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Run QSM Pipeline on Graham

  1. Get a compute canada account and ensure you are part of a group with resource allocations

  2. ssh into graham and load singularity module:

    Use singularity version >=3.4

    module load singularity/3.4
  3. Optional: Create a test directory for the example

     cd /scratch/user (eg. /scratch/akuurstr)
     mkdir test
     cd test
     mkdir tar bids qsm
  4. Convert data into a tarball:

    • Get dicoms from cfmm dicom server and convert to tar:
      singularity run -B tarLocation:/output -b scratchDir:/scratch singularityImageLocation/ cfmm2tar_latest.sif -d dateSearch -p StudySearch -n SubjectSearch /output

      singularity pull shub://khanlab/cfmm2tar
      singularity run -B tar:/output -B $SCRATCH:/scratch cfmm2tar_latest.sif -d 20170112 \
      -p Menon\^Rugby_team -n 2017_01_12_WRT_TBIS1_068 /output
    • (Alternative) Convert an existing dicom directory to tar:
      singularity run -B dicomLocation:/input -B tarLocation:/output singularityImageLocation/ dicom2tar_latest.sif /input /output
      eg. If you have your dicoms in /scratch/user/test/dicom

      singularity pull shub://khanlab/dicom2tar
      singularity run -B dicom:/input -B tar:/output dicom2tar_latest.sif /input /output
  5. Convert tar to bids:
    singularity run -B tarLocation:/input -B bidsLocation:/output singularityImageLocation/tar2bids_latest.sif -o /output /input/tarFilename.tar

    singularity pull docker://khanlab/tar2bids:latest
    singularity run -B tar:/input -B bids:/output tar2bids_latest.sif \
    -o /output /input/Menon_Rugby_team_20170112_2017_01_12_WRT_TBIS1_068_1.9F8E382F.tar
  6. Download QSM processing bids app:

    singularity pull docker://akuurstr/qsm_sstv:v2.0.0

    note: if converting from docker to singularity requires more resources than what's available in a login node, start an interactive session on a compute node:

    salloc --time=0:30:0 --ntasks=1 --account=def-your-account --mem 5000
  7. Create a QSM batch program that can be submitted as a job to graham:


    copy and modify the file:

     #SBATCH --account=PUT YOUR ACCOUNT HERE (eg. def-akhanf-ab) 
     #SBATCH --ntasks 1            # number of tasks
     #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=20
     #SBATCH --mem 64000            # memory pool per process
     #SBATCH -t 1:30:00            # time (D-HH:MM)
     export bids_input=full path to bidsLocation (eg. /scratch/akuurstr/test/bids)
     export output=full path to where you want to store your qsm images (eg. /scratch/akuurstr/test/qsm)
     export SINGULARITY_DIR=full path to qsm singularity image (eg. /scratch/akuurstr/test/qsm_sstv_v2.0.0.sif)
     export subjects=subject list to process (eg. 068)
     singularity run \
     -e \
     -B ${bids_input}:/bids_input \
     -B ${output}:/output \
     /bids_input \
     /output \
     participant \
     --participant_label $subjects \
     --SS_TV_lagrange_parameter 0.4 \
  8. Submit job:

  9. Check queue:

    squeue -u user 

Run QSM Pipeline Locally

  1. Install a virtual machine with ubuntu and singularity by following the steps in the project
    Alternative: If your host OS is linux, you can install singularity without a virtual machine:
    eg. ubuntu:

     sudo wget -O- | sudo tee \
     sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver hkp:// 0xA5D32F012649A5A9
     sudo apt-get update
     sudo apt-get install singularity-container
  2. Follow the above steps 2 - 6 on your local computer.
    Note: If using cfmm2tar in step 3, you must explicitly indicate a scratch folder instead of using the environment variable $SCRATCH

  3. Instead of steps 7 - 9, run:
    singularity run -B bidsLocation:/input -B qsmLocation:/output qsm_sstv_v2.0.0.sif /input /output participant --participant_label subjectID --SS_TV_lagrange_parameter 0.4 --keep_unnecessary_outputs

    singularity run -e -B bids:/input -B qsm:/output qsm_sstv_v2.0.0.sif /input /output participant \
    --participant_label 068 --SS_TV_lagrange_parameter 0.4 --keep_unnecessary_outputs

Note that the QSM pipeline can be resource intensive and will fail if it runs out of memory. In this case it is best to use compute canada.