- D4 -> SCL of the GY-521
- D3 -> SDA of the GY-521
- 5V -> VCC
- GND -> GND
- remaining ports unoccupied
- Remove the resistor of the GY LED! (Retirement)
- BAT43 or better schottky diode (cathode to D0) or 330 ohms resistor between D0 and RST
- 230k ohms of A0 -> 5V
- 4k7 ohms of D6 -> 5V
- DQ goes to D6 VCC and 5V
- GND -> GND
- Remove the input diode (short circuit via Lipomodul!)
- Switch / Reed between + 5V and Lipomodul
- GND -> GND
- Battery to
B +
- GND -> GND
switch to + 5V Wemos D1 mini+ IN
to USB + 5V of the Wemos D1 mini (optional)