Objective-C port of SymSpell v6.3.
Realm database is used for speed and memory efficiency.
_arrSuggestion = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
TapAutoCorrect *ac = [[TapAutoCorrect alloc]init];
[ac initSymSpellWithCapacity:16 MaxDictionaryEditDistance:2 PrefixLength:7 CountTHreshold:1 compactLevel:5 maxLength:0];
_arrSuggestion = [ac lookupRealmForWord:_txtWord.text maxEditDistance:2 verbosity:2 includeUnknown:YES];
Distance logic need tobe changed to use SymSpell in keyboards.
"qgsy" should be autocorrected with "what"
You are welcomed to give your ideas/suggestions/improvements to make this port more better.