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Comp 273 InformationTextbook (4th ed, Right click to save)

Terms & Concept Cards Here <!-- TODO update>


The following diagrams were drawn with Digital. Feel free to download it to test the circuits directly.


A B invert and or xor nand
0 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 1 X 0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 1 1
1 1 X 1 1 0 0

RS Flip FLops

rs flip flops

Basic reset set flip flop to save bit data; a clock can be connected to the inputs of both nor gates for synchronization

R S Q Q' Result
0 0 Q Q' No change
0 1 1 0 Set
1 0 0 1 Rest
1 1 1 1 Avoid

D latch

d latch

An addition to the RS flip flop to accept a single input. Together with the clock (E), the input (D) directly changes the output of the latch. This also eliminates the Reset = 1 & Set = 1 issue.

E D Q Q' Result
0 0 Q Q' Latch
0 1 Q Q' Latch
1 0 0 1 Reset
1 1 1 1 Set

JK Flip Flop

jk flip flop

JK flip flops cycle at half the speed of its input, as only one SR flip flop is enabled at a time and it takes two clicks to pass data to the output.

J K Q Q' Reseult
0 0 Q Q' Unchanged
0 1 0 1 Reset
1 0 1 0 Set
1 1 Q' Q Toggle



Takes many input signals and a selector address with its own signals. Selector address chooses which of the input signals to output (by index).

0 0 D0
0 1 D1
1 0 D2
1 1 D3

Half Adder

half adder

Adds two bits and returns the sum and carry; used for the least significant digit of numerical additions

Full Adder

full adder

Adds three bits (includes carry) together and produces a sum and carry; can be strung together to add numbers with many digits.

Lecture 0 • 2017/01/06

  • System board parts
    • Power Supply – Converts AC/DC from home into steady current needed in PC
    • CPU – Central Processing Unit – Math, logic, data, movement, loops
    • CMOS – complementary metal-oxide semiconductor – stores BIOS (basic input/output system) settings of computer
    • ROM – Read Only Memory – Stores built-in instructions (eg CMOS) & additional instructionss for CPU
    • Battery – Helps keep CMOS parameters, including time
    • RAM – Random Access Memory – Volatile main memory bank, large & slow
    • Cache – fast memory (pipeline) connected to RAM
    • Bus – Common road for data that interconnects all devices on motherboard
    • CLK – Clock – Beats the processing cycle (2 of them)
    • Slot – Connects devices external to motherboard through cards
    • ISA – Instruction Set Architecture – provides commands to processor to tell it what it needs to do (eg ADD, COMPARE, LOAD, OUT)

Lecture 1 • 2017/01/09

  • Traditional system board schematic has one bus connecting cache, CLK, CPU, ROM to RAM
  • Having more buses allows for multithreading
  • Slots allow connections to external devices
    • PCI (peripheral component interconnect), ISA (instruction set architecture)
  • CLK – clock – one controls bus, one controls CPU (min 2 CLKs per device)
    • CLK for bus is one or two orders of magnitude slower than CPU CLK
  • PCI can run at higher clock speeds
  • Data bus – connects CPU to Cache
  • Addressing – every component on system board has a unique integer number that identifies it
    • Eg opening & closing of gates towards various components that control data passage.
  • Communication Pathways
    • Composed of multiple wires, each wire for 1 bit
    • In parallel, independent execution
    • One byte per bus per tick
  • Bus
    • 8 wires
    • Grounded on both sides
  • How would a 10 byte string travel from RAM to a slot, assuming traditional system board
    • Assume CPU is not present
    • Supervisor opens gates 0 & 1 and closes all other gates
    • Wait for tick
    • One char pass
    • Go back to step 2
    • Supervisor closes all gates
  • If single byte in RAM & single CPU instruction in RAM both need to exit RAM at same time (one to CPU, other to slot), what do we do? Assume traditional system board
    • Not possible; one bus can only carry one process at a time
  • In traditional system board, what would happen if the CPU & slot need to save a single byte into RAM at the same time?
    • Like before, we only have one bus. We’ll either lose data or one of the processes has to wait
  • CPU
    • ALU – Arithmetic logic unit: + – > < == etc
      • L, R, A-out & status are specific purpose registers
        • L & R – inputs to ALU
        • A-out – result of operation
        • Status – input & output flag bits
          • input to tell what operation to perform
          • output to report errors (eg overflow, divide by zero)
    • Registers – Fast live memory locations
      • N general purpose registers 8, 64, or 128 bits long
      • Temp variables for CPU
    • IP – Instruction pointer, aka IC (Instruction counter) – points to next instruction
    • IR – Instruction register – stores current instruction
  • Cannot distinguish variables, addresses, operations
    • Instructions usually have different OP-codes depending on data types
  • CPU loop
    • Get instruction: IR ← RAM (slow bus, no cache)
    • Sequencer ← IR[OP-CODE]
    • Selected gates open
    • Clock ticks
    • All gates close
    • Increment to next instruction

Lecture 2 • 2017/01/11

  • Bit – machine 5V ≡ 1, 2V ≡ 0, 0V ≡ OFF
  • Pathway – voltages can be passed through wire; whole wire becomes given voltage
  • Bus ≡ n-wires ≡ one “unit” of Data
    • Also a pathway (of n going in the same direction)
  • Gate
    • Has in and out direction
    • Freezes if other direction used
    • Computer freezes because of infinite loops or electricity going the opposite direction
  • CPU
    • Fast bus, fast clock
    • IP – instruction pointer – keeps track of where we are in a program
      • Loaded into/used with address register
    • IR – instruction register – sends instruction to sequencer
      • Received from data register
      • Eg application opened → instructions sent to RAM → instructions sent one at a time to CPU
    • Seq – sequencer – opens all gates
    • CPU Clock
      • Beats to move data across CPU bus or move code from IP to sequencer
    • Sequencer
      • Table of codes with circuits
      • Each circuit is system of gated triggers
      • Triggers permit data to flow in predetermined order
  • CPU Loop
    • IR ↔ RAM[IP]
    • IR → Seq, IP+
  • Data – information
    • Eg characters, symbols, numbers
  • Real data translated to code using properties of medium
    • Which medium should we pick? bulletTablePair("Real Data → Numbers", "Encoded Data → everything else", 20),
    • INT ≡ Binary
  • RAM access register system
    • Allows communication between CPU & RAM
    • Address register – where to get/put data
    • Data register – where to put the data, or the data to put elsewhere
    • Mode register – flag for get or put
    • Zero page – like a sourcebook table; data should not overwrite things here
      • Bigger zero page → more stuff pluggable into machine
  • CPU Boundary Register – keeps track of addresses used; addresses requested must never be greater than boundary address

Lecture 3 • 2017/01/16

  • Claude E. Shannon
    • Entropy – how much work does it take to communicate one letter to someone?
    • Medium – how can we transmit that single letter?
    • Realization – the medium is the message
    • In computers
      • Entropy – how many bits do we need to represent a single character?
      • Medium – Light (optics), sound (WiFi), signals(wire)
      • Realization – message is characterized by medium
  • RAM
    • Usually, register size = address size
  • Two types of basic information
    • Table encode – address/variable name on one side, data on the other (in bytes)
    • Natural binary number
    • Addressing schematic
      • Address column (32 bits) with cell addresses
      • Data column (8 bits) with OS, video buffer, program space, zero page
  • ROM – read only memory – often sits between RAM and another part of the machine
  • C – char a = ‘b’ compiler → w/ ASCII table → to byte
  • Binary – size – register, RAM
    • Register – left most significant, right least significant
  • Data = choice = cost
    • Having the leftmost bit hold the sign reduces the space for the actual numbers by two
    • A way to “double” the max integer would be to keep it unsigned

Lecture 4 • 2017/01/18

  • ASCII/UNICODE – unsigned bit (no sign bit), 8-bits long

  • Char x = ‘A’ 00100001

  • Strings – contiguous sequence of characters terminated by NULL or contiguous sequence of chars proceeded (example had count in the front?) by a byte count

    • Composed of char
    • Char is built in property of CPU, not strings
    • Strings supported through software
  • Integer

    • Number is represented in raw signed binary or 2’s complement for the bit size
      • 5: signed 00000101 2’s comp 00000101
      • 5: signed 10000101 2’s comp 10 – 5 ≡ 10 + (-5)
    • Start: 00000101
    • Flip: 11111010
    • Add 1: 11111011 ← -5
  • Fixed Point – sign | exponent | mantissa (not two’s complement)

    • Bias is the 0, offsets up for positive, down for negative

    • ∵ all fixed point numbers are written as, "1." May be deleted → extra bit → double the range

    • IEEE format

      Precision Sign Exponent Fractional Mantissa Total Bias
      Single 1 8 23 32 127
      Double 1 11 52 64 1023
      Quad 1 15 111 128 16383

Lecture 5 • 2017/01/23

  • Logic circuits
    • Circle → not
    • Extra line → exclusive
  • nand → not and, nor → not or, xor → exlusive or
  • For two overlapping but disconnected wires, draw a small bump at the intersection
  • And gate is like a door with a lock – putting 0 on one end will stop the other end from passing through
  • Or gates can pass data as soon as one side has 1
  • Bit set reset, 1 → set → write 1, 0 → reset → write 0
  • RS Flip-Flop
    • R → reset, S → set
    • Constructed by feeding outputs of two NOR gates back to each other's input
  • D Latch
    • D → data
  • RS Flip-flop with preceeding and gates and one inverter
    • Requires only one data input
    • Input from D results in that value as output for Q
    • Also includes clock input C
      • When C is 0, and gates used to pass inputs are 0, so no change occurs and Q holds its values
      • When C is 1, D value is passed through and set

Lecture 6 • 2017/01/25

  • End goal is addres ↔ read/write ↔ sync
    • Solution is gate/lock, eg and gates around SR flip flop
  • To retrieve/send to correct address, use and gates with negations to check for matches.
  • JK flip flop – two RS flip flops w/ clock and other gates
    • Adds a delay to output (first flip flop changes when clock is 1, other one outputs when clock is 0 → half the outputs as input)
  • Half adder only contains A and B inputs
    • When doing addition, only least significant digit is half adder, others are full adders as there are carries
  • Full adder = two half adders glued with or gates
  • Status register has a few bits for unusual situations → overflow, dividing by 0, sign change
  • To build an ALU, we need to know size of inputs and outputs, format, etc
  • How would ALU design change when upgrading?
    • 4 → 8, adding 4 more full adders
  • Subtraction – need to decide how we are doing the operation
    • 5 – 3, 5 + (-3), 5 + (3 * -1)
  • ALU has its V like shape because there are 2’s complement holders for L & R followed by operation section
  • Reminder: 2’s complement – invert all bits and add 1

Lecture 7 • 2017/01/30

  • Making a calculator: get method to check which digit you need, then turn on appropriate sections accordingly.
  • Multiplexers 2a-to-1 mux has 2a inputs x0, … xn-1 & single output z.
    • Selector address ‘a’ composed of input signals y0, …, ya-1 selects which xi signal passes through z
    • Like a router → multiple data, has to take turns
  • Decoder – a-to-2a decoder asserts one and only one of its 2a output lines
    • CPU sequencer is decoder
    • Input is an index; outputs signal on wire of that index
  • Encoder – outputs an a-bit binary number equal to index of single 1 signal among 2a inputs
    • Input from one of the wires; outputs index of that wire
    • Active output used to tell if x0 is ON as compared to an encoder that is off (otherwise both would be 0000)
  • Programmable Combinatorial Parts
    • Type 1 – VIA fuses can be “blown” given sufficient current
    • Type 2 – VIA anti-fuse “sets” given sufficient current (chemical)
    • Drawn as a square, becomes circle
  • Blown fuses connects the wires?
    • Fuses represented by square
  • !!!ROM & PROM shorthand
  • PROM – programmable read only memory
  • PAL – programmable array logic
    • Pairs that go down
  • PLA – programmable logic array
    • Individual lines and or gates forming a hash
    • Both arrays programmable

Lecture 8 • 2017/02/01

  • Encoder/Decoder (see previous lecture)
  • Von Neumann Machine – traditional computer model based on Turing’s theoretical ideas
    • Model: RAM (input) → Processor (Get instruction) → Execution with control unit → RAM (output)
  • Index: MAR – memory address register, MBR – memory buffer register, D0-7 Registers, ALU – arithmetic logic unit, INC – incrementer, PC – program counter, IR – instruction register, CU – control unit, in ram {Mode, AR – address register, DR – data register}
    • Start with IP/PC (same thing)
    • Address in PC sent to address register (MAR → AR)
    • Sends to DR then to buffer (D0 to D7) – buffer may can contain data or instructions
      • Depends on MBR
  • Every instruction in binary has two parts; OP code and address (or something else)
    • Only OP code goes down to control unit
  • IR is basically a “dead end” address will move onto PC, which will increment itself then write into MAR → DR → MBR (overwrites previous content) → next set of instructions
  • CPU loop
    • AR ← PC
    • PC ← PC + 1
    • DR ← RAM[AR]
    • IR ← DR
    • Each line involves one tick (some improvements, like incrementation on same tick)
  • Micro Instruction – way to express CPU operation step by step
  • for index like arrays, ( ) for arguments
    • IR(OP, params)
    • ← indicates move
  • BUS – Address, R/W, Data
    • 1 bit/wire, bottle neck, duality of operation (modes)

Lecture 9 • 2017/02/06

  • An instruction can be any size (ie 8, 16, 32 bits) depending on the CPU
  • Bite – flip flop
  • Byte – 8 flip flops – standard size for RAM
  • Word – standard size for CPU
  • Address – standard size for bus
  • Registers – either Byte, Word, or specialty sizes
  • Ports, slots, other important registers – Often "accessible" but not "addressable"
  • At least now, sizes should agree with each other
  • BUS – conduit for bytes to travel from one location to another (pathway)
    • In buses, address and R/W signals are only 1 way; data however is 2 ways, and is sometimes designed as 2 buses
    • 1 bit per wire
    • Bottle neck; 1 byte of data per movement
    • Duality of operation: byte & word modes
  • Program (assume 8 bit instruction set)
    • MOV D0, D1 D0 ← D1
      Add D1, D0, 5 D1 = D0 + 5
      MOV D0, X D0 gets x from RAM
  • Run Program
    • OS – double click, load to RAM at free space, PC ← 50
  • Program Runs (OS is sleeping; number on top right denotes address)
    • MAR50 ← PC50
      PC51 ← PC + 151
    • AR50 ← MAR56
      DR ← RAM[AR]
    • MBR ← DR
      IR ← MBR
      CU ← IR (op code)
  • OP code ⇒ code # represents instruction
  • Bottom left wires go down to CU
  • Args is complicated; sometimes have one, two, three, etc
    • For our example, there are always 3 arguments
  • Comment: no real difference b/t integers and addresses; just how we use it
  • Need code for all instructions?
  • Each instruction from set is mode of micro-instructions
    • ADD, D1, D0, 5 ⇒ D1 = D0 + 5
    • Micro
      • L ← D0
      • R ← 5
      • A ← ALU(L,R)
      • D1 ← A

Lecture 10 • 2017/02/08

  • Midterm – definitions, circuit drawing/interpreting, data conversions & representation, RAM, adder, addressing, bus, IR, IP, classical & pipeline CPU, off the shelf circuits, mathematical problems as seen in assignment
  • Pipeline as optimized architecture – clock tick sharing
    • CU needs to make sure it goes through all the right loops
  • In pipeline, cacheinput → … → cachedata at 2GHz. It is connected to RAM via a slow bus, but to make use of the speed, there are private fast buses going from the RAM to the cache input and data. They operate at 2Ghz + dump, meaning they collect data and send a bunch at once.
    • Code/load prediction – dumb vs smart (looking one instruction ahead to see when to dump)
  • Fetch portion of CPU
    • PC goes to read address → instruction comes out
    • Instruction R-format
      • OP – op-code (two; one for each CU)
      • RS – register source
      • RT – second register source (optional)
      • RD – register destination
      • SHAMT – shift amount (jump)
      • FUNCT – function-code (ie sub-op-code)
    • Add portion is always connected to 4, as instruction is 32-bit
  • Load portion of CPU
    • OP code goes to CU, other parts of instruction go to registers, some portions skip register altogether
    • Multiple address registers exist so you can fetch and load from multiple addresses at the same time (unlike in RAM where it’s synchronous)

Lecture 11 • 2017/02/15

  • No restrictions in classical CPU relative to pipeline CPU
  • Since bus goes in one direction, we must impose restrictions on the language
    • All instructions are 32 bits, all instructions pass all of pipeline, even if not needed
  • Buses can be made wider to accommodate more instructions per second, but get more expensive while doing so
  • OP-code register much smaller than other registers, since only part of the instructions are OP-codes (let's say an OP-code is 5 bits)
    • All valid values are mapped; using and gates, it is very much like doing an address
    • OP-code for ADD R1, R2, R3, and ADD R1, R2, c (where c is the value, not an address) are different, and will be interpreted differently
    • Using mux, we can choose the inputs we want to compute the result
    • CU is wired to all the components, controlling which data passes through
  • Can't add 2 constants, but we can load one and store it, then load the other
  • Every address has its own pathway
  • When making CPU, we want to pretend that there's only one instruction, execute it, then merge everything in the end
  • Multi-Purpose ALU
    • Load/store – compute memory address
    • R-type – AND, OR, Sub, Add, set-on-less-than
    • BEQ – uses subtraction
    • Managed by 3-bit ALU operation lines
  • In code, conditions are associated with jumps
    • Save, load, add → complex conditions & jumps → cont.

Lecture 12 • 2017/02/20

  • We have to pretend that there are multiple IRs, even though there is only one
  • Imagine a bunch of commands, each with its own shape (if you look at table, families of commands have similar shapes)
  • Example
    • OP dest source const fn (haven’t talked about this yet)
    • ADD R1, R2, const
    • 00001 00001 00010 0011 ?
  • All registers 32 bits
  • Pipeline addresses by 32
  • CPU & registers support 32 bit buses
  • Instructions are 32 bits, but we cannot store 32 in IR since there are other components
    • Solution is sign extension
  • To keep multiple instructions simultaneously, think of the 32-bit IR as 32 flip flop segments
    • Pretend that they have wires coming out and splitting into many more registers
    • However, we only want one instruction turned on at a time → AND gates
    • CU picks which one to turn on – decoder
  • CU components
    • Each bit in OP in IR is connected to an OP register in the CU
    • Also has a counter and an incrementer to loop through all the needed data
    • Simple pipeline: PC → A → CI → B → Reg → C → ALU → D → CD
    • Instructions often need many ticks to execute (ie ADD needs 4 ticks in classical CPUs)
      • L  ← R3 00
        R  ← R2 01
        A  ← L+R 10
        R3 ← A 11
      • Works really well if all instructions have 4 ticks
    • Wires from OP and count come down
  • Datapaths – wires of CPU needed to be engaged during an instruction
    • Includes path connecting registers, gates, ALU, etc
  • Control – portion of CPU – aka CU/sequencer – responsible for timing & triggering of datapath
  • Instruction Format – organization of bits in IR
  • Micro-programming – datapaths that implement the instruction
    • Flat – one instruction executes at a time
    • Pipeline – 1+ instruction at a time
    • Cores – parallel execution

Lecture 13 • 2017/02/22

  • Hazard – danger to keep watch for
    • Structural – CPU cannot support combination of instructions in pipeline (eg single instruction store/load crash)
      • Illegal instruction or illegal result (like divide by zero)
    • Control – branch request causing semi execute pipeline instructions to be unnecessary
    • Data – instruction depends on results of previous instruction in pipeline
      • NOP/wiring for forwarding/backup buffer
  • Fault – error that has occurred
    • Can lead to stall – lengthened CPU cycle
      • Can lead to dump – all instructions dumped from pipeline & re-loaded after fault is handled (major slow down)
      • Or no-op – additional instructions without actions inserted between fault & next instruction to allow CPU to execute problematic instruction without side-effects (minor slow down)
    • Or crash – program is killed and stops
  • Eg dividing by 0
    • MUX with inputs from INC & OS REG
    • Stops incrementer if dividing by 0, looks at error register to find out why
  • If else
    • Requires a jump, but other instructions are already queued up
    • Delete, dump → pipeline loses those nanoseconds
  • While loop requires a jump every time
  • Pipeline structure
    • PC, Jump, CI, Compare, R, Move, ALU, Add, CD
  • Calculating loss
    • Expected(Loss) = P(Loss) * Cost
    • Average stall is 17%; depends on the program
    • Solution – predictions
      • Assume branch will always fail (not used)
  • Happens too often
    • Assume branch success based of type
  • Function calls (yes)
  • Backward jumps (probably loops, yes)
  • If statements (no, fail)
    • Reorder instructions (compiler solution)
  • Need delay to figure out if branch will happen
  • Instead of NOP, reorder branch & preceding instruction
  • Eg
    • Original
      • Add $4, $5, $6
      • Beq $1, $2, 40
      • Lw $3, 300($0)
    • Reorder
      • Beq $1, $2, 40
      • Add cache, $5, $6
      • Lw $3, 300($0)
  • Clock ticks – count of number of actual clock ticks required to perform activity in CPU
  • Cycles – count of number of micro instruction required to perform activity in CPU
    • Important for pipeline, based on instructions; ticks are universal
  • CPU Execution Time is product of…
    • Instruction count (total # of instructions in program)
    • Clock cycles per instruction
    • Clock cycle time
    • In other words, # instr/program * # ticks/instr * # s/tick

Lecture 14 • 2017/03/06

  • Sending address
    • Tick from PC to MAR
    • Tick from MAR to AR
  • Retrieving data
    • Tick from RAM to DR
    • Tick from DR to MBR
    • Tick from MBR to IR
  • During 5 ticks, PC is incremented; it’s always ahead
  • CU has copy of OP code & count
    • Count increments & clears itself
  • Chip Set
    • “on die” – on CPU die
    • “on board” – on system board, commonly near CPU
  • CPU System supports OS Registers, System-board registers, and Chip-sets
    • Co-processors – eg math, matrix, graphics GPUs
    • ROMS – built-in support for video & basic graphics, ASCII support, communication ports, basic peripheral support
  • Chip sets have private buses connecting to CPU
    • Multiple co-processors may exist to deal with crashes
    • May have special assembler instructions
  • CPU constraints
    • Operating system – secure environment; programs should not interfere
      • Have an upper and lower bound for valid pointers
  • OS Boundary Register – prevents process’s PC from addressing into OS space
  • Internal CPU exception handling
    • Reasons
      • Incorrect machine language binary
      • Arithmetic – overflow, divide by zero
      • Incorrect address reference
    • Supporting registers
      • EPC – exception program counter register – address of bad instruction
      • Cause – error code
      • Jump to reserved internal cache memory address for exception assembler code
  • Interrupt – signal sent to overwrite/swap PC with trap’s pointer
  • Multiplication
    • CPU’s ALU – integer operations: + – * /
    • Co-processor’s ALU – floating point operations: + – * /
  • Grade school multiplication – multiply first number by each digit in the second number, and shifting them and adding them (just like how you normally multiply)

Lecture 15 • 2017/03/08

  • When typing on a keyboard, each key is mapped with a wire to a certain value. To make the values universal regardless of the wiring, a ROM can be used to convert it into ASCII. It is then passed to a register, then to the RAM/CPU. The ROM would be part of the chip set
  • Notes about grade school multiplication (with binary values)
    • We do not need to wait to do the sum; product result shifts left naturally
    • If multiplier is 1, copy the multiplicand
    • If multiplier is 0, result is 0
    • Integer multiplier hardware
      • If multiplier bit is 1, sum multiplicand with product & shift left
      • If multiplier bit is 0, shift left multiplicand
      • Eg 0b1101 * 0b1100 = 0b1101 + 0b11010 + 0b110100 + 0b1101000 = 0b10011100
    • Multiplication procedure for a * b; let p = product
      • If (smallest bit in a == 1) p += b
      • b << 1, a >> 1
      • repeat for each new smallest bit ‘a’
    • Hardware improvement
      • Multiplicand & multiplier are 32 bit registers, and product is 64 bit register
      • Product register is right shifted rather than shifting multiplicand (b) left
      • Answer is right most 32 bits
      • Bits passed the mid line in the product do not need to be added again
      • No multiplier register; multiplier is placed in answer part of the product
  • Types of Computers
    • Single CPU – single CPU chip of any type (flat, pipeline, hyper threaded)
      • No cache
    • Multi-CPU – more than one CPU chip of any type
    • Single Core – optimized single CPU chip
      • Bridge connects core with rest of system board
    • Multi-Core – single CPU chip with multiple processors
      • Bus interface is shared; permits same data for all cores
  • Program – compiled algorithm stored on disk
    • Has OS loader & static components
  • Process – executing version of program in RAM
    • Has static & dynamic components
  • Thread – instructions currently executed by CPU
    • One process may have many threads
    • Each thread is instance of process
    • Multithreading for multiple CPU
  • Cores allow for many functions to be executed simultaneously, but require more effort to communicate with each other. The more cores we have, the more the advantages disappear.
  • Core is treated as unique processor, managed by the OS
  • To run one process with 2 threads on a quad-core, the OS can
    • Use 2 cores to run threads simultaneously
    • Use 1 core & task switch between threads
    • Queue process & threads for later as high priority code is executing on all cores
  • OS – operating system
    • Core management
      • Special purpose core assignment – reserve cores for specific uses (eg OS code on core 1)
      • Dedicated application assignment – application attached to core (eg browser on core 2); core is shareable with other processes
      • Core pooled assignment – cores not dedicated to anyone; managed by queue
    • Management types
      • Simple – queue processes, assign to cores, after n ms release cores and repeat
      • Complex – one process has multiple threads; may need to share data so is placed on a core that can do so
  • Multi-core helps keep work flowing; we are limited to how much we can increase speeds for individual cores
  • How unique is each thread?
    • 1 thread/program – we behave this way; everything executes at same time
    • N threads/program – eg browser with multiple windows
      • Needs to coordinate/synchronize, which causes overhead
      • When N > 6 effects overcome speed improvement
  • TLP – thread-level parallelism – multi-core strategy – each core given portion of program to execute
    • Games – core 1 AI, core 2 graphics, core 3 physics, core 4 UI
    • Business – core 1 web server, core 2 database server, core 3-4 system processing
    • Personal computer – core 1 OS, core 2-4 user programs
    • Science – core 1 OS, core 2 data acquisition device, core 3 data analysis device, core 4 other
  • SIMD – single instruction multiple data
    • Eg modern GPU
    • Have matrix of data; single instruction executed on all cells in matrix of data at same time
    • Each matrix cell is actually a core
  • MIMD – multiple instruction multiple data
    • Eg multi-pipeline CPU
    • Pipeline architecture per core, sharing same RAM
    • Each core has own instruction & data cache
    • Core alone is single instruction/data; chip as a whole is multiple instructions/data
  • SMT – simultaneous multi-threading
    • Eg integer ALU is busy, fixed-point ALU is empty; process wanting integer waits & process wanting fixed-point runs
    • Multiple independent threads execute simultaneously on same core
    • Threads can run concurrently but cannot simultaneously use same functional unit
    • Not true parallel processor
      • 30% threading

      • OS sees virtual processor
      • Does not have resources for each core like multi-core
  • Hyperthreading – combining SMT with multi-core (single-core non-SMT, single-core SMT, multi-core non-SMT, multi-core SMT)
  • Memory types
    • Shared – large common memory shared with all processors
      • L2 cache (sometimes private), L3 cache, RAM, in simultaneous multi-threading
    • Not shared – pipeline, L1 cache private
    • Distributed – each processor has own small local memory; not replicated elsewhere
  • Cache types
    • Private – closer to core → faster access; less contention
    • Shared – more space available for big instructions/data programs
  • Contention – more than one core needs access to same cache
    • One core waits; needs circuity to handle competition (small CPU slowdown)
  • Cache coherence problem
    • How do we keep private cache data consistent across caches?
    • Invalidation + snooping – record addresses being used, record MAR used, issue fault when necessary to retrieve correct data
      • Invalidation – core writes to cache → other copies flagged invalid
      • Snooping – cores monitor write operations

Lecture 16 • 2017/03/13

  • MARS download
  • Some instructions go directly through zero page or special pathways (eg to co-processor)
  • CPU has protection schemes
    • Privileged – all registers protecting OS accessible
    • Non-privilege – limited to lower & upper boundaries
      • Cannot access other processes, OS, zero page, system resources
  • Compiling: source code → compiler → assembler → (with library & loader) → linker → executable
    • Assembler verifies syntax & converts to machine code (eg .o file in c)
    • Linker verifies library calls exist & merge library code into program; special OS functions added from loader
    • Executable is a complete machine compatible file, assuming CPU & OS interface matches
  • Programs execute when
    • Source code version == that of compiler
    • Machine code output == CPU instruction format
    • Programs’ loader version == OS API on computer
  • Assembler directives
    • Comments: #
    • Directives: .COMMAND
      • .text – source code segment
      • .data – data segment
    • Labels: LABEL: or LAbEL
      • LABEL: – define label’s location
      • LABEL – references label location
  • Assembly
    • Pass 1 – building symbol table
      • Contains labels and where they are in the address
      • Base address points to first instruction in program, undetermined
      • True value is given by OS after program is launched
      • Remaining address values are offsets after x
    • Pass 2 – machine code generator
      • Contains address and instruction at that address
      • From pass 1, all addresses are offsets from ‘x’
  • Instructions have different classes (name, bit location in brackets)
    • R-type – OP code 0 (31-26), rs (25-21), rt (20-16), rd (15-11), shamt (10-6), funct ALU op (5-0)
      • Eg add $t1, $t2, $t3
      • Bit order: OP code (0), $t2, $t3, $t1, shamt, add
      • 000000 00010 00011 00001 00000 100000
    • Load/store – 35 for load, 43 for store (31-26), rs (25-21), rt 43 for source, 35 for dest (20-16), address (15 – 0)
    • Branch – breq 4 (31-26), rs (25-21), rt (20-16), address (15-0)
    • Jump instruction – 2, address

Lecture 17 • 2017/03/20

  • Virtual memory usage
    • MIPS uses byte addresses
    • Words are 4 bytes
    • Memory holds data structures, spilled (saved) registers, instructions, variables, & constants
    • Bottom of stack is 7fffffffhex
    • Programs start at 400000hex
    • Ascending, contains text segment, data segment, stack segment
    • Stack & data segments are shared space and can crash (overlap)
  • MIPS format is RISC – reduced instruction set computer
    • Use series of simpler instructions rather than complex ones that take more ticks
  • Addressing modes
    • Register addressing
      • Operand is register
      • Eg add $s1, $s2, $s3
    • Base/displacement addressing
      • Operant is memory location
      • Register + offset ← constant
      • Eg lw $s1, 100($s2)
        • AR ← 100 + $s2
    • Immediate addressing
      • Operand is constant (16-bit)
      • Eg addi $s1, $s2, 100
    • PC-relative addressing
      • Mem location = PC + offset ← constant
      • Eg j 2500 or j label
    • Pseudo-direct addressing
      • Mem location = PC (top 6 bits) concat with 26-bit offset
      • Assume 32-bit addressing
      • Eg jal 2500 or jal label

Lecture 18 • 2017/03/22

  • Much of this lecture was talked about in the previous lecture

  • While(save[i] == k) i += j
    • Need to compute index i each time; use temp reg and add; for integers, go 4 bytes forward, or add to itself and do it again.
  • Case/switch
    • Lots of branches with breaks each time.
    • Break not necessary for last case as it jumps to the same location
  • Set less than '-slt $t0, $s0, $s1 – $s0 < $s1 ? $t0 = 1 : $t0 = 0',
    • bne for conditions

Lecture 19 • 2017/03/27

  • Register based
    • Fast & easy, but limited # of registers & no local variable simulation
  • Run-time stack
    • Very large & fits many parameters & can protect local variables, but it’s slower '-Create room for the stack subi $sp, $sp, 16', '-Save variables starting from the back and moving inwards sw $t0, 12($sp), … sw $t4, 0($sp)',
    • Call subroutine & return values assumed in v0/v1 '-Can protect registers by saving previous results in a stack (ie $t0) and then pop them afterwards', '-After we are done, move stack position back (eg addi $sp, $sp, 28)',
  • Global – no scope
    • Registers are loaded at run-time
    • Data is compiled → static
  • Parameters & local variables don’t exist physically and are simulated in a runtime stack
    • Stack is global '$fp refers to where $sp was before', '-Do not let variables refer past $f0'

Lecture 20 • 2017/03/29

  • Floating point instructions
    • Add.s (single precision), add.d (double precision)
  • Buffers
    • Eg Buffer: .space 2000 '-La $s0, Buffer', '-Proceed to use $s0 reference',
  • Syscall values '-Load code instruction into $v0',
    • For arguments, preload them and the call will retrieve the values
    • Service System Call Code Arguments Result
      print_int 1 $a0 = integer
      print_float 2 $f12 = float
      print_double 3 $f12 = double
      print_string 4 $a0 = string
      read_int 5 integer(in $v0)
      read_float 6 float(in $f0)
      read_double 7 double(in $f0)
      read_string 8 $a0 = buffer, $a1 = length
      sbrk 9 $a0 = amount address(in $v0)
      exit 10
  • Elements
    • MIPS CPU support consists of
      • $gp, used like $fp to point to beginning of heap frame
      • System call, sbrk (syscall code 9)
        • Ask OS for n-bytes of data (like malloc)
        • Return address of first byte
    • Can simulate own heap with fixed memory block in data area
  • Polling code
    • Continue checking for a condition and branching to recheck until that condition is met before continuing. Stalls the program

Lecture 21 • 2017/04/03

  • Devices generally have a cmd, data, & status register
  • Devices that are always connected, eg a keyboard/display, have their own constant connections
  • Machines with a different clock speed will interact with RAM in parallel, how do we synchronize the ticks?
  • Polling – CPU waits for device (see lecture above)
    • Requires zero page
    • Checks the status – ready (sync), busy (ignore), error (stop)
    • Simple to write, but very CPU intensive
    • Useful when we need to wait for a user anyways
  • Interrupt – hardware specific
    • In MIPS
      • Requires data, status, cmd, addr registers, and interrupt wiring
      • Give machine task, let it do its thing and send a callback when done
      • Address will point to a function in project
      • If !error && !body, data = …, addr = …, cmd = …
    • In OS
      • PC goes to MAR & INC
      • Another register contains constant, and that register & INC goes to PC
      • Another wire with an interrupt signal goes to PC
      • Other machines can send signal to switch the PC to the address that is being worked on
    • DMI/DMA – direct memory interface/addressing
      • Still connects CPU, device, & RAM to bus
      • Also wires device into RAM so it can download directly
        • Requires ROM, CLK, private bus, DATA, CMD, STATUS, COUNT, ADDR
    • If we need to wait for a user input, we can put the program to sleep until the input is received
    • Allows for multiprocessing
    • Since interrupts require time to send the correct data and address, if the interrupt cycles is very small, it may be more efficient to use polling

Lecture 22 • 2017/04/05

  • RAM is too big to be inside CPU, so we have it separate. The RAM clock is slow, so we have a cache in the CPU
  • Cache size is less than RAM. To map it we can use modulo
  • Locality
    • Temporal – item will be referenced again soon, eg libraries & functions
    • Spatial – adjacent items probably executed next, eg loops & functions
  • Memory hierarchy (fastest to slowest)
    CPU registers flip-flops 1-5ns
    Cache SRAM-transition + power 5-25ns
    RAM DRAM capacitors + refresh 30-120 ns
    Disk Magnetic charge-mechanical 10-20 million ns
  • How to optimally use cache?
    • Hit to miss ratio (cache miss rate) – hit implies we find instruction in cache; miss implies we need to go to RAM
    • If missed, we must access RAM, wait for RAM to complete, put data into cache update table, then restart instruction from cache
    • Miss penalty = cycles to upload data to cache
    • Cost of miss = miss frequency * miss penalty
    • Program speed = n + m * penalty; n & m are # of instructions
  • Basic access architecture
    • PC divided into 3 parts
    • Recall in MIPS that each instruction is 4 bytes
    • No need to store the last two bits for each byte as we can assume it
    • Remainder of instruction is divided into unique | mod | 1/0 (which we ignore)
    • We store the full instruction as a word, and the unique portion as a tag
    • To retrieve data, we find the modulo, then use the tag to match with the proper instruction
    • There is also a bit defining whether a space is in use or not; keep in mind that when we “remove” an instruction, we don’t necessarily clear the bits, but can just say that it’s disabled
    • All matches result in a hit
  • Performance calculation
    • Amdahl’s law – speedup in performance is proportional to new component & actual fraction of work it carries out
    • s = 1/[(1 – f) + f/k]  Where s is speedup, f is fraction of work by component, k is advertised speedup
    • Eg – if processes spend 70% of time in CPU, and there is a computer that functions 50% faster, what is the speedup?
      • s = 1/[(1 – 0.7) + 0.7/1.5] = 30%
  • Transfer rate calculations
    • Eg assuming polling overhead takes 400cs on CPU that runs 500MHz, where cs = 1 tick
    • How much CPU time is used for a hard disk transfer at 4-word chunks at 4MB/s
    • Polling = 4MB/16bytes = 250K times → 250K * 400 = 100 000 000
    • Processor = 100 000 000/500 000 000 = 20%

Lecture 23 • 2017/04/10

  • Independent device with clock & rom – waits for signal and executes instruction depending on input
  • Connected to a register/buffer (with cmd, status, data, port)
  • Connected to RAM which is connected to CPU
  • To run: cmd passed to device, device runs δt, status & data/buffer updated
  • After polling is finished, data still has to be transferred from buffer to RAM
  • Polling example: load 100 bytes, pass to device, wait
  • Interrupt example: load 100 bytes, device handles the rest (no time taken in CPU), status received, bring data in
  • Two ways of doing polling
    • Busy loop – while loop with condition
    • Intermittent loop – have checker in a function and check it with a timer (eg every 0.5s)
      • Can be useful for getting constant slow data, like keyboard input. Check at a time faster than the fastest typist
  • Use interrupts for data that cannot be missed and data that comes at random times (eg internet data) – network card as a clock and does not need to use the CPU
  • MIPS convention – a (params) & v (return) registers used for passing information; no stack
  • ANSI C standard – stack based – push saved & local variables and pop later when needed '-Note that popping doesn’t clear the stack; we just move $sp so that we may reuse the “cleared” addresses',
    • Return values are still added to the v registers
  • Final exam format
    • Closed book, scientific calculator allowed, part marks given, teacher supplied help sheets (op codes, syscalls)
    • Questions
      • Definitions (~4)
      • MIPS programming (2)
      • Circuit drawing (~2)
      • Calculations (~4)
      • Bonus (2)
    • Topics
      • MIPS assembly
      • Circuit interpretation & building
      • MIPS features – caches, virtual & dynamic memory, recursion/stacks, interrupts & exceptions, memory mapped I/O, buses, synchronous vs asynchronous
      • Conventions for passing args & using peripherals
    • Things to know but aren’t tested – digital math & data formats
    • Things to know – Amdahl’s law, polling & interrupt overhead, cache performance