Given a sorted integer array, remove duplicate elements. For each group of elements with the same value do not keep any of them. Do this in-place, using the left side of the original array and and maintain the relative order of the elements of the array. Return the array after deduplication.
- The given array is not null
- {1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3} → {1}
Because we cannot keep a single duplicate element, the length of the array should be at least 1.
This time, when we see duplicate elements, we need two pointers, start and end respectively, to record the start and end points of the range for the duplications.
Check the length of the range, if there are more than 2 copies of the element, we should increment the slow pointer to the "useless" section. Therefore, this time, everything to the left of the slow pointer, not including it, is the ones to be returned.
public class Solution {
public int[] dedup(int[] array) {
// Write your solution here
if (array == null || array.length == 0) {
return array;
// Two pointers
// array[0, slow] ==> processed for result
// array[fast, end] ==> yet to be processed
int slow = 0;
int fast = 0;
// For each element in the array, check its proceeding elements
// and skip the duplicate ones
while (fast < array.length) {
int start = fast;
// array[start, fast] is a subarray that contains the same elements
// Check the size of the subarray upon exit:
// 1. size >= 2: multiple duplications ==> skip these elements
// 2. size == 1: only one element ==> keep this element
while (fast < array.length && array[fast] == array[start]) {
if (fast - start == 1) {
array[slow++] = array[start];
return Arrays.copyOf(array, slow);
Check every single element in the array ⇒ O(n)
Constant/pointers used ⇒ O(1)