NOTE: Documentation is in flux and may not be accurate. Will be made accurate for the official 2.0.0 production release
The Avail Gradle Plugin, avail-plugin
, provides Avail-based project setup
using a Gradle Plugin. It can be found on Github.
The plugin provides:
- Configuration and initialization of your Avail project.
- A human-readable printable configuration of your Avail Project.
- Provides access to Gradle task that will launch a Anvil for Avail development.
To make the plugin accessible you must insure you include the following in the repositories' area of your Gradle settings.gradle.kts:
pluginManagement {
repositories {
// Adds the gradle plugin portal back to the plugin repositories as
// this is removed (overridden) by adding any repository here.
// NOTE as of 5/13/2022 the plugin has yet to be published to the gradle
// plugin repository and as such must be imported from a local repo.
} = "plugin-test"
pluginManagement {
repositories {
// Adds the gradle plugin portal back to the plugin repositories as
// this is removed (overridden) by adding any repository here.
// NOTE as of 5/13/2022 the plugin has yet to be published to the gradle
// plugin repository and as such must be imported from a local repo.
} "plugin-test"
To include the plugin, you must add the plugin id, avail.avail-plugin
provide the corresponding plugin release version in your Gradle build file. The
following is an example that uses the version 2.0.0.alpha20
id("org.availlang.avail-plugin") version "2.0.0.alpha20"
id 'org.availlang.avail-plugin' version '2.0.0.alpha20'
The plugin adds the ability to add Avail source libraries to the Avail home
libraries directory: ~/.avail/libraries
by adding them to dependencies
section of the build file:
dependencies {
The section details the tasks created by the Avail Plugin as well as the task types made available.
The Avail plugin provides some custom Gradle Tasks, AvailWorkbenchTask
This allows you to create a task that launches Anvil to be used to develop
). Anvil is launched by creating a fatjar that includes all
the necessary dependencies for it to run. The jar is placed in$buildDir/anvil
The following tasks are created by the Avail plugin and placed in theavail
task group when the plugin is applied.
setupProject - Initializes the Avail project as configured in the
extension block. -
anvil - This is the default
used to run Anvil for Avail development. -
printAvailConfig - Prints the Avail configuration details to standard out.
========================= Avail Configuration =========================
Included Library Dependency: "avail-stdlib" (rootNameInJar: 'avail'), "org.availlang:avail-stdlib:2.0.0.alpha23-1.6.1.alpha14"
Repository Location: /Users/Rich/.avail/repositories/
Roots Location: file:////Users/Rich/Development/avail-repos/avail/examples/sample-hybrid-project/roots
Included Roots:
• avail-stdlib: /Users/Rich/.avail/libraries/org/availlang/avail-stdlib-2.0.0.alpha23-1.6.1.alpha14.jar
• other-root: /Users/Rich/Development/avail-repos/avail/examples/sample-hybrid-project/roots/other-root
• my-avail-root: /Users/Rich/Development/avail-repos/avail/examples/sample-hybrid-project/roots/my-avail-root
Created Roots:
Root Contents:
|- App.avail
|-- App.avail
|-- Configurations.avail
|-- Network.avail
|--- Network.avail
|--- Server.avail
|- Scripts.avail
Library Artifacts Roots In Jars:
Root name in jar: 'avail'
The Avail Standard Library primary module root
The following is an example build.gradle.kts
file that uses the Avail Plugin.
You can see a full project example in sample-project.
import avail.plugin.CreateAvailArtifactJar
import org.availlang.artifact.AvailArtifactType.APPLICATION
import org.availlang.artifact.AvailArtifactType.LIBRARY
import org.availlang.artifact.PackageType.JAR
import org.availlang.artifact.environment.location.AvailRepositories
import org.availlang.artifact.environment.location.ProjectHome
import org.availlang.artifact.environment.location.Scheme.FILE
import org.availlang.artifact.environment.project.AvailProject.Companion.ROOTS_DIR
import org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.JavaCompile
import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.withType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile
import org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging.TestExceptionFormat
import org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging.TestLogEvent.*
plugins {
kotlin("jvm") version Versions.kotlin
// Import the Avail Plugin into the build script
id("org.availlang.avail-plugin") version Versions.availGradle
// Used to create a runnable Uber Jar
id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") version "7.1.2"
group = "org.availlang.sample"
version = "2.0.0.alpha01"
repositories {
val jvmTarget = 17
val jvmTargetString = "17"
java {
toolchain {
kotlin {
jvmToolchain {
dependencies {
// Dependency prevents SLF4J warning from being printed
// see:
// Can add an Avail library dependency as a jar available in one of the
// repositories listed in the repository section
// Downloads avail library to ~/.avail/libraries
// This block configures an AvailExtension instance that is used by the Avail
// Gradle plugin for configuring the Avail application.
avail {
// A description for this Avail project.
projectDescription =
"This description goes into the Avail manifest in the jar!"
// The version of the Avail VM to target. This is used to specify the
// version of the Avail VM when launching Anvil
availVersion = "2.0.0.alpha23"
// The name of the Avail project. This will be the name of the Avail project
// config file. It defaults to the Gradle project name.
name = "sample-hybrid"
// Adds an Avail library from a dependency from one of the Gradle
// repositories.
rootName = "avail-stdlib",
rootNameInJar = "avail",
dependency = "org.availlang:avail-stdlib:2.0.0.alpha23-1.6.1.alpha14")
// Specify the AvailLocation where to write the .repo files to. This
// defaults to the Avail home repos, AvailRepositories, directory in the
// user's home directory: <user-home>/.avail/repositories
repositoryDirectory = AvailRepositories(rootNameInJar = null)
// The AvailLocation directory where the project's Avail roots exist, not
// imported libraries. By default, this is in AvailProject.ROOTS_DIR at the
// top level of the project which is the value currently set here.
rootsDirectory = ProjectHome(
// Point to a file that contains the file header comment body to be used
// by all generated modules.
moduleHeaderCommentBodyFile = "$projectDir/copyright.txt"
// Add this new root to the roots directory and create it. Will only create
// files in this root that do not already exist.
val customHeader =
"Copyright © 1993-2022, The Avail Foundation, LLC.\n" +
"All rights reserved."
// Add a module package to this created root. Only happens if file does
// not exist.
// Specify module header for package representative.
versions = listOf("Avail-1.6.1")
// The modules to extend in the Avail header.
extends = listOf("Avail", "Configurations", "Network")
// Add a module to this module package.
addModule("Configurations").apply {
// Specify module header for this module.
versions = listOf("Avail-1.6.1")
// The modules to list in the uses section in the Avail header.
uses = listOf("Avail")
// Override the module header comment from
// moduleHeaderCommentBodyFile
moduleHeaderCommentBody = customHeader
// Add a module package to this module package.
addModulePackage("Network").apply {
println("Setting up Network.avail")
versions = listOf("Avail-1.6.1")
uses = listOf("Avail")
extends = listOf("Server")
moduleHeaderCommentBody = customHeader
addModule("Server").apply {
versions = listOf("Avail-1.6.1")
uses = listOf("Avail")
moduleHeaderCommentBody = customHeader
// Add a module to the top level of the created root.
module("Scripts").apply {
versions = listOf("Avail-1.6.1")
uses = listOf("Avail")
moduleHeaderCommentBody = customHeader
// This represents a PackageAvailArtifact. It is used to configure the
// creation of an Avail artifact.
artifact {
// The AvailArtifactType; either LIBRARY or APPLICATION. The default
artifactType = APPLICATION
// The PackageType that indicates how the Avail artifact is to be
// packaged. Packaging as a JAR is the default setting. At time of
// writing on JAR files were supported for packaging.
packageType = JAR
// The base name to give to the created artifact. This defaults to the
// project name.
artifactName =
// The version that is set for the artifact. This is set to the
// project's version by default.
version = project.version.toString()
// The [Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE inside the JAR file
implementationTitle = "Avail Sample Hybrid Application"
// The [Attributes.Name.MAIN_CLASS] for the manifest or an empty string
// if no main class set. This should be the primary main class for
// starting the application.
jarManifestMainClass = "org.availlang.sample.AppKt"
// The location to place the artifact. The value shown is the default
// location.
outputDirectory = "${project.buildDir}/libs/"
// The MessageDigest algorithm to use to create the digests for all the
// Avail roots' contents. This must be a valid algorithm accessible from
// ``.
artifactDigestAlgorithm = "SHA-256"
// Add a file to the artifact
// addFile(File("a/file/somewhere.txt"), "target/dir/in/artifact")
// Add a JAR file (`JarFile`) to the artifact
// addJar(myJarFile)
// Add a zip file (`ZipFile`) to the artifact
// addZipFile(myZipFile)
// Add directory to the artifact
// addDirectory(File("some/directory"))
// Add a dependency to the artifact that will be resolved by this task
// Add a module dependency to the artifact that will be resolved by this
// task
// A helper getter to obtain the AvailExtension object configured in the
// `avail {}` block above.
val availExtension get() = project.extensions
tasks {
jar {
doLast {
// This re-creates the JAR, deleting the present JAR first. This
// is done due to the publishing sanity check introduced in Gradle
// 6.3 that does an internal check to confirm that the jar was
// effectively constructed by the standard JAR task in some
// predetermined internal order. This problem manifests with this
// error message:
// `Artifact <TARGET JAR>.jar wasn't produced by this build.`
// At the time of writing this was the only solution identified so
// far that overcame the issue.
// This is the task that uses the configuration done in the AvailExtension
// block, `avail {}`, to construct the artifact JAR. It is not necessary to
// add this to the tasks, it is only here to demonstrate its existence for
// completeness.
availArtifactJar {
// This demonstrates the use of CreateAvailArtifactJar task to create a task
// that constructs a custom Avail artifact.
val myCustomArtifactJar by creating(
// Ensure project is built before creating jar.
// The version to give to the created artifact
// ([Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION]). This is a required field.
// The base name of the artifact. This is a required field.
// The AvailArtifactType; either LIBRARY or APPLICATION. The default
artifactType = LIBRARY
// The description of the Avail artifact added to the artifacts
// AvailArtifactManifest.
artifactDescription = "A description of the Avail artifact " +
"constructed by this custom task."
// The [Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE inside the JAR file
// MANIFEST.MF. This defaults to
implementationTitle = "Avail Sample Hybrid Application"
// Add an AvailRoot to this custom Avail artifact. Note that the added
// root MUST be present in the AvailExtension (avail {}) configuration
// added with either:
// * AvailExtension.includeAvailLibDependency
// * AvailExtension.includeStdAvailLibDependency
// Add a file to the artifact
// addFile(File("a/file/somewhere.txt"), "target/dir/in/artifact")
// Add a JAR file (`JarFile`) to the artifact
// addJar(myJarFile)
// Add a zip file (`ZipFile`) to the artifact
// addZipFile(myZipFile)
// Add directory to the artifact
// addDirectory(File("some/directory"))
// Add a dependency to the artifact that will be resolved by this task
// Add a module dependency to the artifact that will be resolved by this
// task
withType<KotlinCompile> {
kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = jvmTargetString
withType<JavaCompile> {
sourceCompatibility = jvmTargetString
targetCompatibility = jvmTargetString
jar {
manifest.attributes["Main-Class"] =
shadowJar {
test {
val toolChains =
toolChains.launcherFor {
testLogging {
events = setOf(FAILED)
exceptionFormat = TestExceptionFormat.FULL
showExceptions = true
showCauses = true
showStackTraces = true
To publish this project locally, use the task, publishToMavenLocal
under the
group. This will publish your plugin to ~/.m2
You can pull in the plugin repository from the local maven repository by
adding mavenLocal()
to your settings.gradle.kts
file as shown below.
Make sure to add back the gradlePluginPortal()
as this is the default that
is stripped when adding anything to the repositories
block in
pluginManagement {
repositories {
// Adds the gradle plugin portal back to the plugin repositories as
// this is removed (overridden) by adding any repository here.
} = "plugin-test"