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jay0lee edited this page Oct 3, 2014 · 31 revisions

Printing All Users


gam print users [allfields] [custom all|list,of,schemas] [userview] [ims] [emails] [externalids] [relations] [addresses] [organizations] [phones] [licenses] [firstname] [lastname] [emailparts] [deleted_only] [orderby email|firstname|lastname] [ascending|descending] [domain] [query <query>] [fullname] [ou] [suspended] [changepassword] [agreed2terms] [admin] [gal] [id] [creationtime] [lastlogintime] [aliases] [groups] [todrive]

prints a CSV file of all users in the Google Apps Organization. The CSV output can be redirected to a file using the operating system's pipe command (such as "> users.csv") see examples below. By default, the only column printed is the user's full email address. The optional argument allfields adds all fields (except groups which requires per-user API calls) to the CSV. The optional argument deleted_only prints only users deleted within the past 5 days. The optional custom argument adds custom schemas. If all is specified, all custom schemas will be included. Otherwise only those listed in a comma separated list will be included. The optional userview parameter returns only fields that are viewable by regular users and can be run even if GAM is authenticated against a regular user account. The optional licenses parameter includes a column for all SKUs assigned to each user. All other arguments add the respective additional column to the CSV output. Note that adding groups will require 1 additional call to Google's servers per user which will significantly increase the length of time for the command to complete. The optional todrive argument will upload the CSV data to a Google Docs Spreadsheet file in the Administrators Google Drive rather than displaying it locally.


This example will generate the csv file users.csv showing with columns many fields

gam print users allfields > users.csv
Getting all users in the organization (may take some time on a large Google Apps account)...

users.csv contains:
[email protected],Jon,Smith,Jon Smith,jsmith,/Sales,False,,False,True,False,False,2012-03-23T15:04:19.000Z,2013-05-06T16:02:36.000Z,,[email protected],106100537778424449519,,True

Printing All Groups


gam print groups [name] [description] [admincreated] [id] [aliases] [members] [owners] [managers] [settings] [todrive]

prints a CSV file of all groups in the Google Apps domain. The CSV output can be redirected to a file using the operating system's pipe command (such as "> groups.csv") see examples below. By default, the only column printed is the Group email address. The optional arguments name, description, id and admincreated add the respective additional column to the CSV output. The optional arguments members, owners, managers and settings each perform 1 additional API call per group which may greatly increase the time it takes the command to complete. settings will add multiple columns for the groups advanced settings. The optional todrive argument will upload the CSV data to a Google Docs Spreadsheet file in the Administrators Google Drive rather than displaying it locally.


this example will output all details for all groups to the file groups.csv

gam print groups name description admincreated id aliases members owners managers settings > groups.csv

Print All Aliases


gam print aliases [todrive]

prints a CSV file of all email aliases in the Google Apps domain for both users and groups. The CSV output can be redirected to a file using the operating system's pipe command (such as "> nicknames.csv") see examples below. The optional todrive argument will upload the CSV data to a Google Docs Spreadsheet file in the Administrators Google Drive rather than displaying it locally.


this example will output all nicknames to the file aliases.csv

gam print aliases > aliases.csv

Print All Organizational Units


gam print orgs [name] [description] [parent] [inherit] [todrive]

prints a CSV file of all organizational units in the Google Apps account. The CSV output can be redirected to a file using the operating system's pipe command (such as "> orgs.csv") see examples below. By default, the only column output is "Path" (OUs full path). The optional arguments name, description, parent and inherit add the respective additonal column to the CSV output. Only 1 call to Google's servers is done no matter which arguments are specified so the optional arguments should not significantly increase the time it takes for the command to complete. The optional todrive argument will upload the CSV data to a Google Docs Spreadsheet file in the Administrators Google Drive rather than displaying it locally.


this example will output all organizations to the file orgs.csv including all optional columns

gam print orgs name description parent inherit > orgs.csv

Print All Resource Calendars


gam print resources [id] [description] [email] [todrive]

prints a CSV file of all resource calendars in the Google Apps account. The CSV output can be redirected to a file using the operating system's pipe command (such as "> resources.csv") see examples below. By default, the only column output is "Name"The optional arguments id, description and email add the respective additonal column to the CSV output. Only 1 call to Google's servers is done no matter which arguments are specified so the optional arguments should not significantly increase the time it takes for the command to complete. The optional todrive argument will upload the CSV data to a Google Docs Spreadsheet file in the Administrators Google Drive rather than displaying it locally.


this example will output all resource calendars to the file resources.csv including all optional columns

gam print resources id description email > resources.csv

Print Mobile Devices


gam print mobile [query <query>] [orderby deviceid|email|lastsync|model|name|os|status|type] [ascending|descending] [todrive]

Prints all mobile devices connected to the Google Apps instance. All fields are included in the CSV. Optional argument query specifies an optional query to limit output results. The format of the query parameter should match the Search format of the Control Panel. orderby and ascending/descending parameters determine how the CSV output is sorted. The optional todrive argument will upload the CSV data to a Google Docs Spreadsheet file in the Administrators Google Drive rather than displaying it locally.


This example prints details on all mobile devices in the domain

gam print mobile

This example prints all of [email protected]'s mobile devices

gam print mobile query "email:[email protected]"

Print Chrome OS Devices


gam print cros [query <query>] [orderby location|user|lastsync|serialnumber|supportenddate] [ascending|descending] [todrive]

Print all Chrome OS devices enrolled in the Google Apps instance. All fields are included in CSV output. Optional parameter query specifies a query to perform, limiting the results to matching devices. The query format is described in Google's help article. orderby and ascending/descending parameters determine sorting of CSV output. The optional todrive argument will upload the CSV data to a Google Docs Spreadsheet file in the Administrators Google Drive rather than displaying it locally.


This example prints all Chrome OS Devices enrolled in the domain.

gam print cros

This example prints all Chrome OS devices annotated as belonging to [email protected]

gam print cros query "user:[email protected]"

Print Licenses


gam print licenses [todrive]

Print Google Apps, Google Drive storage and Google Coordinate license assignments for the domain. The optional todrive argument will upload the CSV data to a Google Docs Spreadsheet file in the Administrators Google Drive rather than displaying it locally.


This example gets all license assignments for the Google Apps instance and uploads the spreadsheet to Google Docs.

gam print licenses todrive


Users Report


gam report users [todrive] [date <yyyy-dd-mm>] [user <email>] [filter <filter terms>] [fields <included fields>]

Display or upload to Google Drive a CSV report of current users. The optional todrive parameter specifies that the results should be uploaded to Google Drive rather than being displayed on screen or piped to a CSV text file. The optional date parameter specifies when the report should be pulled for, when not specified, GAM pulls the most recently available report from Google. The optional user parameter specifies the email address of a single user whose data should be returned, by default all users in the Google Apps instance are pulled. The optional filter parameter specifies search terms as described in Google's API documentation. The optional fields parameter specifies a comma-separated list of fields (columns) to be included in the output, if not specified all columns are returned.


This command will pull the most recently available users report and upload to drive.

gam report users todrive

This command will pull a list of users who have not logged in since the begging of the year.

gam report users filter 'accounts:last_login_time<2013-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'

Domain Report


gam report domain [todrive] [date <yyyy-mm-dd>]

Display or upload to Google Drive a CSV report of aggregate user data across the Google Apps instance (all users). The optional todrive parameter specifies that the results should be uploaded to Google Drive rather than being displayed on screen or piped to a CSV text file. The optional date parameter specifies when the report should be pulled for, when not specified, GAM pulls the most recently available report from Google.


This example uploads to Google Drive the most recent domain report

gam report domain todrive

Docs Report


gam report docs [todrive] [user <user email> [ip <ip address>] [start <start time>] [end <end time>] [event view|edit]

Display or upload to Google Drive a CSV report of Google Drive activities by users. The optional todrive parameter specifies that the results should be uploaded to Google Drive rather than being displayed on screen or piped to a CSV text file. The optional user parameter narrows the results down to documents viewed or edited by the given user. The optional ip address parameter narrows results down to activities performed from the given IPv4 or IPv6 address. The optional start and end parameters narrow the results down to actions performed during the given period. The optional event parameter narrows the results down to just views or just edits.


This example uploads to Drive a CSV of all doc actions.

gam report docs todrive

This example narrows the results down to actions performed by [email protected] on Christmas Day (GMT).

gam report docs user [email protected] start 12-25-2013T00:00:00.000Z end 12-25-2013T23:59:59.999Z

Admin Actions Report


gam report admin [todrive] [user <user email>] [ip <ip address>] [start <start time>] [end <end time>] [event <event name>]

Display or upload to Google Drive a CSV report of administrator activities for the Google Apps domain. The optional todrive parameter specifies that the results should be uploaded to Google Drive rather than being displayed on screen or piped to a CSV text file. The optional user parameter narrows the results down to admin activities performed by the given user. The optional ip address parameter narrows results down to activities performed from the given IPv4 or IPv6 address. The optional start and end parameters narrow the results down to actions performed during the given period. The optional event parameter narrows the results down to the given admin event type.


This example uploads all recent admin changes to Google Drive.

gam report admin todrive

This example shows the admin activities of [email protected] for 6/9/13 through 6/12/13 (GMT).

gam report admin todrive user [email protected] start 06-09-2013T00:00:00.000Z end 06-12-2013T11:59:59.999Z

Login Audit Report


gam report logins [todrive] [user <user email>] [ip <ip address>] [start YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.000Z] [end YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.000Z] [event <event name>]

Display or upload to Google Drive a CSV report of user login activities for the Google Apps domain. The optional todrive parameter specifies that the results should be uploaded to Google Drive rather than being displayed on screen or piped to a CSV text file. The optional user parameter narrows the results down to login activities performed by the given user. The optional ip address parameter narrows results down to activities performed from the given IPv4 or IPv6 address. The optional start and end parameters narrow the results down to actions performed during the given period. The optional event parameter narrows the results down to the given admin event type.


This example uploads all recent admin changes to Google Drive.

gam report admin todrive

This example shows the login activities of [email protected].

gam report logins todrive user [email protected]
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