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  • TransitionView ✅


  • useScreenSize
  • usePrevious ✅
  • useBatchObjectState ✅
  • useElementSize ✅
  • useElementSizeEffect ✅


  • addFlex ✅
  • addAbsolute ✅
  • createStyleSheet ✅

Getting Started

// package.json
"dependencies": { "react-helpers-web": "github:Conduct/react-helpers-web#v0.1.3" }

installing a specific version tag helps to avoid unexpected updates


A wrapper to animate child components
example uses:

  • Accordion content
  • Fading loading spinner
  • Routing content transitions
  • Auto animated lists / search results


Animate a views children by using a TransitionView, supporting

  • crossfading
  • sliding existing items
  • auto height transitions

NOTE: each child needs a unique key
Hiding/showing form input error text

<TransitionView contentChangedKey={inlineErrorTexts.join("")} overflow="hidden">
  {hasVisibleErrors && (
    <div key={inlineErrorTexts.join("")} style={styles.errors}>
      {inlineErrorTexts.join(", ")}

Showing an animated list

<TransitionView contentChangedKey={wordList.join("")} slideExistingItems>
  { => (
    <div key={word} style={{ padding: 4, margin: 4 }}>
      <div> {word} </div>


type Props = {
  contentChangedKey: string | boolean; // lets the component know the content has changed
  speed?: number; // multiplies the default speed (1.0 is default)
  cssStyle?: CSSObject;
  childWrapperStyle?: CSSObject; // for the view wrapping each child (to measure height)
  childOuterWrapperStyle?: CSSObject; // for the view wrapping each child wrapper (to set y position)
  renderWhenNoChildren?: boolean;
  overflow?: OverflowMode; // "hidden" | "visible" | "whenShrinking" | "whenGrowing"
  direction?: "vertical" | "horizontal"; // TODO
  children: FadableChild[] | FadableChild; // ReactElement | false | null | undefined
  initialChildHeight?: number;
  hasBackground?: boolean; // whether the faded content has a background, enabling this stops a flash of 0.5 opacity when fading between two items
  slideExistingItems?: boolean; // So children with same keys slide to new positions instead of fading out and in
} & ViewProps;


For a quick way to edit this package, add 📂src to your project as a renamed local folder like 📂react-helpers-web-dev, and replacing imports from "react-helpers-web" to "react-helpers-web-dev".
Enabling "baseUrl": in tsconfig.json allows non-relative imports