Curated list of awesome generative sandboxes, tools where you can interact with a generative algorithm or machine learning model and form really cool stuff based on your input. Think of them like artist tools to quickly generate weird interesting things.
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AI Dungeon 2 - A GPT-2 based text based dungeon adventure and story generator | |
Hugging Face GPT-2 Transformer - Writing pad with GPT-2 based autocomplete, works best with a couple sentences before autocompleting. Hugging Face also has a ton of other models available to write with. |
ZZArt - Evolutionary algorithm for messing with GLSL shaders with an export of the associated GLSL code. | |
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Image generation using Wave Function Collapse (WFC) - An image generator using input images as tilesets + constraint rules for generating output using Wave Function Collapse (WFC) | |
ArtBreeder (free account required) - Generative adversarial network (GAN) (more specifically, BigGAN) image generator that allows you to explore nearby generative neighbors, cross-breed images, export, and share. Categories include Portraits, Anime Portraits, Landscapes, Albums, and more. | |
Hexagonal - Small generator for little hexagonal images and animations, able to play with or randomize all the different parameters. |
THREEjs Synthesis project - Sergii Kharagorgiiev's THREE.js synthesis project, that generates interactable 3D scenes by permuting THREE.js code. Can copy the code and load into your own javascript app too! |
Microsoft AI Sketch2Code - Generates HTML from a handdrawn wireframe. Has a bit of trouble at times with feature detection but feels like a great start |
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