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File metadata and controls

166 lines (136 loc) · 7.07 KB


Setup ArgoCD on cluster using terraform. This uses the Argocd helm chart to deploy argocd into the cluster. You can pass extra params via var.values to customize your deployments


NOTE: Ensure Helm Provider and kubectl provider is configureed are correct

Argocd with Nginx Ingress Controller

provider "helm" {
  kubernetes {
    config_path = "~/.kube/config"

provider "kubectl" {
  load_config_file       = true
  config_path = "~/.kube/config"

locals {
  # Example annotations when using Nginx ingress controller as shown here
  argocd_ingress_annotations = {
    "" = nginx
    "" = "true"
    "" = "true"
  argocd_repositories = {
    "private-repo" = {
      url      = "https://repo.git"
      username = "argocd"
      password = "access_token"
    "git-repo" = {
      url      = "https://repo.git"
      password = var.argocd_access_token # when using access token, you pass a random username
      username = "admin"
    "private-helm-chart" = {
      url  = ""
      type = "helm"
      username = "foo"
      password = "bar"


module "argocd" {
  source  = "DeimosCloud/argocd/kubernetes"  
  ingress_host        = ""
  ingress_annotations = local.argocd_ingress_annotations
  repositories        = local.argocd_repositories
  # Argocd Config
  config = {
    "accounts.image-updater" = "apiKey"

  # Argocd RBAC Config
  rbac_config = {
    "policy.default" = "role:readonly"
    "policy.csv"     = <<POLICY
  p, role:image-updater, applications, get, */*, allow
  p, role:image-updater, applications, update, */*, allow
  g, image-updater, role:image-updater

  module_depends_on = [module.gke]

Argocd with Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller

locals {
  # Example annotations when using Azure application gateway Ingress Controller with Cert-manager
  argocd_ingress_annotations = {
    ""           = module.cert_manager.issuer
    "" = "true"
    ""              = "azure/application-gateway"

module "argocd" {
  source  = "DeimosCloud/argocd/kubernetes"  
  repositories        = local.argocd_repositories
  ingress_host        = ""
  ingress_annotations = local.argocd_ingress_annotations
  server_insecure     = true # Run argocd-server in secure mode to prevent SSL conflicts with application/gateway and cert-manager

  module_depends_on = [module.gke]


Report issues/questions/feature requests on in the issues section.

Full contributing guidelines are covered here.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.14
helm >=1.2.3
kubectl >= 1.14.0


Name Version
helm 2.5.1
kubectl 1.14.0


No modules.


Name Type
helm_release.argocd resource
kubectl_manifest.extra_manifests resource data source


Name Description Type Default Required
chart_version version of charts string "4.5.10" no
config Additional config to be added to the Argocd configmap map {} no
image_tag Image tag to install string null no
ingress_annotations annotations to pass to the ingress map {} no
ingress_host The ingress host any null no
ingress_tls_secret The TLS secret name for argocd ingress string "argocd-tls" no
manifests Raw manifests to be applied after argocd is deployed list(string) [] no
manifests_directory Path/URL to directory that contains manifest files to be applied after argocd is deployed string "" no
namespace The namespace to deploy argocd into string "argocd" no
rbac_config Additional rbac config to be added to the Argocd rbac configmap map {} no
repositories A list of repository defintions
url = string
type = optional(string)
username = optional(string)
password = optional(string)
sshPrivateKey = optional(string)
{} no
server_extra_args Extra arguments passed to argoCD server list [] no
server_insecure Whether to run the argocd-server with --insecure flag. Useful when disabling argocd-server tls default protocols to provide your certificates bool false no
values A terraform map of extra values to pass to the Argocd Helm map {} no
values_files Path to values files be passed to the Argocd Helm Deployment list(string) [] no


Name Description
namespace the kubernetes namespace of the release
release_name the name of the release
server_url The server URL of argocd created by ingress