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Releases: Countly/countly-server

Countly Version 22.09.13

07 Feb 16:07
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  • [compliance-hub] Fix consent history filter
  • [core] Fixes for dashboard date picker in for different timezones
  • [core] Fixes to correctly select single day in date picker
  • [core] Improve permission check in member drawer
  • [remote-config] changes for remote config invalid condition scenario
  • [server-stats] Fixed localization
  • [star-ratings] Fixed issue with submit button

Enterprise fixes:

  • [cohort] Prevent errors in segmentation filter in case of invalid cohort name.
  • [data-manager] Fix for Invalid values on opening form when editing transformation with regexp in data manager

Countly Version 22.09.12

02 Feb 15:27
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  • [core] fix for users with appListSort
  • [crashes] smart stack preprocessing to remove dynamic content
  • [report-manager] Prevent server crashing on invalid comment value upon saving long task

Enterprise fixes:

  • [crash_symbolication] display symbolicate option for javascript stacktraces
  • [drill] do not call sorting function on cohorts. (As it is object, not array )
  • [drill] Fix bug with not loading values in query builder for custom properties
  • [drill] prevent server error if for segmentation calculation are passed values, which are not type is not string
  • [funnels] time between steps is ofsetted

Countly server 22.09.11

31 Jan 19:17
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  • [compliance-hub] Fixes for table export.
  • [core] Local table export improvements to allow sorting.
  • [data-manager] Fixes for event transformation drawer.
  • [dbviewer] Storing aggregation pipeline results in reports if they take long to calculate.
  • [plugins] Update internal-events endpoint access right
  • [push] App filter for consent removal
  • [push] Better network error handling, less batching logging, moving timeout checks to mongo stream
  • [push] Proper error message and scheduling for no audience case
  • [push] Sending approval emails again on message edits, leaving submitted props on edits
  • [report manager] Improved filtering of reports to allow filter by App and owner.
  • [views] Correct path usage in dashboard to prevent errors in case countly root is in subfolder.

Enterprise fixes:

  • [ab-testing] AB testing bayesian models compilation fixed
  • [attribution] Fixed issues with invalid url after edit
  • [attribution] Fixes for platform recording
  • [cohorts] Bugfix for cohort data merging on user merge.
  • [cohorts] Fixed issues for realtime cohort update on requests with only user properties
  • [concurrent-users] Number visualization widget
  • [data-manager] Fixes for biglist handling on install
  • [data-manager] User property handling fixes
  • [drill] Improved cohort filtering in query builder
  • [flows] Fixed issue with resetting settings on install
  • [flows] Valid range selection on calculating flows
  • [oidc] allow provide custom text for Login button
  • [oidc] make sure email is lower case
  • [oidc] precreate config file on install, if it does not exist
  • [push_approver] Allowing global admin approvers to be notified about messages
  • [users] not showing exported filename path in exported file.

Countly Version 22.09.10

10 Jan 18:14
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  • [logger] removing potentially sensitive info from headers
  • [settings] small fixes to search in settings
  • [ui] table export column titles are not user friendly

Enterprise fixes:

  • [attribution] added typo control for platform when parsing user-agent parameters.
  • [data-manager] invalid values on opening form when editing transformation with regexp in data-manager
  • [oidc] add same site cookie fallback
  • [oidc] generate password moved to common
  • [surveys] completed_surveys uses _id field, not uid field

Countly Version 22.09.9

10 Jan 18:11
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  • [applications] prevent used app_key in front and back end
  • [crashes] rename bi to bn
  • [crashes] use real session as fallback in crash stats
  • [push] logging crashing issue

Enterprise fixes:

  • [ab-testing] add Ubuntu 22 support and remove CentOS 6 support on AB testing

Countly Version 22.09.8

23 Dec 18:24
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  • [dashboards] date picker doesn't fit into the view in dashboards
  • [dashboards] fixed date formats for monthly selection in widgets
  • [dashboards] provided chart refresh after changing time bucket for specific widgets
  • [hooks] configurable rate limiter for hooks implemented
  • [hooks] sanitize email HTML input
  • [push] streaming timeouts handling
  • [render] added configurationsView checks not to break server side rendering
  • [settings] search in settings

Enterprise fixes:

  • [cohorts] improved speed for loading cohort widgets in dashboards
  • [data-manager] fixed for missing data type in user props
  • [data-manager] fixed user properties sort
  • [drill] adding stringified Drill query to the export file name
  • [funnels] fixed for false error ouptut in logs if funnels dashboard widget does not have filter query
  • [push_approver] correct members query
  • [revenue] fixed revenue widgets metric selection
  • [users] fixed user profiles consent table export exports ALL users, not only this one
  • [users] change format for numbers in user profiles

Countly Version 22.09.7

16 Dec 19:25
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  • [api] added try catch block to regex
  • [core] increasing runners timeouts + bug fixes
  • [countries] fixed data display on tooltip
  • [countries] Home > Countries data is missing after navigation
  • [crashes] format binary images in new way
  • [crashes] show binary image name from new format
  • [dashboars] added required libraries for puppeteer
  • [dbviewer] preventing crash if array passed as filter to dbviewer
  • [hooks] error handling fixes
  • [longtask] error message added for delete button
  • [plugins] remove plugin upload
  • [prelogin] filter error messages
  • [push] correct app id when fetching test users cohorts
  • [push] missing indexes for token hashes
  • [ui] replaces merge with mergeWith for every chart
  • [users] added a check for application admin to have correct rights
  • [views] fixed u value estimation when viewing 'selected views' table in analytics/views

Enterprise fixes:

  • [ab-testing] update python shell version
  • [active-users] fixed the issue where the data was broken if the selected period time was yesterday or yesterday
  • [cohorts] added "my cohorts" option and changed filtering to a dropdown
  • [cohorts] added cohort update on incoming user properties
  • [cohorts] added Recalculate cohort button in cohort view
  • [cohorts] added trigger to swich states for cohorts dependant on other cohorts
  • [cohorts] code optimisation and more tests
  • [cohorts] fixed bug with hashes not clearing out on cohort deletion
  • [cohorts] fixed case when user coming in/out of saame cohort in single iteration
  • [cohorts] fixed code to properly deal with definition for user properties nested under $and, $or
  • [cohorts] optimize realtime cohort update queries for sharded cluster
  • [cohorts] remove favorite number
  • [crash_symbolication] convert binary images to new format before sending
  • [crash_symbolication] fixed symbol file uploader
  • [crash_symbolication] symbolicate javascript stack trace types
  • [users] display date type based on meta type and nested values based on timeline
  • [users] fixed for user property data type change
  • [users] fixed segment not loaded after refresh
  • [users] number formatting in user profile

Countly Version 22.09.6

09 Dec 19:45
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  • [crashes] there can be binaries with same name, but different addresses
  • [dashboards] fixed unable to change data type for analytics widget on EDIT
  • [dashboards] changed date picker placement to bottom end
  • [push] fixed wrong reset type handling

Enterprise fixes:

  • [active_users] improved precision for MAU
  • [crash_symbolication] bump version if there is new binary_images model
  • [funnels] creator added to funnel and displayed with creation time and last updated
  • [funnels] removed last updated, added style, displayed special characters in funnel name
  • [users] display nested objects correctly

Countly Version 22.09.5

02 Dec 16:59
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  • [compliance-hub] localization bugfix for compliance hub
  • [country] fixed handle undefined country data
  • [crashes] add log and return failed crash deletion
  • [crashes] clear selection after deletion or hiding
  • [crashes] multiple crash deletion fix
  • [crashes] remove crashgroup row click handler
  • [crashes] show alert for failed operations
  • [dashboards] unnecessary scrollbar on old widgets
  • [db] wrap bulkWrite operation for debug
  • [export] allow passing format to stream function for dates when exporting
  • [member-utility] prevent modify immutable field
  • [pdf] moved to pure puppeteer for pdf generation
  • [push] correct send now date for drafts
  • [push] remove device tokens on user removals and consents
  • [push] respecting rate limit
  • [push] switching to old request method because of outdated puppeteer monkey patching
  • [remote-config] fixed data passed to audit log
  • [remote-config] object check for json
  • [views] fix for views to return also value 'u' for period 'day' event if it matches uvalue
  • [views] fixed incorrect total view count for "this year" period

Enterprise Fixes:

  • [active-users] active Users table date column formatting
  • [attribution] fixed error in attribution plugin
  • [concurrent_users] null check before registering labels in configuration view for concurrent users
  • [drill] fixed export downloads empty file, fixed period param for passing
  • [drill] fixed unescaped characters from chart's legend and querybuilder
  • [ldap] log error on ldap client error instead of throwing exception
  • [retention] cohort based breakdown in Retention doesn't show the cohort names
  • [retention] minor visual issues fixed in the Retention view
  • [user-management] make group names in user list clickable

Countly Version 22.09.4

25 Nov 17:47
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  • [api] respond 200 on ignore of device_id
  • [dashboards] change width for dashboard report
  • [dependencies] html-pdf replaced with pdf-puppeteer
  • [dependencies] replaced external ip module with icanhazip
  • [export] adding timeout in export to prevent stream closed, cannot push to
  • [menu] update Applications and Settings menu item position
  • [push] empty error message for expired iOS tokens
  • [push] leaving push history on push api-consent removal
  • [star-rating] added null check
  • [star-rating] changes for star-rating refresh issue
  • [star-rating] percentage fix
  • [ui] ui fixes not using :has operator

Enterprise Fixes:

  • [cohorts] fixes for realtime cohort in case of multiple ORs
  • [cohorts] null check and validation on unexpected data from db
  • [dashboards] removed info about decimal points for fotmula widget
  • [dashboards] showing correct period for buckets week and month for drill and formula
  • [dashboards] showing values on widgets even if range is smaller than bucket for drill and formula
  • [data-manager] null check fix
  • [data-manager] reduces i18n call
  • [formulas] visual fix for formulas dashboard widget