Name | Type | Description | Notes |
CandyMachineId | string | The ID of the candy machine. This is the same as `config_address` for `v2` candy machines (supply either). | [optional] |
ConfigAddress | string | The configuration address of the candy machine. This is the same as `candy_machine_id` for `v2` candy machines (supply either). | [optional] |
Uuid | string | The uuid of the candy machine. This is an alphanumeric string of length six (e.g., HpVdfP), which corresponds to the first six characters of the config_address. | [optional] |
Network | string | [optional] [default to NetworkEnum.Devnet] | |
CandyMachineContractVersion | string | The candy machine contract of the candy machine for which you are retrieving the metadata. If you are providing `v1` candy machine ID, set this to `v1`. If you are providing `v2` candy machine ID, set this to `v2`. If you don't know which version your candy machine is, check out <a href="#operation/solanaGetAccountIsCandyMachine">this endpoint</a>. | [optional] [default to CandyMachineContractVersionEnum.V1] |