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R optimization tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to debug and vectorize R code. The concepts are applicable to other languages, such as Matlab or Python.

Two libraries are required to run the examples: OCplus and RCurl. You can install them by typing the following commands:


Your toy problem: NMF clustering

We will consider a measurement of two populations, with 100 samples and 50 data points each. They divide into two distinct clusters when applying e.g. PCA to the dataset. Our sample matrix V can then be approximated by matrices W*H that are strictly non-negative (i.e., Non-negative matrix factorization), which eases interpretation of results.

  • V. Our data matrix with the data points in rows (k) and samples in columns (n)
  • H. A k*n matrix. Each column can be interpreted as a sample and each row as weights of it belonging to either cluster.
  • W. A m*k matrix. Each column can be interpreted as a metasignature of a cluster.

W*H approximates V

Suppose we didn't know there were two clusters and we'd want a fully automatic way to identify the number of clusters and assign membership of each sample to a given cluster. We can run NMF with different values of k and evaluate the cophenetic coefficient for each of them. It it expected to decline with more clusters added (with k increased), but it will show local maxima with a cluster number that fits the data well.

Ensuring code correctness and debugging

Try to run your NMF clustering script by typing in R:


Enter your name (or any name that you recognize) so you can see how your runtime compares to other approaches later. You will realize that the script throws an error. Try to spot and correct it. You can get get a quick overview of the context with traceback().

Using the debugger

If there is an error you can not spot right away, it makes sense to run your code through the debugger. You can debug a function by calling debug() on it. In our case, you will want to call

options(error=recover) # if there is an error, don't just quit
debug(nmfconsensus)    # use the debugger for the "nmfconsensus" function
runNMF()               # run the code again

The debugger will show the chunk of code that is about to be executed. Within the debugger, you can type in the following commands:

  • <Enter> or n: execute the next single statement
  • c: execute the next block
  • Q: quit the debugger

Use the Enter key to step through the statements and hit c if you get stuck in a long loop (twice for nested loops). During debugging, you can inspect variables and modify them as if you were in a standard R session.

If you no longer want to use the debugger you can quit it with Q and then either call undebug() on your function or just source() your script file again.

Correcting errors is fine, but why should I optimize my code when it works?

An argument that is often used is that "science is about new findings, not writing nice code" and "if my script produces the right output, this is good enough". People who say that are missing the point, really. Writing segmented and testable code is not about how it looks but about ensuring correctness. After all, how do you know your code is doing the right thing as opposed to giving you the output you want.

  • Don't worry too much when doing exploratory analyses. Those are there to give you ideas what your data might contain. As you progress and realize you are using the same code in multiple places, abstract away the functionality in a meaningful way.
  • Writing test- and debuggable code is about splitting your functionality into segments that are simple enough so you know the right output for a given input. If you use a function more often, you can write a separate test script that makes sure that makes sure of that. stopifnot() statements are also useful to make sure assumptions you make about your variables are correct.

Optimising execution time

When running your runNMF() function again, you will see that it now runs and produces the output PDF. Have a look at it. It contains a PCA of our two sample populations, the four clusterings it attempted and the cophenetic coefficient (describing goodness of fit) for each one. Favourable ks have local maxima on the cophenetic plot, and the only one we have got is two - this agrees well with the PCA results.

You will also have realized that the script ran for quite a while. Try to improve the execution time, either by hand or with the profiler.

Using the profiler to find bottlenecks

In case you do not know which functions are causing most of the execution time, you can run a profiler to figure that out. Use the commands below and the run your script again.

  • Rprof() activates the profiler, Rprof(NULL) deactivates it. Output is stored in the file Rprof.out.
  • You can view the output with summaryRprof(), but you might need to library(tools) first.

If we, for instance, activate the profiler and then run runNMF(), the output is similar to the following:

> summaryRprof()
                     self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
"max"                    26.18    43.36      26.18     43.36
"min"                    24.24    40.15      24.24     40.15
"nmfconsensus"            2.42     4.01      60.28     99.83
"%*%"                     1.74     2.88       1.74      2.88

                     total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
"runNMF"                  60.36     99.97      0.00     0.00
"system.time"             60.32     99.90      0.00     0.00
"nmfconsensus"            60.28     99.83      2.42     4.01

Where $by.self and $ are ordered by a function taking the maximum time by itself (self.time, former) or including all functions that were called from it (total.time, latter). With this information you can figure out which part of your code is the bottleneck by means of execution time.

Computing time is cheap, so why bother making code run fast?

Another point that is frequently raised is that as computing time is becoming a commodity with modern hardware, it makes less and less sense to optimize code execution time. While this is generally true, there is also another force counteracting it: measurements get cheaper as well, and thus datasets get larger. R is for sure not a very performant language, but some constructs are exceptionally slow (e.g. the infamous for loops).

  • When performing operations on large data sets, runtime does often not linearly increase with the size of the dataset and might easily hit the wall time of a computing cluster.
  • On the bright side, not all bits and pieces of code need to be optimized. Even when code is too slow, it is often enough to identify critical inner loops and realize that a 10 x speedup in just that inner loop might well translate to almost the same speedup for the whole program.

One could also take the opposite point of view and argue that all high performance code should be written in a low-level language, such as C or Fortran. But then again, sanitizing IO, parallelizing execution, etc. are much easier done in a high level language such as R. Ideally, it should be a combination of both? Turns out it already is, with many packages implementing their core machinery in a compiled language that is then called by R.

  • R can be compiled with LAPACK and BLAS support. Those are linear algebra libraries that implement optimized operations such as matrix multiplications, among others. Compiling with support for those can dramatically speed up operations such as %*%, as well as allow for implicit parallelization.
  • Performance-critical code chunks can also be compiled into a dynamically linked C, Fortran or C++ library and then called from R. By moving those chunks to a compiled language (which means, in the easiest case, using apply on a matrix instead of for) most of the execution time can be spent in compiled code.

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