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SAR: Cvars

Name Default Description
cl_crosshair_t 0 Removes the top line from the crosshair :0: normal crosshair,1: crosshair without top.
cl_crosshairalpha 255 Change the amount of transparency.
cl_crosshaircolor_b 0 Changes the color of the crosshair.
cl_crosshaircolor_g 255 Changes the color of the crosshair.
cl_crosshaircolor_r 0 Changes the color of the crosshair.
cl_crosshairdot 1 Decides if there is a dot in the middle of the crosshair
cl_crosshairgap 5 Changes the distance of the crosshair lines from the center of screen.
cl_crosshairsize 5 Changes the size of the crosshair.
cl_crosshairthickness 0 Changes the thinkness of the crosshair lines.
cl_quickhud_alpha 255 Change the amount of transparency.
cl_quickhudleftcolor_b 86 Changes the color of the left quickhud.
cl_quickhudleftcolor_g 184 Changes the color of the left quickhud.
cl_quickhudleftcolor_r 255 Changes the color of the left quickhud.
cl_quickhudrightcolor_b 255 Changes the color of the right quickhud.
cl_quickhudrightcolor_g 184 Changes the color of the right quickhud.
cl_quickhudrightcolor_r 111 Changes the color of the right quickhud.
cond cmd cond <condition> <command> [args]... - runs a command only if a given condition is met
ghost_color_b 255 Blue component of ghost color (linear RGB).
ghost_color_g 255 Green component of ghost color (linear RGB).
ghost_color_r 255 Red component of ghost color (linear RGB).
ghost_connect cmd ghost_connect <ip address> <port> - connect to the server
ex: 'localhost 53000' - ' 53000' - 53000'.
ghost_delete_all cmd ghost_delete_all - delete all ghosts
ghost_delete_by_ID cmd ghost_delete_by_ID <ID> - delete the ghost selected
ghost_disconnect cmd ghost_disconnect - disconnect
ghost_height 16 Height of the ghosts. (For prop models, only affects their position).
ghost_message cmd ghost_message - send message to other players
ghost_name cmd ghost_name - change your online name
ghost_offset cmd ghost_offset <offset> <ID> - delay the ghost start by <offset> frames
ghost_opacity 255 Opacity of the ghosts.
ghost_ping cmd Pong!
ghost_prop_model cmd ghost_prop_model <filepath> - set the prop model. Example: models/props/metal_box.mdl
ghost_proximity_fade 100 Distance from ghosts at which their models fade out.
ghost_recap cmd ghost_recap - recap all ghosts setup
ghost_reset cmd ghost_reset - reset ghosts
ghost_set_color cmd ghost_set_color <hex code> - sets the ghost color to the specified sRGB color code
ghost_set_demo cmd ghost_set_demo <demo> [ID] - ghost will use this demo. If ID is specified, will create or modify the ID-th ghost
ghost_set_demos cmd ghost_set_demos <first_demo> [first_id] [ID] - ghost will setup a speedrun with first_demo, first_demo_2, etc.
If first_id is specified as e.g. 5, will instead start from first_demo_5, then first_demo_6, etc. Specifying first_id as 1 will use first_demo, first_demo_2 etc as normal.
If ID is specified, will create or modify the ID-th ghost.
ghost_show_advancement 1 Show the advancement of the ghosts.
ghost_start cmd ghost_start - start ghosts
ghost_sync 0 When loading a new level, pauses the game until other players load it.
ghost_sync_countdown 3 The number of seconds of countdown to show at the start of every synced map. 0 to disable.
ghost_TCP_only 0 Lathil's special command :).
ghost_text_offset 7 Offset of the name over the ghosts.
ghost_type cmd ghost_type <0/1/2/3>:
0: Colored circle
1: Colored pyramid
2: Colored pyramid with portal gun (RECORDED IN DEMOS)
3: Prop model (RECORDED IN DEMOS)
ghost_update_rate 50 Adjust the update rate. For people with lathil's internet.
hwait cmd hwait <tick> <command> [args...] - run a command after the given number of host ticks
nop cmd nop [args]... - nop ignores all its arguments and does nothing
sar_about cmd sar_about - prints info about SAR plugin
sar_aim_point_add cmd sar_aim_point_add - add frozen aimpoint at current position
sar_aim_point_clear cmd sar_aim_point_cleat - clear all frozen aimpoints
sar_aim_point_hud 0 Overlays a marker with coordinates at the point you're aiming at
sar_aircontrol 0 Enables more air-control on the server.
sar_alias cmd sar_alias <name> [command] [args]... - create an alias, similar to the 'alias' command but not requiring quoting. If no command is specified, prints the given alias
sar_alias_run cmd sar_alias_run <name> [args]... - run a SAR alias, passing on any additional arguments
sar_autojump 0 Enables automatic jumping on the server.
sar_autorecord 0 Enables or disables automatic demo recording.
sar_avg_result cmd sar_avg_result - prints result of average
sar_avg_start cmd sar_avg_start - starts calculating the average when using timer
sar_avg_stop cmd sar_avg_stop - stops average calculation
sar_cam_control 0 sar_cam_control <type>: Change type of camera control.
0 = Default (camera is controlled by game engine),
1 = Drive mode (camera is separated and can be controlled by user input),
2 = Cinematic mode (camera is controlled by predefined path).
3 = Follow mode (Camera is following the player but not rotating, useful when strafing on gel).
sar_cam_drive 1 Enables or disables camera drive mode in-game (turning it on is not required for demo player)
sar_cam_force_eye_pos 0 Forces camera to be placed exactly on the player's eye position
sar_cam_ortho 0 Enables or disables camera orthographic projection
sar_cam_ortho_nearz 1 Changes the near Z plane of orthographic projection.
sar_cam_ortho_scale 1 Changes the scale of orthographic projection (how many units per pixel)
sar_cam_path_getkfs cmd sar_cam_path_getkfs - exports commands for recreating currently made camera path
sar_cam_path_remkf cmd sar_cam_path_remkf <frame> - removes camera path keyframe at specified frame
sar_cam_path_remkfs cmd sar_cam_path_remkfs - removes all camera path keyframes
sar_cam_path_setkf cmd sar_cam_path_setkf [frame] [x] [y] [z] [yaw] [pitch] [roll] [fov] - sets the camera path keyframe
sar_cam_path_showkf cmd sar_cam_path_showkf <frame> - display information about camera path keyframe at specified frame
sar_cam_path_showkfs cmd sar_cam_path_showkfs - display information about all camera path keyframes
sar_cam_reset cmd sar_cam_reset - resets camera to its default position
sar_cam_setang cmd sar_cam_setang <pitch> <yaw> [roll] - sets camera angle (requires camera Drive Mode)
sar_cam_setfov cmd sar_cam_setfov <fov> - sets camera field of view (requires camera Drive Mode)
sar_cam_setpos cmd sar_cam_setpos <x> <y> <z> - sets camera position (requires camera Drive Mode)
sar_challenge_autostop 0 Automatically stops recording demos when the leaderboard opens after a CM run. If 2, automatically appends the run time to the demo name.
sar_challenge_autosubmit_reload_api_key cmd sar_challenge_autosubmit_reload_api_key - reload the API key from its file.
sar_check_update cmd sar_check_update [release
sar_clear_lines cmd sar_clear_lines - clears all active drawline overlays
sar_cm_rightwarp 0 Fix CM wrongwarp.
sar_con_filter 0 Enable the console filter
sar_con_filter_allow cmd sar_con_filter_allow <string> - add an allow rule to the console filter
sar_con_filter_block cmd sar_con_filter_block <string> - add a disallow rule to the console filter
sar_con_filter_default 0 Whether to allow text through the console filter by default
sar_con_filter_reset cmd sar_con_filter_reset - clear the console filter rule list
sar_coop_reset_progress cmd sar_coop_reset_progress - resets all coop progress
sar_cps_add cmd sar_cps_add - saves current time of timer
sar_cps_clear cmd sar_cps_clear - resets saved times of timer
sar_cps_result cmd sar_cps_result - prints result of timer checkpoints
sar_crosshair_mode 0 Set the crosshair mode :
0: Default crosshair
1: Customizable crosshair
2: Crosshair from .png
sar_crosshair_P1 0 Use the P1 crosshair style.
sar_crosshair_set_texture cmd sar_crosshair_set_texture <filepath>
sar_cvarlist cmd sar_cvarlist - lists all SAR cvars and unlocked engine cvars
sar_cvars_dump cmd sar_cvars_dump - dumps all cvars to a file
sar_cvars_dump_doc cmd sar_cvars_dump_doc - dumps all SAR cvars to a file
sar_cvars_lock cmd sar_cvars_lock - restores default flags of unlocked cvars
sar_cvars_unlock cmd sar_cvars_unlock - unlocks all special cvars
sar_debug_listener 0 Prints event data of registered listener.
sar_delete_alias_cmds cmd sar_delete_alias_cmds - deletes all alias commands
sar_demo_blacklist 0 Stop a set of commands from being run by demo playback.
sar_demo_blacklist_addcmd cmd sar_demo_blacklist_addcmd <command> - add a command to the demo blacklist
sar_demo_blacklist_all 0 Stop all commands from being run by demo playback.
sar_demo_overwrite_bak 0 Rename demos to (name)_bak if they would be overwritten by recording
sar_demo_remove_broken 1 Whether to remove broken frames from demo playback
sar_demo_replay cmd sar_demo_replay - play the last recorded or played demo
sar_disable_challenge_stats_hud 0 Disables opening the challenge mode stats HUD.
sar_disable_coop_score_hud 0 Disables the coop score HUD which appears in demo playback.
sar_disable_no_focus_sleep 0 Does not yield the CPU when game is not focused.
sar_disable_progress_bar_update 0 Disables excessive usage of progress bar.
sar_disable_save_status_hud 0 Disables the saving/saved HUD which appears when you make a save.
sar_disable_steam_pause 0 Prevents pauses from steam overlay.
sar_duckjump 0 Allows duck-jumping even when fully crouched, similar to prevent_crouch_jump.
sar_dump_client_classes cmd sar_dump_client_classes - dumps all client classes to a file
sar_dump_client_datamap cmd sar_dump_client_datamap - dumps client datmap to a file
sar_dump_events cmd sar_dump_events - dumps all registered game events of the game event manager
sar_dump_server_classes cmd sar_dump_server_classes - dumps all server classes to a file
sar_dump_server_datamap cmd sar_dump_server_datamap - dumps server datamap to a file
sar_ei_hud 0 Draws entity inspection data.
sar_ei_hud_font_color 255 255 255 255 RGBA font color of entity inspection HUD when not recording.
sar_ei_hud_font_color2 153 23 9 255 RGBA font color of entity inspection HUD when recording.
sar_ei_hud_font_index 1 Font index of entity inspection HUD.
sar_ei_hud_x 0 X offset of entity inspection HUD.
sar_ei_hud_y 0 Y offset of entity inspection HUD.
sar_ei_hud_z 0 Z offset of entity inspection HUD.
sar_exit cmd sar_exit - removes all function hooks, registered commands and unloads the module
sar_expand cmd sar_expand [cmd]... - run a command after expanding svar substitutions
sar_export_stats cmd sar_export_stats <filepath> - export the stats to the specifed path in a .csv file
sar_fast_load_preset cmd set_fast_load_preset <preset> - sets all loading fixes to preset values
sar_find_client_class cmd sar_find_clientclass <class_name> - finds specific client class tables and props with their offset
sar_find_client_offset cmd sar_find_client_offset <class_name> <prop_name> - finds prop offset in specified client class
sar_find_ent cmd sar_find_ent <m_iName> - finds entity in the entity list by name
sar_find_ents cmd sar_find_ents <m_iClassName> - finds entities in the entity list by class name
sar_find_server_class cmd sar_find_server_class <class_name> - finds specific server class tables and props with their offset
sar_find_server_offset cmd sar_find_server_offset <class_name> <prop_name> - finds prop offset in specified server class
sar_fix_reloaded_cheats 1 Overrides map execution of specific console commands in Reloaded in order to separate map usage from player usage for these commands.
sar_font_get_name cmd sar_font_get_name <id> - gets the name of a font from its index
sar_force_fov cmd sar_force_fov <fov> - forces player FOV
sar_function cmd sar_function <name> [command] [args]... - create a function, replacing $1, $2 etc up to $9 in the command string with the respective argument. If no command is specified, prints the given function
sar_function_run cmd sar_function_run <name> [args]... - run a function with the given arguments
sar_getpos cmd sar_getpos [slot] [server
sar_give_betsrighter cmd sar_give_betsrighter [n] - gives the player in slot n (0 by default) betsrighter.
sar_give_fly cmd sar_give_fly [n] - gives the player in slot n (0 by default) preserved crouchfly.
sar_hud_angles 0 Draws absolute view angles of the client.
0 = Default,
1 = XY,
2 = XYZ.
sar_hud_avg 0 Draws calculated average of timer.
sar_hud_bg 0 Enable the SAR HUD background.
sar_hud_cps 0 Draws latest checkpoint of timer.
sar_hud_demo 0 Draws name, tick and time of current demo.
sar_hud_duckstate 0 Draw the state of player ducking.
1 - shows either ducked or standing state
2 - shows detailed report (requires sv_cheats)
sar_hud_eyeoffset 0 Draws player's eye offset.
0 = Default,
1 = eye offset including precision error,
2 = raw eye offset.
sar_hud_font_color 255 255 255 255 RGBA font color of HUD.
sar_hud_font_index 0 Font index of HUD.
sar_hud_frame 0 Draws current frame count.
sar_hud_ghost_show_name 1 Display the name of the ghost over it.
sar_hud_grounded 0 Draws the state of player being on ground.
sar_hud_groundframes 0 Draws the number of ground frames since last landing.
sar_hud_groundspeed 0 Draw the speed of the player upon leaving the ground.
sar_hud_hide_text cmd sar_hud_hide_text <id> - hides the nth text value in the HUD
sar_hud_inspection 0 Draws entity inspection data.
sar_hud_jump 0 Draws current jump distance.
sar_hud_jump_peak 0 Draws longest jump distance.
sar_hud_jumps 0 Draws total jump count.
sar_hud_last_frame 0 Draws last saved frame value.
sar_hud_last_session 0 Draws value of latest completed session.
sar_hud_orange_only 0 Only display the SAR HUD for orange, for solo coop (fullscreen PIP).
sar_hud_order_bottom cmd sar_hud_order_bottom <name> - orders hud element to bottom
sar_hud_order_reset cmd sar_hud_order_reset - resets order of hud element
sar_hud_order_top cmd sar_hud_order_top <name> - orders hud element to top
sar_hud_pause_timer 0 Draws current value of pause timer.
sar_hud_portal_angles 0 Draw the camera angles of the last primary portal shot.
sar_hud_portal_angles_2 0 Draw the camera angles of the last secondary portal shot.
sar_hud_portals 0 Draws total portal count.
sar_hud_position 0 Draws absolute position of the client.
0 = Default,
1 = Player position,
2 = Camera (shoot) position.
sar_hud_precision 3 Precision of HUD numbers.
sar_hud_session 0 Draws current session tick.
sar_hud_set_text cmd sar_hud_set_text <id> <text>... - sets and shows the nth text value in the HUD
sar_hud_set_text_color cmd sar_hud_set_text_color <id> <color> - sets the color of the nth text value in the HUD
sar_hud_show_text cmd sar_hud_show_text <id> - shows the nth text value in the HUD
sar_hud_spacing 1 Spacing between elements of HUD.
sar_hud_steps 0 Draws total step count.
sar_hud_strafesync_color 0 150 250 255 RGBA font color of strafesync HUD.
sar_hud_strafesync_font_index 1 Font index of strafesync HUD.
sar_hud_strafesync_offset_x 0 X offset of strafesync HUD.
sar_hud_strafesync_offset_y 1000 Y offset of strafesync HUD.
sar_hud_strafesync_split_offset_y 1050 Y offset of strafesync HUD.
sar_hud_sum 0 Draws summary value of sessions.
sar_hud_tastick 0 Draws current TAS playback tick.
sar_hud_text DEPRECATED: Use sar_hud_set_text.
sar_hud_text DEPRECATED: Use sar_hud_set_text.
sar_hud_timer 0 Draws current value of timer.
sar_hud_trace 0 Draws distance values of tracer. 0 = Default,
1 = Vec3,
2 = Vec2.
sar_hud_velang 0 Draw the angle of the player's horizontal velocity vector.
sar_hud_velocity 0 Draws velocity of the client.
0 = Default,
1 = X, Y, Z
2 = X:Y
3 = X:Y, Z
4 = X:Y:Z
sar_hud_velocity_peak 0 Draws last saved velocity peak.
sar_hud_velocity_precision 2 Precision of velocity HUD numbers.
sar_hud_x 2 X padding of HUD.
sar_hud_y 2 Y padding of HUD.
sar_ihud 0 Enabled or disables movement inputs HUD of client.
sar_ihud_add_key cmd sar_ihud_add_key <key>
sar_ihud_grid_padding 2 Padding between grid squares of input HUD.
sar_ihud_grid_size 60 Grid square size of input HUD.
sar_ihud_modify cmd sar_ihud_modify <element
sar_ihud_preset cmd sar_ihud_preset <preset> - modifies input hud based on given preset
sar_ihud_setpos cmd Automatically sets the position of input HUD.
Usage: sar_ihud_setpos <top
sar_ihud_x 2 X position of input HUD.
sar_ihud_y 2 Y position of input HUD.
sar_import_stats cmd sar_import_stats <filePath> - import the stats from the specified .csv file
sar_inspection_export cmd sar_inspection_export <file_name> - saves recorded entity data to a csv file
sar_inspection_index cmd sar_inspection_index - sets entity index for inspection
sar_inspection_print cmd sar_inspection_print - prints recorded entity data
sar_inspection_save_every_tick 0 Saves inspection data even when session tick does not increment.
sar_inspection_start cmd sar_inspection_start - starts recording entity data
sar_inspection_stop cmd sar_inspection_stop - stops recording entity data
sar_jumpboost 0 Enables special game movement on the server.
0 = Default,
1 = Orange Box Engine,
2 = Pre-OBE.
sar_list_client_classes cmd sar_list_client_classes - lists all client classes
sar_list_ents cmd sar_list_ents - lists entities
sar_list_server_classes cmd sar_list_server_classes - lists all server classes
sar_load_delay 0 Delay for this number of milliseconds at the end of a load.
sar_loads_norender 0 Temporarily set mat_noredering to 1 during loads
sar_loads_uncap 0 Temporarily set fps_max to 0 during loads
sar_lphud 0 Enables or disables the portals display on screen.
sar_lphud_font 92 Change font of portal counter.
sar_lphud_reset cmd sar_lphud_reset - resets lp counter
sar_lphud_reset_on_changelevel 0 Reset the lp counter on any changelevel or restart_level. Useful for ILs.
sar_lphud_set cmd sar_lphud_set <number> - sets lp counter to given number
sar_lphud_setpos cmd Automatically sets the position of least portals HUD.
Usage: sar_lphud_setpos <top
sar_lphud_x -10 x pos of lp counter.
sar_lphud_y -10 y pos of lp counter.
sar_minimap_load cmd sar_minimap_load <filename> - load a minimap from a JSON file.
sar_minimap_max_height 1000 The maximum height of the minimap.
sar_minimap_max_width 500 The maximum width of the minimap.
sar_minimap_player_color 255 0 0 255 The color of the circle representing the player on the minimap.
sar_minimap_x -10 The X position of the minimap.
sar_minimap_y 10 The Y position of the minimap.
sar_nextdemo cmd sar_nextdemo - plays the next demo in demo queue
sar_on_config_exec cmd sar_on_config_exec <command> [args]... - registers a command to be run on config.cfg exec
sar_on_coop_reset_done cmd sar_on_coop_reset_done <command> [args]... - registers a command to be run when coop reset is completed
sar_on_coop_reset_remote cmd sar_on_coop_reset_remote <command> [args]... - registers a command to be run when coop reset run remotely
sar_on_coop_spawn cmd sar_on_coop_spawn <command> [args]... - registers a command to be run on coop spawn
sar_on_demo_start cmd sar_on_demo_start <command> [args]... - registers a command to be run when demo playback starts
sar_on_demo_stop cmd sar_on_demo_stop <command> [args]... - registers a command to be run when demo playback stops
sar_on_exit cmd sar_on_exit <command> [args]... - registers a command to be run on game exit
sar_on_flags cmd sar_on_flags <command> [args]... - registers a command to be run when CM flags are hit
sar_on_load cmd sar_on_load <command> [args]... - registers a command to be run on session start
sar_on_session_end cmd sar_on_session_end <command> [args]... - registers a command to be run on session end
sar_pause_at -1 Pause at the specified tick. -1 to deactivate it.
sar_pause_for 0 Pause for this amount of ticks.
sar_player_trace_autoclear 1 Automatically clear the trace on session start
sar_player_trace_bbox_at -1 Display a player-sized bbox at the given tick.
sar_player_trace_bbox_use_hover 0 Move trace bbox to hovered trace point tick on given trace.
sar_player_trace_clear cmd sar_player_trace_clear <index> - Clear the index player trace
sar_player_trace_clear_all cmd sar_player_trace_clear_all - Clear all the traces
sar_player_trace_draw 0 Display the recorded player trace. Requires cheats
sar_player_trace_draw_speed_deltas 1 Display the speed deltas. Requires sar_player_trace_draw
sar_player_trace_draw_through_walls 1 Display the player trace through walls. Requires sar_player_trace_draw
sar_player_trace_draw_time 3 Display tick above trace hover info
0 = hide tick info
1 = ticks since trace recording started
2 = session timer
3 = TAS timer (if no TAS was played, uses 1 instead)
sar_player_trace_record 0 Record the trace to a slot. Set to 0 for not recording
sar_player_trace_teleport_at cmd sar_player_trace_teleport_at <tick> [player slot] [trace index] - teleports the player at the given trace tick on the given trace ID (defaults to 1) in the given slot (defaults to 0).
sar_portalgun_hud 0 Enables the portalgun HUD.
sar_portalgun_hud_x 5 The x position of the portalgun HUD.
sar_portalgun_hud_y 5 The y position of the portalgun HUD.
sar_prevent_mat_snapshot_recompute 0 Shortens loading times by preventing state snapshot recomputation.
sar_print_stats cmd sar_print_stats - prints your statistics if those are loaded
sar_quickhud_mode 0 Set the quickhud mode :
0: Default quickhud
1: Customizable quickhud
2: quickhud from .png
sar_quickhud_set_texture cmd sar_quickhud_set_texture <filepath> - enter the base name, it will search for <filepath>1.png, <filepath>2.png, <filepath>3.png and <filepath>4.png
ex: sar_quickhud_set_texture "E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Portal 2\portal2\krzyhau"
sar_quickhud_size 15 Size of the custom quickhud.
sar_quickhud_x 45 Horizontal distance of the custom quickhud.
sar_quickhud_y 0 Vertical distance of the custom quickhud.
sar_record_at -1 Start recording a demo at the tick specified. Will use sar_record_at_demo_name.
sar_record_at_demo_name chamber Name of the demo automatically recorded.
sar_record_at_increment 0 Increment automatically the demo name.
sar_record_mkdir 1 Automatically create directories for demos if necessary.
sar_record_prefix A string to prepend to recorded demo names. Can include strftime format codes.
sar_rename cmd sar_rename <name> - changes your name
sar_render_abitrate 160 Audio bitrate used in renders (kbit/s)
sar_render_acodec aac Audio codec used in renders (aac, ac3, vorbis, opus, flac)
sar_render_autostart 0 Whether to automatically start when demo playback begins
sar_render_autostart_extension mp4 The file extension (and hence container format) to use for automatically started renders.
sar_render_autostop 1 Whether to automatically stop when END is seen in demo playback
sar_render_blend 0 How many frames to blend for each output frame; 1 = do not blend, 0 = automatically determine based on host_framerate
sar_render_finish cmd sar_render_finish - stop rendering frames
sar_render_fps 60 Render output FPS
sar_render_merge 0 When set, merge all the renders until sar_render_finish is entered
sar_render_quality 35 Render output quality, higher is better (50=lossless)
sar_render_sample_rate 44100 Audio output sample rate
sar_render_shutter_angle 180 The shutter angle to use for rendering in degrees.
sar_render_skip_coop_videos 1 When set, don't include coop loading time in renders
sar_render_start cmd sar_render_start <file> - start rendering frames to the given video file
sar_render_vbitrate 40000 Video bitrate used in renders (kbit/s)
sar_render_vcodec h264 Video codec used in renders (h264, hevc, vp8, vp9, dnxhd)
sar_scrollspeed 0 Show a HUD indicating your scroll speed.
sar_seamshot_finder 0 Enables or disables seamshot finder overlay.
sar_session cmd sar_session - prints the current tick of the server since it has loaded
sar_show_entinp 0 Print all entity inputs to console.
sar_skiptodemo cmd sar_skiptodemo <demoname> - skip demos in demo queue to this demo
sar_speedrun_autostop 0 Automatically stop recording demos when a speedrun finishes. If 2, automatically append the run time to the demo name.
sar_speedrun_category cmd sar_speedrun_category [category] - get or set the speedrun category
sar_speedrun_category_add_rule cmd sar_speedrun_category_add_rule <category> <rule> - add a rule to a speedrun category
sar_speedrun_category_create cmd sar_speedrun_category_create <category> - create a new speedrun category with the given name
sar_speedrun_category_remove cmd sar_speedrun_category_remove <category> - delete the given speedrun category
sar_speedrun_category_remove_rule cmd sar_speedrun_category_remove_rule <category> <rule> - remove a rule from a speedrun category
sar_speedrun_cc_finish cmd sar_speedrun_cc_finish - finish the category creator
sar_speedrun_cc_place cmd sar_speedrun_cc_place - place a trigger-ey rule in the world
sar_speedrun_cc_place_start cmd sar_speedrun_cc_place_start <rule name> <rule type> [options]... - start placing a trigger-ey rule in the world
sar_speedrun_cc_rule cmd sar_speedrun_rule <rule name> <rule type> [options]... - add a rule to the category currently being created
sar_speedrun_cc_start cmd sar_speedrun_cc_start <category name> [default options]... - start the category creator
sar_speedrun_draw_triggers 0 Draw the triggers associated with speedrun rules in the world.
sar_speedrun_export cmd sar_speedrun_export <filename> - export the speedrun result to the specified CSV file
sar_speedrun_export_all cmd sar_speedrun_export_all <filename> - export the results of many speedruns to the specified CSV file
sar_speedrun_offset 0 Start speedruns with this many ticks on the timer.
sar_speedrun_pause cmd sar_speedrun_pause - pause the speedrun timer
sar_speedrun_reset cmd sar_speedrun_reset - reset the speedrun timer
sar_speedrun_reset_categories cmd sar_speedrun_reset_categories - delete all custom categories and rules, reverting to the builtin ones
sar_speedrun_reset_export cmd sar_speedrun_reset_export - reset the log of complete and incomplete runs to be exported
sar_speedrun_result cmd sar_speedrun_result - print the speedrun result
sar_speedrun_resume cmd sar_speedrun_resume - resume the speedrun timer
sar_speedrun_rule cmd sar_speedrun_rule [rule] - show information about speedrun rules
sar_speedrun_rule_create cmd sar_speedrun_rule_create <name> <type> [option=value]... - create a speedrun rule with the given name, type, and options
sar_speedrun_rule_remove cmd sar_speedrun_rule_remove <rule> - delete the given speedrun rule
sar_speedrun_smartsplit 1 Only split the speedrun timer a maximum of once per map.
sar_speedrun_split cmd sar_speedrun_split - perform a split on the speedrun timer
sar_speedrun_start cmd sar_speedrun_start - start the speedrun timer
sar_speedrun_start_on_load 0 Automatically start the speedrun timer when a map is loaded. 2 = restart if active.
sar_speedrun_stop cmd sar_speedrun_start - stop the speedrun timer
sar_speedrun_stop_in_menu 0 Automatically stop the speedrun timer when the menu is loaded.
sar_speedrun_time_pauses 0 Include time spent paused in the speedrun timer.
sar_sr_hud 0 Draws speedrun timer.
sar_sr_hud_font_color 255 255 255 255 RGBA font color of speedrun timer HUD.
sar_sr_hud_font_index 70 Font index of speedrun timer HUD.
sar_sr_hud_x 0 X offset of speedrun timer HUD.
sar_sr_hud_y 100 Y offset of speedrun timer HUD.
sar_startdemos cmd sar_startdemos <demoname> - improved version of startdemos. Use 'stopdemo' to stop playing demos
sar_startdemosfolder cmd sar_startdemosfolder <folder name> - plays all the demos in the specified folder by alphabetic order
sar_statcounter_filePath Stats/phunkpaiDWPS.csv Path to the statcounter .csv file.
sar_stats_auto_reset 0 Resets all stats automatically.
0 = Default,
1 = Restart or disconnect only,
2 = Any load & sar_timer_start.
Note: Portal counter is not part of the "stats" feature.
sar_stats_jump cmd sar_stats_jump - prints jump stats
sar_stats_jumps_reset cmd sar_stats_jumps_reset - resets total jump count and jump distance peak
sar_stats_jumps_xy 0 Saves jump distance as 2D vector.
sar_stats_reset cmd sar_stats_reset - resets all saved stats
sar_stats_steps cmd sar_stats_steps - prints total amount of steps
sar_stats_steps_reset cmd sar_stats_steps_reset - resets total step count
sar_stats_velocity cmd sar_stats_velocity - prints velocity stats
sar_stats_velocity_peak_xy 0 Saves velocity peak as 2D vector.
sar_stats_velocity_reset cmd sar_stats_velocity_reset - resets velocity peak
sar_stitcher 0 Enable the image stitcher.
sar_stitcher_reset cmd sar_stitcher_reset - reset the stitcher.
sar_strafe_quality 0 Enables or disables the strafe quality HUD.
sar_strafe_quality_height 50 The height of the strafe quality HUD.
sar_strafe_quality_ticks 40 The number of ticks to average over for the strafe quality HUD.
sar_strafe_quality_width 300 The width of the strafe quality HUD.
sar_strafesync 0 Shows strafe sync stats.
sar_strafesync_noground 1 0: Always run.
1: Do not run when on ground.
sar_strafesync_pause cmd sar_strafesync_pause - pause strafe sync session
sar_strafesync_reset cmd sar_strafesync_reset - reset strafe sync session
sar_strafesync_resume cmd sar_strafesync_resume - resume strafe sync session
sar_strafesync_session_time 0 In seconds. How much time should pass until session is reset.
If 0, you'll have to reset the session manually.
sar_strafesync_split cmd sar_strafesync_split - makes a new split
sar_sum_during_session 1 Updates the summary counter automatically during a session.
sar_sum_here cmd sar_sum_here - starts counting total ticks of sessions
sar_sum_result cmd sar_sum_result - prints result of summary
sar_sum_stop cmd sar_sum_stop - stops summary counter
sar_tas_advance cmd sar_tas_advance - advances TAS playback by one tick
sar_tas_autosave_raw 0 Enables automatic saving of raw, processed TAS scripts.
sar_tas_debug 0 Debug TAS informations. 0 - none, 1 - basic, 2 - all.
sar_tas_pause cmd sar_tas_pause - pauses TAS playback
sar_tas_pauseat 0 Pauses the TAS playback on specified tick.
sar_tas_play cmd sar_tas_play <filename> [filename2] - plays a TAS script with given name. If two script names are given, play coop
sar_tas_play_single cmd sar_tas_play_single <filename> [slot] - plays a single coop TAS script, giving the player control of the other slot.
sar_tas_playback_rate 1.0 The rate at which to play back TAS scripts.
sar_tas_real_controller_debug 0 Debugs controller.
sar_tas_replay cmd sar_tas_replay - replays the last played TAS
sar_tas_restore_fps 1 Restore fps_max and host_framerate after TAS playback.
sar_tas_resume cmd sar_tas_resume - resumes TAS playback
sar_tas_save_raw cmd sar_tas_save_raw - saves a processed version of just processed script
sar_tas_server 0 Enable the remote TAS server.
sar_tas_skipto 0 Fast-forwards the TAS playback until given playback tick.
sar_tas_stop cmd sar_tas_stop - stop TAS playing
sar_tas_tools_enabled 1 Enables tool processing for TAS script making.
sar_tas_tools_force 0 Force tool playback for TAS scripts; primarily for debugging.
sar_teleport cmd sar_teleport - teleports the player to the last saved location
sar_teleport_setpos cmd sar_teleport_setpos - saves current location for teleportation
sar_tick_debug 0 Output debugging information to the console related to ticks and frames.
sar_time_demo cmd sar_time_demo <demo_name> - parses a demo and prints some information about it
sar_time_demo_dev 0 Printing mode when using sar_time_demo.
0 = Default,
1 = Console commands,
2 = Console commands & packets.
sar_time_demos cmd sar_time_demos <demo_name> [demo_name2]... - parses multiple demos and prints the total sum of them
sar_timer_always_running 1 Timer will save current value when disconnecting.
sar_timer_result cmd sar_timer_result - prints result of timer
sar_timer_start cmd sar_timer_start - starts timer
sar_timer_stop cmd sar_timer_stop - stops timer
sar_timer_time_pauses 1 Timer adds non-simulated ticks when server pauses.
sar_toast_align 0 The side to align toasts to horizontally. 0 = left, 1 = center, 2 = right.
sar_toast_anchor 1 Where to put new toasts. 0 = bottom, 1 = top.
sar_toast_background 1 Sets the background highlight for toasts. 0 = no background, 1 = text width only, 2 = full width.
sar_toast_compact 0 Enables a compact form of the toasts HUD.
sar_toast_create cmd sar_toast_create <tag> <text> - create a toast
sar_toast_disable 0 Disable all toasts from showing.
sar_toast_dismiss_all cmd sar_toast_dismiss_all - dismiss all active toasts
sar_toast_font 6 The font index to use for toasts.
sar_toast_net_create cmd sar_toast_net_create <tag> <text> - create a toast, also sending it to your coop partner
sar_toast_net_disable 0 Disable network toasts.
sar_toast_setpos cmd sar_toast_setpos <bottom
sar_toast_tag_dismiss_all cmd sar_toast_tag_dismiss_all <tag> - dismiss all active toasts with the given tag
sar_toast_tag_set_color cmd sar_toast_tag_set_color <tag> <color> - set the color of the specified toast tag to an sRGB color
sar_toast_tag_set_duration cmd sar_toast_tag_set_duration <tag> <duration> - set the duration of the specified toast tag in seconds. The duration may be given as 'forever'
sar_toast_width 250 The maximum width for toasts.
sar_toast_x 10 The horizontal position of the toasts HUD.
sar_toast_y 10 The vertical position of the toasts HUD.
sar_togglewait cmd sar_togglewait - enables or disables "wait" for the command buffer
sar_trace_a cmd sar_trace_a - saves location A for tracing
sar_trace_b cmd sar_trace_b - saves location B for tracing
sar_trace_reset cmd sar_trace_reset - resets tracer
sar_trace_result cmd sar_trace_result - prints tracing result
sar_update cmd sar_update [release
sar_velocitygraph 0 Shows velocity graph.
sar_velocitygraph_background 0 Background of velocity graph.
sar_velocitygraph_font_index 21 Font index of velocity graph.
sar_velocitygraph_rainbow 0 Rainbow mode of velocity graph text.
sar_velocitygraph_show_speed_on_graph 1 Show speed between jumps.
sar_vphys_hud 0 Enables or disables the vphys HUD.
sar_vphys_hud_x 0 The x position of the vphys HUD.
sar_vphys_hud_y 0 The y position of the vphys HUD.
sar_vphys_setangle cmd sar_vphys_setangle <hitbox> <angle> - sets rotation angle to either standing (0) or crouching (1) havok collision shadow
sar_vphys_setgravity cmd sar_vphys_setgravity <hitbox> <enabled> - sets gravity flag state to either standing (0) or crouching (1) havok collision shadow
sar_vphys_setspin cmd sar_vphys_setspin <hitbox> <angvel> - sets rotation speed to either standing (0) or crouching (1) havok collision shadow
sar_workshop cmd sar_workshop <file> [ss/changelevel] - same as "map" command but lists workshop maps
sar_workshop_list cmd sar_workshop_list - prints all workshop maps
sar_workshop_update cmd sar_workshop_update - updates the workshop map list
seq cmd seq <commands>... - runs a sequence of commands one tick after one another
svar_add cmd svar_add <variable> <variable
svar_capture cmd svar_capture <variable> <command> [args]... - capture a command's output and place it into an svar, removing newlines
svar_count cmd svar_count - prints a count of all the defined svars
svar_div cmd svar_div <variable> <variable
svar_from_cvar cmd svar_from_cvar <variable> <cvar> - capture a cvars's value and place it into an svar, removing newlines
svar_get cmd svar_get <variable> - get the value of a svar
svar_mod cmd svar_mod <variable> <variable
svar_mul cmd svar_mul <variable> <variable
svar_no_persist cmd svar_no_persist <variable> - unmark an svar as persistent
svar_persist cmd svar_persist <variable> - mark an svar as persistent
svar_set cmd svar_set <variable> <value> - set a svar (SAR variable) to a given value
svar_sub cmd svar_sub <variable> <variable
wait cmd wait <tick> <commands> - wait for the amount of ticks specified
wait_mode 0 When the pending commands should be executed. 0 is absolute, 1 is relative to when you entered the wait command.
wait_persist_across_loads 0 Whether pending commands should be carried across loads (1) or just be dropped (0).