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Nuxeo Docker Image

Nuxeo provides a ready to use Docker image that is pushed to our Docker registry. To pull the image, run:

docker pull <DOCKER_REGISTRY>/nuxeo:<TAG>


This Docker image doesn't aim to replace the Nuxeo Docker official image. It implements a different approach to try having an immutable image configured at build time instead of runtime.

Nuxeo Image

Based on CentOS 7, it includes:

  • OpenJDK.
  • A bare Nuxeo server without any package installed.
  • Some basic Open Source converters, e.g.: ImageMagick, LibreOffice.
  • A nuxeo user with the 900 fixed UID.
  • The directories required to have the Nuxeo configuration, data and logs outside of the server directory, with appropriate permissions.
  • An entrypoint script to configure the server.
  • The default recommended volumes.
  • The environment variables required by the server, typically NUXEO_HOME and NUXEO_CONF.
  • The exposed port 8080.


As it contains some non-free codecs, FFmpeg isn't part of the Nuxeo image. However, you can build a custom Docker image, based on the Nuxeo one, including the ffmpeg package provided by RPM Fusion, see the Dockerfile sample below. The resulting ffmpeg binary embeds all the codecs required for Nuxeo video conversions.


# we need to be root to run yum commands
# install RPM Fusion free repository
RUN yum -y localinstall --nogpgcheck
# install ffmpeg package
RUN yum -y install ffmpeg
# set back original user
USER 900

Build the Image

It requires to install Docker.

There are several ways to build the image, depending on the context:

  • For a local build, use Maven.
  • For a pipeline running in Jenkins on Kubernetes, use Skaffold.
  • In any case, you can use Docker.

With Maven

To build the nuxeo/nuxeo image locally, run:

mvn -nsu install

With Skaffold

We use Skaffold to build the image as part of the nuxeo pipeline in our Jenkins CI/CD platform.

This requires to:

  • Install Skaffold.
  • Install kubectl.
  • Configure kubectl to connect to a Kubernetes cluster.

It also requires the following environment variables:

  • DOCKER_REGISTRY: the Docker registry to push the image to.
  • VERSION: the image tag, for instance latest.

To build the nuxeo/nuxeo image with Skaffold, you first need to fetch the Nuxeo server ZIP file and make it available for the Docker build with Maven:

mvn -nsu process-resources

Then, from the root directory, run:

skaffold build -f docker/skaffold.yaml

With Docker

To build the nuxeo/nuxeo image with Docker, you first need to fetch the Nuxeo server ZIP file and make it available for the Docker build with Maven:

mvn -nsu process-resources

Then, run:

docker build -t nuxeo/nuxeo:latest .

Run the Image

To run a container from the nuxeo/nuxeo image built locally, run:

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 nuxeo/nuxeo:latest

To pull the nuxeo/nuxeo image from our Docker regsitry and run a container from it, run:

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 <DOCKER_REGISTRY>/nuxeo/nuxeo:latest

Inspect the Image

To inspect the different layers included in the image, you can run:

docker history nuxeo/nuxeo:latest

The dive tool is also very good for exploring an image, its layer contents and discovering ways to shrink the image size:

dive nuxeo/nuxeo:latest

Build a Custom Image From Nuxeo

We provide a utility script to install remote Nuxeo packages from Nuxeo Connect and local Nuxeo packages when building an image from the Nuxeo image:

For instance, you can use this script in the following Dockerfile:



COPY --chown=900:0 path/to/local-package-nodeps-*.zip $NUXEO_HOME/local-packages/
COPY --chown=900:0 path/to/local-package-*.zip $NUXEO_HOME/local-packages/

# Install a local package without its dependencies (`mp-install --nodeps`)
RUN / --offline $NUXEO_HOME/local-packages/
# Install remote packages and a local package with its dependencies
RUN / --clid ${CLID} --connect-url ${CONNECT_URL} nuxeo-web-ui nuxeo-drive $NUXEO_HOME/local-packages/

Configure the Image at Runtime

Though we try to have immutable images configured at build time, in some cases it makes sense to configure a container at runtime. This typically applies to the address and credentials of each back-end store (database, Elasticsearch, S3, etc.) that are specific to a given deployment: development, staging, production, etc.

Configuration Properties

To add some configuration properties when running a container from a Nuxeo image, you can mount property files as volumes into the /etc/nuxeo/conf.d directory of the container. Each property file will be appended to nuxeo.conf ordered by filename during startup.

For instance, to append the following postgresql.conf file to nuxeo.conf:

you can run:

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v /path/to/postgresql.conf:/etc/nuxeo/conf.d/postgresql.conf nuxeo/nuxeo:latest

Environment Variables

Currently, these are the environment variables that are taken into account by a Nuxeo image:


Later on, with NXP-28191, we should be able to configure any Nuxeo property as an environment variable passed to the container.


The value of JAVA_OPTS is appended to the JAVA_OPTS property defined in nuxeo.conf at startup.

For instance, to make the Nuxeo Launcher display the JVM settings in the console, run:

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -e JAVA_OPTS=-XshowSettings:vm nuxeo/nuxeo:latest


The value of NUXEO_CLID is copied to /var/lib/nuxeo/instance.clid at startup.

For instance, to run a container with a registered Nuxeo instance:

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -e NUXEO_CLID=<NUXEO_CLID> nuxeo/nuxeo:latest


NUXEO_CONNECT_URL allows to override the default Connect URL at startup.

For instance, to run a container with another Connect URL than the default one:

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -e NUXEO_CONNECT_URL=<NUXEO_CONNECT_URL> nuxeo/nuxeo:latest


NUXEO_PACKAGES allows to define a space separated list of Nuxeo packages to install at startup.

For instance, to run a container with the nuxeo-web-ui and nuxeo-drive packages installed:

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -e NUXEO_CLID=<NUXEO_CLID> -e NUXEO_PACKAGES="nuxeo-web-ui nuxeo-drive" nuxeo/nuxeo:latest

Shell Scripts

To run some shell scripts when starting a container from a Nuxeo image, you can add *.sh files in the /docker-entrypoint-initnuxeo.d directory of the image.

They will be alphabetically sorted and executed at the very end of the ENTRYPOINT, after handling the environment variables. Thus, if you run a container by passing the NUXEO_CLID environment variable, invoking nuxeoctl in such a shell script will work as being registered.