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1003 lines (851 loc) · 25.6 KB

File metadata and controls

1003 lines (851 loc) · 25.6 KB


Client library for Flickr API Schema

Installation and Usage

npm install --save @datafire/flickr
let flickr = require('@datafire/flickr').create();

.then(data => {


A subset of Flickr's API defined in Swagger format.



Returns an access token

  "oauth_consumer_key": "",
  "oauth_nonce": "",
  "oauth_timestamp": "",
  "oauth_signature_method": "",
  "oauth_version": "",
  "oauth_signature": "",
  "oauth_verifier": "",
  "oauth_token": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • oauth_consumer_key required string
    • oauth_nonce required string
    • oauth_timestamp required string
    • oauth_signature_method required string
    • oauth_version required string
    • oauth_signature required string
    • oauth_verifier required string
    • oauth_token required string


  • output string


Returns an oauth token and oauth token secret

  "oauth_consumer_key": "",
  "oauth_nonce": "",
  "oauth_timestamp": "",
  "oauth_signature_method": "",
  "oauth_version": "",
  "oauth_signature": "",
  "oauth_callback": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • oauth_consumer_key required string
    • oauth_nonce required string
    • oauth_timestamp required string
    • oauth_signature_method required string
    • oauth_version required string
    • oauth_signature required string
    • oauth_callback required string


  • output string


Returns next and previous favorites for a photo in a user's favorites

  "api_key": "",
  "photo_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • photo_id required string
    • user_id string



Returns a list of the user's favorite photos. Only photos which the calling user has permission to see are returned.

  "api_key": "",
  "user_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • user_id required string
    • min_fave_date number
    • max_fave_date number
    • page number
    • per_page number


  • output object
    • page number
    • pages number
    • perpage number
    • photos array
    • total number


Returns a list of photos in a gallery.

  "api_key": "",
  "gallery_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • gallery_id required string


  • output object
    • photos array


Get information on a group topic reply

  "api_key": "",
  "topic_id": "",
  "reply_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • group_id string
    • topic_id required string
    • reply_id required string



Get information about a group discussion topic

  "api_key": "",
  "topic_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • group_id string
    • topic_id required string



Get a list of discussion topics in a group.

  "api_key": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • group_id string
    • page number
    • per_page number


  • output object
    • iconfarm number
    • iconserver number
    • ispoolmoderated boolean
    • lang string
    • members number
    • name string
    • page number
    • pages number
    • per_page number
    • privacy number
    • topics array
    • total number


Get information about a group

  "api_key": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • group_id string
    • group_path_alias string
    • lang string



Returns next and previous photos for a photo in a group pool

  "api_key": "",
  "photo_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • photo_id required string
    • group_id string



Returns a list of pool photos for a given group

  "api_key": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • group_id string


  • output object
    • photos array


Returns a person

  "api_key": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • user_id string



Return photos from the given user's photostream

  "api_key": "",
  "user_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • user_id required string
    • safe_search number
    • min_upload_date number
    • max_upload_date number
    • min_taken_date number
    • max_taken_date number
    • content_type number
    • privacy_filter number
    • page number
    • per_page number


  • output object
    • page number
    • pages number
    • perpage number
    • photos array
    • total number


Returns next and previous photos in a photo list

  "api_key": "",
  "photo_id": "",
  "photolist_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • photo_id required string
    • photolist_id required string



Returns next and previous photos for a photo in a photostream

  "api_key": "",
  "photo_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • photo_id required string



Retrieves a list of EXIF/TIFF/GPS tags for a given photo. The calling user must have permission to view the photo.

  "api_key": "",
  "photo_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • photo_id required string
    • secret string


  • output object
    • photo object
      • camera string
      • exif array
        • items object
          • label string
          • raw object
            • _content string
          • tag string
          • tagspace string
          • tagspaceid string
      • farm string
      • id string
      • secret string
      • server string
    • stat Stat


Returns a photo

  "api_key": "",
  "photo_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • photo_id required string



Returns photo sizes

  "api_key": "",
  "photo_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • photo_id required string


  • output object
    • sizes object
      • canblog number
      • candownload number
      • canprint number
      • sizes array
    • stat Stat


Fetches a list of available photo licenses for Flickr

  "api_key": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string


  • output object
    • licenses object
      • license array
        • items object
          • id integer
          • name string
          • url string
    • stat Stat


Return a list of photos matching some criteria.

  "api_key": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • text string: A free text search. Photos who's title, description or tags contain the text will be returned. You can exclude results that match a term by prepending it with a - character.
    • tags string: A comma-delimited list of tags. Photos with one or more of the tags listed will be returned. You can exclude results that match a term by prepending it with a - character.
    • user_id string: The NSID of the user who's photo to search. If this parameter isn't passed then everybody's public photos will be searched. A value of "me" will search against the calling user's photos for authenticated calls.
    • min_upload_date string: Minimum upload date. Photos with an upload date greater than or equal to this value will be returned. The date can be in the form of a unix timestamp or mysql datetime.
    • max_upload_date string: Maximum upload date. Photos with an upload date less than or equal to this value will be returned. The date can be in the form of a unix timestamp or mysql datetime.
    • min_taken_date string: Minimum taken date. Photos with an taken date greater than or equal to this value will be returned. The date can be in the form of a mysql datetime or unix timestamp.
    • max_taken_date string: Maximum taken date. Photos with an taken date less than or equal to this value will be returned. The date can be in the form of a mysql datetime or unix timestamp.
    • license string: The license id for photos (for possible values see the method). Multiple licenses may be comma-separated.
    • sort string: The order in which to sort returned photos. Deafults to date-posted-desc (unless you are doing a radial geo query, in which case the default sorting is by ascending distance from the point specified). The possible values are:
    • privacy_filter number: Return photos only matching a certain privacy level. This only applies when making an authenticated call to view photos you own. Valid values are:,
    • bbox string: A comma-delimited list of 4 values defining the Bounding Box of the area that will be searched.
    • accuracy string: Recorded accuracy level of the location information. Current range is 1-16:
    • safe_search number: Safe search setting:
    • content_type number: Content Type setting:
    • machine_tags string: Aside from passing in a fully formed machine tag, there is a special syntax for searching on specific properties : Find photos using the 'dc' namespace : "machine_tags" => "dc:" Find photos with a title in the 'dc' namespace : "machine_tags" => "dc:title=" Find photos titled "mr. camera" in the 'dc' namespace : "machine_tags" => "dc:title="mr. camera" Find photos whose value is "mr. camera" : "machine_tags" => ":="mr. camera"" Find photos that have a title, in any namespace : "machine_tags" => ":title=" Find photos that have a title, in any namespace, whose value is "mr. camera" : "machine_tags" => ":title="mr. camera"" Find photos, in the 'dc' namespace whose value is "mr. camera" : "machine_tags" => "dc:*="mr. camera"" Multiple machine tags may be queried by passing a comma-separated list. The number of machine tags you can pass in a single query depends on the tag mode (AND or OR) that you are querying with. "AND" queries are limited to (16) machine tags. "OR" queries are limited to (8).
    • machine_tag_mode string: Either 'any' for an OR combination of tags, or 'all' for an AND combination. Defaults to 'any' if not specified.
    • group_id string: The id of a group who's pool to search. If specified, only matching photos posted to the group's pool will be returned.
    • contacts string: Search your contacts. Either 'all' or 'ff' for just friends and family. (Experimental)
    • woe_id string: A 32-bit identifier that uniquely represents spatial entities. (not used if bbox argument is present).
    • place_id string: A Flickr place id. (not used if bbox argument is present). Geo queries require some sort of limiting agent in order to prevent the database from crying. This is basically like the check against "parameterless searches" for queries without a geo component. A tag, for instance, is considered a limiting agent as are user defined min_date_taken and min_date_upload parameters — If no limiting factor is passed we return only photos added in the last 12 hours (though we may extend the limit in the future).
    • media string: Filter results by media type. Possible values are all (default), photos or videos
    • has_geo string: Any photo that has been geotagged, or if the value is "0" any photo that has not been geotagged. Geo queries require some sort of limiting agent in order to prevent the database from crying. This is basically like the check against "parameterless searches" for queries without a geo component. A tag, for instance, is considered a limiting agent as are user defined min_date_taken and min_date_upload parameters — If no limiting factor is passed we return only photos added in the last 12 hours (though we may extend the limit in the future).
    • geo_context string: Geo context is a numeric value representing the photo's geotagginess beyond latitude and longitude. For example, you may wish to search for photos that were taken "indoors" or "outdoors". The current list of context IDs is: 0, not defined. 1, indoors. 2, outdoors. Geo queries require some sort of limiting agent in order to prevent the database from crying. This is basically like the check against "parameterless searches" for queries without a geo component. A tag, for instance, is considered a limiting agent as are user defined min_date_taken and min_date_upload parameters — If no limiting factor is passed we return only photos added in the last 12 hours (though we may extend the limit in the future).
    • lat string: A valid latitude, in decimal format, for doing radial geo queries. Geo queries require some sort of limiting agent in order to prevent the database from crying. This is basically like the check against "parameterless searches" for queries without a geo component. A tag, for instance, is considered a limiting agent as are user defined min_date_taken and min_date_upload parameters — If no limiting factor is passed we return only photos added in the last 12 hours (though we may extend the limit in the future).
    • lon string: A valid longitude, in decimal format, for doing radial geo queries. Geo queries require some sort of limiting agent in order to prevent the database from crying. This is basically like the check against "parameterless searches" for queries without a geo component. A tag, for instance, is considered a limiting agent as are user defined min_date_taken and min_date_upload parameters — If no limiting factor is passed we return only photos added in the last 12 hours (though we may extend the limit in the future).
    • radius number: A valid radius used for geo queries, greater than zero and less than 20 miles (or 32 kilometers), for use with point-based geo queries. The default value is 5 (km).
    • radius_units string: The unit of measure when doing radial geo queries. Valid options are "mi" (miles) and "km" (kilometers). The default is "km".
    • is_commons boolean: Limit the scope of the search to only photos that are part of the Flickr Commons project. Default is false.
    • in_gallery boolean: Limit the scope of the search to only photos that are in a gallery? Default is false, search all photos.
    • is_getty boolean: Limit the scope of the search to only photos that are for sale on Getty. Default is false.
    • per_page number: Number of photos to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 100. The maximum allowed value is 500.
    • page number: The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.


  • output object
    • page number
    • pages number
    • perpage number
    • photos array
    • total number


Returns next and previous photos for a photo in a set

  "api_key": "",
  "photo_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • photo_id required string
    • photoset_id string



Returns the albums belonging to the specified user

  "api_key": "",
  "user_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • user_id required string
    • page number
    • per_page number


  • output object
    • page number
    • pages number
    • perpage number
    • photosets array
    • total number


Returns a list of photos in an album.

  "api_key": "",
  "photoset_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • photoset_id required string


  • output object
    • photoset array


Echos the input parameters back in the response

  "api_key": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • echo string


  • output object
    • echo object
      • _content string


Uploads a new photo to Flickr

  "api_key": "",
  "photo": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string
    • photo required string, object
      • content string
      • encoding string (values: ascii, utf8, utf16le, base64, binary, hex)
      • contentType string
      • filename string
    • title string
    • description string
    • tags string
    • is_public string (values: 0, 1)
    • is_friend string (values: 0, 1)
    • is_family string (values: 0, 1)
    • safety_level string (values: 1, 2, 3)
    • content_type string (values: 1, 2, 3)
    • hidden string (values: 1, 2)


  • output object



  • Album object
    • can_comment boolean
    • count_comments number
    • count_views number
    • date_create number
    • date_update number
    • description string
    • farm string
    • id string
    • photos number
    • primary string
    • secret string
    • server string
    • title string
    • videos number


  • ContextPhoto object
    • farm string
    • id string
    • is_faved boolean
    • license integer
    • media string
    • owner string
    • safe boolean
    • secret string
    • server string
    • thumb string
    • title string
    • url string



  • Cover object
    • farm string
    • id string
    • isfamily boolean
    • isfriend boolean
    • ispublic boolean
    • owner string
    • secret string
    • server string
    • title string
    • y string


  • Group object
    • blast object
      • _content string
      • date_blast_added string
      • user_id string
    • cover Cover
    • coverphoto_farm string
    • coverphoto_server string
    • coverphoto_url PhotoURLs
    • description object
      • _content string
    • iconfarm string
    • iconserver string
    • id string
    • is_admin boolean
    • is_member boolean
    • is_moderator boolean
    • ispoolmoderated boolean
    • lang string
    • members object
      • _content string
    • name object
      • _content string
    • path_alias string
    • pool_count object
      • _content string
    • pool_rows integer
    • privacy object
      • _content string
    • restrictions object
      • art_ok boolean
      • has_geo boolean
      • images_ok boolean
      • moderate_ok boolean
      • photos_ok boolean
      • restricted_ok boolean
      • safe_ok boolean
      • screens_ok boolean
      • videos_ok boolean
    • roles object
      • admin string
      • member string
      • moderator string
    • rules object
      • _content string
    • throttle object
      • count integer
      • mode string
      • remaining string
    • topic_count object
      • _content string


  • Note object
    • description string


  • Owner object
    • iconfarm string
    • iconserver string
    • is_ad_free boolean
    • ispro boolean
    • location string
    • noindexfollow boolean
    • nsid string
    • path_alias string
    • realname string
    • username string


  • Person object
    • can_buy_pro boolean
    • cover Cover
    • coverphoto PhotoURLs
    • coverphoto_farm string
    • coverphoto_server string
    • description object
      • _content string
    • disable_keyboard_shortcuts object
      • _content string
    • expire boolean
    • has_stats boolean
    • iconfarm string
    • iconserver string
    • id string
    • is_ad_free boolean
    • ispro boolean
    • location object
      • _content string
    • mbox_sha1sum object
      • _content string
    • mobileurl object
      • _content string
    • nsid string
    • path_alias string
    • photos object
      • count object
        • _content string
      • firstdate object
        • _content string
      • firstdatetaken object
        • _content string
      • views object
        • _content string
    • photosurl object
      • _content string
    • profileurl object
      • _content string
    • realname object
      • _content string
    • timezone object
      • label string
      • offset string
      • timezone_id string
    • unread_messages object
      • _content string
    • user_secret string
    • username object
      • _content string
    • yintl string


  • Photo object
    • comments object
      • _content string
    • dates object
      • lastupdate string
      • posted string
      • taken string
      • takengranularity string
      • takenunknown boolean
    • dateuploaded string
    • description object
      • _content string
    • editability object
      • canaddmeta boolean
      • cancomment boolean
    • farm string
    • id string
    • isfavorite boolean
    • license string
    • media string
    • notes object
      • note array
    • originalsecret string
    • owner Owner
    • people object
      • haspeople boolean
    • permissions object
      • permaddmeta string
      • permcomment string
    • publiceditability object
      • canaddmeta boolean
      • cancomment boolean
    • rotation string
    • safe boolean
    • safety_level string
    • secret string
    • server string
    • tags object
      • tag array
    • title object
      • _content string
    • urls object
      • url array
    • usage object
      • canblog boolean
      • candownload boolean
      • canprint boolean
      • canshare boolean
    • views string
    • visibility object
      • isfamily boolean
      • isfriend boolean
      • ispublic boolean


  • PhotoURLs object
    • h string
    • l string
    • s string
    • t string


  • Size object
    • height number
    • label string
    • media string
    • source string
    • url string
    • width number


  • Stat string


  • Tag object
    • _content string
    • author string
    • authorname string
    • id string
    • machine_tag boolean
    • raw string


  • Topic object
    • author string
    • author_is_deleted boolean
    • author_path_alias string
    • authorname string
    • can_delete boolean
    • can_edit boolean
    • can_reply boolean
    • count_replies integer
    • datecreate string
    • datelastpost string
    • iconfarm string
    • iconserver string
    • id string
    • is_locked boolean
    • is_pro boolean
    • is_sticky boolean
    • last_reply string
    • lastedit string
    • message object
      • _content string
    • role string
    • subject string


  • TopicReply object
    • author string
    • author_is_deleted boolean
    • author_path_alias string
    • authorname string
    • can_delete boolean
    • can_edit boolean
    • datecreate string
    • iconfarm string
    • iconserver string
    • id string
    • is_pro boolean
    • lastedit string
    • message object
      • _content string


  • URL object
    • _content string
    • type string