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Hello, World! (mxml)

ben-reilly edited this page Mar 22, 2013 · 3 revisions


So this has been a long time coming, but I am working on providing and maintaining some simple projects that people can use as starters or templates for experimenting with flixel. 'mode', the de facto flixel game, is sort of absurdly complicated and was/is really more of a code testbed than a good example or introduction to flixel. This should be remedied in the very near future with some nice new github projects that you can use as basic development templates.

NOTE: This is the mxmlc version of "Adam's Hello, World! tutorial":

INTRO: What are we doing?

The first, most basic project you can make is, of course, Hello World! I am going to walk you through all the menus and line changes, but ultimately we are creating these two files:

package {
	import org.flixel.*; //Allows you to refer to flixel objects in your code
	[SWF(width="640", height="480", backgroundColor="#000000")]; //Set the size and color of the Flash file

	public class HelloWorld extends FlxGame
		public function HelloWorld()
			super(320,240,PlayState,2); //Create a new FlxGame object at 320x240 with 2x pixels, then load PlayState

	import org.flixel.*;

	public class PlayState extends FlxState
		override public function create():void
			add(new FlxText(0,0,100,"Hello, World!")); //adds a 100px wide text field at position 0,0 (upper left)

Both of these files "are available right here on github": Looks pretty easy, right? It is! LET'S DO THIS!!

STEP 0: Installing mxmlc

STEP 0.1: Download Flex, you can get if from "here":

STEP 0.2: Open the terminal. You want to edit a file calle ".bash_profile"

 pico .bash_profile

I use pico, but you can use another editor if you like.

STEP 0.3: Write this in the file:


where /path/to/flex is the path to where you put the flex folder

STEP 0.4: Quit the editor and save (ctrl-x followed by "y" when prompted if you used pico)

STEP 0.5: Restart your terminal.

STEP 1: Creating a New Project

Create a folder a give it whatever name you want. I suggest you give it the name of your game.

STEP 2: Adding Flixel to your Project

Ok, so you have a folder. Yay! Now you might want to have flixel in it. copy the "org" folder and paste it inside your project's foler.

Yay! now you have flixel in your project.

STEP 3: Basic Game Setup

Alright, flixel is part of your project now. Let's get some text drawing on screen!

STEP 3.1: Create a new file and call it

STEP 3.2: First, we need to write a couple of default lines which will be part of all our actionscript files:

package {
        public class HelloWorld
                public function HelloWorld()

STEP 3.3: Next, we need access to flixel. Add the following line just after @package {@:

import org.flixel.*; //Allows you to refer to flixel objects in your code

STEP 3.4: Then, right below that line, we should decide how big to make our project using this weird macro thing:

[SWF(width="640", height="480", backgroundColor="#000000")]; //Set the size and color of the Flash file

STEP 3.5: Then we are going to alter the class declaration to extend FlxGame instead of Sprite:

public class HelloWorld extends FlxGame

STEP 3.6: Finally, we need add this line of code to the constructor of our main class:

super(320,240,PlayState,2); //Create a new FlxGame object at 320x240 with 2x pixels, then load PlayState

STEP 3.7: The resulting file should look exactly like this:

package {
	import org.flixel.*; //Allows you to refer to flixel objects in your code
	[SWF(width="640", height="480", backgroundColor="#000000")]; //Set the size and color of the Flash file

	public class HelloWorld extends FlxGame
		public function HelloWorld()
			super(320,240,PlayState,2); //Create a new FlxGame object at 320x240 with 2x pixels, then load PlayState

STEP 4: Finally Printing Some Text

STEP 4.1: Almost done! All we have to do is create a FlxState object. FlxStates are states of the game; usually divided into things like menus, gameplay, game over screens, etc. To create a new FlxState, simply create a new file and call it

STEP 4.2: Then, fill it with the same default code we wrote in STEP 3.2

STEP 4.4: You also want to import flixel. Your file should now look like this:

	import org.flixel.FlxState;

	public class PlayState extends FlxState
		public function PlayState()

STEP 4.5: We're not changing or adding much here. First, it saves annoyance if you change the import to just pull in all of flixel like in Step 3.3. Then, we're going to replace the constructor (that "public function" part) with a new function called "create", and add this line of code to it:

add(new FlxText(0,0,100,"Hello, World!")); //adds a 100px wide text field at position 0,0 (upper left)

STEP 4.6: The resulting file should look like this:

	import org.flixel.*;

	public class PlayState extends FlxState
		override public function create():void
			add(new FlxText(0,0,100,"Hello, World!")); //adds a 100px wide text field at position 0,0 (upper left)

STEP 5: Building And Running:

Almost done!

STEP 5.1: Open the terminal and navigate to the folder of your project:

 cd /Path/to/the/folder

STEP 5.2: Type


This should create a "HelloWorld.swf" file. That's it, youre done!

APPENDIX A: The Flixel Logo

Don't want to show the flixel logo? No problem. Just add this line after the FlxGame constructor:

showLogo = false;

Want to change the colors? Try this:

setLogoFX(0xffff0000,MyLogoSound); //MyLogoSound refers to an embedded sound effect you include in your game

That will make the 'f' logo turn red, and play your own custom sound effect. If that color format looks weird, don't freak! It's actually pretty simple. It's hex, like web colors, but it's in a funny order. It's not Red, Green, Blue, then Alpha (RGBA), it's Alpha then Red, Green, Blue, which takes the hex format of 0xAARRGGBB. You can find "a more in-depth explanation here": .

APPENDIX B: Preloaders

Preloaders in AS3 are a little bit messed up, so flixel takes care of MOST of it for you. However, you need to make a new file (like in Step 4.1) and add some code to it to help flixel finish the job. The class we need to create should be called, for the sake of simplicity,, and reside in your normal source folder. Paste or edit the file to look like this:

	public class Preloader extends FlxFactory
		public function Preloader():void
			className = "HelloWorld";

HelloWorld must be spelled and capitalized exactly the way your main class is spelled and capitalized. If your main class is HelloGlobe, then className should be set to "HelloGlobe". Finally, underneath the size macro in your main class (see Step 3.3), add this line of code:

[Frame(factoryClass="Preloader")]; //Tells flixel to use the default preloader

Now your project will automatically display the default flixel preloader each time it loads, although it will be awfully hard to see it since there isn't much to load in a Hello World app!