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Janne Grunau edited this page May 30, 2021 · 35 revisions

Getting the macOS development kernel and creating the kernelcache

  1. Create a macOS developer account (requires an icloud account.
  2. Download the Mac OS Kernel Debug Kit (KDK) from Apple:, it should match your Mac OS version.
  3. Install the KDK into Mac OS, the KDK will be installed to /Library/Developer/KDKs/KDK_<MACOS_VERSION>_<KDK_VERSION>.kdk
  4. Change to the kernels directory: cd /Library/Developer/KDKs/KDK_<MACOS_VERSION>_<KDK_VERSION>.kdk/System/Library/Kernels
  5. Switch into the KDK folder and run the following command:
kmutil create -z -n boot -a arm64e -B ~/dev.kc.macho -V development \
-k kernel.development.t8101 \
-r /System/Library/Extensions/ \
-r /System/Library/DriverExtensions \
-x $(kmutil inspect -V release --no-header | grep -v "SEPHiber" | awk '{print " -b "$1; }')

-B designates the output file, our kernel cache is written to dev.kc.macho in the home directory

Starting macOS using the m1n1 hypervisor

  1. Copy the kernelcache to your development machine
  2. Copy the debug DWARF from /Library/Developer/KDKs/KDK_<MACOS_VERSION>_<KDK_VERSION>.kdk/System/Library/Kernels/kernel.development.t8101.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/kernel.development.t8101
  3. Run python3 proxyclient/ -s <PATH_TO_DEBUG_DWARF> <PATH_TO_DEVELOPMENT_KERNEL_CACHE> -- "cpus=1 debug=0x14e serial=3 apcie=0xfffffffe -enable-kprintf-spam wdt=-1" to start macOS with the m1n1 hypervisor.


Source for the kernelcache creation:

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