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TTC Data

CIS Data

These data are stored in the partitioned table schema ttc.cis.

Column Type/Format Description/Format
message_datetime timestamp Position timestamp (from server poll, not vehicle)
route INT route id
run INT run id
vehicle INT vehicle id
latitude TEXT latitude position, stored as string
longitude TEXT longitude position, stored as string
position geometry(Point, 4326) geometry of the position, derived from the two previous columns using the trg_mk_position_geom

See CIStable.ipynb for an exploration of the 2017 data we received from the TTC.

Data upload

The data were sent to us in monthly compressed csvs. The bash script cycles through .csv.gz files in the current directory and copies them to ttc.cis, a partitioned table with the above structure. Partitioning is currently by year and is handled by the cis_insert_trigger function.


Currently data is provided in daily extracts available through sftp. This can be pulled using the pull_cis_data python script.


You will need to add the host key to your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file. You can do this in bash by getting the key with ssh-keyscan:

ssh-keyscan -p 2222
# SSH-salfkjdsa;'flkjdsa
[] ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQAB...

Copy the second line of output and paste it into your known_hosts file. Do some text editing to remove the port number such that you're left with ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQAB....


  Pull CIS data from the TTC's sftp server from --startdate to --enddate

  The default is to grab yesterday's data. If using --startdate to
  --enddate, will loop through those dates  inclusively to pull each day of
  data. If a dump of data spanning multiple days is available, use
  --filename instead

  -s, --startdate TEXT  YYYYMMDD
  -e, --enddate TEXT    YYYYMMDD
  -d, --config PATH     .cfg file containing db, email, and sftp settings
  --filename PATH       filename to pull from sftp instead of using dates.
  --help                Show this message and exit.

  get     Copy file of data from TTC's sftp server
  upload  Upload datafile to database

The default usage would be to run python to pull yesterday's data and upload it to the server. If there has been a large dump of data you can use the --filename option like: `python --filename

Processing details the process for generating stop arrival and departure times from the CIS GPS positions with a companion Jupyter Notebook validating_cis_processing.ipynb that details validation of each step of the processing.

Old Data Structure

Previous version of the AVL TTC data. Incoming data is stored in the avl table of the ttc schema.

Column Type/Format Description/Format
LineNumber smallint Route number
Date_Key integer Date values concatenated into a number; YYYYMMDD
Date_KeyName text Day of week
PatternName text Some shorthand description of the preplanned route
DirectionName text Direction of travel; EAST or WEST
TripId integer Identifier for the trip; 8 digits
VehicleNumber smallint Vehicle identifier; 4 digits
VehicleType text Describes the type of vehicle; streetcars or replacement buses
TimePeriod_FromStop text Time period of the day; AM Peak, PM Peak, Midday, Evening, Other; with hour range
FromStop text Stop description of From stop
ArrivalTime_FromStop timestamp without time zone Timestamp of actual arrival time to From stop; mm/dd/yyyy h:MM:ss AM/PM
ScheduledArrivalTime_FromStop timestamp without time zone Timestamp of scheduled arrival time to From stop; mm/dd/yyyy h:MM:ss AM/PM
ScheduleAdherence_FromStop(Seconds) integer Difference between actual and scheduled arrival times; (+) is late, (-) is early
ToStop text Stop description of To stop
ArrivalTimeTime_ToStop timestamp without time zone Timestamp of actual arrival time to To stop; mm/dd/yyyy h:MM:ss AM/PM
ScheduledArrivalTime_ToStop timestamp without time zone Timestamp of scheduled arrival time to To stop; mm/dd/yyyy h:MM:ss AM/PM
ScheduleAdherence_ToStop(Seconds) integer Difference between actual and scheduled arrival times; (+) is late, (-) is early
CurrentStop_Latitude numeric FromStop; Latitude to 6 decimal points
CurrentStop_Longitude numeric FromStop; Longitude to 6 decimal points
CurrentStop_PointStop_Key integer FromStop; Identifier for lookup to PointStop table
Lead_Latitude numeric ToStop; Latitude to 6 decimal points
Lead_Longitude numeric ToStop; Longitude to 6 decimal points
Lead_PointStop_Key integer ToStop; Identifier for lookup to PointStop table

TTC to Bluetooth Lookup Table

Using route_id stored in table ttc_routes, segment_id stored in table ttc_segments, and the connection and order provided by table ttc_route_segments, a lookup table was created so that TTC segments could be aggregated into matching Bluetooth segments.

Lookup Table Structure

Column Type Description
bdit_id serial unique id
bt_id integer Bluetooth id derived from report name
bt_id_name text report name of Bluetooth segment, from all_analyses
segment_id integer TTC segment id
f_id integer from stop id
f_stopname text from stop name
t_id integer to stop id
t_stopname text to stop name