For general questions about the project, software usage or Blender related issues please use the Discussions tab for that.
If you encounter a bug using NIMPHS, please open a new issue. Do not hesitate to be overly descriptive so that we can reproduce the bug. Screenshots, sample files, tracebacks, etc. are welcomed.
We encourage users to propose new ideas in order to improve NIMPHS. For that, please first open a new issue to describe what could be improved, added or changed. Do not hesitate to illustrate the desired outcomes with schemas, screenshots, documentation, etc.
If you plan to add new data or code to NIMPHS, please make sure its licence is compatible with the licence we use.
Please refer to the information given in the developers manual.
To submit new code to NIMPHS, you first need to fork the GitHub repository. Then, clone the forked repository to your computer. Create a new branch following our branch naming conventions in your local repository.
Next, add your new features in your local branch. Once you are ready to submit your code, please open a new pull request.
When creating a new branch, please name it as indicated here:
: additions or changes in the documentationfeat/
: new feature or significant additionfix/
: bug fixes or minor changesmaint/
: for maintenance tasksrelease/
: for new releases
Use hyphens to separate words in the branch title.
Example: feat/my-new-feature
We use style checking tools to verify that new code always meet our coding style standards. You can run a test using:
pip install pre-commit
pre-commint run --all-files
Run the test suite. Here is an example to run the test suite for Blender 3.2.1:
python -m -b "3.2.1"
For more information, please refer to the corresponding section in the developers manual.
Our documentation is built using the python package sphinx.
When running commands to build the documentation, please make sure you are under the docs/
You can check for misspellings using this command:
make spelling
The code documentation is automatically generated from docstrings written in the python files. Run this command to generate / update code documentation:
sphinx-apidoc -t "_templates/" --implicit-namespaces -d 1 -f -M -T -o source/developers/code/ ../nimphs "/*" "/*" "/*"
Run this command to build the documentation:
make html
It is then available under docs/_build/html/index.html
(open this file in a web browser).