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Concordium Genesis Creator

This page describes how to create the genesis.dat file needed for starting up a node.

Building the tool

The tool for creating the genesis is a pure Rust project. The minimum supported Rust version is 1.65. You need the Rust toolchain installed for your platform. The easiest way to do that is to install rustup.

To build it

  • make sure to check out git submodules
    git submodule update --init --recursive
  • Run the build
    cargo build --release

This will produce a single binary ./target/release/genesis-creator.

Using the tool

The tool has two modes: generate that can generate a new genesis, and assemble that can produce a genesis from existing files (for example to regenerate the Mainnet genesis.dat).

The generate mode

To generate a new genesis, run the command

genesis-creator generate --config genesis-config.toml

where genesis-config.toml is a TOML file specifying the genesis. The TOML configuration file should specify

  • the protocol version that the chain should start in
  • the cryptographic parameters
  • the anonymity revokers,
  • the identity providers
  • the genesis accounts
  • the chain updates keys
  • the genesis parameters
  • where to output
    • the genesis.dat file
    • the cryptographic parameters
    • the private genesis account keys
    • the private chain updates keys
    • the genesis baker keys
    • the private identity provider keys
    • the private anonymity revoker keys

Specifying the protocol version

The line

protocolVersion = "n"

specifies that the chain should start up in protocol version n.

Specifying output paths

The output paths are to be specified with lines of the form

updateKeys = "some/path/update-keys"
accountKeys = "some/path/accounts-out"
bakerKeys = "some/path/bakers-out"
identityProviders = "some/path/idps-out"
anonymityRevokers = "some/path/ars-out"
genesis = "some/path/genesis.dat"
genesisHash = "some/path/genesis_hash"
cryptographicParameters = "some/path/global"

If the line deleteExisting = true is added, then all the files and folders will be deleted (if they exist) before creating them. This will happen even if the tool happens to fail in some later stage.

Specifying the cryptographic parameters

The cryptographic parameters can either be generated or contructed from a file with existing cryptographic parameters.

The lines

kind = "generate"
genesisString = "Test genesis string."

are for generating the cryptographic parameters using the given genesis string.

The lines

kind = "existing"
source = "some/path/cryptographic-parameters.json"

are for using the cryptographic parameters in the given file.

Specifying the anonymity revokers

Each genesis anonymity revoker can either be generated freshly or given from a file with an existing anonymity revoker.

The lines

kind = "fresh"
id = 1

specify that an anonymity revoker should be generated freshly and have id 1. If more than one anonymity revoker should be generated, adding the line repeat = n will generate n anonymity revokers. As example, the lines

kind = "fresh"
id = 1
repeat = 3

specify that 3 anonymity revokers should be genereated, starting with ids starting from 1.

The lines

kind = "existing"
source = "some/path/ar-info.json"

are for using the anonymity revoker from the given file.

It is possible to add several anonymity revokers using existing ones by having the lines above several times, also while some are being generated freshly. As an example, the lines

kind = "fresh"
id = 3
repeat = 3

kind = "existing"
source = "some/path/ar-info-1.json"

kind = "existing"
source = "some/path/ar-info-2.json"

specify that two existing anonymity revokers should be used, while three new anonymity revokers should be generated, with ids starting from 3. It is not allowed to have several anonymity revokers with the same id, so existing anonymity revokers must have different ids, and their ids must be different from the generated ones.

Specifying the identity providers

Each genesis identity provider can either be generated freshly or given from a file with an existing identity provider.

The lines

kind = "fresh"
id = 0

specify that an identity provider should be generated freshly and have id 0. If more than one identity provider should be generated, adding the line repeat = n will generate n identity providers. As example, the lines

kind = "fresh"
id = 0
repeat = 3

specify that 3 identity providers should be genereated, starting with ids starting from 0.

The lines

kind = "existing"
source = "some/path/ip-info.json"

are for using the identity provider from the given file.

It is possible to add several identity providers using existing ones by having the lines above several times, also while some are being generated freshly. As an example, the lines

kind = "fresh"
id = 2
repeat = 3

kind = "existing"
source = "some/path/ip-info-0.json"

kind = "existing"
source = "some/path/ip-info-1.json"

specify that two existing identity providers should be used, while three new identity providers should be generated, with ids starting from 2. It is not allowed to have several identity providers with the same id, so existing identity providers must have different ids, and their ids must be different from the generated ones.

Specifying the genesis accounts

Each genesis account can either be generated freshly or given from a file with an existing account. The lines

kind = "fresh"
balance = "1000000000"
template = "foundation"
identityProvider = 0
numKeys = 1
threshold = 1
foundation = true

specify that an account should be generated freshly with a balance of 1000000000, using the identity provider with id 0, having one account key with threshold 1. The foundation = true specifies that the account is the foundation account. The template = "foundation" specifies that the account keys output file will be prefixed with the string "foundation". If more than one account should be generated, adding the line repeat = n will generate n accounts. As an example, the lines

kind = "fresh"
balance = "1000000000"
template = "foundation"
identityProvider = 0
numKeys = 1
threshold = 1
repeat = 10000
foundation = true

specify that 1000 accounts should be generated. In this case the first one will be the foundation account.

An existing account can be added using the lines

kind = "existing"
source = "some/path/account.json"
balance = "1000000000"

If an account should be a baker account, the line stake = x is needed, where x is how much the baker should start staking with. The line restakeEarnings = true is added, the baker will be configured to restake earnings. In case of using an existing account that should be a baker, existing baker credential keys can be specified using the line bakerKeys = "...". Otherwise, new baker keys will be generated and output.

As an example, the lines

kind = "fresh"
balance = "1000000000"
template = "foundation"
identityProvider = 0
numKeys = 1
threshold = 1
repeat = 10
foundation = true

kind = "fresh"
balance = "1000000000"
stake = "500000000"
template = "baker"
identityProvider = 0
numKeys = 1
threshold = 1
repeat = 5

kind = "existing"
source = "account.json"
balance = "1000000000"

kind = "existing"
source = "baker.json"
balance = "1000000000"
stake = "500000000"
restakeEarnings = true
bakerKeys = "baker-credentials.json"

kind = "existing"
source = "baker2.json"
balance = "1000000000"
stake = "500000000"

specify that

  • 10 (non-baker) accounts should be genereated with the first one being the foundation account.
  • 5 baker accounts should be generated.
  • the existing account given by the file account.json should be included in the genesis.
  • the existing account given by the file baker.json should be included in the genesis, and this baker should restake earnings. This baker's keys are given by the file the file baker-credentials.json.
  • the existing account given by the file baker2.json should be included in the genesis. No file with baker keys provided, so these will be generated freshly and output.

Specifying the chain updates root and level 1 keys

Each root and level 1 keys can either be generated freshly or given from a file with an existing key. The lines

root = { threshold = ..., keys = [...]}
level1 = { threshold = ..., keys = [...]}

specify the thresholds and the root and level1 keys. The treshold is an integer, and each element of the keys list should be either be of the form

{kind = "fresh", repeat = n}

for generating n fresh keys, or

{kind = "existing", source = "some/path/key.json"}

for using an existing key. As an example,

root = { threshold = 5, keys = [{kind = "fresh", repeat = 7}, {kind = "existing", source = "root-key.json"}]}
level1 = { threshold = 7, keys = [{kind = "fresh", repeat = 15}]}

specifies that

  • 7 freshly generated root keys and one existing root key should be used, with threshold 5, and
  • 15 freshly generated level 1 keys should be used, with threshold 7.

Specifying the chain updates level 2 keys

Each level 2 key can either be generated freshly or given from a file with an existing key. The keys are specified in the same format as for the root and level 1 keys. For example, the lines

keys = [{kind = "fresh", repeat = 15}]

specify that 15 level 2 keys should be genereated freshly and used in the genesis. After this line it should be specified for each level 2 update which level 2 keys can change do it, and how many of that are needed to sign a chain update transaction. This is specified by lines of the form

someChainUpdate = {authorizedKeys = [...], threshold = ...}

where the value of authorizedKeys should be a list of indices specifying the level 2 keys that are allowed to do the update someChainUpdate, and threshold should be an integer. The concrete possible chain updates depends on the protocol version. In protocol version 1-3 the lines

keys = [{kind = "fresh", repeat = 15}]
emergency = {authorizedKeys = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6], threshold = 7}
protocol = {authorizedKeys = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6], threshold = 7}
electionDifficulty = {authorizedKeys = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6], threshold = 7}
euroPerEnergy = {authorizedKeys = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6], threshold = 7}
microCCDPerEuro = {authorizedKeys = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6], threshold = 7}
foundationAccount = {authorizedKeys = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6], threshold = 7}
mintDistribution = {authorizedKeys = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6], threshold = 7}
transactionFeeDistribution = {authorizedKeys = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6], threshold = 7}
gasRewards = {authorizedKeys = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6], threshold = 7}
poolParameters = {authorizedKeys = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6], threshold = 7}
addAnonymityRevoker = {authorizedKeys = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6], threshold = 7}
addIdentityProvider = {authorizedKeys = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6], threshold = 7}

specify that 15 level 2 keys should be generated, and that all of the level 2 chain updates can be done by the first 7 of the level 2 keys.

In protocol version 4, there are two more chain updates: one that updates the cooldown parameters, and one that updates the time parameters. In this case, adding the lines

cooldownParameters = {authorizedKeys = [...], threshold = ...}
timeParameters = {authorizedKeys = [...], threshold = ...}

would specify these two additional chain updates.

Specifying the genesis parameters

Protocol version 1 to 5

The core genesis parameters, the initial leadership election nonce, the finalization parameters and the initial chain parameters shall be specified.

The core genesis parameters and the initial leadership election nonce is to be specified with lines of the form

genesisTime = "2021-06-09T06:00:00Z"
slotDuration = 250
leadershipElectionNonce = "60ab0feb036f5e3646f957085238f02fea83df5993db8e784e11500969af9420"
epochLength = 14400
maxBlockEnergy = 3_000_000

where the concrete values above are replaced with those desired.

The finalization parameteres is to be specified with lines of the form

minimumSkip = 0
committeeMaxSize = 1000
waitingTime = 100
skipShrinkFactor = 0.5
skipGrowFactor = 2
delayShrinkFactor = 0.5
delayGrowFactor = 2
allowZeroDelay = true

where the concrete values above are replaced with those desired.

The chain parameters depend on the chain parameters version. In chain parameters version 0, the chain parameters is to be specified with lines of the form

version = "v0"
electionDifficulty = 0.025
euroPerEnergy = 0.00002
microCCDPerEuro = 500_000
accountCreationLimit = 10
bakerCooldownEpochs = 166
minimumThresholdForBaking = "2500000000"
mintDistribution = { mintPerSlot = 0.0000000007555665, bakingReward = 0.85, finalizationReward = 0.05 }
transactionFeeDistribution = { baker = 0.45, gasAccount = 0.45 }
gASRewards = { baker = 0.25, finalizationProof = 0.005, accountCreation = 0.02, chainUpdate = 0.005 }

where the concrete values above are replaced with those desired.

In chain parameters version 1, the chain parameters is to be specified with lines of the form

version = "v1"
electionDifficulty = 0.025
euroPerEnergy = 0.00002
microCCDPerEuro = 50_000
accountCreationLimit = 10
rewardPeriodLength = 24
mintPerPayday = 2.61157877e-4
"passiveFinalizationCommission" = 1.0
"passiveBakingCommission" = 0.12
"passiveTransactionCommission" = 0.12
"finalizationCommissionRange" = {"max" = 1.0,"min" = 1.0}
"bakingCommissionRange" = {"max" = 0.1,"min" = 0.1}
"transactionCommissionRange" = {"max" = 0.1,"min" = 0.1}
"minimumEquityCapital" = "1000"
"capitalBound" = 0.1
"leverageBound" = {"denominator" = 1, "numerator" = 3}
"poolOwnerCooldown" = 1814400
"delegatorCooldown" = 1209600
mintDistribution = { mintPerSlot = 0.0000000007555665, bakingReward = 0.85, finalizationReward = 0.05 }
transactionFeeDistribution = { baker = 0.45, gasAccount = 0.45 }
gASRewards = { baker = 0.25, finalizationProof = 0.005, accountCreation = 0.02, chainUpdate = 0.005 }

Protocol version 6

Protocol version 6 parameters are provided in the following form:

# genesisTime = "2022-06-24T11:12:43Z" # Falls back to use the current time for genesis time.
leadershipElectionNonce = "d1bc8d3ba4afc7e109612cb73acbdddac052c93025aa1f82942edabb7deb82a1"
epochDuration = "1h" # Meaning 1 hour.

minBlockTime = "1s" # Meaning 1 second.
blockEnergyLimit = 3_000_000
euroPerEnergy = 0.00002
microCCDPerEuro = 500_000
accountCreationLimit = 10

base = "2s" # Meaning 2 seconds
increase = 1.5 # Must be greater than 1.
decrease = 0.8 # Must be between 0 and 1.

minFinalizers = 4
maxFinalizers = 12
finalizersRelativeStakeThreshold = 200 # parts per hundred thousand (n / 100000).

rewardPeriodLength = 4 # 4 epochs
mintPerPayday = 2.61157877e-4

passiveFinalizationCommission = 1.0
passiveBakingCommission = 0.12
passiveTransactionCommission = 0.12
finalizationCommissionRange = {max = 1.0, min = 1.0}
bakingCommissionRange = {max = 0.1, min = 0.1}
transactionCommissionRange = {max = 0.1, min = 0.1}
minimumEquityCapital = "1000"
capitalBound = 0.1
leverageBound = {denominator = 1, numerator = 3}

poolOwnerCooldown = 800 # in seconds
delegatorCooldown = 1000 # in seconds

mintDistribution = { bakingReward = 0.85, finalizationReward = 0.05 }
transactionFeeDistribution = { baker = 0.45, gasAccount = 0.45 }
gASRewards = { baker = 0.25, accountCreation = 0.02, chainUpdate = 0.005 }

where the concrete values above are replaced with those desired.

The assemble mode

To generate a genesis from existing file, run

genesis-creator assemble --config assemble-config.toml

where assemble-config.toml is a TOML file specifying how to assemble genesis. The TOML configuration file should specify

  • the protocol version
  • the foundation account
  • a path to a file with the genesis accounts
  • a path to a file with the identity providers
  • a path to a file with the anonymity revokers
  • a path to a file with the governance keys
  • a path to a file with the cryptographic parameters
  • where to output the genesis.dat file
  • the genesis parameters

The protocol version, the foundation account and the paths are to be specified with the lines

protocolVersion = "n"
foundationAccount = "..."
accounts = "path/accounts.json"
idps = "path/identity-providers.json"
ars = "path/anonymity-revokers.json"
governanceKeys = "path/governance-keys.json"
global = "path/cryptographic-parameters.json"
genesisOut = "path/genesis.dat"
genesisHashOut = ".path/genesis_hash"

The genesis parameters are specified in the same format as when generating a new genesis, see the section above.