return xges_id
- def assertXgesNumElementsAtPath(self, xml_el, path, compare):
- """
- Assert that the xml element has a certain number of descendants
- at the given xml path.
- Returns the matching descendants.
- """
- found = xml_el.findall(path) or []
- num = len(found)
- if num != compare:
- raise AssertionError(
- "{}Number of elements found at path {}: "
- "{:d} != {:d}".format(
- self._xges_id(xml_el), path, num, compare))
- return found
- def assertXgesOneElementAtPath(self, xml_el, path):
- """
- Assert that the xml element has exactly one descendants at the
- given xml path.
- Returns the matching descendent.
- """
- return self.assertXgesNumElementsAtPath(xml_el, path, 1)[0]
- def assertXgesHasTag(self, xml_el, tag):
- """Assert that the xml element has a certain tag."""
- if xml_el.tag != tag:
- raise AssertionError(
- "{}does not have the tag {}".format(
- self._xges_id(xml_el), tag))
- def assertXgesHasAttr(self, xml_el, attr_name):
- """
- Assert that the xml element has a certain attribute.
- Returns its value.
- """
- if attr_name not in xml_el.attrib:
- raise AssertionError(
- "{}has no attribute {}".format(
- self._xges_id(xml_el), attr_name))
- return xml_el.attrib[attr_name]
- def assertXgesHasAllAttrs(self, xml_el, *attr_names):
- """
- Assert that the xml element has all given attributes.
- """
- for attr_name in attr_names:
- self.assertXgesHasAttr(xml_el, attr_name)
- def assertXgesNumElementsAtPathWithAttr(
- self, xml_el, path_base, attrs, compare):
- """
- Assert that the xml element has a certain number of descendants
- at the given xml path with the given attributes.
- Returns the matching descendants.
- """
- path = path_base
- for key, val in attrs.items():
- if key in ("start", "duration", "inpoint"):
- val *= GST_SECOND
- path += f"[@{key}='{val!s}']"
- return self.assertXgesNumElementsAtPath(xml_el, path, compare)
- def assertXgesOneElementAtPathWithAttr(
- self, xml_el, path_base, attrs):
- """
- Assert that the xml element has exactly one descendants at the
- given xml path with the given attributes.
- Returns the matching descendent.
- """
- return self.assertXgesNumElementsAtPathWithAttr(
- xml_el, path_base, attrs, 1)[0]
- def assertXgesIsGesElement(self, ges_el):
- """
- Assert that the xml element has the expected basic structure of
- a ges element.
- """
- self.assertXgesHasTag(ges_el, "ges")
- project = self.assertXgesOneElementAtPath(ges_el, "./project")
- self.assertXgesHasAllAttrs(project, "properties", "metadatas")
- self.assertXgesOneElementAtPath(ges_el, "./project/ressources")
- timeline = self.assertXgesOneElementAtPath(
- ges_el, "./project/timeline")
- self.assertXgesHasAllAttrs(timeline, "properties", "metadatas")
- def assertXgesAttrEqual(self, xml_el, attr_name, compare):
- """
- Assert that the xml element's attribute is equal to 'compare'.
- """
- val = self.assertXgesHasAttr(xml_el, attr_name)
- compare = str(compare)
- if val != compare:
- raise AssertionError(
- "{}attribute {}: {} != {}".format(
- self._xges_id(xml_el), attr_name, val, compare))
- def assertXgesHasInStructure(
- self, xml_el, struct_name, field_name, field_type):
- """
- Assert that the xml element has a GstStructure attribute that
- contains the given field.
- Returns the value.
- """
- struct = self.assertXgesHasAttr(xml_el, struct_name)
- struct = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(struct)
- if field_name not in struct.fields:
- raise AssertionError(
- "{}attribute {} does not contain the field {}".format(
- self._xges_id(xml_el), struct_name, field_name))
- if struct.get_type_name(field_name) != field_type:
- raise AssertionError(
- "{}attribute {}'s field {} is not of the type {}".format(
- self._xges_id(xml_el), struct_name, field_name,
- field_type))
- return struct[field_name]
- def assertXgesHasProperty(self, xml_el, prop_name, prop_type):
- """
- Assert that the xml element has the given property.
- Returns the value.
- """
- return self.assertXgesHasInStructure(
- xml_el, "properties", prop_name, prop_type)
- def assertXgesHasMetadata(self, xml_el, meta_name, meta_type):
- """
- Assert that the xml element has the given metadata.
- Returns the value.
- """
- return self.assertXgesHasInStructure(
- xml_el, "metadatas", meta_name, meta_type)
- def assertXgesStructureFieldEqual(
- self, xml_el, struct_name, field_name, field_type, compare):
- """
- Assert that a certain xml element structure field is equal to
- 'compare'.
- """
- val = self.assertXgesHasInStructure(
- xml_el, struct_name, field_name, field_type)
- # TODO: remove once python2 has ended
- if field_type == "string":
- if type(val) is not str and isinstance(val, str):
- val = val.encode("utf8")
- if isinstance(val, otio.core.SerializableObject):
- equal = val.is_equivalent_to(compare)
- else:
- equal = val == compare
- if not equal:
- raise AssertionError(
- "{}{} {}:\n{!s}\n!=\n{!s}".format(
- self._xges_id(xml_el), struct_name, field_name,
- val, compare))
- def assertXgesPropertyEqual(
- self, xml_el, prop_name, prop_type, compare):
- """
- Assert that a certain xml element property is equal to
- 'compare'.
- """
- self.assertXgesStructureFieldEqual(
- xml_el, "properties", prop_name, prop_type, compare)
- def assertXgesMetadataEqual(
- self, xml_el, meta_name, meta_type, compare):
- """
- Assert that a certain xml element metadata is equal to
- 'compare'.
- """
- self.assertXgesStructureFieldEqual(
- xml_el, "metadatas", meta_name, meta_type, compare)
- def assertXgesStructureEqual(self, xml_el, attr_name, compare):
- """
- Assert that the xml element structure is equal to 'compare'.
- """
- struct = self.assertXgesHasAttr(xml_el, attr_name)
- struct = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(struct)
- if not isinstance(compare, SCHEMA.GstStructure):
- compare = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(compare)
- if not struct.is_equivalent_to(compare):
- raise AssertionError(
- "{}{}:\n{!r}\n!=\n{!r}".format(
- self._xges_id(xml_el), attr_name, struct, compare))
- def assertXgesTrackTypes(self, ges_el, *track_types):
- """
- Assert that the ges element contains one track for each given
- track type, and no more.
- Returns the tracks in the same order as the types.
- """
- tracks = []
- for track_type in track_types:
- track = self.assertXgesOneElementAtPathWithAttr(
- ges_el, "./project/timeline/track",
- {"track-type": str(track_type)})
- self.assertXgesHasAllAttrs(
- track, "caps", "track-type", "track-id",
- "properties", "metadatas")
- tracks.append(track)
- self.assertXgesNumElementsAtPath(
- ges_el, "./project/timeline/track", len(track_types))
- return tracks
- def assertXgesNumLayers(self, ges_el, compare):
- """
- Assert that the ges element contains the expected number of
- layers.
- Returns the layers.
- """
- layers = self.assertXgesNumElementsAtPath(
- ges_el, "./project/timeline/layer", compare)
- for layer in layers:
- self.assertXgesHasAllAttrs(layer, "priority")
- return layers
- def assertXgesLayer(self, ges_el, priority):
- return self.assertXgesOneElementAtPathWithAttr(
- ges_el, "./project/timeline/layer",
- {"priority": str(priority)})
- def assertXgesNumClipsAtPath(self, xml_el, path, compare):
- """
- Assert that the xml element contains the expected number of
- clips at the given path.
- Returns the clips.
- """
- clips = self.assertXgesNumElementsAtPath(xml_el, path, compare)
- for clip in clips:
- self.assertXgesHasAllAttrs(
- clip, "id", "asset-id", "type-name", "layer-priority",
- "track-types", "start", "duration", "inpoint", "rate",
- "properties", "metadatas")
- return clips
- def assertXgesNumClips(self, ges_el, compare):
- """
- Assert that the ges element contains the expected number of
- clips.
- Returns the clips.
- """
- return self.assertXgesNumClipsAtPath(
- ges_el, "./project/timeline/layer/clip", compare)
- def assertXgesNumClipsInLayer(self, layer_el, compare):
- """
- Assert that the layer element contains the expected number of
- clips.
- Returns the clips.
- """
- return self.assertXgesNumClipsAtPath(layer_el, "./clip", compare)
- def assertXgesClip(self, ges_el, attrs):
- """
- Assert that the ges element contains only one clip with the
- given attributes.
- Returns the matching clip.
- """
- clip = self.assertXgesOneElementAtPathWithAttr(
- ges_el, "./project/timeline/layer/clip", attrs)
- self.assertXgesHasAllAttrs(
- clip, "id", "asset-id", "type-name", "layer-priority",
- "track-types", "start", "duration", "inpoint", "rate",
- "properties", "metadatas")
- return clip
- def assertXgesAsset(self, ges_el, asset_id, extract_type):
- """
- Assert that the ges element contains only one asset with the
- given id and extract type.
- Returns the matching asset.
- """
- asset = self.assertXgesOneElementAtPathWithAttr(
- ges_el, "./project/ressources/asset",
- {"id": asset_id, "extractable-type-name": extract_type})
- self.assertXgesHasAllAttrs(
- asset, "id", "extractable-type-name", "properties",
- "metadatas")
- return asset
- def assertXgesClipHasAsset(self, ges_el, clip_el):
- """
- Assert that the ges clip has a corresponding asset.
- Returns the asset.
- """
- asset_id = self.assertXgesHasAttr(clip_el, "asset-id")
- extract_type = self.assertXgesHasAttr(clip_el, "type-name")
- return self.assertXgesAsset(ges_el, asset_id, extract_type)
- def assertXgesClipIsSubproject(self, ges_el, clip_el):
- """
- Assert that the ges clip corresponds to a subproject.
- Retruns the subprojects ges element.
- """
- self.assertXgesClipHasAsset(ges_el, clip_el)
- ges_asset = self.assertXgesAsset(
- ges_el, clip_el.get("asset-id"), "GESTimeline")
- sub_ges_el = self.assertXgesOneElementAtPath(ges_asset, "ges")
- self.assertXgesIsGesElement(sub_ges_el)
- return sub_ges_el
- def assertXgesNumClipEffects(self, clip_el, compare):
- """
- Assert that the clip element contains the expected number of
- effects.
- Returns the effects.
- """
- effects = self.assertXgesNumElementsAtPath(
- clip_el, "./effect", compare)
- for effect in effects:
- self.assertXgesHasAllAttrs(
- effect, "asset-id", "clip-id", "type-name",
- "track-type", "track-id", "properties", "metadatas",
- "children-properties")
- return effects
- def assertXgesTimelineMarkerListEqual(self, ges_el, marker_list):
- timeline = self.assertXgesOneElementAtPath(
- ges_el, "./project/timeline")
- self.assertXgesMetadataEqual(
- timeline, "markers", "GESMarkerList", marker_list)
-class AdaptersXGESTest(
- unittest.TestCase, otio_test_utils.OTIOAssertions,
- CustomOtioAssertions, CustomXgesAssertions):
- def _get_xges_from_otio_timeline(self, timeline):
- ges_el = ElementTree.fromstring(
- otio.adapters.write_to_string(timeline, "xges"))
- self.assertIsNotNone(ges_el)
- self.assertXgesIsGesElement(ges_el)
- return ges_el
- def test_read(self):
- timeline = otio.adapters.read_from_file(XGES_EXAMPLE_PATH)
- test_tree = OtioTestTree(
- self, type_tests={
- Stack: [OtioTest.none_source],
- Track: [OtioTest.none_source],
- Clip: [OtioTest.has_ex_ref]},
- base=OtioTestNode(Stack, children=[
- OtioTestNode(
- Track, tests=[OtioTest.is_audio],
- children=[OtioTestNode(Clip)]),
- OtioTestNode(
- Track, tests=[OtioTest.is_video],
- children=[
- OtioTestNode(Gap), OtioTestNode(Clip),
- OtioTestNode(Transition), OtioTestNode(Clip)
- ]),
- OtioTestNode(
- Track, tests=[OtioTest.is_video],
- children=[
- OtioTestNode(Gap), OtioTestNode(Clip),
- OtioTestNode(Gap), OtioTestNode(Clip)
- ]),
- OtioTestNode(
- Track, tests=[OtioTest.is_audio],
- children=[OtioTestNode(Gap), OtioTestNode(Clip)]),
- OtioTestNode(
- Track, tests=[OtioTest.is_video],
- children=[OtioTestNode(Gap), OtioTestNode(Clip)]),
- OtioTestNode(
- Track, tests=[OtioTest.is_audio],
- children=[OtioTestNode(Gap), OtioTestNode(Clip)])
- ]))
- test_tree.test_compare(timeline.tracks)
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- self.assertXgesTrackTypes(ges_el, 2, 4)
- self.assertXgesNumLayers(ges_el, 5)
- ids = []
- for priority, expect_num, expect_track_types in zip(
- range(5), [1, 1, 2, 3, 1], [6, 2, 4, 4, 2]):
- layer = self.assertXgesLayer(ges_el, priority)
- clips = self.assertXgesNumClipsInLayer(layer, expect_num)
- for clip in clips:
- ids.append(clip.get("id"))
- self.assertXgesAttrEqual(
- clip, "track-types", expect_track_types)
- self.assertXgesAttrEqual(
- clip, "layer-priority", priority)
- if clip.get("type-name") == "GESUriClip":
- self.assertXgesClipHasAsset(ges_el, clip)
- # check that ids are unique
- for clip_id in ids:
- self.assertIsNotNone(clip_id)
- self.assertEqual(ids.count(clip_id), 1)
- def test_unsupported_track_type(self):
- # want to test that a project with an unsupported track type
- # will still give results for the supported tracks
- xges_el = XgesElement()
- xges_el.add_audio_track()
- # text is unsupported
- xges_el.add_text_track()
- xges_el.add_video_track()
- xges_el.add_layer()
- xges_el.add_clip(0, 2, 0, "GESUriClip", 14, name="mixed")
- xges_el.add_clip(1, 1, 0, "GESTransitionClip", 6)
- xges_el.add_clip(1, 2, 0, "GESUriClip", 6, name="audio-video")
- xges_el.add_clip(3, 2, 0, "GESUriClip", 8, name="text")
- if str is not bytes:
- # TODO: remove str is not bytes test when python2 ends
- # Python2 does not have assertWarns
- # warning because unsupported text track type
- with self.assertWarns(UserWarning):
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- else:
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- test_tree = OtioTestTree(
- self, base=OtioTestNode(Stack, children=[
- OtioTestNode(
- Track, tests=[OtioTest.is_video], children=[
- OtioTestNode(Clip), OtioTestNode(Transition),
- OtioTestNode(Clip)]),
- OtioTestNode(
- Track, tests=[OtioTest.is_audio], children=[
- OtioTestNode(Clip), OtioTestNode(Transition),
- OtioTestNode(Clip)])
- ]))
- test_tree.test_compare(timeline.tracks)
- def test_project_name(self):
- xges_el = XgesElement(UTF8_NAME)
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- self.assertOtioAttrEqual(timeline, "name", UTF8_NAME)
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- project_el = ges_el.find("./project")
- # already asserted that project_el exists with IsGesElement in
- # _get_xges_from_otio_timeline
- self.assertXgesMetadataEqual(
- project_el, "name", "string", UTF8_NAME)
- def test_clip_names(self):
- xges_el = XgesElement()
- xges_el.add_audio_track()
- xges_el.add_video_track()
- xges_el.add_layer()
- names = [UTF8_NAME, "T", "C"]
- xges_el.add_clip(0, 2, 0, "GESUriClip", 6, name=names[0])
- xges_el.add_clip(1, 1, 0, "GESTransitionClip", 6, name=names[1])
- xges_el.add_clip(1, 2, 0, "GESUriClip", 6, name=names[2])
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- test_tree = OtioTestTree(
- self, base=OtioTestNode(Stack, children=[
- OtioTestNode(Track, children=[
- OtioTestNode(
- Clip, tests=[OtioTest.name(names[0])]),
- OtioTestNode(
- Transition, tests=[OtioTest.name(names[1])]),
- OtioTestNode(
- Clip, tests=[OtioTest.name(names[2])])
- ]),
- OtioTestNode(Track, children=[
- OtioTestNode(
- Clip, tests=[OtioTest.name(names[0])]),
- OtioTestNode(
- Transition, tests=[OtioTest.name(names[1])]),
- OtioTestNode(
- Clip, tests=[OtioTest.name(names[2])])
- ]),
- ]))
- test_tree.test_compare(timeline.tracks)
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- self.assertXgesNumClips(ges_el, 3)
- for clip_id, name in zip(range(3), names):
- clip = self.assertXgesClip(ges_el, {"id": clip_id})
- self.assertXgesPropertyEqual(
- clip, "name", "string", name)
- def test_clip_names_unique(self):
- xges_el = XgesElement()
- xges_el.add_audio_track()
- xges_el.add_layer()
- xges_el.add_clip(0, 1, 0, "GESUriClip", 2, name="clip2")
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- test_tree = OtioTestTree(
- self, base=OtioTestNode(Stack, children=[
- OtioTestNode(Track, children=[
- OtioTestNode(
- Clip, tests=[OtioTest.name("clip2")])
- ])
- ]))
- test_tree.test_compare(timeline.tracks)
- timeline.tracks[0].append(_make_clip(name="clip2"))
- timeline.tracks[0].append(_make_clip(name="clip2"))
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- clips = self.assertXgesNumClips(ges_el, 3)
- clip_names = []
- for clip in clips:
- name = self.assertXgesHasProperty(clip, "name", "string")
- self.assertNotIn(name, clip_names)
- clip_names.append(name)
- def test_asset(self):
- xges_el = XgesElement()
- xges_el.add_layer()
- asset_id = "file:///ex%%mple"
- duration = 235
- xges_el.add_asset(asset_id, "GESUriClip", duration)
- xges_el.add_clip(0, 1, 5, "GESUriClip", 2, asset_id=asset_id)
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- test_tree = OtioTestTree(
- self, base=OtioTestNode(Stack, children=[
- OtioTestNode(Track, children=[
- OtioTestNode(
- Clip, tests=[OtioTest.has_ex_ref])
- ])
- ]))
- test_tree.test_compare(timeline.tracks)
- self.assertOtioAttrPathEqual(
- timeline.tracks[0][0], ["media_reference", "target_url"],
- asset_id)
- self.assertOtioAttrPathEqual(
- timeline.tracks[0][0],
- ["media_reference", "available_range"],
- _tm_range_from_secs(0, duration))
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- asset = self.assertXgesAsset(ges_el, asset_id, "GESUriClip")
- self.assertXgesPropertyEqual(
- asset, "duration", "guint64", duration * GST_SECOND)
- def test_framerate(self):
- xges_el = XgesElement()
- framerate = 45.0
- xges_el.add_video_track(framerate)
- xges_el.add_layer()
- xges_el.add_clip(0, 1, 0, "GESUriClip", 4)
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- test_tree = OtioTestTree(
- self, base=OtioTestNode(Stack, children=[
- OtioTestNode(Track, children=[
- OtioTestNode(Clip, tests=[
- OtioTest.range(0, 1),
- OtioTest.rate(framerate)])
- ])
- ]))
- test_tree.test_compare(timeline.tracks)
- def test_effects(self):
- xges_el = XgesElement()
- xges_el.add_audio_track()
- xges_el.add_video_track()
- xges_el.add_layer()
- xges_el.add_clip(0, 1, 0, "GESUriClip", 6)
- video_effect_attribs = [{
- "asset-id": "agingtv",
- "track-type": 4,
- "track-id": 0,
- "children-properties": SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "properties, GstAgingTV::color-aging=(boolean)true, "
- "GstAgingTV::dusts=(boolean)true, "
- "GstAgingTV::pits=(boolean)true, "
- "GstBaseTransform::qos=(boolean)true, "
- "GstAgingTV::scratch-lines=(uint)7;")}, {
- "asset-id": "videobalance",
- "track-type": 4,
- "track-id": 0,
- "children-properties": SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "properties, GstVideoBalance::brightness=(double)0, "
- "GstVideoBalance::contrast=(double)0.5, "
- "GstVideoBalance::hue=(double)0, "
- "GstBaseTransform::qos=(boolean)true, "
- "GstVideoBalance::saturation=(double)1;")}]
- audio_effect_attribs = [{
- "asset-id": "audiokaraoke",
- "track-type": 2,
- "track-id": 1,
- "children-properties": SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "properties, GstAudioKaraoke::filter-band=(float)220, "
- "GstAudioKaraoke::filter-width=(float)100, "
- "GstAudioKaraoke::level=(float)1, "
- "GstAudioKaraoke::mono-level=(float)1, "
- "GstBaseTransform::qos=(boolean)false;")}]
- effect_attribs = [
- video_effect_attribs[0], audio_effect_attribs[0],
- video_effect_attribs[1]]
- for attrs in effect_attribs:
- xges_el.add_effect(
- attrs["asset-id"], attrs["track-type"],
- attrs["track-id"],
- children_properties=attrs["children-properties"])
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- test_tree = OtioTestTree(
- self, type_tests={
- Stack: [OtioTest.no_effects],
- Track: [OtioTest.no_effects]},
- base=OtioTestNode(Stack, children=[
- OtioTestNode(
- Track, tests=[OtioTest.is_video], children=[
- OtioTestNode(
- Clip, tests=[OtioTest.effects(
- "agingtv", "videobalance")])
- ]),
- OtioTestNode(
- Track, tests=[OtioTest.is_audio], children=[
- OtioTestNode(
- Clip, tests=[OtioTest.effects(
- "audiokaraoke")])
- ])
- ]))
- test_tree.test_compare(timeline.tracks)
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- tracks = self.assertXgesTrackTypes(ges_el, 2, 4)
- audio_track = tracks[0]
- video_track = tracks[1]
- layers = self.assertXgesNumLayers(ges_el, 2)
- # expect 2 layers since re-merging of the tracks will be
- # prevented by the different effects for different track types
- clip = self.assertXgesNumClipsInLayer(layers[0], 1)[0]
- audio_effects = self.assertXgesNumClipEffects(
- clip, len(audio_effect_attribs))
- for effect, attrs in zip(audio_effects, audio_effect_attribs):
- self.assertXgesAttrEqual(
- effect, "asset-id", attrs["asset-id"])
- self.assertXgesAttrEqual(effect, "track-type", 2)
- self.assertXgesAttrEqual(
- effect, "track-id", audio_track.get("track-id"))
- self.assertXgesStructureEqual(
- effect, "children-properties",
- attrs["children-properties"])
- clip = self.assertXgesNumClipsInLayer(layers[1], 1)[0]
- video_effects = self.assertXgesNumClipEffects(
- clip, len(video_effect_attribs))
- for effect, attrs in zip(video_effects, video_effect_attribs):
- self.assertXgesAttrEqual(
- effect, "asset-id", attrs["asset-id"])
- self.assertXgesAttrEqual(effect, "track-type", 4)
- self.assertXgesAttrEqual(
- effect, "track-id", video_track.get("track-id"))
- self.assertXgesStructureEqual(
- effect, "children-properties",
- attrs["children-properties"])
- def test_track_effects(self):
- timeline = Timeline()
- effect_names = ["agingtv", "videobalance"]
- track = Track()
- track.kind = TrackKind.Video
- timeline.tracks.append(track)
- for name in effect_names:
- track.effects.append(Effect(effect_name=name))
- track.append(Gap(source_range=_tm_range_from_secs(0, 3)))
- track.append(_make_clip(start=2, duration=5))
- track.append(_make_clip(start=0, duration=4))
- if str is not bytes:
- # TODO: remove str is not bytes test when python2 ends
- # Python2 does not have assertWarns
- # TODO: warning is for the fact that we do not yet have a
- # smart way to convert effect names into bin-descriptions
- # Should be removed once this is sorted
- with self.assertWarns(UserWarning):
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- else:
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- self.assertXgesTrackTypes(ges_el, 4)
- layer = self.assertXgesNumLayers(ges_el, 1)[0]
- self.assertXgesNumClipsInLayer(layer, 4)
- ids = []
- ids.append(self.assertXgesClip(
- ges_el, {
- "start": 3, "duration": 5, "inpoint": 2,
- "type-name": "GESUriClip", "track-types": 4}).get("id"))
- ids.append(self.assertXgesClip(
- ges_el, {
- "start": 8, "duration": 4, "inpoint": 0,
- "type-name": "GESUriClip", "track-types": 4}).get("id"))
- ids.append(self.assertXgesClip(
- ges_el, {
- "start": 3, "duration": 9, "inpoint": 0,
- "asset-id": effect_names[0],
- "type-name": "GESEffectClip", "track-types": 4}).get("id"))
- ids.append(self.assertXgesClip(
- ges_el, {
- "start": 3, "duration": 9, "inpoint": 0,
- "asset-id": effect_names[1],
- "type-name": "GESEffectClip", "track-types": 4}).get("id"))
- # check that ids are unique
- for clip_id in ids:
- self.assertIsNotNone(clip_id)
- self.assertEqual(ids.count(clip_id), 1)
- def test_markers(self):
- marker_list = SCHEMA.GESMarkerList(
- _make_ges_marker(23, MarkerColor.RED),
- _make_ges_marker(30),
- _make_ges_marker(
- 77, MarkerColor.BLUE, UTF8_NAME, SCHEMA.GstStructure(
- "metadatas", {"Int": ("int", 30)})))
- # Note, the second marker is not colored, so we don't expect a
- # corresponding otio marker
- marker_list[2].set_color_from_otio_color(MarkerColor.BLUE)
- xges_el = XgesElement(marker_list=marker_list)
- xges_el.add_audio_track()
- xges_el.add_layer()
- xges_el.add_clip(1, 1, 0, "GESUriClip", 2)
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- test_tree = OtioTestTree(
- self, type_tests={
- Track: [OtioTest.no_markers],
- Clip: [OtioTest.no_markers],
- Gap: [OtioTest.no_markers]},
- base=OtioTestNode(
- Stack, tests=[OtioTest.markers({
- "name": "", "color": MarkerColor.RED,
- "start": 23, "duration": 0}, {
- "name": UTF8_NAME, "color": MarkerColor.BLUE,
- "start": 77, "duration": 0})],
- children=[
- OtioTestNode(Track, children=[
- OtioTestNode(Gap),
- OtioTestNode(Clip)
- ])
- ]))
- test_tree.test_compare(timeline.tracks)
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- self.assertXgesTrackTypes(ges_el, 2)
- layer = self.assertXgesNumLayers(ges_el, 1)[0]
- self.assertXgesNumClipsInLayer(layer, 1)[0]
- self.assertXgesTimelineMarkerListEqual(ges_el, marker_list)
- def _add_test_properties_and_metadatas(self, el):
- el.attrib["properties"] = str(SCHEMA.GstStructure(
- "properties", {
- "field2": ("int", 5),
- "field1": ("string", UTF8_NAME)}))
- el.attrib["metadatas"] = str(SCHEMA.GstStructure(
- "metadatas", {
- "field3": ("int", 6),
- "field4": ("boolean", True)}))
- def _has_test_properties_and_metadatas(self, el):
- self.assertXgesPropertyEqual(el, "field1", "string", UTF8_NAME)
- self.assertXgesPropertyEqual(el, "field2", "int", 5)
- self.assertXgesMetadataEqual(el, "field3", "int", 6)
- self.assertXgesMetadataEqual(el, "field4", "boolean", True)
- def test_clip_properties_and_metadatas(self):
- xges_el = XgesElement()
- xges_el.add_video_track()
- xges_el.add_layer()
- clip = xges_el.add_clip(0, 1, 0, "GESUriClip", 4)
- self._add_test_properties_and_metadatas(clip)
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- self._has_test_properties_and_metadatas(
- self.assertXgesClip(ges_el, {}))
- def test_transition_properties_and_metadatas(self):
- xges_el = XgesElement()
- xges_el.add_video_track()
- xges_el.add_layer()
- xges_el.add_clip(0, 2, 0, "GESUriClip", 4)
- transition = xges_el.add_clip(1, 1, 0, "GESTransitionClip", 4)
- self._add_test_properties_and_metadatas(transition)
- xges_el.add_clip(1, 2, 0, "GESUriClip", 4)
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- self._has_test_properties_and_metadatas(self.assertXgesClip(
- ges_el, {"type-name": "GESTransitionClip"}))
- def test_project_properties_and_metadatas(self):
- xges_el = XgesElement()
- self._add_test_properties_and_metadatas(xges_el.project)
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- self._has_test_properties_and_metadatas(
- self.assertXgesOneElementAtPath(ges_el, "./project"))
- def test_timeline_properties_and_metadatas(self):
- xges_el = XgesElement()
- self._add_test_properties_and_metadatas(xges_el.timeline)
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- self._has_test_properties_and_metadatas(
- self.assertXgesOneElementAtPath(
- ges_el, "./project/timeline"))
- def test_layer_properties_and_metadatas(self):
- xges_el = XgesElement()
- xges_el.add_video_track()
- layer = xges_el.add_layer()
- self._add_test_properties_and_metadatas(layer)
- # NOTE: need a non-empty layer
- xges_el.add_clip(0, 2, 0, "GESUriClip", 4)
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- self._has_test_properties_and_metadatas(
- self.assertXgesNumLayers(ges_el, 1)[0])
- def test_uri_clip_asset_properties_and_metadatas(self):
- xges_el = XgesElement()
- xges_el.add_video_track()
- xges_el.add_layer()
- asset_id = "file:///example-file"
- asset = xges_el.add_asset(asset_id, "GESUriClip")
- self._add_test_properties_and_metadatas(asset)
- xges_el.add_clip(0, 1, 0, "GESUriClip", 4, asset_id)
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- self._has_test_properties_and_metadatas(
- self.assertXgesAsset(ges_el, asset_id, "GESUriClip"))
- def _subproject_asset_props_and_metas_for_type(self, extract_type):
- xges_el = self._make_nested_project()
- asset = xges_el.ressources.find(
- f"./asset[@extractable-type-name='{extract_type}']")
- self.assertIsNotNone(asset)
- asset_id = asset.get("id")
- self.assertIsNotNone(asset_id)
- self._add_test_properties_and_metadatas(asset)
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- self._has_test_properties_and_metadatas(
- self.assertXgesAsset(ges_el, asset_id, extract_type))
- def test_subproject_asset_properties_and_metadatas(self):
- self._subproject_asset_props_and_metas_for_type("GESUriClip")
- self._subproject_asset_props_and_metas_for_type("GESTimeline")
- def test_track_properties_and_metadatas(self):
- xges_el = XgesElement()
- track = xges_el.add_audio_track()
- self._add_test_properties_and_metadatas(track)
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- self._has_test_properties_and_metadatas(
- self.assertXgesOneElementAtPath(
- ges_el, "./project/timeline/track"))
- def test_effect_properties_and_metadatas(self):
- xges_el = XgesElement()
- xges_el.add_video_track()
- xges_el.add_layer()
- xges_el.add_clip(0, 1, 0, "GESUriClip", 4)
- effect = xges_el.add_effect("videobalance", 4, 0)
- self._add_test_properties_and_metadatas(effect)
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- clip = self.assertXgesClip(ges_el, {})
- self._has_test_properties_and_metadatas(
- self.assertXgesNumClipEffects(clip, 1)[0])
- def test_empty_timeline(self):
- xges_el = XgesElement()
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- test_tree = OtioTestTree(
- self, base=OtioTestNode(
- Stack, tests=[OtioTest.none_source]))
- test_tree.test_compare(timeline.tracks)
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- self.assertXgesNumLayers(ges_el, 0)
- def SKIP_test_empty_layer(self):
- # Test will fail since empty layers are lost!
- xges_el = XgesElement()
- xges_el.add_layer()
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- test_tree = OtioTestTree(
- self, base=OtioTestNode(
- Stack, tests=[OtioTest.none_source], children=[
- OtioTestNode(Track, tests=[OtioTest.none_source])]))
- test_tree.test_compare(timeline.tracks)
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- layer_el = self.assertXgesNumLayers(ges_el, 1)[0]
- self.assertXgesNumClipsInLayer(layer_el, 0)
- def test_timing(self):
- # example input layer is of the form:
- # [------]
- # [---------------]
- # [-----------] [--][--]
- #
- # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
- # time in seconds
- #
- # where [----] are clips. The first clip has an inpoint of
- # 15 seconds, and the second has an inpoint of 25 seconds. The
- # rest have an inpoint of 0
- xges_el = XgesElement()
- xges_el.add_audio_track()
- xges_el.add_layer()
- xges_el.add_clip(1, 2, 15, "GESUriClip", 2)
- xges_el.add_clip(2, 1, 0, "GESTransitionClip", 2)
- xges_el.add_clip(2, 4, 25, "GESUriClip", 2)
- xges_el.add_clip(4, 2, 0, "GESTransitionClip", 2)
- xges_el.add_clip(4, 3, 0, "GESUriClip", 2)
- xges_el.add_clip(9, 1, 0, "GESUriClip", 2)
- xges_el.add_clip(10, 1, 0, "GESUriClip", 2)
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- test_tree = OtioTestTree(
- self, type_tests={
- Stack: [OtioTest.none_source],
- Track: [
- OtioTest.none_source, OtioTest.is_audio],
- Clip: [OtioTest.has_ex_ref]},
- base=OtioTestNode(Stack, children=[
- OtioTestNode(Track, children=[
- OtioTestNode(Gap, tests=[
- OtioTest.range_in_parent(0, 1)]),
- OtioTestNode(Clip, tests=[
- OtioTest.range_in_parent(1, 1.5),
- OtioTest.start_time(15)]),
- OtioTestNode(Transition, tests=[
- OtioTest.offset_total(1)]),
- OtioTestNode(Clip, tests=[
- OtioTest.range_in_parent(2.5, 2.5),
- OtioTest.start_time(25.5)]),
- OtioTestNode(Transition, tests=[
- OtioTest.offset_total(2)]),
- OtioTestNode(Clip, tests=[
- OtioTest.range_in_parent(5, 2)]),
- OtioTestNode(Gap, tests=[
- OtioTest.range_in_parent(7, 2)]),
- OtioTestNode(Clip, tests=[
- OtioTest.range_in_parent(9, 1)]),
- OtioTestNode(Clip, tests=[
- OtioTest.range_in_parent(10, 1)])
- ])
- ]))
- test_tree.test_compare(timeline.tracks)
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- self.assertXgesTrackTypes(ges_el, 2)
- self.assertXgesNumClips(ges_el, 7)
- self.assertXgesClip(
- ges_el, {
- "start": 1, "duration": 2, "inpoint": 15,
- "type-name": "GESUriClip", "track-types": 2})
- self.assertXgesClip(
- ges_el, {
- "start": 2, "duration": 1, "inpoint": 0,
- "type-name": "GESTransitionClip", "track-types": 2})
- self.assertXgesClip(
- ges_el, {
- "start": 2, "duration": 4, "inpoint": 25,
- "type-name": "GESUriClip", "track-types": 2})
- self.assertXgesClip(
- ges_el, {
- "start": 4, "duration": 2, "inpoint": 0,
- "type-name": "GESTransitionClip", "track-types": 2})
- self.assertXgesClip(
- ges_el, {
- "start": 4, "duration": 3, "inpoint": 0,
- "type-name": "GESUriClip", "track-types": 2})
- self.assertXgesClip(
- ges_el, {
- "start": 9, "duration": 1, "inpoint": 0,
- "type-name": "GESUriClip", "track-types": 2})
- self.assertXgesClip(
- ges_el, {
- "start": 10, "duration": 1, "inpoint": 0,
- "type-name": "GESUriClip", "track-types": 2})
- def _make_nested_project(self):
- xges_el = XgesElement()
- xges_el.add_video_track()
- xges_el.add_audio_track()
- xges_el.add_layer()
- asset = xges_el.add_asset("file:///example.xges", "GESTimeline")
- xges_el.add_clip(
- 70, 20, 10, "GESUriClip", 6, "file:///example.xges")
- sub_xges_el = XgesElement()
- sub_xges_el.add_video_track()
- sub_xges_el.add_layer()
- sub_xges_el.add_clip(50, 40, 30, "GESUriClip", 6)
- asset.append(sub_xges_el.ges)
- return xges_el
- def test_nested_projects_and_stacks(self):
- xges_el = self._make_nested_project()
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- test_tree = OtioTestTree(
- self, type_tests={
- Track: [OtioTest.none_source],
- Clip: [OtioTest.has_ex_ref]},
- base=OtioTestNode(
- Stack, tests=[OtioTest.none_source], children=[
- OtioTestNode(
- Track, tests=[OtioTest.is_video],
- children=[
- OtioTestNode(
- Gap,
- tests=[OtioTest.duration(70)]),
- OtioTestNode(
- Stack,
- tests=[OtioTest.range(10, 20)],
- children=[
- OtioTestNode(
- Track,
- tests=[OtioTest.is_video],
- children=[
- OtioTestNode(Gap, tests=[
- OtioTest.duration(50)]),
- OtioTestNode(Clip, tests=[
- OtioTest.range(30, 40)])
- ]),
- OtioTestNode(
- Track,
- tests=[OtioTest.is_audio],
- children=[
- OtioTestNode(Gap, tests=[
- OtioTest.duration(50)]),
- OtioTestNode(Clip, tests=[
- OtioTest.range(30, 40)])
- ])
- ])
- ]),
- OtioTestNode(
- Track, tests=[OtioTest.is_audio],
- children=[
- OtioTestNode(
- Gap,
- tests=[OtioTest.duration(70)]),
- OtioTestNode(
- Stack,
- tests=[OtioTest.range(10, 20)],
- children=[
- OtioTestNode(
- Track,
- tests=[OtioTest.is_video],
- children=[
- OtioTestNode(Gap, tests=[
- OtioTest.duration(50)]),
- OtioTestNode(Clip, tests=[
- OtioTest.range(30, 40)])
- ]),
- OtioTestNode(
- Track,
- tests=[OtioTest.is_audio],
- children=[
- OtioTestNode(Gap, tests=[
- OtioTest.duration(50)]),
- OtioTestNode(Clip, tests=[
- OtioTest.range(30, 40)])
- ])
- ])
- ])
- ]))
- test_tree.test_compare(timeline.tracks)
- self._xges_has_nested_clip(timeline, 70, 20, 10, 6, 50, 40, 30, 6)
- def test_nested_projects_and_stacks_edited(self):
- xges_el = self._make_nested_project()
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- # Previous test will assert the correct structure
- # Change the gap before the video sub-stack to 30 seconds
- timeline.tracks[0][0].source_range = _tm_range_from_secs(0, 30)
- # The sub-project should be the same, but we now have two
- # different clips referencing the same sub-project
- # Now have an audio clip, with the new start time
- first_top_clip, _ = self._xges_has_nested_clip(
- timeline, 30, 20, 10, 4, 50, 40, 30, 6)
- # And the video clip, with the old start time
- second_top_clip, _ = self._xges_has_nested_clip(
- timeline, 70, 20, 10, 2, 50, 40, 30, 6)
- # They both reference the same project
- first_id = self.assertXgesHasAttr(first_top_clip, "asset-id")
- self.assertXgesAttrEqual(second_top_clip, "asset-id", first_id)
- # Restore the timing
- timeline.tracks[0][0].source_range = _tm_range_from_secs(0, 70)
- # Change the video sub-stack to reference an earlier point
- timeline.tracks[0][1].source_range = _tm_range_from_secs(0, 10)
- # The sub-project should be the same, but we now have two
- # different clips referencing the same sub-project
- # Now have a video clip, with the new duration and inpoint
- first_top_clip, _ = self._xges_has_nested_clip(
- timeline, 70, 10, 0, 4, 50, 40, 30, 6)
- # And an audio clip, with the old start time
- second_top_clip, _ = self._xges_has_nested_clip(
- timeline, 70, 20, 10, 2, 50, 40, 30, 6)
- # They both reference the same project
- first_id = self.assertXgesHasAttr(first_top_clip, "asset-id")
- self.assertXgesAttrEqual(second_top_clip, "asset-id", first_id)
- # Restore the timing
- timeline.tracks[0][1].source_range = _tm_range_from_secs(10, 20)
- # Change the content of the video sub-stack by reducing the gap
- timeline.tracks[0][1][0][0].source_range = _tm_range_from_secs(0, 20)
- timeline.tracks[0][1][1][0].source_range = _tm_range_from_secs(0, 20)
- # The sub-project should now be different, so we should have two
- # separate assets
- first_top_clip, _ = self._xges_has_nested_clip(
- timeline, 70, 20, 10, 4, 20, 40, 30, 6)
- second_top_clip, _ = self._xges_has_nested_clip(
- timeline, 70, 20, 10, 2, 50, 40, 30, 6)
- # They now reference different projects
- first_id = self.assertXgesHasAttr(first_top_clip, "asset-id")
- second_id = self.assertXgesHasAttr(second_top_clip, "asset-id")
- self.assertNotEqual(first_id, second_id)
- # Restore the stack's timing
- timeline.tracks[0][1][0][0].source_range = _tm_range_from_secs(0, 50)
- timeline.tracks[0][1][1][0].source_range = _tm_range_from_secs(0, 50)
- # Change the content of the video sub-stack by referencing
- # different times for its clip
- timeline.tracks[0][1][0][1].source_range = _tm_range_from_secs(10, 60)
- timeline.tracks[0][1][1][1].source_range = _tm_range_from_secs(10, 60)
- # The sub-project should now be different, so we should have two
- # separate assets
- first_top_clip, _ = self._xges_has_nested_clip(
- timeline, 70, 20, 10, 4, 50, 60, 10, 6)
- second_top_clip, _ = self._xges_has_nested_clip(
- timeline, 70, 20, 10, 2, 50, 40, 30, 6)
- # They now reference different projects
- first_id = self.assertXgesHasAttr(first_top_clip, "asset-id")
- second_id = self.assertXgesHasAttr(second_top_clip, "asset-id")
- self.assertNotEqual(first_id, second_id)
- def _xges_has_nested_clip(
- self, timeline,
- top_start, top_duration, top_inpoint, top_track_types,
- orig_start, orig_duration, orig_inpoint, orig_track_types,
- effect_names=None):
- """Returns the top clip and nested clip"""
- if effect_names is None:
- effect_names = []
- if effect_names and str is not bytes:
- # TODO: remove the str is not bytes check once python2 has
- # ended. Python2 does not have assertWarns
- # TODO: warning is for the fact that we do not yet have a
- # smart way to convert effect names into bin-descriptions
- # Should be removed once this is sorted
- with self.assertWarns(UserWarning):
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- else:
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- if orig_track_types == 6:
- self.assertXgesTrackTypes(ges_el, 2, 4)
- else:
- self.assertXgesTrackTypes(ges_el, top_track_types)
- top_clip = self.assertXgesClip(
- ges_el, {
- "start": top_start, "duration": top_duration,
- "inpoint": top_inpoint, "type-name": "GESUriClip",
- "track-types": top_track_types})
- effects = self.assertXgesNumClipEffects(
- top_clip, len(effect_names))
- for effect, name in zip(effects, effect_names):
- self.assertXgesAttrEqual(effect, "asset-id", name)
- ges_el = self.assertXgesClipIsSubproject(ges_el, top_clip)
- self.assertXgesNumClips(ges_el, 1)
- orig_clip = self.assertXgesClip(
- ges_el, {
- "start": orig_start, "duration": orig_duration,
- "inpoint": orig_inpoint, "type-name": "GESUriClip",
- "track-types": orig_track_types})
- self.assertXgesNumClipEffects(orig_clip, 0)
- self.assertXgesClipHasAsset(ges_el, orig_clip)
- return top_clip, orig_clip
- def test_effect_stack(self):
- timeline = Timeline()
- effect_names = ["agingtv", "videobalance"]
- for name in effect_names:
- timeline.tracks.effects.append(Effect(effect_name=name))
- track = Track()
- track.kind = TrackKind.Video
- timeline.tracks.append(track)
- track.append(_make_clip(start=20, duration=50))
- self._xges_has_nested_clip(
- timeline, 0, 50, 0, 4, 0, 50, 20, 4, effect_names)
- def test_source_range_stack(self):
- timeline = Timeline()
- track = Track()
- track.kind = TrackKind.Video
- timeline.tracks.append(track)
- track.append(_make_clip(start=20, duration=50))
- timeline.tracks.source_range = _tm_range_from_secs(10, 30)
- self._xges_has_nested_clip(timeline, 0, 30, 10, 4, 0, 50, 20, 4)
- def test_source_range_track(self):
- timeline = Timeline()
- track = Track()
- track.kind = TrackKind.Video
- timeline.tracks.append(track)
- track.append(_make_clip(start=20, duration=50))
- track.source_range = _tm_range_from_secs(10, 30)
- self._xges_has_nested_clip(timeline, 0, 30, 10, 4, 0, 50, 20, 4)
- def test_double_track(self):
- timeline = Timeline()
- track1 = Track()
- track1.kind = TrackKind.Video
- timeline.tracks.append(track1)
- track2 = Track()
- track2.kind = TrackKind.Video
- track1.append(_make_clip(start=40, duration=90))
- track1.append(track2)
- track2.append(_make_clip(start=20, duration=50))
- self._xges_has_nested_clip(timeline, 90, 50, 0, 4, 0, 50, 20, 4)
- def test_double_stack(self):
- timeline = Timeline()
- stack = Stack()
- stack.source_range = _tm_range_from_secs(10, 30)
- track = Track()
- track.kind = TrackKind.Video
- track.append(_make_clip(start=20, duration=50))
- stack.append(track)
- track = Track()
- track.kind = TrackKind.Video
- track.append(_make_clip())
- timeline.tracks.append(track)
- timeline.tracks.append(stack)
- self._xges_has_nested_clip(timeline, 0, 30, 10, 4, 0, 50, 20, 4)
- def test_track_merge(self):
- timeline = Timeline()
- for kind in [
- TrackKind.Audio,
- TrackKind.Video]:
- track = Track()
- track.kind = kind
- track.metadata["example-non-xges"] = str(kind)
- track.metadata["XGES"] = {
- "data": SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "name, key1=(string)hello, key2=(int)9;")}
- track.append(_make_clip(start=2, duration=5))
- timeline.tracks.append(track)
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- self.assertXgesClip(
- ges_el, {
- "start": 0, "duration": 5, "inpoint": 2,
- "type-name": "GESUriClip", "track-types": 6})
- # make tracks have different XGES metadata
- for track in timeline.tracks:
- track.metadata["XGES"]["data"].set(
- "key1", "string", str(track.kind))
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- self.assertXgesClip(
- ges_el, {
- "start": 0, "duration": 5, "inpoint": 2,
- "type-name": "GESUriClip", "track-types": 2})
- self.assertXgesClip(
- ges_el, {
- "start": 0, "duration": 5, "inpoint": 2,
- "type-name": "GESUriClip", "track-types": 4})
- def test_markers_from_otio(self):
- timeline = Timeline()
- _add_marker(timeline.tracks, "top marker", MarkerColor.PINK, 1, 0)
- _add_marker(timeline.tracks, "", MarkerColor.ORANGE, 5, 3)
- # duplicates are to be ignored
- _add_marker(timeline.tracks, "top marker", MarkerColor.PINK, 1, 0)
- _add_marker(timeline.tracks, "", MarkerColor.ORANGE, 5, 3)
- track = Track()
- timeline.tracks.append(track)
- _add_marker(track, "track marker", MarkerColor.PURPLE, 2, 2)
- _add_marker(track, "", MarkerColor.BLACK, 2, 0)
- clip = _make_clip(duration=4)
- track.append(clip)
- _add_marker(clip, "clip1", MarkerColor.YELLOW, 1, 0)
- gap = Gap(source_range=_tm_range_from_secs(0, 2))
- track.append(gap)
- _add_marker(gap, "gap", MarkerColor.WHITE, 1, 0)
- clip = _make_clip(duration=5)
- track.append(clip)
- _add_marker(clip, "clip2", MarkerColor.ORANGE, 2, 0)
- _add_marker(clip, "", MarkerColor.GREEN, 1, 2)
- stack = Stack()
- track.append(stack)
- _add_marker(stack, "sub-stack", MarkerColor.RED, 1, 0)
- track = Track()
- stack.append(track)
- _add_marker(track, "sub-track", MarkerColor.BLUE, 2, 0)
- track.append(_make_clip(duration=3))
- clip = _make_clip(duration=2)
- track.append(clip)
- _add_marker(clip, "sub-clip", MarkerColor.MAGENTA, 1, 1)
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- layer = self.assertXgesNumLayers(ges_el, 1)[0]
- clips = self.assertXgesNumClipsInLayer(layer, 3)
- self.assertXgesTimelineMarkerListEqual(
- ges_el, SCHEMA.GESMarkerList(
- _make_ges_marker(1, MarkerColor.PINK, "top marker"),
- _make_ges_marker(5, MarkerColor.ORANGE),
- _make_ges_marker(8, MarkerColor.ORANGE),
- # 8 is the end of the marker range
- _make_ges_marker(2, MarkerColor.PURPLE, "track marker"),
- _make_ges_marker(4, MarkerColor.PURPLE, "track marker"),
- _make_ges_marker(2, MarkerColor.BLACK),
- _make_ges_marker(1, MarkerColor.YELLOW, "clip1"),
- _make_ges_marker(5, MarkerColor.WHITE, "gap"),
- # 5 = 4 + 1, since we want the position relative to the
- # timeline, rather than the gap
- _make_ges_marker(8, MarkerColor.ORANGE, "clip2"),
- # Note, this matches the color and position of another
- # marker, but we want both since this has a different
- # comment
- _make_ges_marker(7, MarkerColor.GREEN),
- _make_ges_marker(9, MarkerColor.GREEN)))
- sub_ges_el = self.assertXgesClipIsSubproject(ges_el, clips[2])
- layer = self.assertXgesNumLayers(sub_ges_el, 1)[0]
- clips = self.assertXgesNumClipsInLayer(layer, 2)
- self.assertXgesTimelineMarkerListEqual(
- sub_ges_el, SCHEMA.GESMarkerList(
- _make_ges_marker(1, MarkerColor.RED, "sub-stack"),
- _make_ges_marker(2, MarkerColor.BLUE, "sub-track"),
- _make_ges_marker(4, MarkerColor.MAGENTA, "sub-clip"),
- _make_ges_marker(5, MarkerColor.MAGENTA, "sub-clip")))
- def test_timeline_is_unchanged(self):
- timeline = Timeline(name="example")
- timeline.tracks.source_range = _tm_range_from_secs(4, 5)
- track = Track("Track", source_range=_tm_range_from_secs(2, 3))
- track.metadata["key"] = 5
- track.append(_make_clip())
- timeline.tracks.append(track)
- before = timeline.deepcopy()
- otio.adapters.write_to_string(timeline, "xges")
- self.assertIsOTIOEquivalentTo(before, timeline)
- def test_XgesTrack_usage(self):
- xges_el = XgesElement()
- xges_el.add_layer()
- xges_el.add_clip(0, 1, 0, "GESUriClip", 4)
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- self.assertXgesTrackTypes(ges_el) # assert no tracks!
- props_before = xges_el.add_video_track().get("properties")
- timeline = xges_el.get_otio_timeline()
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- self.assertXgesTrackTypes(ges_el, 4)
- track = self.assertXgesOneElementAtPath(
- ges_el, "./project/timeline/track")
- self.assertXgesStructureEqual(track, "properties", props_before)
- def test_XgesTrack_from_kind(self):
- vid = SCHEMA.XgesTrack.\
- new_from_otio_track_kind(TrackKind.Video)
- self.assertEqual(vid.track_type, 4)
- aud = SCHEMA.XgesTrack.\
- new_from_otio_track_kind(TrackKind.Audio)
- self.assertEqual(aud.track_type, 2)
- def test_XgesTrack_equality(self):
- vid1 = SCHEMA.XgesTrack.\
- new_from_otio_track_kind(TrackKind.Video)
- vid2 = SCHEMA.XgesTrack.\
- new_from_otio_track_kind(TrackKind.Video)
- aud = SCHEMA.XgesTrack.\
- new_from_otio_track_kind(TrackKind.Audio)
- self.assertTrue(vid1.is_equivalent_to(vid2))
- self.assertFalse(vid1.is_equivalent_to(aud))
- def test_GstCaps_parsing(self):
- caps = SCHEMA.GstCaps.new_from_str("ANY")
- self.assertTrue(caps.is_any())
- self.assertEqual(len(caps), 0)
- caps = SCHEMA.GstCaps.new_from_str(
- "First( memory:SystemMemory, other:az09AZ) , "
- "field1 = ( int ) 5 ,field2=(string){};"
- "Second, fieldA=(fraction)3/67, fieldB=(boolean)true; "
- "Third(ANY), fieldX=(int)-2".format(
- SCHEMA.GstStructure.serialize_string(UTF8_NAME)))
- self.assertFalse(caps.is_any())
- self.assertEqual(len(caps), 3)
- struct = caps[0]
- features = caps.get_features(0)
- self.assertEqual(features.is_any, False)
- self.assertEqual(len(features), 2)
- self.assertEqual(features[0], "memory:SystemMemory")
- self.assertEqual(features[1], "other:az09AZ")
- self.assertEqual(struct.name, "First")
- self.assertEqual(struct["field1"], 5)
- self.assertEqual(struct["field2"], UTF8_NAME)
- struct = caps[1]
- features = caps.get_features(1)
- self.assertEqual(features.is_any, False)
- self.assertEqual(len(features), 0)
- self.assertEqual(struct.name, "Second")
- self.assertEqual(struct["fieldA"], "3/67")
- self.assertEqual(struct["fieldB"], True)
- struct = caps[2]
- features = caps.get_features(2)
- self.assertEqual(features.is_any, True)
- self.assertEqual(len(features), 0)
- self.assertEqual(struct.name, "Third")
- self.assertEqual(struct["fieldX"], -2)
- def test_GstCaps_to_str(self):
- caps_list = [
- {"caps": SCHEMA.GstCaps.new_any(), "str": "ANY"},
- {
- "caps": SCHEMA.GstCaps(
- SCHEMA.GstStructure("video/x-raw"),
- SCHEMA.GstCapsFeatures.new_any()),
- "str": "video/x-raw(ANY)"},
- {
- "caps": SCHEMA.GstCaps(
- SCHEMA.GstStructure(
- "First", {"field1": ("string", UTF8_NAME)}),
- SCHEMA.GstCapsFeatures(
- "memory:SystemMemory", "other:az09AZ"),
- SCHEMA.GstStructure(
- "Second", {"fieldA": ("boolean", True)}),
- None,
- SCHEMA.GstStructure("Third", {"fieldX": ("int", -2)}),
- SCHEMA.GstCapsFeatures.new_any()),
- "str":
- "First(memory:SystemMemory, other:az09AZ), "
- "field1=(string){}; "
- "Second, fieldA=(boolean)true; "
- "Third(ANY), fieldX=(int)-2".format(
- SCHEMA.GstStructure.serialize_string(UTF8_NAME))}]
- for caps in caps_list:
- string = str(caps["caps"])
- self.assertEqual(string, caps["str"])
- self.assertTrue(caps["caps"].is_equivalent_to(
- SCHEMA.GstCaps.new_from_str(string)))
- def test_empty_GstCaps(self):
- caps = SCHEMA.GstCaps()
- self.assertEqual(len(caps), 0)
- self.assertFalse(caps.is_any())
- self.assertEqual(str(caps), "EMPTY")
- caps = SCHEMA.GstCaps.new_from_str("")
- self.assertEqual(len(caps), 0)
- self.assertFalse(caps.is_any())
- caps = SCHEMA.GstCaps.new_from_str("EMPTY")
- self.assertEqual(len(caps), 0)
- def test_GstCapsFeatures_parsing(self):
- features = SCHEMA.GstCapsFeatures.new_from_str("ANY")
- self.assertEqual(features.is_any, True)
- self.assertEqual(len(features), 0)
- features = SCHEMA.GstCapsFeatures.new_from_str(
- " memory:SystemMemory, other:az09AZ")
- self.assertEqual(features.is_any, False)
- self.assertEqual(len(features), 2)
- self.assertEqual(features[0], "memory:SystemMemory")
- self.assertEqual(features[1], "other:az09AZ")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- SCHEMA.GstCapsFeatures.new_from_str("ANY ")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- SCHEMA.GstCapsFeatures.new_from_str("memory")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- SCHEMA.GstCapsFeatures.new_from_str("memory:")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- SCHEMA.GstCapsFeatures.new_from_str("memory:0")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- SCHEMA.GstCapsFeatures.new_from_str("mem0:a")
- def test_GESMarker_colors(self):
- marker = SCHEMA.GESMarker(20)
- self.assertEqual(marker.position, 20)
- self.assertFalse(marker.is_colored())
- argb = 0x850fe409
- marker.set_color_from_argb(argb)
- self.assertTrue(marker.is_colored())
- self.assertEqual(marker.get_argb_color(), argb)
- marker = SCHEMA.GESMarker(20)
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- marker.set_color_from_argb(-1)
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- # too big
- marker.set_color_from_argb(0xffffffff + 1)
- def test_GESMarker_color_to_otio_color(self):
- marker = SCHEMA.GESMarker(20)
- for otio_color in [col for col in dir(MarkerColor)
- if col.isupper()]:
- # should catch if otio adds a new color
- marker.set_color_from_otio_color(otio_color)
- self.assertTrue(marker.is_colored())
- nearest_otio = marker.get_nearest_otio_color()
- self.assertEqual(otio_color, nearest_otio)
- def test_GESMarkerList_ordering(self):
- marker_list = SCHEMA.GESMarkerList()
- marker_list.add(SCHEMA.GESMarker(224))
- marker_list.add(SCHEMA.GESMarker(226))
- marker_list.add(SCHEMA.GESMarker(223))
- marker_list.add(SCHEMA.GESMarker(224))
- marker_list.add(SCHEMA.GESMarker(225))
- self.assertEqual(len(marker_list), 5)
- self.assertEqual(marker_list[0].position, 223)
- self.assertEqual(marker_list[1].position, 224)
- self.assertEqual(marker_list[2].position, 224)
- self.assertEqual(marker_list[3].position, 225)
- self.assertEqual(marker_list[4].position, 226)
- def test_GstCapsFeatures_to_str(self):
- features = SCHEMA.GstCapsFeatures.new_any()
- string = str(features)
- self.assertEqual(string, "ANY")
- self.assertTrue(features.is_equivalent_to(
- SCHEMA.GstCapsFeatures.new_from_str(string)))
- features = SCHEMA.GstCapsFeatures(
- "memory:SystemMemory", "other:az09AZ")
- string = str(features)
- self.assertEqual(
- string, "memory:SystemMemory, other:az09AZ")
- self.assertTrue(features.is_equivalent_to(
- SCHEMA.GstCapsFeatures.new_from_str(string)))
- def test_serialize_string(self):
- serialize = SCHEMA.GstStructure.serialize_string(UTF8_NAME)
- deserialize = SCHEMA.GstStructure.deserialize_string(serialize)
- self.assertEqual(deserialize, UTF8_NAME)
- def test_GstStructure_parsing(self):
- struct = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- " properties , String-1 = ( string ) test , "
- "String-2=(string)\"test\", String-3= ( string) {} , "
- "Int =(int) -5 , Uint =(uint) 5 , Float-1=(float)0.5, "
- "Float-2= (float ) 2, Boolean-1 =(boolean ) true, "
- "Boolean-2=(boolean)No, Boolean-3=( boolean) 0 , "
- "Fraction=(fraction) 2/5, Structure = (structure) "
- "\"Name\\,\\ val\\=\\(string\\)\\\"test\\\\\\ test\\\"\\;\", "
- "Caps =(GstCaps)\"Struct1\\(memory:SystemMemory\\)\\,\\ "
- "val\\=\\(string\\)\\\"test\\\\\\ test\\\"\","
- "markers=(GESMarkerList)\"marker-times, position=(guint64)"
- "2748; metadatas, val=(string)\\\"test\\\\ test\\\"; "
- "marker-times, position=(guint64)1032; "
- "metadatas, val=(int)-5\";"
- "hidden!!!".format(
- SCHEMA.GstStructure.serialize_string(UTF8_NAME))
- )
- self.assertEqual(struct.name, "properties")
- self.assertEqual(struct["String-1"], "test")
- self.assertEqual(struct["String-2"], "test")
- self.assertEqual(struct["String-3"], UTF8_NAME)
- self.assertEqual(struct["Int"], -5)
- self.assertEqual(struct["Uint"], 5)
- self.assertEqual(struct["Float-1"], 0.5)
- self.assertEqual(struct["Float-2"], 2.0)
- self.assertEqual(struct["Boolean-1"], True)
- self.assertEqual(struct["Boolean-2"], False)
- self.assertEqual(struct["Boolean-3"], False)
- self.assertEqual(struct["Fraction"], "2/5")
- self.assertTrue(struct["Structure"].is_equivalent_to(
- SCHEMA.GstStructure(
- "Name", {"val": ("string", "test test")})))
- self.assertTrue(struct["Caps"].is_equivalent_to(
- SCHEMA.GstCaps(
- SCHEMA.GstStructure(
- "Struct1", {"val": ("string", "test test")}),
- SCHEMA.GstCapsFeatures("memory:SystemMemory"))))
- self.assertTrue(struct["markers"].is_equivalent_to(
- SCHEMA.GESMarkerList(
- SCHEMA.GESMarker(1032, SCHEMA.GstStructure(
- "metadatas", {"val": ("int", -5)})),
- SCHEMA.GESMarker(2748, SCHEMA.GstStructure(
- "metadatas", {"val": ("string", "test test")})))))
- def test_GstStructure_to_str_and_back(self):
- # TODO: remove once python2 has ended
- # Python2 does not have assertWarns
- if str is bytes:
- return
- with self.assertWarns(UserWarning):
- struct_before = SCHEMA.GstStructure(
- "Struct:/Name0a", {
- "str-ing": ("string", UTF8_NAME),
- "i/nt": ("int", 67),
- "f.lo+t": ("float", -0.78),
- "frac_tion": ("fraction", "4/67"),
- "my-type": ("mytype", "test"),
- "a_list": ("list", "{ 0, 2, 1 }"),
- "stru-cture": ("structure", SCHEMA.GstStructure(
- "Name", {"val": ("string", UTF8_NAME)})),
- "ca/ps": ("GstCaps", SCHEMA.GstCaps(
- SCHEMA.GstStructure(
- "Struct1", {"val": ("string", UTF8_NAME)}),
- SCHEMA.GstCapsFeatures("memory:SystemMemory"))),
- "markers+": ("GESMarkerList", SCHEMA.GESMarkerList(
- 2039, SCHEMA.GstStructure(
- "metadatas",
- {"val": ("string", UTF8_NAME)})),
- 209389023, SCHEMA.GstStructure(
- "metadatas",
- {"val": ("float", -0.96)}))))
- })
- with self.assertWarns(UserWarning):
- struct_after = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- str(struct_before))
- self.assertTrue(struct_before.is_equivalent_to(struct_after))
- def test_GstStructure_dictionary_def(self):
- struct = SCHEMA.GstStructure(
- "properties", {
- "String-1": ("string", "test"),
- "String-2": ("string", "test space"),
- "Int": ("int", -5),
- "Uint": ("uint", 5),
- "Float": ("float", 2.0),
- "Boolean": ("boolean", True),
- "Fraction": ("fraction", "2/5"),
- "Structure": ("structure", SCHEMA.GstStructure(
- "Name", {"val": ("string", "test space")})),
- "Caps": ("GstCaps", SCHEMA.GstCaps(
- SCHEMA.GstStructure(
- "Struct1",
- {"val": ("string", "test space")}),
- SCHEMA.GstCapsFeatures("memory:SystemMemory"))),
- "Markers": ("GESMarkerList", SCHEMA.GESMarkerList(
- 2039, SCHEMA.GstStructure(
- "metadatas",
- {"val": ("string", "test space")})),
- 209389023, SCHEMA.GstStructure(
- "metadatas",
- {"val": ("float", -0.96)}))))
- }
- )
- self.assertEqual(struct.name, "properties")
- write = str(struct)
- self.assertIn("String-1=(string)test", write)
- self.assertIn("String-2=(string)\"test\\ space\"", write)
- self.assertIn("Int=(int)-5", write)
- self.assertIn("Uint=(uint)5", write)
- self.assertIn("Float=(float)2.0", write)
- self.assertIn("Boolean=(boolean)true", write)
- self.assertIn("Fraction=(fraction)2/5", write)
- self.assertIn(
- "Structure=(structure)\"Name\\,\\ "
- "val\\=\\(string\\)\\\"test\\\\\\ space\\\"\\;\"",
- write)
- self.assertIn(
- "Caps=(GstCaps)\"Struct1\\(memory:SystemMemory\\)\\,\\ "
- "val\\=\\(string\\)\\\"test\\\\\\ space\\\"\"",
- write)
- self.assertIn(
- "Markers=(GESMarkerList)\"marker-times, position=(guint64)"
- "2039; metadatas, val=(string)\\\"test\\\\ space\\\"; "
- "marker-times, position=(guint64)209389023; "
- "metadatas, val=(float)-0.96\"",
- write)
- def test_GstStructure_equality(self):
- struct1 = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "name, prop1=(string)4, prop2=(int)4;")
- struct2 = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "name, prop2=(int)4, prop1=(string)4;")
- struct3 = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "name, prop1=(str)4, prop2=(gint)4;")
- struct4 = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "name-alt, prop1=(string)4, prop2=(int)4;")
- struct5 = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "name, prop1=(string)4, prop3=(int)4;")
- struct6 = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "name, prop1=(int)4, prop2=(int)4;")
- struct7 = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "name, prop1=(string)4, prop2=(int)5;")
- struct8 = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "name, prop1=(string)4, prop2=(int)4, prop3=(bool)true;")
- struct9 = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "name, prop1=(string)4;")
- self.assertTrue(struct1.is_equivalent_to(struct2))
- self.assertTrue(struct1.is_equivalent_to(struct3))
- self.assertFalse(struct1.is_equivalent_to(struct4))
- self.assertFalse(struct1.is_equivalent_to(struct5))
- self.assertFalse(struct1.is_equivalent_to(struct6))
- self.assertFalse(struct1.is_equivalent_to(struct7))
- self.assertFalse(struct1.is_equivalent_to(struct8))
- self.assertFalse(struct1.is_equivalent_to(struct9))
- def test_GstStructure_editing_string(self):
- struct = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- 'properties, name=(string)before;')
- self.assertEqual(struct["name"], "before")
- struct.set("name", "string", "after")
- self.assertEqual(struct["name"], "after")
- self.assertEqual(str(struct), 'properties, name=(string)after;')
- def test_GstStructure_empty_string(self):
- struct = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- 'properties, name=(string)"";')
- self.assertEqual(struct["name"], "")
- def test_GstStructure_NULL_string(self):
- struct = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- 'properties, name=(string)NULL;')
- self.assertEqual(struct["name"], None)
- struct = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str("properties")
- struct.set("name", "string", None)
- self.assertEqual(str(struct), 'properties, name=(string)NULL;')
- struct = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- 'properties, name=(string)\"NULL\";')
- self.assertEqual(struct["name"], "NULL")
- self.assertEqual(str(struct), 'properties, name=(string)\"NULL\";')
- def test_GstStructure_fraction(self):
- struct = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- 'properties, framerate=(fraction)2/5;')
- self.assertEqual(struct["framerate"], "2/5")
- struct.set("framerate", "fraction", Fraction("3/5"))
- self.assertEqual(struct["framerate"], "3/5")
- struct.set("framerate", "fraction", "4/5")
- self.assertEqual(struct["framerate"], "4/5")
- def test_GstStructure_type_aliases(self):
- struct = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "properties,String-1=(str)test,String-2=(s)\"test\","
- "Int-1=(i)-5,Int-2=(gint)-5,Uint-1=(u)5,Uint-2=(guint)5,"
- "Float-1=(f)0.5,Float-2=(gfloat)0.5,Double-1=(d)0.7,"
- "Double-2=(gdouble)0.7,Boolean-1=(bool)true,"
- "Boolean-2=(b)true,Boolean-3=(gboolean)true,"
- "Fraction=(GstFraction)2/5,"
- "Structure=(GstStructure)\"name\\;\"")
- self.assertEqual(struct.name, "properties")
- self.assertEqual(struct["String-1"], "test")
- self.assertEqual(struct["String-2"], "test")
- self.assertEqual(struct["Int-1"], -5)
- self.assertEqual(struct["Int-2"], -5)
- self.assertEqual(struct["Uint-1"], 5)
- self.assertEqual(struct["Uint-2"], 5)
- self.assertEqual(struct["Float-1"], 0.5)
- self.assertEqual(struct["Float-2"], 0.5)
- self.assertEqual(struct["Double-1"], 0.7)
- self.assertEqual(struct["Double-2"], 0.7)
- self.assertEqual(struct["Boolean-1"], True)
- self.assertEqual(struct["Boolean-2"], True)
- self.assertEqual(struct["Boolean-3"], True)
- self.assertEqual(struct["Fraction"], "2/5")
- self.assertTrue(struct["Structure"].is_equivalent_to(
- SCHEMA.GstStructure("name")))
- struct = SCHEMA.GstStructure("properties")
- struct.set("prop", "s", "test test")
- self.assertEqual(struct["prop"], "test test")
- self.assertEqual(struct.get_type_name("prop"), "string")
- struct.set("prop", "str", "test test")
- self.assertEqual(struct["prop"], "test test")
- self.assertEqual(struct.get_type_name("prop"), "string")
- struct.set("prop", "i", -5)
- self.assertEqual(struct["prop"], -5)
- self.assertEqual(struct.get_type_name("prop"), "int")
- struct.set("prop", "gint", -5)
- self.assertEqual(struct["prop"], -5)
- self.assertEqual(struct.get_type_name("prop"), "int")
- struct.set("prop", "u", 5)
- self.assertEqual(struct["prop"], 5)
- self.assertEqual(struct.get_type_name("prop"), "uint")
- struct.set("prop", "guint", 5)
- self.assertEqual(struct["prop"], 5)
- self.assertEqual(struct.get_type_name("prop"), "uint")
- struct.set("prop", "f", 0.5)
- self.assertEqual(struct["prop"], 0.5)
- self.assertEqual(struct.get_type_name("prop"), "float")
- struct.set("prop", "gfloat", 0.5)
- self.assertEqual(struct["prop"], 0.5)
- self.assertEqual(struct.get_type_name("prop"), "float")
- struct.set("prop", "d", 0.7)
- self.assertEqual(struct["prop"], 0.7)
- self.assertEqual(struct.get_type_name("prop"), "double")
- struct.set("prop", "gdouble", 0.7)
- self.assertEqual(struct["prop"], 0.7)
- self.assertEqual(struct.get_type_name("prop"), "double")
- struct.set("prop", "b", True)
- self.assertEqual(struct["prop"], True)
- self.assertEqual(struct.get_type_name("prop"), "boolean")
- struct.set("prop", "bool", True)
- self.assertEqual(struct["prop"], True)
- self.assertEqual(struct.get_type_name("prop"), "boolean")
- struct.set("prop", "gboolean", True)
- self.assertEqual(struct["prop"], True)
- self.assertEqual(struct.get_type_name("prop"), "boolean")
- struct.set("prop", "GstFraction", Fraction("2/5"))
- self.assertEqual(struct["prop"], "2/5")
- self.assertEqual(struct.get_type_name("prop"), "fraction")
- struct.set("prop", "GstStructure", SCHEMA.GstStructure("name"))
- self.assertTrue(struct["prop"].is_equivalent_to(
- SCHEMA.GstStructure("name")))
- self.assertEqual(struct.get_type_name("prop"), "structure")
- def test_GstStructure_values_list(self):
- structs = [
- SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "name, String1=(string)\"\", Int1=(int)0, "
- "Float1=(float)0.1, Int2=(i)5, Float2=(f)0.2, "
- "String2=(s)NULL, String3=(string)test"),
- SCHEMA.GstStructure("name", {
- "String1": ("string", ""), "Int1": ("int", 0),
- "Float1": ("float", 0.1), "Int2": ("i", 5),
- "Float2": ("f", 0.2), "String2": ("s", None),
- "String3": ("string", "test")})]
- # TODO: remove once python2 has ended
- # Python2 does not have assertCountEqual
- def assertCountEqual(x, y):
- if str is bytes:
- self.assertEqual(sorted(x), sorted(y))
- else:
- self.assertCountEqual(x, y)
- for struct in structs:
- assertCountEqual(
- struct.values(), ["", 0, 0.1, 5, 0.2, None, "test"])
- assertCountEqual(
- struct.values_of_type("string"), ["", None, "test"])
- assertCountEqual(
- struct.values_of_type("s"), ["", None, "test"])
- assertCountEqual(
- struct.values_of_type("int"), [0, 5])
- assertCountEqual(
- struct.values_of_type("i"), [0, 5])
- assertCountEqual(
- struct.values_of_type("float"), [0.1, 0.2])
- assertCountEqual(
- struct.values_of_type("f"), [0.1, 0.2])
- assertCountEqual(
- struct.values_of_type("double"), [])
- def test_GstStructure_getting(self):
- structs = [
- SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "name, String=(string)test, Int=(int)5;"),
- SCHEMA.GstStructure("name", {
- "String": ("string", "test"), "Int": ("int", 5)})]
- for struct in structs:
- self.assertEqual(struct.get("Strin"), None)
- self.assertEqual(struct.get("Strin", "default"), "default")
- self.assertEqual(
- struct.get_typed("Strin", "string", "default"), "default")
- self.assertEqual(struct.get("String"), "test")
- self.assertEqual(struct.get_typed("String", "string"), "test")
- self.assertEqual(struct.get_typed("String", "s"), "test")
- self.assertEqual(struct.get("Int"), 5)
- self.assertEqual(struct.get_typed("Int", "int"), 5)
- self.assertEqual(struct.get_typed("Int", "i"), 5)
- # TODO: remove once python2 has ended
- # Python2 does not have assertWarns
- if str is bytes:
- continue
- with self.assertWarns(UserWarning):
- self.assertEqual(
- struct.get_typed("String", "int", 23), 23)
- with self.assertWarns(UserWarning):
- self.assertEqual(
- struct.get_typed("Int", "string", "def"), "def")
- def test_GstStructure_invalid_parse(self):
- # invalid names:
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str("0name, prop=(int)4;")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- f"{UTF8_NAME}, prop=(int)4;")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- SCHEMA.GstStructure("0name", {"prop": ("int", 4)})
- # invalid fieldnames:
- struct = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str("name")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str("name, prop erty=(int)4;")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- struct.set("prop erty", "int", 4)
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- # the following would cause problems with serializing
- # followed by de-serializing, since it would create two
- # different fields!
- struct.set("prop=(int)4, other=", "string", "test")
- # invalid type names
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str("name, prop=(my type)4;")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- struct.set("prop", "int ", 4)
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- struct.set("prop", " int", 4)
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- struct.set("prop", "my type", 4)
- # invalid serialized values
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str("name, prop=(int)4.5")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str("name, prop=(float)7.0s")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str('name, prop=(string);')
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "name, prop=(boolean)yesyes;")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "name, prop=(fraction)1/2.0;")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- # no comma in list
- SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "name, prop=(list){ 5, 6 7 };")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "name, prop=(list){ 5, 6, 7;")
- # invalid setting values
- with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
- struct.set("prop", "int", 4.5)
- with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
- struct.set("prop", "float", "4.5")
- with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
- struct.set("prop", "string", 4)
- with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
- struct.set("prop", "boolean", 0)
- with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
- struct.set("prop", "fraction", 1)
- with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
- struct.set("prop", "mytype", 4)
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- struct.set("prop", "mytype", "test ")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- struct.set("prop", "mytype", "&")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- struct.set("prop", "mytype", "(int)4")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- struct.set("prop", "mytype", "4, other_prop=(string)insert")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- struct.set("prop", "mytype", "4;") # would hide rest!
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- struct.set("prop", "list", "{ 5, 6 7 }") # no comma
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- struct.set("prop", "list", "{ {5}, { 6 7} }") # no comma
- def test_GstStructure_unknown_type(self):
- # TODO: remove once python2 has ended
- # Python2 does not have assertWarns
- if str is bytes:
- return
- struct = SCHEMA.GstStructure("properties")
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- struct.set(
- "prop", "MyType", "test, other_field=(string)insert")
- # would cause errors when trying to reserialize!
- with self.assertRaises(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- struct.set("prop", "MyType ", "test ")
- # don't want trailing whitespaces
- with self.assertWarns(UserWarning):
- struct.set("prop", "MyType", "test")
- self.assertEqual(struct["prop"], "test")
- with self.assertWarns(UserWarning):
- struct = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "properties, prop= ( MyOtherType ) 4-5 ;")
- self.assertEqual(struct["prop"], "4-5")
- self.assertEqual(
- str(struct), "properties, prop=(MyOtherType)4-5;")
- with self.assertWarns(UserWarning):
- SCHEMA.GstStructure("properties", struct.fields)
- with self.assertWarns(UserWarning):
- struct = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- 'properties, prop=(string) { "spa\\ ce" , '
- '( string ) test } ;')
- self.assertEqual(
- struct["prop"], '{ "spa\\ ce", (string)test }')
- self.assertEqual(
- str(struct), 'properties, prop=(string){ "spa\\ ce", '
- '(string)test };')
- with self.assertWarns(UserWarning):
- struct = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "properties, prop=(int)<1,3,4,5>;")
- self.assertEqual(struct["prop"], "< 1, 3, 4, 5 >")
- with self.assertWarns(UserWarning):
- struct = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "properties, prop=(int)[1,3];")
- self.assertEqual(struct["prop"], "[ 1, 3 ]")
- with self.assertWarns(UserWarning):
- struct = SCHEMA.GstStructure.new_from_str(
- "properties, prop=(MyType){(MyType){1,2},"
- "(MyType){3a3,4,5}};")
- self.assertEqual(
- struct["prop"],
- "{ (MyType){ 1, 2 }, (MyType){ 3a3, 4, 5 } }")
- def test_image_sequence_example(self):
- timeline = otio.adapters.read_from_file(IMAGE_SEQUENCE_EXAMPLE_PATH)
- ges_el = self._get_xges_from_otio_timeline(timeline)
- self.assertIsNotNone(ges_el)
- self.assertXgesNumLayers(ges_el, 1)
- self.assertXgesAsset(
- ges_el,
- "imagesequence:./sample_sequence/sample_sequence.%2504d.exr" +
- "?rate=24/1&start-index=86400&stop-index=86450",
- "GESUriClip")
- def SKIP_test_roundtrip_disk2mem2disk(self):
- self.maxDiff = None
- timeline = otio.adapters.read_from_file(XGES_EXAMPLE_PATH)
- tmp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".xges", text=True)[1]
- otio.adapters.write_to_file(timeline, tmp_path)
- result = otio.adapters.read_from_file(tmp_path)
- original_json = otio.adapters.write_to_string(timeline, 'otio_json')
- output_json = otio.adapters.write_to_string(result, 'otio_json')
- self.assertMultiLineEqual(original_json, output_json)
- self.assertIsOTIOEquivalentTo(timeline, result)
- # But the xml text on disk is not identical because otio has a subset
- # of features to xges and we drop all the nle specific preferences.
- with open(XGES_EXAMPLE_PATH) as original_file:
- with open(tmp_path) as output_file:
- self.assertNotEqual(original_file.read(), output_file.read())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/contrib/opentimelineio_contrib/adapters/xges.py b/contrib/opentimelineio_contrib/adapters/xges.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 37117679e..000000000
--- a/contrib/opentimelineio_contrib/adapters/xges.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3749 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Copyright Contributors to the OpenTimelineIO project
-"""OpenTimelineIO GStreamer Editing Services XML Adapter."""
-import re
-import os
-import warnings
-import numbers
-from urllib.parse import quote
-from urllib.parse import unquote
-from urllib.parse import urlparse
-from urllib.parse import parse_qs
-from fractions import Fraction
-from xml.etree import ElementTree
-from xml.dom import minidom
-import itertools
-import colorsys
-import opentimelineio as otio
- "crossfade": otio.schema.TransitionTypes.SMPTE_Dissolve
-# Two way map
-_TRANSITION_MAP.update({v: k for k, v in _TRANSITION_MAP.items()})
-class XGESReadError(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- """An incorrectly formatted xges string."""
-class UnhandledValueError(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- """Received value is not handled."""
- def __init__(self, name, value):
- otio.exceptions.OTIOError.__init__(
- self, f"Unhandled value {value!r} for {name}.")
-class InvalidValueError(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- """Received value is invalid."""
- def __init__(self, name, value, expect):
- otio.exceptions.OTIOError.__init__(
- self, "Invalid value {!r} for {}. Expect {}.".format(
- value, name, expect))
-class DeserializeError(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- """Receive an incorrectly serialized value."""
- MAX_LEN = 20
- def __init__(self, read, reason):
- if len(read) > self.MAX_LEN:
- read = read[:self.MAX_LEN] + "..."
- otio.exceptions.OTIOError.__init__(
- self, "Could not deserialize the string ({}) because it {}."
- "".format(read, reason))
-class UnhandledOtioError(otio.exceptions.OTIOError):
- """Received otio object is not handled."""
- def __init__(self, otio_obj):
- otio.exceptions.OTIOError.__init__(
- self, "Unhandled otio schema {}.".format(
- otio_obj.schema_name()))
-def _show_ignore(msg):
- """Tell user we found an error with 'msg', but we are ignoring it."""
- warnings.warn(msg + ".\nIGNORING.", stacklevel=2)
-def _show_otio_not_supported(otio_obj, effect):
- """
- Tell user that we do not properly support an otio type for 'otio_obj'.
- 'effect' is a message to the user about what will happen instead.
- """
- warnings.warn(
- "The schema {} is not currently supported.\n{}.".format(
- otio_obj.schema_name(), effect),
- stacklevel=2)
-def _wrong_type_for_arg(val, expect_type_name, arg_name):
- """
- Raise exception in response to the 'arg_name' argument being given the
- value 'val', when we expected it to be of the type corresponding to
- 'expect_type_name'.
- """
- raise TypeError(
- "Expect a {} type for the '{}' argument. Received a {} type."
- "".format(expect_type_name, arg_name, type(val).__name__))
-def _force_gst_structure_name(struct, struct_name, owner=""):
- """
- If the GstStructure 'struct' does not have the given 'struct_name',
- change its name to match with a warning.
- 'owner' is used for the message to tell the user which object the
- structure belongs to.
- """
- if struct.name != struct_name:
- if owner:
- start = f"{owner}'s"
- else:
- start = "The"
- warnings.warn(
- "{} structure name is \"{}\" rather than the expected \"{}\"."
- "\nOverwriting with the expected name.".format(
- start, struct.name, struct_name))
- struct.name = struct_name
-# TODO: remove unicode_to_str once python2 has ended:
-def unicode_to_str(value):
- """If python2, returns unicode as a utf8 str"""
- if type(value) is not str and isinstance(value, str):
- value = value.encode("utf8")
- return value
-class GESTrackType:
- """
- Class for storing the GESTrackType types, and converting them to
- the otio.schema.TrackKind.
- """
- UNKNOWN = 1 << 0
- AUDIO = 1 << 1
- VIDEO = 1 << 2
- TEXT = 1 << 3
- CUSTOM = 1 << 4
- @staticmethod
- def to_otio_kind(track_type):
- """
- Convert from GESTrackType 'track_type' to otio.schema.TrackKind.
- """
- if track_type == GESTrackType.AUDIO:
- return otio.schema.TrackKind.Audio
- elif track_type == GESTrackType.VIDEO:
- return otio.schema.TrackKind.Video
- raise UnhandledValueError("track_type", track_type)
- @staticmethod
- def from_otio_kind(*otio_kinds):
- """
- Convert the list of otio.schema.TrackKind 'otio_kinds' to an
- GESTrackType.
- """
- track_type = 0
- for kind in otio_kinds:
- if kind == otio.schema.TrackKind.Audio:
- track_type |= GESTrackType.AUDIO
- elif kind == otio.schema.TrackKind.Video:
- track_type |= GESTrackType.VIDEO
- else:
- raise UnhandledValueError("track kind", kind)
- return track_type
-GST_SECOND = 1000000000
-class XGES:
- """
- Class for converting an xges string, which stores GES projects, to an
- otio.schema.Timeline.
- """
- # The xml elements found in the given xges are converted as:
- #
- # + A , its , its and its