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API Documentation

Main objects: beacon and region

The following two objects are the main players of this module and will be referred to multiple times throughout this documentation:

beacon / eddystone
	// each beacon contains:
	name: string // `null` in case of no name
	address: string // e.g. 74:3E:CF:5B:D4:49
	rssi: number // negative value of proximity
	proximity: string (either IMMEDIATE, NEAR, FAR or UNKNOWN)
	// if beacon this is useful, otherwise mostly -1 or similar
	accuracy: string (distance in meters)
	batteryPower: number (percentage as int)
	txPower: number // negative value of proximity
	firmwareVersion: string
	uniqueId: string
	isShuffled: string
	// if its of type IBEACON additionally:
	uuid: string
	major: number
	minor: number
	// if its of type EDDYSTONE additionally:
	namespace: string
	instanceId: string
	url: string
	eid: string
	encryptedTelemetry: string,
	telemetry: {
		batteryVoltage: number
		temperature: number,
		pduCount: number
		timeSincePowerUp: number,
		version: number,

Note: Value of -1 in case the respective data cannot be retrieved.

region (iBeacons)
namespace (Eddystone)


Event flow

In case regions are defined, events will commonly occur in this order if 1) a beacon signal is detected, 2) the signal changes and 3) the signal is lost:

  1. detected

    • regionDidEnter / namespaceDidEnter
    • beaconDidAppear / eddystoneDidAppear
  2. changed

    • beaconsDidUpdate / eddystonesDidUpdate _ Sent whenever a change in proximity is detected. _ This event is sent separately for each currently scanned region if at least one of its beacons has changed.
  3. lost

    • beaconDidDisappear / eddystoneDidDisappear
    • regionDidExit / namespaceDidExit
Event overview
Event Beacon Type Description
beaconDidAppear iBeacon Sends { beacon, region } if a beacon appears for the first time. region is one of the regions defined with setBeaconRegion or setBeaconRegions or the region everywhere if no region was defined. beacon and region have the form as defined above.
beaconDidDisappear iBeacon Sends { beacon, region } if a beacon which was previously scanned is out of the range of the device. region is one of the regions defined with setBeaconRegion or setBeaconRegions or the region everywhere if no region was defined. beacon and region have the form as defined above.
beaconsDidUpdate iBeacon Sends { beacons, region } if some property of beacons in that region changed. beacons is an array of beacons (with its length >= 1) which changed in that region. Each beacon in that array has the form as described above. Sends multiple events if changes occur for beacons of different regions, one event for each region.
regionDidEnter iBeacon Sends { region }, the beacon region which was just entered (i.e. at least one beacon of that region was detected). region has the form as described above
regionDidExit iBeacon Sends { region }, the beacon region which was just lost (i.e. the last remaining beacon of that region was not anymore in range and the time for keeping the beacon in the internal cache ran out as set with activeCheckConfiguration, i.e. never removed from cache with DISABLED, 3 seconds with MINIMAL and 10 seconds with DEFAULT). region has the form as described above
eddystoneDidAppear Eddystone Sends { eddystone, namespace }
eddystoneDidDisappear Eddystone Sends { eddystone, namespace }
eddystonesDidUpdate Eddystone Sends { eddystones, namespace }
namespaceDidEnter Eddystone Sends { namespace }
namespaceDidExit Eddystone Sends { namespace }
scanStatus General Sends { status } where status is either START, STOP or ERROR depending on whether the scan for beacons started, stopped or a sudden error occurred while scanning
monitoringCycle General Sends { status } where status is either START STOP depending on whether a scan cycle just started or stopped. The active period of a monitoring scan cycle is 8 seconds, the inactive (passive) period is 30 seconds long. Attention: Only sends events if scanMode is set to MONITORING
beaconInitStatus General Sends the object { isReady } when the beacon service is ready to scan for beacons, in fact, when the connect() call was successful. This way it serves as an alternative to evaluating the Promise returned by connect().
profileDidAppear Secure Profile Sends { profile } (see docs for more)
profileDidUpdate Secure Profile Sends { profile } (see docs for more)
profileDidDisappear Secure Profile Sends { profile } (see docs for more)


General information
  • All are part of the global import (i.e. import Kontakt from 'react-native-kontaktio)
  • All methods return a Promise which returns an error statement in case something went wrong. If available the native error messages of the SDK are returned. Care was taken to include useful error messages.
  • The best way to explore the usage of these methods is to take a look at the example in Example/src/
Method overview
Method Description
connect('KioCloudAPIKey', [IBEACON, EDDYSTONE, SECURE_PROFILE]) (mandatory) Initialize scanning for beacons. The first argument is your Kio Cloud API key as a string. It's not needed for regular beacon scanning, but if you e.g. want the battery level of a beacon to be sent to your web panel in regular intervals (every 10 seconds). The second argument is an array of the beacon types you want to scan for. Three options are possible, the provided constants IBEACON, EDDYSTONE or SECURE_PROFILE. Just calling connect() only ranges for IBEACONs by default. If you add SECURE_PROFILE, make sure it is the last element in the array. Scanning for SECURE_PROFILE only works with Beacon Pros for now
configure({ ... }) (optional) Configure scanning with the configuration options described below
setBeaconRegion(region) (optional) Only beacons which fall into the provided region will be scanned and returned with the events described above.
setBeaconRegions([region1, region2, ... ]) (optional) Only beacons which fall into one of the provided regions in the array regions will be scanned and returned with the events described above. Note: In case you want to dynamically add or remove regions after scanning started you have call restartScanning right after setBeaconRegions for the change of regions to take effect. That is, first call setBeaconRegions with the changed array of regions (i.e. with the additional region you want to add or without the region you want to remove) and then call restartScanning right thereafter.
getBeaconRegions Returns an array of currently set iBeacon regions if the promise resolves.
setEddystoneNamespace(namespace) (optional) Only eddystone beacons which match the provided namespace will be scanned and returned with the events described above.
startScanning starts scanning of beacons with given configuration and provided regions. At the first call it connects the set regions and configurations which is a prerequisite for scanning
stopScanning stops scanning for all provided regions
restartScanning stops and starts scanning again. In case device was not scanning before, scanning is just started.
isScanning fulfills the Promise with true if scanning is currently in progress.
disconnect disconnects the beacon scanner (can be thought of the oppostive of connect) and sets it to null
isConnected fulfills the Promise with true if device is ready to scan (i.e. connect was called successfully. fulfills the Promise with false if the connect call was not run or ran unsuccessfully and reject the Promise in case of an error).


A config object can be passed with the following options (see the quickstart guide and SDK docs for more information about the possible configurations):

Configuration Description
scanMode Possible values: scanMode.LOW_POWER, scanMode.BALANCED or scanMode.LOW_LATENCY.
Tipp: BALANCED is the default value and mostly the best trade-off between scan frequency (i.e. signal quality) and power consumption. Use LOW_LATENCY only when running the app in the foreground.
scanPeriod Possible values: scanPeriod.RANGING, scanPeriod.MONITORING or create({ activePeriod: Integer (time in ms), passivePeriod: Integer (time in ms) }).
RANGING scans beacons all the time, MONITORING operates in scan-cycles; it scans for 8 seconds, then pauses scanning for 30 seconds, then scans for 8 seconds again and so forth.
activityCheckConfiguration Possible values: activityCheckConfiguration.DISABLED, activityCheckConfiguration.MINIMAL, activityCheckConfiguration.DEFAULT or create({ inactivityTimeout: Integer (time in ms), checkPeriod: Integer (time in ms) }).
It sets the time the device should wait until it "forgets" a formerly scanned beacon when it can't detect it anymore (inactivityTimeout) and the time period it searches for inactive beacons (checkPeriod). I didn't play around with the latter value a lot.
The inactivityTimeout has the following logic: Once a beacon was successfully scanned it remains in the internal cache and is never removed from there (DISABLED), removed after not being detected for 3 seconds (MINIMAL) or not for 10 seconds (DEFAULT).
forceScanConfiguration Possible values: forceScanConfiguration.DISABLED, forceScanConfiguration.MINIMAL or create({ forceScanActivePeriod: Integer (time in ms), forceScanPassivePeriod: Integer (time in ms) }).
Used to circumvent some buggy behavior which may be found on a few Android devices.
monitoringEnabled Possible values: monitoringEnabled.TRUE or monitoringEnabled.FALSE.
Attention: This is not the same "monitoring" as the scanPeriod with the same name. This is to set whether some data (e.g. the battery power shell be sent to the web panel.
monitoringSyncInterval Possible values: monitoringSyncInterval.DEFAULT (which is equal to 10 seconds or any other integer value.
Denotes the time interval in which data is sent to the web panel (as described at point monitoringEnabled.

Attention: When changing configurations after starting scanning, you have to call the method restartScanning for the new configurations to take effect.

Default values

When not calling configure(), the following default values are used:

  scanMode: scanMode.BALANCED,
  scanPeriod: scanPeriod.RANGING, // activePeriod = 60000ms, passivePeriod = 0ms
  activeCheckConfiguration: activeCheckConfiguration.DEFAULT,
  forceScanConfiguration: forceScanConfiguration.MINIMAL, // forceScanActivePeriod = 1000ms, forceScanPassivePeriod = 500ms
  deviceUpdateCallbackInterval: deviceUpdateCallbackInterval.DEFAULT // 3000ms,
  monitoringEnabled: monitoringEnabled.TRUE,
  monitoringSyncInterval: monitoringSyncInterval.DEFAULT, // 10sec,


Some constants are provided which may be used while creating a region. These are the default values if the corresponding fields are not provided, but may be used for a more declarative api call.

The other two constants are the two different beacon types.

Constant Where to use?
IBEACON init (second argument)
EDDYSTONE init (second argument)
SECURE_PROFILE init (second argument)

Further notes

  • Beacons support is part of Android versions 4.3 and up. * So far the lowest Android version this library was tested on was a device with Android 4.4.2.


  • Update Android Eddystone feature:
    • Add multiple Eddystone namespaces, i.e. add function setEddystoneNamespaces
    • Add Eddystone Frames Selection configuration option