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Users and Roles

bk-cs edited this page Mar 7, 2022 · 8 revisions

CrowdStrike Falcon API DocumentationEU 1US-1US-2US-GOV-1

Command Permission
Add-FalconRole usermgmt:write
Edit-FalconUser usermgmt:write
Get-FalconRole usermgmt:read
Get-FalconUser usermgmt:read
New-FalconUser usermgmt:write
Remove-FalconRole usermgmt:write
Remove-FalconUser usermgmt:write

Create a new user

New-FalconUser -Username

List all user IDs


Find a user ID by username

Get-FalconUser -Usernames

List all users and their details

Get-FalconUser -Detailed

NOTE: The -Include parameter can be used to append user roles to Get-FalconUser output.

Get details on one or more users

Get-FalconUser -Ids <id>, <id>

Modify a user

Edit-FalconUser -Id <id> -FirstName Jane -LastName Doe

Remove a user

Remove-FalconUser -Id <id>

List all available user roles

Get-FalconRole [-Detailed]

List roles assigned to a user

Get-FalconRole -UserId <id> [-Detailed]

Assign roles to a user

Add-FalconRole -Ids <id>, <id> -UserId <id>

Revoke roles from a user

Remove-FalconRole -Ids <id>, <id> -UserId <id>
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