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mugling edited this page May 23, 2016 · 1 revision

Guns which reload directly to an integral magazine specify their capacity via clip_size:

"id": "marlin_9a",
"type": "GUN",
"ammo": "22",
"clip_size": 19

Tools which don't reload using detachable magazines instead specify max_charges:

"id": "sewing_kit",
"type": "TOOL",
"ammo": "thread",
"max_charges": 200

Some guns reload via detachable magazines. Where an item has multiple compatible magazines the first is the default:

"id": "m1918",
"type": "GUN",
"ammo": 3006, 
"magazines" : [
   [ "3006", [ "m1918mag", "m1918bigmag" ] ]

Some tools use detachable magazines. For example the oxytorch is fueled from detachable welding tanks:

"id": "oxy_torch",
"type": "TOOL",
"ammo": "weldgas",
"magazines": [
    [ "weldgas", [ "weldtank", "tinyweldtank" ] ]

By default attached magazines increase the weight and volume of the base item. Where magazines fit within an item the magazine_well property is used. For example an m9 pistol with the standard m9mag doesn't increase in volume whereas the larger m9bigmag is only partly contained:

"id": "m9"
"type": "GUN",
"ammo": "9mm",
"magazine_well": 1,
"magazines": [
    [ "m9", [ "m9mag", "m9bigmag" ] ]

Some gunmods change the ammo type. In this case it is possible to specify optional alternative magazines:

"id": "ar15",
"type": "GUN",
"ammo": "223",
"magazines" : [
    [ "223", [ "stanag30", "stanag10", "stanag50", "survivor223mag" ] ],
    [ "22", [ "ruger1022bigmag", "ruger1022mag" ] ],
    [ "308", [ "g3mag", "g3bigmag" ] ]

Some gunmods replace the compatible magazines of the base gun. For example the beltfeed gunmod enables use of linked ammo belts and forbids use of any other magazines:

"id": "beltfeed",
"type": "GUNMOD"
"location": "magazine"
"magazine_adaptor": [
    [ "223", [ "belt223" ] ],
    [ "308", [ "belt308" ] ]
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