According to this issue we agreed to:
- Declare if he/she wants to participate in issues tagged with given word, for example #ruby or #css. Then all issues / pull-request would be tagged appropriately.
- If so, he/she would be obligated to comment on issue or at least give +1 or no opinion comment for example until week after issue has been created.
- The idea is subscribed persons would be obligated to comment. We will mention them in such cases.
- Final decision for merging is for CTO.
- It's of course possible for non-declared person to participate. That list would help us determine if issue is ready to be accepted or it needs more discussion / time (for example if everyone would vote "no opinion").
- If you have no opinion do not hesitate to tell that. At least you will leave a note that you read an issue.
You can simply prepare closing commits if issue is clear for every who participated in the discussion. Otherwise transform issue into pull-request which allows to verify agreement on the topic.
Here is current list of tags along their participants:
- #ruby - @jandudulski, @sheerun, @chytreg, @teamon, @szajbus, @Ostrzy, @jcieslar, @tallica
- #js - @jandudulski, @sheerun, @chytreg, @szajbus, @Ostrzy, @tallica
- #git - @jandudulski, @sheerun, @teamon, @szajbus, @Ostrzy, @jcieslar
- #html - @jandudulski, @sheerun, @venticco, @Ostrzy, @michlask, @tallica
- #unix - @jandudulski, @sheerun, @teamon, @szajbus, @jcieslar, @dmilith, @tallica
- #css - @jandudulski, @sheerun, @venticco, @michlask, @tallica
- #design - @jandudulski, @sheerun, @venticco, @szymo
Pull requests, issues, and comments from third party are welcome too!