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Here GIS data is provided through the Enterprise Data Download portal. Each Revision contains ~41 layers provided for the province of Ontario. Consult the encyclopedic NAVSTREETS Street Data Reference Manual.pdf in the K drive for further info on a layer.

Loading New Data

After downloading to the EC2, uncompress and un-tar the file with the below command. Some versions of this download included all provinces. Each province folder within the tar contains another compressed tar for that folder. Ontario's folder starts with 2E (from "Region Code: 2E").

# List the contents of the tar to identify the Ontario folder starting with 2E
tar --exclude="*/*/*" -tf HERE_GIS_DATA.tar
#the 2E* wildcard should probably work
tar --wildcards "2E*/*" -xf HERE_GIS_DATA.tar -C HERE_GIS_DATA_R/

The shell script loops over each shape file and pipes the output of shp2pgsql to psql (inspiration) to upload into the here_gis schema. Not that this shortened use of psql assumes the current Ubuntu username and that the password for that user is stored in a .pgpass file in your home directory. Edit the rev variable at the start to specify the revision of the geographies. This will be appended to the uploaded tables' names.

Prior to running shp2pgsql the script performs some manipulation of the $f filename variable in order to lowercase it and remove the .shp string to turn it into a compatible tablename for PostgreSQL. Tables are versioned by appending YY_R to their names where YY is the year and R is the revision number.

After the data is loaded, psql is called again to alter each table's owner to the here_admins group and then run here_gis.clip_to(tablename, revision) to clip the layer to within the City's boundary.

Subsequently split_streets_att.sql can be run to split the streets layer into a GIS layer and an attributes table (there are a lot of columns in the attributes table) in order to reduce the size of the streets layer when loading it in QGIS.

Run the shell script in the background with nohup with the following command. The tail -f piece will continually display the tail of the log in the terminal. To cancel the command do CTRL-C to stop tail and then fg to return the job to the foreground and then CTRL-C again.

nohup bash > batch_upload.log& tail -f batch_upload.log

Note: Please add a COMMENT to the streets_YY_R layer explaining which years of traffic data should use that layer.

Derivative gis layers to update

There are a few additional things to create based on the new map layer:

Reference Node

Links are defined by a reference node, and a non-reference node. The reference node is always the node with the lowest latitude, in the case of two nodes with equal latitude, the node with the lowest longitude is the reference node. This impacts things like traffic direction, which can be towards or from a reference node, or addressing whether addresses are on the right or left side of a link (facing the non-reference node).