The source of Cenisys is maintained on Currently Cenisys is mirrored on GitHub for convenience. You should make contributions on GitLab if possible.
Cenisys is written in C++ and has the following feature:
- Asynchronous I/O with Boost.Asio
- Beautiful design and API powered by latest C++ standard and Boost library
- Utilizing full CPU power with userland threads
This project uses CMake as build system.
You will need the following libraries for build:
- Boost 1.62
To generate documentation, you will need additional tools:
- Sphinx
- breathe
- doxygen
The required C++ standard is C++14.
Cenisys is licensed under AGPLv3. Plugins must be licensed under a compatible license.
Documentations are bundled with release. You can also browse the git version on GitLab Pages.