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pubkey : string

Public Key (EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV)

wif : string

Wallet Import Format (5JMx76CTUTXxpAbwAqGMMVzSeJaP5UVTT5c2uobcpaMUdLAphSp)

privateKey : object

Private key object from eosjs-ecc.

masterPrivateKey : string

Master Private Key. Strong random key used to derive all other key types. Has a 'PW' prefix followed by a valid wif. ('PW' + wif === 'PW5JMx76CTUTXxpAbwAqGMMVzSeJaP5UVTT5c2uobcpaMUdLAphSp')

owner : wif

Cold storage / recovery key. Has authoritiy to do everything including account recovery.

active : wif

Spending key. Has the authority to do everything except account recovery.

parentPrivateKey : masterPrivateKey | wif

Master private key or one of its derived private keys.

auth : object

Signing Keys and(or) Accounts each having a weight that when matched in the signatures should accumulate to meet or exceed the auth's total threshold.

accountPermissions : object

Permissions object from Eos blockchain obtained via get_account.

See chain API get_account => account.permissions.

keyPath : string
keyPathPrivate : object

An expanded version of a private key, a keypath ('active/mypermission'), and its calculated public key (for performance reasons).

minimatch : string

Glob matching expressions (active, active/**, owner/*).

keyPathMatcher : minimatch

Key derviation path (owner, active/*, active/**, active/mypermission)

uriData : string

A URI without the prefixing scheme, host, port.

uriMatcher : string

A valid regular expression string. The provided string is modified when it is converted to a RegExp object:

  • A start of line match is implied (^ is always added, do not add one)
  • Unless the uriPath ends with $, automatically matches query parameters and fragment (hash tag info).
  • The RegExp that is created is always case-insensitive to help a non-canonical path match. Uri paths should be canonical.
uriMatchers : uriMatcher | Array.<uriMatcher>
uriRule : Object.<keyPathMatcher, uriMatchers>
uriRules : Object.<uriRule>

Define rules that say which private keys may exist within given locations of the application. If a rule is not found or does not match, the keystore will remove the key. The UI can prompt the user to obtain the needed key again.

For any non-trivial configuration, implementions should create a unit test that will test the actual configuration used in the application (see ./uri-rules.test.js for a template).

Paths imply that active is always derived from owner. So, instead of writing owner/active/** the path must be written as active/**.


Keystore~Keystore(accountName, [config], [keepPublicKeys])

Provides private key management and storage and tooling to limit exposure of private keys as much as possible.

Although multiple root keys may be stored, this key store was designed with the idea that all keys for a given accountName are derive from a single root key (the master private key).

This keystore does not query the blockchain or any external services. Removing keys here does not affect the blockchain.

Kind: inner method of Keystore

Param Type Default Description
accountName string Blockchain account name that will act as the container for a key and all derived child keys.
[config] object
[config.timeoutInMin] number 10 upon timeout, remove keys matching timeoutKeyPaths.
[config.timeoutKeyPaths] number ['owner', 'owner/**'] by default, expire only owner and owner derived children. If the default uriRules are used this actually has nothing to delete.
[config.uriRules] uriRules Specify which type of private key will be available on certain pages of the application. Lock it down as much as possible and later re-prompt the user if a key is needed. Default is to allow active (active) and all active derived keys (active/**) everywhere (.*).
[keepPublicKeys] boolean true Enable for better UX; show users keys they have access too without requiring them to login. Logging in brings a private key online which is not necessary to see public information. The UX should implement this behavior in a way that is clear public keys are cached before enabling this feature.


config = {
  uriRules: {
    'active': '.*',
    'active/**': '.*'
  timeoutInMin: 10,
  timeoutKeyPaths: [
  keepPublicKeys: true


Erase all traces of this keystore (for all users).

Kind: static method of Keystore


Login or derive and save private keys. This may be called from a login action. Keys may be removed as during Uri navigation or when calling logout.

Kind: inner method of Keystore

  • Error 'invalid login'
Param Type Description
params object
params.parent parentPrivateKey Master password (masterPrivateKey), active, owner, or other permission key.
[params.saveKeyMatches] Array.<keyPathMatcher> These private keys will be saved to disk. (example: active).
[params.accountPermissions] accountPermissions Permissions object from Eos blockchain via get_account. This is used to validate the parent and derive additional permission keys. This allows this keystore to detect incorrect passwords early before trying to sign a transaction. See Chain API get_account => account.permissions.

Keystore~getKeyPaths() ⇒ object

Return paths for all available keys. Empty array is used if there are no keys.

Kind: inner method of Keystore
Returns: object - {pubkey: Array, wif: Array}

Keystore~getPublicKey(path) ⇒ pubkey

Fetch or derive a public key.

Kind: inner method of Keystore
Returns: pubkey - or null

Param Type
path keyPath

Keystore~getPublicKeys([keyPathMatcher]) ⇒ Array.<pubkey>

Return public keys for a path or path matcher.

Kind: inner method of Keystore
Returns: Array.<pubkey> - public keys or empty array

Param Type Default Description
[keyPathMatcher] keyPath | keyPathMatcher '**' return all keys

Keystore~getPrivateKey(path) ⇒ wif

Fetch or derive a private key.

Kind: inner method of Keystore
Returns: wif - or null (missing or not available for location)

Param Type
path keyPath

Keystore~getPrivateKeys([keyPathMatcher], [pubkeys]) ⇒ Array.<wif>

Return private keys for a path matcher or for a list of public keys. If a list of public keys is provided they will be validated ensuring they all have private keys to return.

Kind: inner method of Keystore
Returns: Array.<wif> - wifs or empty array

  • key.pubkey Error login with your $ key
  • key Error missing public key $
Param Type Default Description
[keyPathMatcher] keyPathMatcher '**' default is to match all
[pubkeys] Array.<pubkey> if specified, filter and require all

Keystore~getKeys(keyPathMatcher) ⇒ Array.<keyPathPrivate>

Fetch or derive a key pairs.

Kind: inner method of Keystore
Returns: Array.<keyPathPrivate> - {path, pubkey, deny, wif} or empty array. Based on the Uri rules and current location, the deny could be set to true and the wif will be null.

Param Type Default
keyPathMatcher keyPath | keyPathMatcher **

Keystore~signSharedSecret(otherPubkey, keyPathMatcher) ⇒ Promise.<oneTimeSignatures>

Kind: inner method of Keystore

Param Type Default
otherPubkey pubkey
keyPathMatcher keyPathMatcher **


Removes all saved keys on disk and clears keys in memory. Call only when the user chooses "logout." Do not call when the application exits.

Forgets everything allowing the user to use a new password next time.

Kind: inner method of Keystore

Keystore~timeUntilExpire() ⇒ number

Kind: inner method of Keystore
Returns: number - 0 (expired) or milliseconds until expire


Keep alive (prevent expiration). Called automatically if Uri navigation happens or keys are required. It may be necessary to call this manually.

Kind: inner method of Keystore

Keystore~keyProvider(param) ⇒ Array.<(pubkey|wif)>

Integration for 'eosjs' ..

Call keyProvider with no parameters or with a specific keyPathMatcher
pattern to get an array of public keys in this key store.  A library
like eosjs may be provided these available public keys to eosd
get_required_keys for filtering and to determine which private keys are
needed to sign a given transaction.

Call again with the get_required_keys pubkeys array to get the required
private keys returned (or an error if any are missing).

Kind: inner method of Keystore
Returns: Array.<(pubkey|wif)> - available pubkeys in the keystore or matching wif private keys for the provided pubkeys argument (also filtered using keyPathMatcher).

  • path Error login with your $ key
  • key Error missing public key $


Param Type Default Description
param object
[param.keyPathMatcher] string "'**'" param.keyPathMatcher for public keys
[param.pubkeys] Array.<pubkey> | Set.<pubkey> for fetching private keys

Keystore~oneTimeSignatures : object

Kind: inner typedef of Keystore

Name Type Description
signatures Array.<string> in hex
oneTimePublic pubkey


Keygen~generateMasterKeys([masterPrivateKey]) ⇒ Promise.<object>

New accounts will call this to create a new keyset..

A password manager or backup should save (at the very minimum) the returned {masterPrivateKey} for later login. The owner and active can be re-created from the masterPrivateKey. It is still a good idea to save all information in the backup for easy reference.

Kind: inner method of Keygen
Returns: Promise.<object> - masterKeys

Param Type Default Description
[masterPrivateKey] masterPrivateKey When null, a new random key is created.


masterKeys = {
  masterPrivateKey, // <= place in a password input field (password manager)
  privateKeys: {owner, active}, // <= derived from masterPrivateKey
  publicKeys: {owner, active} // <= derived from masterPrivateKey

Keygen~keyPathAuth : Object.<keyPath, auth>

Kind: inner typedef of Keygen

pubkey : string

Public Key (EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV)

Kind: global typedef

wif : string

Wallet Import Format (5JMx76CTUTXxpAbwAqGMMVzSeJaP5UVTT5c2uobcpaMUdLAphSp)

Kind: global typedef

privateKey : object

Private key object from eosjs-ecc.

Kind: global typedef

masterPrivateKey : string

Master Private Key. Strong random key used to derive all other key types. Has a 'PW' prefix followed by a valid wif. ('PW' + wif === 'PW5JMx76CTUTXxpAbwAqGMMVzSeJaP5UVTT5c2uobcpaMUdLAphSp')

Kind: global typedef

owner : wif

Cold storage / recovery key. Has authoritiy to do everything including account recovery.

Kind: global typedef

active : wif

Spending key. Has the authority to do everything except account recovery.

Kind: global typedef

parentPrivateKey : masterPrivateKey | wif

Master private key or one of its derived private keys.

Kind: global typedef

auth : object

Signing Keys and(or) Accounts each having a weight that when matched in the signatures should accumulate to meet or exceed the auth's total threshold.

Kind: global typedef

required_auth: {
  threshold: 1,
  keys: [{
      key: 'EOS78Cs5HPKY7HKHrSMnR76uj7yeajPuNwSH1Fsria3sJuufwE3Zd',
      weight: 1
  accounts: []

accountPermissions : object

Permissions object from Eos blockchain obtained via get_account.

See chain API get_account => account.permissions.

Kind: global typedef

const accountPermissions = [{
  perm_name: 'active',
  parent: 'owner',
  required_auth: {
    threshold: 1,
    keys: [{
        key: 'EOS78Cs5HPKY7HKHrSMnR76uj7yeajPuNwSH1Fsria3sJuufwE3Zd',
        weight: 1
    accounts: []
  perm_name: 'mypermission',
  parent: 'active',
  required_auth: {
    threshold: 1,
    keys: [{
        key: 'EOS78Cs5HPKY7HKHrSMnR76uj7yeajPuNwSH1Fsria3sJuufwE3Zd',
        weight: 1
    accounts: []
  perm_name: 'owner',
  parent: '',
  required_auth: {
    threshold: 1,
    keys: [{
        key: 'EOS78Cs5HPKY7HKHrSMnR76uj7yeajPuNwSH1Fsria3sJuufwE3Zd',
        weight: 1
    accounts: []

keyPath : string

Kind: global typedef
See: validate.path(keyPath)

'owner', 'active', 'active/mypermission'

keyPathPrivate : object

An expanded version of a private key, a keypath ('active/mypermission'), and its calculated public key (for performance reasons).

Kind: global typedef

Name Type
wif wif
pubkey pubkey
path keyPath

minimatch : string

Glob matching expressions (active, active/**, owner/*).

Kind: global typedef

keyPathMatcher : minimatch

Key derviation path (owner, active/*, active/**, active/mypermission)

Kind: global typedef

uriData : string

A URI without the prefixing scheme, host, port.

Kind: global typedef

'/producers', '/account_recovery#name=..'

uriMatcher : string

A valid regular expression string. The provided string is modified when it is converted to a RegExp object:

  • A start of line match is implied (^ is always added, do not add one)
  • Unless the uriPath ends with $, automatically matches query parameters and fragment (hash tag info).
  • The RegExp that is created is always case-insensitive to help a non-canonical path match. Uri paths should be canonical.

Kind: global typedef

'/(transfer|contracts)', '/bare-uri$'


function createPathMatcher(path) {
  // Ensure match starts at the begining
  const prefix = '^'

  // If path matcher does not end with $, allow Uri query and fragment
  const suffix = path.charAt(path.length - 1) === '$' ? '' : '\/?([\?#].*)?$'

  // Path matches are case in-sensitive
  return new RegExp(prefix + path + suffix, 'i')

Kind: global typedef

uriRule : Object.<keyPathMatcher, uriMatchers>

Kind: global typedef

  'owner': '/account_recovery$', // <= $ prevents query or fragment params
  'active': ['/transfer', '/contracts']

uriRules : Object.<uriRule>

Define rules that say which private keys may exist within given locations of the application. If a rule is not found or does not match, the keystore will remove the key. The UI can prompt the user to obtain the needed key again.

For any non-trivial configuration, implementions should create a unit test that will test the actual configuration used in the application (see ./uri-rules.test.js for a template).

Paths imply that active is always derived from owner. So, instead of writing owner/active/** the path must be written as active/**.

Kind: global typedef

uriRules = { // Hypothetical examples
  // Allow owner and all derived keys (including active)
  'owner': '/account_recovery',

  // Allow active key (and any derived child)
  'active': '/(transfer|contracts)',

  // Allow keys derived from active (but not active itself)
  'active/**': '/producers',

  // If user-provided or unaudited content could be loaded in a given
  // page, make sure the root active key is not around on these pages.
  'active/**': '/@[\\w\\.]'