Determine if the characters of a given string are all unique.
- We are using ASCII charset, the value of valid characters are from 0 to 255
- The given string is not null
- all the characters in "abA+\8" are unique
- "abA+\a88" contains duplicate characters
The input should be ASCII characters.
We can easily solve this problem by using a hash table (HashMap or a boolean array of length 256). However, these methods are not implemented for this problem since it is a little too easy.
If we are getting inputs that are only lowercase letters, we can use an integer that has a bigger size than 26 bits, which an integer is, we can use each bit to represent the presence/absence of the corresponding character:
z y x ... c b a
25 24 23 2 1 0
- If the letter 'c' is seen, we mark the third bit to 1 by: number | (1 << 2)
- If we need to see if the letter has been seen:
- ((letter - 'a') >> k) & 1 == 1
We can expand this method to solve ASCII inputs
- 256 bits needed to represent the 256 ASCII characters
- 256 / 32 == 8
- int[8] will be sufficient to represent the 256 bits
- calculate the character's corresponding position in the array
- row = char / 32
- col = char % 32
public class Solution {
public boolean allUnique(String word) {
// Write your solution here
if (word == null || word.length() <= 1) {
return false;
// Use an integer array that has enough bits to represent 256 characters
int[] occurred = new int[256 / 32];
for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
char ch = word.charAt(i);
// Calculate the corresponding position of the character
int row = ch / 32;
int col = ch % 32;
// Check if this character has occurred before
if (((occurred[row] >> col) & 1) == 1) {
return false;
// Mark the corresponding bit to 1
occurred[row] |= 1 << col;
return true;
There are at most 256 characters, for each character, we will do at most 32 right/left shift ⇒ O(256 * 32)
int[8] used ⇒ O(8)