Microsoft Sentinel Solutions provide an in-product experience for central discoverability, single-step deployment, and enablement of end-to-end product and/or domain and/or vertical scenarios in Microsoft Sentinel. This experience is powered by Azure Marketplace for Solutions' discoverability, deployment and enablement and Microsoft Partner Center for Solutions’ authoring and publishing. Refer to details in Microsoft Sentinel solutions documentation. Detailed partner guidance for authoring and publishing solutions is covered in building Microsoft Sentinel solutions guidance.
The packaging tool detailed below provides an easy way to generate your solution package of choice in an automated manner and enables validation of the package generated as well. You can package different types of Microsoft Sentinel content that includes a combination of data connectors, parsers or Kusto Functions, workbooks, analytic rules, hunting queries, Azure Logic apps custom connectors, playbooks and watchlists.
Install PowerShell 7.1+
If you already have PowerShell 5.1, please follow this upgrade guide.
If you do not already have PowerShell, please follow this installation guide.
Install Node.js
- The installation process can be started from their website.
Install YAML Toolkit for Powershell
Install-Module powershell-yaml
For ease of editing, it's recommended to use VSCode with the 'Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Tools' extension installed
Install VSCode.
Install the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Tools Extension.
- This extension provides language support, resource auto-completion, and automatic template validation within your IDE.
Clone the repository Azure-Sentinel to C:\GitHub
- Make sure to have a .json input data file inside of 'data' folder for your solution.
- There is NO need to place your data file inside of input folder as during package creation you will be asked to enter the data folder path from Solutions: eg: C:\Github\Azure-Sentinel\Solutions\Agari\Data
* Solution Automation Input File Json
* -----------------------------------------------------
* The purpose of this json is to provide detail on the various fields the input file can have.
* Name: Solution Name - Ex. "Symantec Endpoint Protection"
* Author: Author Name+Email of Solution - Ex. "Eli Forbes - [email protected]"
* Logo: Link to the Logo used in createUiDefinition.json
* - NOTE: This field is only recommended for Azure Global Cloud. It is not recommended for solutions in Azure Government Cloud as the image will not be shown properly.
* Description: Solution Description used in createUiDefinition.json. Can include markdown.
* WorkbookDescription: Workbook description(s), generally from Workbooks' Metadata. This field can be a string if 1 description is used across all, and an array if multiple are used.
* PlaybookDescription: Playbook description(s), generally from Playbooks' Metadata. This field can be a string if 1 description is used across all, and an array if multiple are used.
* WatchlistDescription: Watchlist description(s), generally from Watchlists' Property data. This field can be a string if 1 description is used across all, and an array if multiple are used. This field is used if the description from the Watchlist resource is not desired in the Create-UI.
* Workbooks, Analytic Rules, Playbooks, etc.: These fields take arrays of paths relative to the repo root, or BasePath if provided.
* SavedSearches: This input assumes a format of any of the following:
* -- Direct export via API (see
* -- Array of SavedSearch resources
* -- Raw ARM template
* - NOTE: Playbooks field can take standard Playbooks, Custom Connectors, and Function Apps. Sequence of Playbooks should be FunctionApps, Custom Connector and then rest of the Playbooks. If FunctionApps and Custom Connector are not present then just specify Playbooks.
* BasePath: Optional base path to use. Either Internet URL or File Path. Default is repo root (
* Version: Version to be used during package creation. Default version will be 3.0.0. This tool supports package creation for 2.x.x(Template Spec) and 3.x.x(contentPackages). Based on variable 'defaultPackageVersion' and given Version input. If the defaultPackageVersion is 3.0.0 and Data file input version is 2.0.1 then it package generated is of 3.0.0 i.e which ever is higher takes precedence. Here we are also verifying the catalogAPI to check version deployed in PartnerCenter. If 'defaultPackageVersion' is 2.0.0 and data input file version is 2.0.4 but in PartnerCenter catalogAPI version installed is 2.0.2 then package generated is of 2.0.3 i.e it will increment the package version based on catalogAPI.
* Metadata: Name of metadata file for the Solution, path is to be considered from BasePath.
* TemplateSpec: Boolean value used to determine whether the package should be generated as a template spec
* dependentDomainSolutionIds: (Optional property) If a solution is dependent on other domain solutions then use its solution id. This solutionId is a combination of publisherId.offerId. If there are multiple domain solutions then specify in comma separated values like below.
eg: "dependentDomainSolutionIds": [ "",
* StaticDataConnectorIds: Optional Array Property: Specify which data connector should be of StaticUI connector kind. If this property is not present then by default it will treat data connector as GenericUI kind. If you want to create a StaticUI data connector then specify the value of "id" property from data connector in this array property.
eg 1 For single static data connector:
"StaticDataConnectorIds": [ "AzureActivity" ]
eg 2 For multiple static data connector:
"StaticDataConnectorIds": [
"Name": "{SolutionName}",
"Author": "{AuthorName - Email}",
"Logo": "<img src=\"{LogoLink}\" width=\"75px\" height=\"75px\">",
"Description": "{Solution Description}",
"WorkbookDescription": ["{Description of workbook}"],
"Workbooks": [],
"WorkbookBladeDescription: string; //Description used in the CreateUiDefinition.json for Workbooks Blade
"AnalyticalRuleBladeDescription": "{//Description used in the CreateUiDefinition.json for Analytical Rule Blade"
"HuntingQueryBladeDescription": "//Description used in the CreateUiDefinition.json for Hunting Query Blade"
"PlaybooksBladeDescription": "//Description used in the CreateUiDefinition.json for Playbook Blade"
"Analytic Rules": [],
"Playbooks": [], //Please make sure if there is any CustomConnector in the solution then it's entry should be added prior to any other playbook.
"PlaybookDescription": ["{Description of playbook}"],
"Parsers": [],
"SavedSearches": [],
"Hunting Queries": [],
"Data Connectors": [],
"Watchlists": [],
"WatchlistDescription": [],
"dependentDomainSolutionIds": [],
"BasePath": "{Path to Solution Content}",
"Version": "3.0.0", // Default version of 3.0.0. If you want create templateSpec package then change variable 'defaultPackageVersion' value in createSolutionV3.ps1 file
"Metadata": "{Name of Solution Metadata file}",
"TemplateSpec": true, // Default should be true
"StaticDataConnectorIds": [] // Optional array property. Specify Static Data Connector Ids only. If Generic Data connector than no need to specify.
"Name": "Cisco Umbrella",
"Author": "Microsoft - [email protected]",
"Logo": "<img src=\"\" width=\"75px\" height=\"75px\">",
"Description": "The [Cisco Umbrella]( solution for Microsoft Sentinel enables you to ingest [Cisco Umbrella events]( stored in Amazon S3 into Microsoft Sentinel using the Amazon S3 REST API.
**Underlying Microsoft Technologies used:**\n\nThis solution takes a dependency on the following technologies, and some of these dependencies either may be in [Preview]( state or might result in additional ingestion or operational costs:
a. [Azure Monitor HTTP Data Collector API](
b. [Azure Functions]( ",
"WorkbookBladeDescription": "This Microsoft Sentinel Solution installs workbooks. Workbooks provide a flexible canvas for data monitoring, analysis, and the creation of rich visual reports within the Azure portal. They allow you to tap into one or many data sources from Microsoft Sentinel and combine them into unified interactive experiences.",
"AnalyticalRuleBladeDescription": "This solution installs the following analytic rule templates. After installing the solution, create and enable analytic rules in Manage solution view. ",
"HuntingQueryBladeDescription": "This solution installs the following hunting queries. After installing the solution, run these hunting queries to hunt for threats in Manage solution view",
"PlaybooksBladeDescription": "This solution installs the following Playbook templates. After installing the solution, playbooks can be managed in the Manage solution view. ",
"Data Connectors": [
"Parsers": [
"Hunting Queries": [
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Hunting Queries/CiscoUmbrellaAnomalousFQDNsforDomain.yaml",
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Hunting Queries/CiscoUmbrellaBlockedUserAgents.yaml",
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Hunting Queries/CiscoUmbrellaDNSErrors.yaml",
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Hunting Queries/CiscoUmbrellaDNSRequestsUunreliableCategory.yaml",
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Hunting Queries/CiscoUmbrellaHighCountsOfTheSameBytesInSize.yaml",
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Hunting Queries/CiscoUmbrellaHighValuesOfUploadedData.yaml",
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Hunting Queries/CiscoUmbrellaPossibleConnectionC2.yaml",
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Hunting Queries/CiscoUmbrellaPossibleDataExfiltration.yaml",
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Hunting Queries/CiscoUmbrellaProxyAllowedUnreliableCategory.yaml",
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Hunting Queries/CiscoUmbrellaRequestsUncategorizedURI.yaml"
"Analytic Rules": [
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Analytic Rules/CiscoUmbrellaConnectionNon-CorporatePrivateNetwork.yaml",
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Analytic Rules/CiscoUmbrellaConnectionToUnpopularWebsiteDetected.yaml",
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Analytic Rules/CiscoUmbrellaCryptoMinerUserAgentDetected.yaml",
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Analytic Rules/CiscoUmbrellaEmptyUserAgentDetected.yaml",
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Analytic Rules/CiscoUmbrellaHackToolUserAgentDetected.yaml",
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Analytic Rules/CiscoUmbrellaPowershellUserAgentDetected.yaml",
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Analytic Rules/CiscoUmbrellaRareUserAgentDetected.yaml",
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Analytic Rules/CiscoUmbrellaRequestAllowedHarmfulMaliciousURICategory.yaml",
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Analytic Rules/CiscoUmbrellaRequestBlocklistedFileType.yaml",
"Solutions/CiscoUmbrella/Analytic Rules/CiscoUmbrellaURIContainsIPAddress.yaml"
"Workbooks": [
"Playbooks": [
"BasePath": "C:\\GitHub\\Azure-Sentinel",
"Version": "3.0.0", // Default version of 3.0.0. If you want create templateSpec package then change variable 'defaultPackageVersion' value in createSolutionV3.ps1 file
"Metadata": "SolutionMetadata.json",
"TemplateSpec": true, // Default should be true
"StaticDataConnectorIds": [] // Optional array property. Specify Static Data Connector Ids only. If Generic Data connector than no need to specify.
Create a file and place it in the base path of solution
- Refer to the Microsoft Sentinel content and solutions categories documentation for a complete list of valid Microsoft Sentinel categories.
- Refer to Microsoft Sentinel content and support documentation for information on valid support models.
* Solution Automation Metadata File Json
* -----------------------------------------------------
* The purpose of this json is to provide detail on the various fields the metadata solution can have. Refer to the metadata schema and example provided after the definitions for further context.
* publisherId: An identifier that's used by Partner Center to uniquely identify the publisher associated with a commercial marketplace account.- Ex. "azuresentinel", "CheckPoint", "semperis"
* offerId: Id of the Offer of Solution - Ex. "azure-sentinel-solution-ciscoaci", "azure-sentinel-solution-semperis-dsp"
* firstPublishDate: Solution first published date
* lastPublishDate: Latest published date of Solution
* providers: Provider of the solution. Specify one or many providers as a comma separated list as applicable for the solution - Ex. Cisco, Checkpoint, Microsoft
* categories: Domain and Vertical applicability of the solution. There can be multiple domain and/or vertical categories applicable to the same solution which can be represented as an array. For e.g. Domains - "Security - Network", "Application", etc. and Vertical - "Healthcare", "Finance". Refer to the [Microsoft Sentinel content and solutions categories documentation]( for a complete list of valid Microsoft Sentinel categories.
* support: Name, Email, Tier and Link for the solution support details.
* - NOTE: Additional metadata properties like Version, Author, etc. are used by the packaging tool based on the values provided in the input file. Format specified in the example below. Refer to [Microsoft
content and support documentation]( for further information.
"publisherId": {Id of Publisher},
"offerId": {Solution Offer Id},
"firstPublishDate": {Solution First Published Date},
"lastPublishDate": {Solution recent Published Date},
"providers": {Solution provider list},
"categories": {
"domains" : {Solution category domain list},
"verticals": {Solution category vertical list},
"support": {
"name": {Publisher ID},
"email": {Email for Solution Support},
"tier": {Support Tier},
"link": {Link of Support contacts for Solution},
"publisherId": "azuresentinel",
"offerId": "azure-sentinel-solution-mcafeeepo",
"firstPublishDate": "2021-03-26",
"lastPublishDate": "2021-08-09",
"providers": ["Cisco"],
"categories": {
"domains" : ["Security - Network"],
"verticals": []
"support": {
"name": "Microsoft Corporation",
"email": "[email protected]",
"tier": "Microsoft",
"link": ""
NOTE: It is now recommended to use 'createSolutionV3.ps1' file instead of 'createSolutionV2.ps1'. 'createSolutionV2.ps1' is not recommended going forward. 'createSolutionV4.ps1' file is used for GitHub pipeline and is not used for local use. 'createSolutionV3.ps1' requires 'commonFunctions.ps1' file which is placed under 'Tools\Create-Azure-Sentinel-Solution\common' path and this file 'commonFunctions.ps1' has all core logic to create package.
To generate the solution package, run the createSolutionV3.ps1
script in the automation folder, Tools/Create-Azure-Sentinel-Solution/V3
Ex. From repository root, run:
Executing above command with ask you to enter the data file path in the solution as 'Enter solution data file path'. Just specify the data folder path from Solutions. No need to specify data file path. This will generate and compress the solution package, and name the package using the version provided in the input file. eg: Enter solution data file path : C:\Github\Azure-Sentinel\Solutions\Agari\data
In above example we have provided path of data folder only without file name. Also there is NO need to copy paste data input file to Tools/input folder.
The package consists of the following files:
: Template containing the definition for the Deployment Creation UI -
: Template containing Deployable Resources
These files will be created in the solution's Package
folder with respect to the resources provided in the given input file. For every new modification to the files after the initial version of package, a new zip file should be created with an updated version name (3.0.0, 3.0.1 etc.) containing modified createUIDefinition.json
and mainTemplate.json
Upon package creation, the automation will automatically import and run validation on the generated files using the Azure Toolkit / TTK CLI tool.
Note: To create a CCP based connector refer link.
The Azure Toolkit Validation is run automatically after package generation. However, if you make any manual edits to the template after the package is generated, you'll need to manually run the Azure Toolkit technical validation on your solution to check the end result.
If you've already run the package creation tool in your current PowerShell instance, you should have the validation command imported and available, otherwise follow the steps below to install.
- Clone the arm-ttk repository to
- If
does not exist, create the folder. - You may also choose a different folder, but properly reference it in the Profile script.
- If
- Open your Powershell Profile script
- To find your Powershell Profile Script:
- Open Powershell.
- Type
, and hit enter. - Your Powershell Profile script path will be output to the screen.
- Open the Profile script.
- To find your Powershell Profile Script:
- Add the following line of code to your Profile script.
Import-Module C:\One\arm-ttk\arm-ttk\arm-ttk.psd1
- Save and close your Profile script.
- Refresh your profile.
- Run the following command in Powershell:
& $profile
- Alternatively, you can close and re-open your PowerShell window.
- Run the following command in Powershell:
- Navigate to the directory of your solution.
- Run:
Once the package is created and Azure Toolkit technical validation is passing, one should manually validate that the package is created as desired.
1. Validate createUiDefinition.json:
- Open CreateUISandbox.
- Copy json content from createUiDefinition.json (in the recent version).
- Clear that content in the editor and replace with copied content in step #2.
- Click on preview
- You should see the User Interface preview of data connector, workbook, etc., and descriptions you provided in input file.
- Check the description and User Interface of solution preview.
2. Validate maintemplate.json:
Validate mainTemplate.json
by deploying the template in portal.
Follow these steps to deploy in portal:
- Open up which launches the Azure portal with the needed private preview flags.
- Go to "Deploy a Custom Template" on the portal
- Select "Build your own template in Editor".
- Copy json content from
(in the recent version). - Clear that content in the editor and replace with copied content in step #3.
- Click Save and then progress to selecting subscription, Sentinel-enabled resource group, and corresponding workspace, etc., to complete the deployment.
- Click Review + Create to trigger deployment.
- Check if the deployment successfully completes.
- You should see the data connector, workbook, etc., deployed in the respective galleries and validate – let us know your feedback.
This will generally show as a warning but the test will be skipped. This will not be perceived as an error by the build.
This issue most commonly comes from the serialized workbook and playbooks, due to certain properties in the json having values of null, [], or {}. To fix this, remove these properties.
Some IDs used, most commonly in resources of type Microsoft.Web/connections
, tend to throw this error despite seeming to fit the expected format. To fix this define two variables, one which uses the problematic ID value, and another which references the first variable, then use this second variable as necessary in place of the ID value. See below for example of such a variable pair:
"variables": {
"playbook-1-connection-1": "[concat('/subscriptions/', subscription().subscriptionId, '/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/', parameters('workspace-location'), '/managedApis/microsoftgraphsecurity')]",
"_playbook-1-connection-1": "[variables('playbook-1-connection-1')]"
Some resources, particularly playbook-related resources, come in with outdated apiVersion
properties, and depending on the version it may not be picked up as outdated by the validation.
Please ensure that resources of the following types use the corresponding versions:
"type": "Microsoft.Web/connections",
"apiVersion": "2018-07-01-preview",
"type": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows",
"apiVersion": "2019-05-01",
It's possible some default parameters may go unused, especially if the solution consists mainly of playbooks. On failure this check will output the unused parameter(s) that exist within the mainTemplate.json
To fix this, remove the unused parameter from the parameters
section of mainTemplate.json
, and check the following common issue "Outputs Must Be Present In Template Parameters".
In most cases, this error is a result of removing an unused parameter reference from mainTemplate.json
. To fix the error in such a case, remove the problematic output variable from the outputs
section of createUiDefinition.json
Otherwise, the parameter will need be added in the parameters
section of mainTemplate.json
and referenced as necessary.
If you generate your solution package using a version of PowerShell under 7.1, you'll likely face encoding errors which cause issues within the mainTemplate.json
The main encoding issue here will be that single-quote characters '
are encoded into \u0027
, and due to function references relying on single-quotes, this will break the template.
To resolve this issue, it's recommended that you install PowerShell 7.1+ and re-generate the package.
See Setup to install PowerShell 7.1+.
If the YAML Toolkit for PowerShell is not installed, you may experience errors related to converting .yaml
files, for analytic rules or otherwise.
To resolve this issue, it's recommended that you install the YAML Toolkit for Powershell.
See Setup to install the YAML Toolkit for PowerShell.
If you see arm-ttk error for 'contentProductId' and 'id' for 'Ids should be derived from ResourceIds' then you can ignore this error validations.
Make sure to specify file extension in lower case and and not caps(eg: office365.JSON).