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DIGI ID’ provides a decentralized identification system.
The project tends to offer a secured application where a user can create any digital identity, encrypt it using his public/private keys and store it on a secure decentralized storage system IPFS. This storage data is published on blockchain in encrypted form using asymmetric encryptions and empowers a user to share these identities securely. Also, the issuers are allowed to digitally sign all the identities for verification of data using the public-private key encryption.
Contract is deployed on Polygon Mumbai testnet. Contract Address - View on PolygonScan 0xFbD45EFD350dDC7953F3DbEe9B1E5E233b567845
- ReactJS
- Redux
- Stylings - Material UI , Bootstrap , React Spring
- Wallet Integrations - Metamask
- Solidity
- Test Cases - Mocha And Chai
- Deployment - Polygon Mumbai Testnet
- Clone the repo
git clone
1.2. Install NPM packages
npm install
1.3. Start the React App
npm start
2.2 Go to Contract Directory
cd contract
2.2 Insall packages using truffle
truffle init
1.2. For running test cases start local test net Instance on port 8545 using Ganache
truffle test
1.3. To compile the contarcts
truffle compile
1.3. To deploy the contracts add a .env file with the following variables
truffle deploy --network NEWTWORK_NAME