We welcome any contributions to this project.
If you have a small bugfix and already have the code available, feel free to create a pull request. If you have a feature suggestion, please create an issue. Please follow the instructions provided. Please assign a priority to the issue/pull request according to the definitions found below.
Before writing a patch or a larger chunk of code, please ensure to study the ARCHITECTURE.md and TESTING.md files. Ensure that all tests pass before asking for a review of your pull request.
Each GitHub issue and pull request relating to this repository should have a priority label to make prioritizing easier. The definition of each priority is as follows:
- Critical: A bug currently affecting normal operation or a security problem that needs to be addressed urgently.
- High: An issue that is: a) relevant to current goals of the project, b) a bug that needs to addressed soon to maintain stability, or c) a feature often requested.
- Normal: Most issues belong here. These will include features less often requested, new lower priority features, documentation updates, etc.
- Low: Features that are good to have belong here.
Each GitHub issue and pull-request should have a type of change label associated with it. The definition of these are as follows:
- Bug: Code change to fix a bug, or a bug report.
- Clean up: Pull request for general code clean ups.
- Documentation: Pull request to update documentation.
- Enhancement: A general enhancement – new feature, better implementation, new tests and so forth.
- Remove feature: Pull request to remove feature code.
- Update dependency: Pull request to update one or more dependencies.