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File metadata and controls

263 lines (202 loc) · 7.75 KB


Clean and minimal personal blog and portfolio theme for Hugo.


View demo

Screenshot Screenshot


  • Clean and minimal
  • Dark mode (Auto detect from OS)
  • Responsive
  • Supports tags
  • Social media links
  • Google Analytics integration
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Twitter cards and opengraph tags support
  • Disqus comments
  • Hugo RSS feeds
  • Custom CSS/JS
  • Giscus comments
  • Social media sharing buttons
  • Default og:image and twitter:image values.
  • MermaidJS support
  • pan-and-zoom SVG generated from MermaidJS


From your Hugo site run the following.

cd themes
git clone

For more information read the official setup guide of Hugo.


baseURL = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "My personal blog"
theme = "ezhil"

copyright = "© Copyright notice"

# Enable syntax highlighting.
pygmentsstyle = "solarized-dark"
pygmentscodefences = true
pygmentscodefencesguesssyntax = true

# Your Google analytics code.
googleAnalytics = "UA-123-45"
# Your Disqus shortname.
disqusShortname = "localhost"

# Number of posts to show in recent posts list (Optional). Defaults to 10.
paginate = 10

# Number of characters to show in summary.
summaryLength = 20

    # Blog subtitle which appears below blog title. Supports markdown.
    subtitle = "Clean and minimal personal [blog theme for Hugo]("

    # Content types which are included in home page recent posts list.
    mainSections = ["posts"]

    # Content types which are excludes Disqus comments.
    disableCommentsTypes = ["page"]
    commentsApp = "giscus"

    # If social media links are enabled then enable this to fetch icons from CDN instead of hosted on your site.
    featherIconsCDN = true

    # Specify favicon (icons/i.png maps to static/icons/i.png). No favicon if not defined.
    favicon = "icons/myicon.png"

    # Switch to dark mode or auto detect mode from OS (Optional).
    # "dark" will set mode to dark and "auto" will switch to dark mode if OS is in dark mode.
    mode = "dark" # "dark" or "auto"

    # Custom CSS added to default styles. Files added to `static` folder is copied as it is to
    # root by Hugo. For example if you have custom CSS file under `static/css/custom.css` then
    # you can specify custom css path as `css/custom.css`.
    customCSS = "css/custom.css"
    # Custom CSS added to dark mode style.
    customDarkCSS = "css/custom-dark.css"

    # Custom list of Javascript files to load. Just like custom CSS you can place js files under
    # `static/js` folder and specify path here as `js/script-name.js`. You can also specify full url,
    # for example you may want to include external JS library.
    customJS = ["js/abc.js", "js/xyz.js", ""]

    # default value for og:image and twitter:image attributes of meta tags
    featureImage = "/images/feature.jpg"
# Main menu which appears below site header.
name = "Home"
url = "/"
weight = 1

name = "All posts"
url = "/posts"
weight = 2

name = "About"
url = "/about"
weight = 3

name = "Tags"
url = "/tags"
weight = 4

# Social media links which shows up on site header.
# Uses feather icons for icons. You can [search icon names from here](
name = "Github"
icon = "github"
url = ""

name = "Twitter"
icon = "twitter"
url = ""

# Enable tags.
   tag = "tags"

# giscus config. visit for more details 
# fill the configuration form and use values below

Content type

You can specify content type with field type in your content. For example static pages can be set as type page which are excluded from recent posts and all posts page. You can use site params mainSections and disableCommentsTypes to control which page types are excluded from recent posts and Disqus comments respectively.

title: "About"
date: 2019-04-19T21:37:58+05:30
type: "page"

This is some static page where you can write about yourself.

Disable Comments

You can disable Disqus site wide if you don't set DisqusShortname param in config.

You can also disable comments (disqus/giscus) from contents selectively or for all contents with certain content type. Use content field comments to disable comments from certain contents.

title: "Content without comments"
date: 2019-04-19T21:37:58+05:30
comments: false

This is a content without comments.

You can also disable comments for certain content types by using site param disableCommentsTypes. You can check config section above for example.

Social Media Sharing Buttons

check this repo for more information

default og:image and twitter:image attributes for <meta> tags

If no ogImage or twitterImage tag is defined, the values fallback to the featureImage param from config.toml.

read this for more information on og:image.

Sample front-matter of a page

title: "page title"
description: "page description which also shows up as a short not on index page"
date: 2021-04-19T17:18:54+05:30
tags: [tag-1,tag-2]
ogImage: '/path/to/image/for/og_graph_image.jpg'
twitterImage: '/path/to/image/for/twitter_image.jpg'
draft: false
socialshare: true


  • use {{< toc >}} anywhere in the markdown to render table of contents like:
# Outline
- header 1
    - inner header 1
- header 2

SVG diagrams using MermaidJS

draw SVG diagrams using MermaidJS. Theme used is 'forest'. You can draw as many diagram as possible.

Pan-and-Zoom of these diagrams is enabled via bumbu/svg-pan-zoom, since these features are neither supported by Hugo nor by MermaidJS (#1860).

Above two scripts are loaded only when there's at least one mermaid diagram.

Here's a sample diagram:

title: Simple sample
    [*] --> Still

Here's how the above will look:




  • similar to render-image hook, a render-link might also be required. study the impact of removing <base> tag.
