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Bluetooth - Bliptrack

Table of Contents

1. Overview

The City collects traffic data from strategically placed sensors at intersections and along highways. These detect Bluetooth MAC addresses of vehicles as they drive by, which are immediately anonymized. When a MAC address is detected at two sensors, the travel time between the two sensors is calculated. These travel times are aggregated up to a median within each 5-minute bin. The archived data (which are not being actively updated) are available on the Open Data Portal.

2. Table Structure

Open Data Tables

Live Feed

The live feed hasn't been available for a while due to networking issues. The feed is an xml for all the route reports configured to be published publically and is updated every five minutes.

Field Name Description Example
resultId Unique segment identifier representing a route between two point locations F_G
time Median five-minute travel time on this segment, in HH:MM:SS format 00:01:45
timeInSeconds Median five-minute travel time on this segment in seconds 105
speed Median five-minute travel speed on this segment 109.71
speedUnit Unit of the value provided in the "speed" field kph
normalDrivingTime Baseline travel time (derived from speed limit along route), in seconds 90
count Total number of vehicles within five-minute sample 23
trafficColor Suggested segment colour for illustrating traffic conditions #dd0000
trafficTextColor Suggested text colour for illustrating traffic conditions #ffffff
open Boolean field indicating whether route is currently active true
updated Timestamp when this record was updated 2017-02-08T15:40:00-05

Historical Data

The historical data is also aggregated to 5-min bins.

Field Name Description Example
resultId Unique segment identifier representing a route between two point locations F_G
timeInSeconds Median five-minute travel time on this segment in seconds 105
count Total number of vehicles within five-minute sample 23
updated Timestamp representing the end of the 5-min aggregate period 2017-02-08T15:40:00-05


Join this using resultId to get the geography of the above data, or get the normal driving time or the length to convert to speed.

Field Name Description
resultId Unique segment identifier representing a route between two point locations
normalDriv Baseline travel time (derived from speed limit along route), in seconds
length_m Length of segment, in metres

Internal Tables

These tables are created based on data the team accesses from our vendor's API and are not released as OpenData. This documentation is here for team documentation, to give the public a sense of how the OpenData is generated, and to help other teams who might be using this type of data. The SQL code to generate these tables can be found in sql/create_tables/.


Column Type Notes
id bigserial Primary Key
user_id bigint Hashed unique userID derived from device MAC address
analysis_id integer Unique ID for Bluetooth route
measured_time integer Time to complete route, in seconds
measured_time_no_filter integer Time to complete route, in seconds (no filter applied)
startpoint_number smallint Unclear on significance, usually 1
startpoint_name character varying(8) Identifier for reader at start of segment, if available
endpoint_number smallint Unclear on significance, usually 2
endpoint_name character varying(8) Identifier for reader at end of segment, if available
measured_timestamp timestamp without time zone Timestamp for detection at start of segment
outlier_level smallint outliers are represented as >0
cod bigint integer representation of 24 bit Bluetooth class
device_class smallint integer representation of a bitstring outcome defined for that particular route

This table is partitioned by month, so data for any given month is in a table named observations_YYYYMM.

Filtering devices

Two fields are relevant for this endeavour, both are integer representations of binary. They are aggregations/concatenations of multiple different boolean values (bits).

  • device_class: "are report/filtering dependent as they are configurable property mappings". These values are defined by particular reports, for example: for OD analyses or for filtering by Bluetooth vs. WiFi, see the all_analyses table below.
  • cod: Is the integer representation of the Bluetooth Class of Device property. The main filter is that if this value is 0, the device is a WiFi device, else it's a Bluetooth device. There is no way of knowing what kind of device a WiFi device is. See the ClassOfDevice table below for more information.

The Examples/cod_vs_DeviceClass.ipynb notebook examines the relationship between cod and device_class for the routes for which device_class is configured to filter based on cod.


The script pulls the route configurations nightly from the Blip server. These are currently being primarily dumped as json records, which makes using some of the elements of the configuration trickier in PostgreSQL

Column Type Notes
device_class_set_name text Name of the configuration for setting the device_class bits, see outcomes
analysis_id bigint One of the unique IDs for this route
minimum_point_completed json spatial configuration of the gates in the route (some have particular waypoints, or exit gates)
outcomes json lookup for deviceClassMask the value for device_class and the name of that particular result
report_id bigint One of the unique IDs for this route
report_name text
route_id bigint One of the unique IDs for this route
route_name text
route_points json spatial representation of the route
pull_data boolean (defaults to false) whether the script should pull observations
outcomes are set for different routes for purposes like: filtering BT and WiFi, or tracking Origin Destination points.


Column Type Notes
cod_hex bytea Class of device in hexidecimal
cod_binary bit varying(24) Class of device in binary
device_type character varying(64) Major-minor device class description
device_example text Example of the device
confirmed character varying(10) Observed example (Y/N)
confirmed_example text Example of the device
major_device_class text Primary type of device, e.g.: Computer, Phone, etc...
cod bigint Integer representation of the cod_binary, key in observations above

The Class of Device property helps broadcast the functionality of a given Bluetooth device. It is an aggregation of a number of bits (0,1), hence having a binary representation. This comprises 3 sub-fields (see this explanation), binary strings are indexed from right to left:

  • Device Functionality (Major Service Class, bits 13-23): 11 different boolean values to represent whether the device can be used for positioning, for audio, telephony, etc...
  • Major Device Class (Bits 8-12): Primary categories for the device: Miscellaneous, Computer, Phone, LAN/Network Access Point, Peripheral, Imaging,Wearable, Toy, Health, Uncategorized, and Reserved. These are present in the major_device_class column.
  • Minor Device Class (Bits 2-7): Further device details. These are dependent on the Major Device Class.

Examples/class_of_device.ipynb explores the distributions of these different device classes between Adelaide, an arterial, and the expressways. The most common cod after WiFi (0) is 7995916, its binary is 011110100000001000001100 which is exactly the example given here: a smartphone.

According to the vendor, commonly accepted filters for cars are:

  • Car Audio: major class 00100 and minor class 001000
  • Hands Free: major class 00100 and minor class 000100

To get major and minor classes from the cod:

substring(cod::bit(24) from 17 for 6) as minor_device_class,
substring(cod::bit(24) from 12 for 5) as major_device_class

3. Technology

The BlipTrack sensors have two directional Bluetooth antennas and an omnidirectional WiFi antenna.

  1. Each sensor records the Mac address and a series of observations for each device, with different strengths, as well as Class of Device information for Bluetooth devices (see above).
  2. The server hashes Mac addresses to help anonymize data, and then creates an observation record based on pre-defined parameters, e.g.: detection by both antennas for Bluetooth, first-strongest, last-strongest, etc.
  3. If a device is deteced by a different sensor, the travel time is calculated between the two sensors if a route is configured between that pair of sensors. Every five minutes this data is averaged and published on the live feed for configured routes.
  4. Every night a historical archive of the disaggregate routes is created, with additional filtering/inclusion of data points done server-side at that time.
  5. Every morning the api pulling script pulls this historical archive and puts it into the team's database.

4. Bliptrack UI

Accessing Bliptrack

  • The City of Toronto's Bliptrack webservice can be accessed through the browser by using the IP starting with 172. Your computer needs to be cleared by network security to access that IP address.
  • After logging in, the default homepage is the Dashboard which is completely configurable. Some exaples of what can be displayed here are:
    • Maps of sensor locations
    • Travel time distributions for key corridors
    • Detection counts over time


  • Route: A combination of any two sensors, can be configured at any time by any superuser. Most useful routes have already been created and follow either a letter or numbered convention. Once a route is created, a corresponding routeId is generated which can be used in the API
  • Report: Travel time information for any route, can be configured to a number of different aggregation levels, downloaded as a .csv file

Downloading travel time data

  1. Navigate to the Reports window using the bar at the top of the webpage
  2. Select the route you want to export data for by right clicking on it and navigating to export data
  3. Configure export settings, most important parameters are:
    • Start and End date
    • Outcome columns (Bluetooth, WiFi, Both)
    • Calculation interval
  4. Click Export Data, download will begin automatically

Common Issues

  • Pulling larges volumes of data can cause the server to time out, pulling more than one month of data at a time is not recommended
  • Only aggregated data is available through the browser, the API must be used to acess raw data

5. Bliptrack API

Bliptrack hosts an API to provide clients (not the public) authenticated access to their system through the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). For those unfamiliar with SOAP, it is well explained in its wikipedia article. Using the API over the browser to pull data has 2 main advantages:

  • The ability to pull disaggregate data
  • Access to live travel time information

The WSDL file for accessing Bliptrack can be accessed using

Pulling travel time data

Currently the blip_api script is set to run every night to update the database, and every hour to update the King Street Transit Pilot internal dashboards.

The script pulls a day of data for each analysisID and uploads it into the bluetooth.raw_data table. It then runs bluetooth.move_raw_data() to move the raw data into partitioned tables, and then aggregate it into 5-minute binned data similar to what is found on the public API.

Two companion scripts send alerts after this script runs:

  • sends an email if new route configurations appear in the database.
  • sends an email if a sensor stopped producing data the previous day.

Under the Hood

The exportPerUserData() method is used to pull raw data. It takes username, password, and config as input parameters. The config object contains all information required to specify the route to pull data from. Info about config is shown below

Not all of these fields must be assigned in order to pull data. At a minimum the following fields must have a non-None value:

  • analysisId: int, designates route, more on this below
  • startTime: datetime object indicating first data point
  • endTime: datetime object indicating last possible data point
  • includeOutliers: boolean indicating whether or not to include detections that Bliptrack deems to be outliers
  • live: boolean indicating whether live or historic data is being pulled, should be set to False to pull historic data

The analysisId

Each route has a corresponding routeId, reportId, and analysisId - all of which are different. An analysis object contains all of this information. The getExportableAnalyses() method will return a list of all analyses available. One can then pass the for any given analysis into config.analysisId when pulling data.

6. Bliptrack API OD Data

The API pulls a lot of data from BlipTrack, some of which is Origin-Destination (OD) data. OD describes the first and last sensors a device is seen at (Start-End Data), as well as the in-between sensors the device is seen at (Others Data).

Start-End Data

The Start-End Data describes the trips of each device, with each device being identified with a userId. Attributes of interest are measuredTime, measuredTimestamp, outlierLevel, cod, deviceClass.

Some notes on measuredTime and records

If a device moves within range of a sensor after having not been seen by a sensor for over 20 minutes, a new record with the same UserID but a different timestamp will be created. If a device has been detected by a sensor for over a period of 90 minutes, its record will be cut off at the 90 minute mark and a new record will not be created for that device until a different sensor picks it up. Based on these two conditions, a device can have multiple records in the data.

Each record is a dictionary, which follows the structure and format as seen in the table below.

Dictionary Structure

Attribute Type Notes
userId bigint
analysisId integer
measuredTime integer Duration (seconds) between when the device was first seen and last seen
measuredTimeNoFilter integer
startPointNumber smallint
startPointName string
endPointNumber smallint
endPointName string
measuredTimestamp timestamp string timestamp of when the device was last detected
routeStartTimestamp string None
outlierLevel smallint
cod bigint integer representation of Bluetooth class
deviceClass numeric stores bit representation of sensors that the device passed
outcome_match array empty

Others Data

The Others Data is differentiated from the Start-End Data by the analysisId that is called, and the data itself differs by the deviceClass and the outlierLevel. It follows the same structure and format as the Start-End Data.

deviceClass and outlierLevel

deviceClass is a numerical value with 17 to 33 digits. This number, when converted into a bitstring, reflects the sensors ("gates") that the device userId has been seen at. The positions of the bits that are set 1 directly correspond to gate values, which are tied to human-friendly descriptions.

Gate values are powers of 2, based on the order of the gates in the lookup list, starting from 0 (e.g. 5th gate value = 2^(5-1)). The value in deviceClass is the sum of gates' values that the device has passed. To know which gates were passed, the deviceClass can be converted into bits, and the positions of the set bits in the bitstring are also the position of the gates in their lookup list.

To get the gate values from the deviceClass value:

  1. Convert the deviceClass value into bits
  2. Reverse the order of the bits
  3. Iterate through the bitstring to find the positions of the set bits
  4. Take the position of each set bit p and calculate the gate value g
    • g = 2^p

For the Start-End Data

deviceClass is expected to return 2 values, but can return up to 3: the first value being the start gate, and the second value being the end gate. If there is a third value, it means that the device was detected at only one sensor; the expected two values will point to the same sensor but with different numbers, and the third value will be 324518553658426726783156020576256, representing OneSensorOnly.

For the Others Data

deviceClass is expected to return at least 2 values, with the last value always representing if the device was HandsFree or Non-HandsFree. The other values it returns are the gates that the device was seen at, in the order of the lookup list. We cannot tell the order of gates a device is seen by with OD data alone.

If the values of an Others deviceClass are calculated, sharing the same UserId and timestamp as a Start-End deviceClass that was OneSensorOnly, then the Others deviceClass will only return 2 values, the first being the value of the one sensor that detected the device, and the second still being the value indicating if the device was or was not a handsfree device.


Looking at the outliersLevel of the Start-End Data is a quick way to check if a device only passed by one sensor. If the deviceClass has the OneSensorOnly value, the outlierLevel attribute will have a value of 3. However, the outlierLevel of the Others Data of the same record (userId and timestamp) will be 0.

7. Adding New Segments to the Database

Occasionally, new analysis_ids need to be added. The detailed process is described here

8. Open Data Releases

A full release of 5-min aggregate data is pending, the historic archive is available under Travel Times - Bluetooth (updated as of March 2017), the SQL code for these is available here. The real-time feed is currently not operational. Follow this milestone for updates on this release.

For the King St. Transit Pilot, the team has released the following two datasets. These data are only for the segments found in the King St. Transit Pilot – Bluetooth Travel Time Segments map layer, (code to generate here):