This is my vimrc. It contain some awesome plugin, and user friendly setting.
$ git clone
$ cd vimrc
$ ./
It will install all plugin at first start
These are my custom or common using key mapping. For plugin key mapping, you should reference their document for full help.
<leader>: ,
Normal mode:
- <F1>: Toggle Gundo
- <F2>: Toggle VimFiler
- <F3>: Toggle Tagbar
- <F4>: Toggle highlight search
- <F5>: Toggle QuickFix
- <F6>: Format code(Require astyle, nodejs. Support by AutoFormat)
- <F7>: Previous tab
- <F8>: Next tab
- <F9>: Compile or run (By SingleCompile)
- <Tab>: Increase indent to current line
- <S-Tab>: Decrease indent to current line
- <leader>a: Jump to header file(By a.vim)
- <leader>f: Denite file
- <leader>e: Denite buffer
- <leader>t: Denite filetype
- <leader>p: Previous buffer
- <leader>n: Next bufer
- <leader>z: Toggle persent Mode
- <M-Right>: Increse horizontal size (When window split)
- <M-Left>: Decrese horizontal size (When window split)
- <M-Down>: Increse vertical size (When window split)
- <M-Up>: Decrese vertical size (When window split)
- gcc: Toggle current comment(By vim-commentary)
Visual mode:
- <C-Right>: Increase select line indent
- <C-Left>: Decrease select line indent
I admit the amount of plugin cause performance problem. But it useful, maybe.
[comment]: # Inject start