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Miovision Intersection Update Resources

This readme contains information and resources on how to add/remove Miovision intersections from our data pipeline.
For the main Miovision readme, see here.

Removing Intersections

Once we are informed of the decommissioned date of a Miovision camera, we can carry out the following steps.

  1. Update the column date_decommissioned on table miovision_api.intersections to include the decommissioned date. The date_decommissioned is the date of the last timestamp from the location (so if the last row has a datetime_bin of '2020-06-15 18:39', the date_decommissioned is '2020-06-15').

  2. Remove aggregated data on the date the camera is decommissioned. Manually remove decommissioned machines' data from aggregate tables using function-clear-volumes_15min.sql, function-clear-volumes_15min_mvt.sql. You can also manually delete volumes_daily table. Dont worry about other tables that they are linked to since we have set up the ON DELETE CASCADE functionality. If the machine is taken down on 2020-06-15, we are not aggregating any of the data on 2020-06-15 as it may stop working at any time of the day on that day.

  3. Done. Removing intersections is short and simple.

Adding Intersections

Adding intersections is not as simple as removing an intersection. We will first have to find out some information before proceeding to aggregating the data. The steps are outlined below.

Update miovision_api.intersections:

Look at the table miovision_api.intersections to see what information about the new intersections is needed to update the table. The steps needed to find details such as id, coordinates, px, int_id, geom, which leg_restricted etc are described below. Once everything is done, have a member of miovision_admins do an INSERT INTO this table to include the new intersections.

  1. Name and ID
    The new intersection's api_name, id, can be found using the Miovision API /intersections endpoint. The key needed to authorize the API is the same one used by the Miovision Airflow user. The intersection_name is an internal name following the convention [E / W street name] / [N / S street name].

  2. date installed
    date_installed is the date of the first row of data from the location (so if the first row has a datetime_bin of '2020-10-05 12:15', the date_installed is '2020-10-05'). date_installed can be found by by e-mailing Miovision, manually querying the Miovision API for the first available timestamp, or by running the script in this folder.

  3. date_decommissioned
    date_decommissioned is described under (#removing-intersections).

  4. px
    px is a uid used to identify signalized intersections. For 1 or 2 px is is easiest to find manually by searching the intersection name (location) in ITS Central ( and finding the corresponding intersection id (PX####). px id can be used to look up the rest of the information (street_main, street_cross, geom, lat, lng and int_id) from table gis.traffic_signal as in the query below. Note that px is a zero padded text format in gis.traffic_signal, but stored as an integer in miovision_api.intersections.

    Alternate method - For a large list of intersections you could convert to values and use gis._get_intersection_id() to identify the intersection_ids, px, and geom like so:

    WITH intersections(id, intersection_name_api) AS (
    	--note that suffixes had to be shortened to meet the threshold for matching `_get_intersection_id`
    	('fe0550e0-ef27-49f2-a469-4e8511771e4a', 'Eglinton Ave E and Kennedy Rd'),
    	('ff494e5c-628e-4d83-9cc3-13af52dbb88f', 'Bathurst St and Fort York Bl')
    SELECT, SPLIT_PART(i.intersection_name_api, ' and ', 1), SPLIT_PART(i.intersection_name_api, ' and ', 2), _get_intersection_id[3], ts.px::int, ts.geom
    FROM intersections AS i,
    	SELECT * FROM gis._get_intersection_id(SPLIT_PART(i.intersection_name_api, ' and ', 1), SPLIT_PART(i.intersection_name_api, ' and ', 2), 0)
    ) AS agg
    LEFT JOIN gis.traffic_signal AS ts ON ts.node_id = _get_intersection_id[3]

Identifying miovision `px` using ITS Central

  1. Restricted legs
    In order to find out which leg of that intersection is restricted (no cars approaching from that leg), go to Google Map to find out the direction of traffic.

  2. Insert statement
    Prepare an insert statement for the new intersection(s). Alternatively this section contains a python snippet you can use to do the same via a spreadsheet, which may be helpful for adding a large number of intersections.

    INSERT INTO miovision_api.intersections(intersection_uid, id, intersection_name,
    date_installed, lat, lng, geom, street_main, street_cross, int_id, px, 
    n_leg_restricted, e_leg_restricted, s_leg_restricted, w_leg_restricted, api_name)
    WITH new_intersections (intersection_uid, id, intersection_name, date_installed, px,
    						n_leg_restricted, e_leg_restricted, s_leg_restricted, w_leg_restricted, api_name) AS (
    		(67, '11dcfdc5-2b37-45c0-ac79-3d6926553582', 'Sheppard / Keele', 
    			'2021-06-16'::date, '0600', null, null, null, null, 'Sheppard Avenue West and Keele Street'),
    		(68, '9ed9e7f3-9edc-4f58-ae5b-8c9add746886', 'Steeles / Jane', 
    			'2021-05-12'::date, '0535', null, null, null, null, 'Steeles Avenue West and Jane Street')
    	ni.intersection_uid, --sequential, --from api
    	ni.intersection_name, --cleaned name
    	ni.date_installed, --identify via communication or
    	ts.main_street AS street_main,
    	ts.side1_street AS street_cross,
    	ts.node_id AS int_id,
    	ni.px::integer AS px, 
    	api_name --from api 
    FROM new_intersections AS ni
    JOIN gis.traffic_signal AS ts USING (px)
  3. Update geojson
    Update the geojson intersections file by exporting to file from QGIS with GeoJSON format. This geojson file is helpful as a publically accessible record of our Miovision intersections.

Export to file from QGIS

  1. Update miovision_api.centreline_miovision

    miovision_api.centreline_miovision links Miovision intersection legs to gis_core.centreline street segments.

    Use this script to add new intersections to centreline_miovision. The script can automatically identify the correct direction and centreline segment for most Miovision intersections, but manual adjustments are needed for the following situations:

    • Segments are not aligned in a North-South or East-West direction (like Kingston Road)
    • Segments intersect at odd angles (like Kingston Road and Eglinton Avenue)
    • One or more "legs" is not a street segment (like the entrance to the shopping centre at Danforth and Jones)

    The script above also contains checks for duplicates and values missing from the table.

Update miovision_api.intersection_movements

Now that the updated table of miovision_api.intersections is ready, we have to update the table miovision_api.intersection_movements. Intersection movements determines which movements should be aggregated, by classification, typically for reporting purposes. Yes, we can see all kinds of wacky behaviour out there, but analyzing that is rarer than reporting on the main movements, so this makes basic analysis a little bit easier.

We need to find out all valid movements for the new intersections from the data but we don't have that yet, so the following has to be done.

  1. Populate miovision_api.volumes
    If there is no data for the intersections in miovision_api.volumes, you will first need to run the api script with the following command line to only include intersections that we want as well as skipping the data processing process:
    python3 run-api --start_date={DATE INSTALLED} --end_date={TODAYS DATE} --intersection=35 --intersection=38 --pull --path=/data/airflow/data_scripts/volumes/miovision/api/config.cfg

    Include --pull and not --agg to only pull data and skip data processing and gaps finding since we are only interested in finding valid movements in this step. Note that multiple intersections have to be stated that way in order to be included in the list of intersections to be pulled.

  2. Insert into intersection_movements
    Now that there is data in miovision_api.volumes, run the SELECT query below and validate those new intersection movements. The line HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT datetime_bin::time) >= 20 is there to make sure that the movement is actually legit and not just a single observation. volume::numeric / classification_volume >= 0.005 is a suggested addition to make sure that for lower volume modes (bicycles), we don't filter out a small volume but large percentage (> 5 / 1000).
    Next, INSERT INTO intersection_movements table which has all valid movements for intersections. These include decommissioned intersections, just in case we might need those in the future.

    WITH counts AS (
    		COUNT(DISTINCT datetime_bin::time) AS bins,
    		SUM(volume) AS volume,
    		SUM(SUM(volume)) OVER w AS classification_volume
    	FROM miovision_api.volumes
    		intersection_uid IN (67, 68) --only include new intersection_uid
    		AND datetime_bin > 'now'::text::date - interval '10 days' -- or the date of data that you pulled
    		AND classification_uid IN (1,2,6,10) --will include other modes after this
    		AND NOT (
    		    --exclude bike exits from aggregation (duplicate with entrance volumes)
    		    classification_uid = 10 AND movement_uid = 8
    	GROUP BY intersection_uid, classification_uid, leg, movement_uid
    	WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY intersection_uid, classification_uid)
    -- Uncomment when you're ready to insert.
    -- INSERT INTO miovision_api.intersection_movements (intersection_uid, classification_uid, leg, movement_uid)
    FROM counts
    	bins >= 20 --consider omitting if using many days of data.
    	OR volume::numeric / classification_volume >= 0.005

    Alternate method - If you find you need to manually add movements to the above, download the output of the query into a CSV, manually edit the CSV, then append it to miovision_api.intersection_movements by modifying the below python snippet, (or use an SQL INSERT statement):

    import pandas as pd
    import psycopg2
    from psycopg2.extras import execute_values
    import configparser
    import pathlib
    # Insert code to read configuration settings.
    postgres_settings = {your_postgres_config}
    # Insert the name of your CSV file.
    df = pd.read_csv({your_file.csv})
    df_list = [list(row.values) for i, row in df.iterrows()]
    with psycopg2.connect(**postgres_settings) as conn:
    	with conn.cursor() as cur:
    		insert_data = """INSERT INTO miovision_api.intersection_movements(intersection_uid, classification_uid, leg, movement_uid) VALUES %s"""
    		execute_values(cur, insert_data, df_list)
    		if conn.notices != []:
  3. Add additional modes to intersection_movements
    The step before only include valid intersection movements for classification_uid IN (1,2,6,10) which are light vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. The reason is that the counts for other mode may not pass the mark of having 20 distinct datetime_bin. However, we know that if vehicles can make that turn, so can trucks, vans, buses and unclassified motorized vehicles, which are classification_uid IN (3, 4, 5, 8, 9). Therefore, we will run the below query for all the classes not included in the previous steps, and all intersections under consideration.

    -- Include all wanted classification_uids here.
    WITH wanted_veh(classification_uid) AS (
    			VALUES (3), (4), (5), (8), (9)
    INSERT INTO miovision_api.intersection_movements
    	(intersection_uid, classification_uid, leg, movement_uid)
    FROM miovision_api.intersection_movements AS a
    CROSS JOIN wanted_veh AS b
    -- Specify which intersection_uids to use.
    	a.intersection_uid IN {INSERT_IDS_HERE}
    	AND a.classification_uid = 1
    ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4
  4. Review intersection_movements
    Once the above is finished, we have completed updating the table miovision_api.intersection_movements. Though, the valid movements should be manually reviewed.
    Below is an example script + output you can use to aggregate movements into a more readable format for QC. In particular look for intersections with very short lists of valid movements, or no valid movements for certain classifications.

    intersection_uid leg movements
    66 E 1 - Through (1 - Light, 2 - Bicycle)
    2 - Left (1 - Light)
    3 - Right (1 - Light)
    5 - Clockwise (6 - Pedestrian)
    6 - Counter Clockwise (6 - Pedestrian)
    66 N 1 - Through (1 - Light, 2 - Bicycle)
    2 - Left (1 - Light)
    3 - Right (1 - Light, 2 - Bicycle)
    5 - Clockwise (6 - Pedestrian)
    6 - Counter Clockwise (6 - Pedestrian)
    66 S 1 - Through (1 - Light)
    2 - Left (1 - Light)
    3 - Right (1 - Light)
    5 - Clockwise (6 - Pedestrian)
    6 - Counter Clockwise (6 - Pedestrian)
    66 W 1 - Through (1 - Light)
    2 - Left (1 - Light, 2 - Bicycle)
    3 - Right (1 - Light)
    4 - U-Turn (2 - Bicycle)
    5 - Clockwise (6 - Pedestrian)
    6 - Counter Clockwise (6 - Pedestrian)
    WITH movements AS (
            intersection_uid, leg,
            movement_uid || ' - ' || movement_pretty_name || ' (' ||
                    string_agg(classification_uid || ' - ' || classification, ', '::text ORDER BY classification_uid) || ')'               
                AS mvmts
        FROM miovision_api.intersection_movements
        LEFT JOIN miovision_api.classifications USING (classification_uid)
        LEFT JOIN miovision_api.movements USING (movement_uid)
        WHERE intersection_uid IN (66) --adjust uid here
            AND classification_uid NOT IN (3, 4, 5, 8, 9) --since these just mirror lights
        GROUP BY
        string_agg(mvmts, chr(10) ORDER BY mvmts) AS movements
    FROM movements

Backfill/Aggregate new intersection data

Now that the intersection is configured and the raw volumes data is in the database, we have to finish aggregating the data.

  1. Backfill miovision_api.volumes
    If not already complete, use the api script with --pull to backfill miovision_api.volumes table between the date_installed and current date (exclusive). Skip aggregating data by omitting --agg flag.

  2. Backfill additional tables
    Next use the api script with --agg to backfill the aggregate tables between the date_installed and current date (exclusive). Skip pulling data by omitting --pull flag.

  3. QC Aggregate Tables
    Check the data pulled for the new intersections to see if you find anything weird in the data. As a starting point, the following sample query can be used to check that the volumes correspond between volumes, volumes_15min, volumes_15min_mvmt, making sure to adjust all the datetime_bin filters and the intersection_uid filter.

    	SUM(v.volume) AS volume,
    	v15_mvmt.volume AS volume_15_mvmt,
    		WHEN v.classification_uid IN (6, 10) THEN v15.volume
    		ELSE ROUND(v15.volume/2, 0)
    	END AS volume_15
    FROM miovision_api.volumes AS v
    --need to remove unacceptable similar to `miovision_api.aggregate_15_min_tmc`;
    LEFT JOIN miovision_api.unacceptable_gaps un
    	ON un.intersection_uid = v.intersection_uid
    	AND datetime_bin_ceil(v.datetime_bin, 15) - interval '15 minutes' = un.datetime_bin
    --identify volumes from miovision_api.volumes_15min_mvt
    		SUM(volume) AS volume
    	FROM miovision_api.volumes_15min_mvt
            --adjust dates
    		datetime_bin >= '2024-02-01 00:00:00'::timestamp - interval '1 hour'
    		AND datetime_bin < '2024-02-02 00:00:00'::timestamp - interval '1 hour'
    ) AS v15_mvmt ON
    	v.intersection_uid = v15_mvmt.intersection_uid
    	AND v.classification_uid = v15_mvmt.classification_uid
    --identify volumes from miovision_api.volumes_15min
    		SUM(volume) AS volume
    	FROM miovision_api.volumes_15min
            --adjust dates
    		datetime_bin >= '2024-02-01 00:00:00'::timestamp - interval '1 hour'
    		AND datetime_bin < '2024-02-02 00:00:00'::timestamp - interval '1 hour'
    ) AS v15 ON
    	v.intersection_uid = v15.intersection_uid
    	AND v.classification_uid = v15.classification_uid
        --adjust dates
    	v.datetime_bin >= '2024-02-01 00:00:00'::timestamp - interval '1 hour'
    	AND v.datetime_bin < '2024-02-02 00:00:00'::timestamp - interval '1 hour'
    	AND v.intersection_uid >= 69 --adjust intersection here
    	AND un.datetime_bin IS NULL
  4. Done!
    From the next day onwards, the process will pull in both OLD and NEW intersections data via the automated Airflow process.

Jupyter notebook to help identify new intersections and first date of data for each new intersection.

Adding many intersections

Below is an optional method to import new intersections using an excel table and python. You may find it easier to use a simple SQL insert statement for one or two intersections.

When adding multiple intersections, you can prepare updates to the table in an Excel spreadsheet, read the spreadsheet into Python, and then append the spreadsheet to miovision_api.intersections. First, create a spreadsheet with the same columns in miovision_api.intersections - this can be done by exporting the table in pgAdmin, and then deleting all the rows of data. Then insert new rows of data representing the new intersections using the procedure above, keeping date_decommissioned and geom blank (these will be filled in later). Finally, run a script like the one below to get the new rows into miovision_api.intersections.


import pandas as pd
import psycopg2
from psycopg2.extras import execute_values

import configparser
import pathlib

# Read in Postgres credentials.
config = configparser.ConfigParser(){YOUR_FILE}}).as_posix())
postgres_settings = config['POSTGRES']

# Process new intersections Excel file.
df = pd.read_excel({NEW_INTERSECTION_FILE})
# We'll deal with these later.
df.drop(columns=['date_decommissioned', 'geom'], inplace=True)
# psycopg2 translates None to NULL, so change any NULL in leg restricted column to None.
# If you have nulls in other columns you will need to handle them in the same way.
for col in ('n_leg_restricted', 'e_leg_restricted',
            'w_leg_restricted', 's_leg_restricted'):
    df[col] = df[col].astype(object)
    df.loc[df[col].isna(), col] = None
df_list = [list(row.values) for i, row in df.iterrows()]

# Write Excel table row-by-row into miovision_api.intersections.
with psycopg2.connect(**postgres_settings) as conn:
    with conn.cursor() as cur:
        insert_data = """INSERT INTO miovision_api.intersections(intersection_uid, id, intersection_name,
                                                        date_installed, lat, lng,
                                                        street_main, street_cross, int_id, px,
                                                        n_leg_restricted, e_leg_restricted,
                                                        s_leg_restricted, w_leg_restricted, api_name) VALUES %s"""
        execute_values(cur, insert_data, df_list)
		update_geom = """UPDATE miovision_api.intersections a
							SET geom = ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(b.lng,, 4326)
							FROM miovision_api.intersections b
							WHERE b.geom IS NULL
								AND =;"""
        if conn.notices != []: