Create a main.go
package main
import (
func addSecureHeaders(c *gin.Context) {
c.Writer.Header().Set("Strict-Transport-Security", "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload")
c.Writer.Header().Set("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff")
c.Writer.Header().Set("X-Frame-Options", "SAMEORIGIN")
serve_SSL_only := os.Getenv("SERVE_SSL_ONLY")
if serve_SSL_only == "true" {
c.Writer.Header().Set("Content-Security-Policy", "default-src https: 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' data: https:; img-src 'self' blob: data: https:;media-src 'self' blob: data: https:; object-src 'self' blob: data: https; connect-src 'self' wss: https:")
c.Writer.Header().Set("X-XSS-Protection", "1")
func main() {
port := os.Getenv("PORT")
app.InitializeLite(false, []string{})
ginServer.Router.NoRoute(func(c *gin.Context) {
c.JSON(404, gin.H{"code": "PAGE_NOT_FOUND", "message": "Page not found"})
ginServer.Router.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
var data []byte
data = append(data, []byte("log.Println('Hello GoCore Lite');")...)
// Possibly read assets like an index.html template through the use of an awesome project which compiles all assets into your go binary.
// data, err := assets.Asset("web/dist/index.html")
// if err != nil {
// ginServer.RenderHTML("Error: "+err.Error(), c)
// return
// }
ext := path.Ext(c.Request.URL.String())
c.Writer.Header().Set("Content-Type", mime.TypeByExtension(ext))
c.Writer.Header().Set("Content-Length", extensions.IntToString(len(data)))
ginServer.RespondJSFile(data, time.Now(), c)
if port == "" {
go app.RunLite(80)
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, os.Kill)
} else {
Then run go build main.go && ./main