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Production Deployment

Tony Cai edited this page Jul 7, 2017 · 28 revisions



  1. Prepare vault (only needs to be done once)
  2. Generate a wrapped SecretID from AppRole
  3. Download release versions of goldfish to a host machine, and deploy

1. Prepare vault (only needs to be done once)

As of v0.5.0, goldfish approle is recommended to be set periodic. See here for why

# goldfish repo contains goldfish policy
go get

# transit backend and approle auth backend need to be enabled
vault mount transit
vault auth-enable approle

# see the policy file for details
vault policy-write goldfish $GOPATH/src/
vault write auth/approle/role/goldfish role_name=goldfish policies=default,goldfish secret_id_num_uses=1 secret_id_ttl=5m period=24h 
vault write auth/approle/role/goldfish/role-id role_id=goldfish

# initialize transit key. This is not strictly required but is proper procedure
vault write -f transit/keys/goldfish

# production goldfish needs a generic secret endpoint to hot reload settings from. See Configuration page for details
vault write secret/goldfish DefaultSecretPath="secret/" TransitBackend="transit" \
UserTransitKey="usertransit" ServerTransitKey="goldfish" BulletinPath="secret/bulletins/"

2. Generating a SecretID from AppRole (needed for every redeployment)

# jq is a very useful tool for interpreting json on the fly
sudo apt-get install -y jq

# Store this wrapped token! It'll be used in deployment below as $VAULT_TOKEN
vault write -f -wrap-ttl=20m -format=json auth/approle/role/goldfish/secret-id | jq -r .wrap_info.token

3. Deploy release version

These instructions are for v0.5.0 and above

# on the host, disable swap for security
sudo swapoff -a
# IMPORTANT: don't forget to also disable ssh access!

# Download goldfish executable. Everything is packed inside.
curl -L -o goldfish$GOLDFISH_VERSION/goldfish-linux-amd64

# provision a deployment config file (see repo config/sample.hcl for a full list of params)
cat <<EOF > config.hcl
listener "tcp" {
  address       = ":443" # listen on default https port
  tls_cert_file = "path/to/cert"
  tls_key_file  = "path/to/key"
vault {
  address       = ""

# launch the server (detached from shell by nohup) [Optional: write as systemd service]
# $VAULT_TOKEN is the wrapped token from step 2
nohup sudo ./goldfish -config=config.hcl -token=$VAULT_TOKEN

Deprecated: Deploy release version v0.4.0 or v0.4.1

# on the host, disable swap for security
sudo swapoff -a
# IMPORTANT: don't forget to also disable ssh access!

# download executable and of desired release version
curl -L -o goldfish$GOLDFISH_VERSION/goldfish-linux-amd64

# provision a deployment config file (see repo config/sample.hcl for a full list)
cat <<EOF > config.hcl
listener "tcp" {
  address       = ""
  tls_cert_file = "path/to/cert"
  tls_key_file  = "path/to/key"
vault {
  address       = ""

# launch the server (detached from shell by nohup) [Optional: write as systemd service]
# $VAULT_TOKEN is the wrapped token from step 2
nohup sudo ./goldfish -config=config.hcl -token=$VAULT_TOKEN

Advanced: compile goldfish yourself

It is highly recommended that you download the release versions. Master is NOT guaranteed to maintain the same deployment procedures, so your deploy script could break at any time.

But if you must, checkout in the repo.


For more details on launch configurations, see here

For more details on run-time configurations, see here

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