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Dominik Guzei edited this page Jan 19, 2016 · 3 revisions

Space also comes with a simple but powerful inheritance system that can save you from typing prototype all the time:

var BaseClass = Space.Object.extend({
  dependencies: { lib: 'OtherCode' },
  sayHello: function() { this.lib.sayHello(); }

var MyClass = BaseClass.extend({
  name: '',
  sayHello: function() {;
    console.log('I am ' +;

var instance = MyClass.create({ name: 'Dominik' });
instance.sayHello(); // logs: 'hello!' and 'I am Dominik'

This is also fully compatible with Coffeescript:

class AwesomeClass extends MyClass
    prefixes: 'Prefixes'

  constructor: (properties) -> = "#{@prefixes.random()} #{}"
    # Calls the Space.Object constructor which
    # assigns all properties to the instance

prefixes = random: -> 'the amazing' # could return anything'Prefixes').to prefixes

instance = AwesomeClass.create({ name: 'Spiderman' });
injector.injectInto instance # provides 'OtherCode' and 'Prefixes'

instance.sayHello() # logs: 'hello!' and 'I am the amazing Spiderman'

As nice little sugar on top of "standard" classical inheritance it also provides an easy way to work with static class methods and properties:

var BaseClass = Space.Object.extend({

  dependencies: { lib: 'OtherCode' },

  statics: {
    getRootClassName: function() {
      return 'BaseClass';

  // Return the class prototype
  sayHello: function() { this.lib.sayHello() }


var MyClass = BaseClass.extend({

  sayHello: function() {
    // You can also access the super class like this;
    // Static properties and methods are copied to sub-classes
    console.log('My root is ' + MyClass.getRootClassName());
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