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Production Deployment

Tony Cai edited this page Jun 4, 2017 · 28 revisions


Deploying goldfish for production takes only a couple of minutes


  1. Prepare vault (only needs to be done once)
  2. Generate a SecretID from AppRole (needs to be done every deployment of goldfish)
  3. Download release versions of goldfish to a host machine, and deploy
    • Just like vault, the host machine's swap should be disabled
    • All ssh access should be disabled. Upgrades and fixes can be done by redeploying goldfish

1. Prepare vault (only needs to be done once)

# goldfish repo contain goldfish policy
go get

# transit backend and approle auth backend need to be enabled
vault mount transit
vault auth-enable approle

# see the policy file for details
vault policy-write goldfish $GOPATH/src/
vault write auth/approle/role/goldfish role_name=goldfish secret_id_ttl=5m token_ttl=480h \
token_max_ttl=720h secret_id_num_uses=1 policies=default,goldfish
vault write auth/approle/role/goldfish/role-id role_id=goldfish

# initialize transit key, since goldfish policy is not authorized to do so
vault write -f transit/keys/goldfish

# production goldfish needs a generic secret endpoint to hot reload settings from. See below for explanations
vault write secret/goldfish DefaultSecretPath="secret/" TransitBackend="transit" \
UserTransitKey="usertransit" ServerTransitKey="goldfish" BulletinPath="secret/bulletins/"

2. Generating a SecretID from AppRole (needed for every redeployment)

# jq is a very useful tool for interpreting json on the fly
sudo apt-get install -y jq

vault write -f -wrap-ttl=20m -format=json auth/approle/role/goldfish/secret-id | jq -r .wrap_info.token

3. Deploy release version

# on the host, disable swap for security
sudo swapoff -a
# IMPORTANT: don't forget to also disable ssh access!

# download executable and of desired release version
curl -L -o goldfish$GOLDFISH_VERSION/goldfish-linux-amd64

# launch the server (detached from shell by nohup)
nohup sudo ./goldfish \
-goldfish_addr ":443" -cert_file /path/to/certificate.crt -key_file /path/to/privatekey.pem \
-vault_addr $VAULT_ADDR -vault_token $VAULT_TOKEN \
-approle_path auth/approle/login -role_id goldfish \
-config_path secret/goldfish &

# if you have systemd knowledge, goldfish would be better off as a system service

Advanced: Compile and deploy latest commit

Note: it is highly recommended that you download the release versions. But if you must, compiling goldfish from source is easy too.

go get

# the server executable can be easily cross-compiled
env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -v

# The static folder can be built and zipped up
cd $GOPATH/src/

# download node modules
sudo npm install -g cross-env
npm install
npm run build

# static files are generated in goldfish/public
zip -r -X ../public
Provision (upload) the executable goldfish and to a host
# on the host, disable swap for security
sudo swapoff -a
# IMPORTANT: don't forget to also disable ssh access!

# unzip the frontend static folder

# launch the server (detached from shell by nohup)
nohup sudo ./goldfish \
-goldfish_addr ":443" -cert_file /path/to/certificate.crt -key_file /path/to/privatekey.pem \
-vault_addr $VAULT_ADDR -vault_token $VAULT_TOKEN \
-approle_path auth/approle/login -role_id goldfish \
-config_path secret/goldfish &

# if you have systemd knowledge, goldfish would be better off as a system service


For more details on launch configurations, see here

For more details on run-time configurations, see here

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