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Releases: DXgovernance/DAVI

DAVI Release v2.4.0

19 Jan 16:04
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A lot of small quality of life improvements and bugfixes in this release as the team focused most of its energy on our data architecture migration and subgraph support coming soon.

  • Reactions in main discussions and discussion cards
  • Timestamps on discussions
  • Added hammer icon for moderators
  • Anyone can create discussions
  • Highlight + paste to embed links in text
  • Description links open in new tabs
  • Major bug fixes and improvements to rich contracts
  • Llama pay streaming contracts supported
  • Added Sentry error monitoring
  • New HTML preview image
  • Fixed pinata 400 error
  • Mint rep takes user to create discussion page
  • Fixed race condition and non updating rich contract data for decoding proposals
  • Fixed decimal edge cases in transfer action
  • Date input now works better and closes on date selection (can test on llama pay action in gnosis)
  • Fixed duration display when displaying 0 seconds (also in llama pay, visible in last parameter)

Hash: bafybeihycpea4qo3rdivjh2qy346k4itcpcsigjfunjgua5tlahtdagqfa


DAVI Release v2.3.0

05 Jan 16:22
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🎉 Project DAVI v2.3.0 is live 🎉
Quite a large release for us as we have deployed our first official guilds which we use for DXdao squads, which now manage their own budgets in a semi-automotous way utilising guilds!


  • Social MVP 🫂
  • New guild registry with squad guilds deployed! 🛳️
  • Permissions checks in action builder 🦺
  • Advanced raw transaction action 🥩

For any feedback please use the links in the application footer and for more serious issues reach out the DXgov team

We also have our first docs live here to help our first users of DAVI

DAVI v2.2.0

12 Dec 13:47
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DAVI Release v2.2.0

This release of DAVI has again been autonomously executed via a guild on DAVI with controller ownership over the ENS name.

At the beginning of the new year we will kicking off DXdao’s new budget structure with DXdao teams using DAVI for daily operations. You can read the budget proposals in the forum and we are looking forward to dogfooding DAVI!

This release sees a major performance improvement in how DAVI works and fetches data. Previously we used polling for new data which hit both our RPC providers and user machines very hard. Now we are listening for events

The week before this change we saw daily relay’s by pokt in the millions and now we are down to a daily average of just a few thousand relays. The CPU usage graphs are also below (not entirely scientific benchmark, but a clear improvement). This comes at a great time before we scale our users up to the entirety of DXdao.




  • 🚀 Added approve call to asset transfer permissions

  • 🔧 Replaced watch flags for event listeners - Huge performance improvements

  • 🔧 Upgraded wagmi library to 0.7.15

  • 🐛 Fixed "X" incorrectly showing on some NumericalInput components

  • 🐛 Fixed error display on setGuildConfig

Providing feedback

To collect feedback we have set up canny:

For larger feature requests or suggestions please write them here. Also, feel free to vote on existing features that you would like to see. All of this will help us build DAVI into a better product.

For bug reports or general feedback you can also write them down in a google doc and send them to the DXgov team, they will then be aggregated into one notion document. Updates will then be provided by comments in this document. The more screenshots and descriptions you give the better.

Coming up in the next release

DAVI v2.1.1

25 Nov 11:08
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DAVI Release v2.1.1

We have been almost 3 weeks now in public beta for DAVI and in that time have had good initial feedback and some fun opportunities to test things.

Some initial user testing showed very promising feedback on the user experience and it seems DXdao contributors are excited about moving more operations to DAVI!

We also uncovered some bugs and UX improvements that are making their way into this release.

We had the first ever known inter DAO vote performed from the DXD guild to DXdao where we voted with a fraction of a percentage of rep on the phase 2 restructuring proposal passing. All went well and it gives us the signal to move ahead with the DXD guild plans. The process for voting is still in very early alpha stages and much more is planned to give a good DAO-DAO voting experience to all DAOs on DAVI, but for the time being the functionality is there for exploration!

Inter-DAO vote

We also utilised DAVI to distribute $26500 in hackathon prizes to the winners of infinite hackathon. This provided us a use case where doing this in DXvote would have required 8 proposals and instead we had one clean propsoal in DAVI, created by non technical contributors with little instruction.

Infinite hackathon prize distribution

And again this release of DAVI has been autonomously executed via a guild on DAVI with controller ownership over the ENS name.

The next major use case for dogfooding DAVI will be launching guilds for each of the squads in DXdao as part of the restructuring to increase accountability and budgeting, read more here and keep an eye out for those guilds going live in December

Phase 3 Budgetary process


  • Set Guild Config action - You can now update your guild configs with an easy to use core action
  • Support default values from rich contract data - This was an immediate improvement we could make for inter-DAO voting and contract forms in general
  • Allow ens for address input - A nig request and one that made sending out prize money a breeze (you dont even need to write .eth on the end of names)
  • Use ENS subdomains for config fetching - A behind the scenes update but one that will allow us to quickly add functionality to DAVI without redeploying!
  • Offline screen - You cant do much offline but at least now you know you are offline
  • Block explorer links on addresses
  • Fix voting power on vote transaction for snapshot guilds - Thanks to Sky for finding this bug

Providing feedback

To collect feedback we have set up canny:

DAVI canny

For larger feature requests or suggestions please write them here. Also, feel free to vote on existing features that you would like to see. All of this will help us build DAVI into a better product.

For bug reports or general feedback you can also write them down in a google doc and send them to the DXgov team, they will then be aggregated into one notion document. Updates will then be provided by comments in this document. The more screenshots and descriptions you give the better.

Coming up in the next release

DAVI v2.0.1 - Public beta

07 Nov 10:54
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Public beta

Project DAVI

A few weeks ago we opened DAVI up in private beta for internal testing in DXdao and to get it into people’s hands alongside a demo. The private beta was defined as still being on testnets like Goerli. But now we have deployed to production networks we are entering public beta.

The main audience is still very much DXdao as we need to dogfood guilds internally before onboarding external organisations onto DAVI.

The public beta consists of our initial guilds launching on Mainnet and gnosis chain (maybe Arbitrum soon too):

  • ERC20 guilds - The guilds are built around an existing ERC20 token requiring users to lock the token for voting power.
    • SWPR guild - Coming soon 👀
    • DXD guild - In production now as we test inter-DAO voting. Please do not lock DXD yet, we will announce separately when it is ready with the initial 4% voting power in DXdao.
  • REP guilds - These operate around a reputation token the same as DXdao and will be used to facilitate DXdao actions usually undertaken by a MS. It can also provide a scalable solution to communities or teams just starting operations.

You may also notice our guilds have the same addresses across chains now thanks to some upgrades to our deployment processes.

And if you take a look at the Mainnet guild’s past proposals you’ll even see that we used DAVI to launch DAVI via ENS updates!

We’ll see if we can find some time to demo DAVI’s public beta to everyone soon also.


Compared to the previous version, 1.2.0, most of the changes have been under the hood and bug fixes.

  • Updated readability of contracts
  • Improved how we read guild types with added caching
  • Added Mainnet and gnosis chain registries
  • Support CID v1 in ENS update action

We need you

The whole logic behind the ecosystem vision of DXdao’s products enabling community freedom is that DXdao will be the first to use all of these products and is building them because it sees a need. This should encourage others to see DXdao doing cool things and want to emulate us. So in order to show others everything guilds can do inside DAVI we need to use them ourselves.

We will likely use the current Mainnet rep guild for paying out hackathon prizes in the next week. In addition of course DXD guild will soon be getting tested utilising it’s REP.

Beyond this, phase 2 of restructuring calls for each squad to have its own budget and OKRs which will require the squad having its own on chain entity, a perfect chance for guilds to shine.

DXgov will lead since we are well positioned both for goals and in experience with DAVI but shortly all squads should be using DAVI for their operations. We can also use discussions and social features inside those guilds to document efforts and discussions specific to each squad.

If you have any further ideas on how we can use DAVI internally please suggest them to the DXgov team!

We also need to add contracts to our config, if you know a contract you want a DAVI DAO to be able to call then let us know!

Longer term we have some potential partners and DXgov’s next priority is supporting Gov 1.5 and migrating DXdao to DAVI.

Providing feedback

To collect feedback we have set up canny:

For larger feature requests or suggestions please write them here. Also, feel free to vote on existing features that you would like to see. All of this will help us build DAVI into a better product.

For bug reports or general feedback you can also write them down in a google doc and send them to the DXgov team, they will then be aggregated into one notion document. Updates will then be provided by comments in this document. The more screenshots and descriptions you give the better.

Coming up in the next release