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GitLab Runner Blueprint

This Terraform module provides a streamlined and automated way to provision and configure a GitLab CI/CD runner on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It leverages GCP's infrastructure and GitLab's runner capabilities to create a flexible and scalable solution for your CI/CD pipelines.

Gitlab Runner options

Docker executor

In GitLab CI/CD, the "docker executor" is one of the methods used to determine the environment in which your CI/CD jobs will be executed. When you use the docker executor, your jobs run within Docker containers.

Gitlab Docker Executor

Key features and how it works:

  • Leverages Docker: The GitLab Runner relies on the presence of Docker on the machine (or host) where it is installed. During job execution, the runner creates and manages Docker containers to run the steps defined in your .gitlab-ci.yml file.

  • Job Isolation: Each job is executed within its own, isolated Docker container. This provides a clean and independent environment for each build or test process, preventing conflicts or side effects from previous jobs.

  • Flexibility through Images: You specify the Docker image to be used as the base for each container. This allows you to choose the operating system, tools, and pre-installed software needed for your build environment. You can use official images from Docker Hub or create your custom images.

Please find below a sample terraform.tfvars for bootstrapping a Gitlab runner with Docker executor via this blueprint.

project_id = "test-project"
gitlab_config = {
  hostname    = ""
  ca_cert_pem = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.."
gitlab_runner_config = {
  authentication_token = "auth-token"
  executors_config       = {
    docker = {}
network_config = {
  network_self_link = ""
  subnet_self_link  = ""
# tftest skip

Docker Autoscale Executor (BETA)

The "docker autoscaler executor" in GitLab is a powerful mechanism designed to dynamically scale your CI/CD resources based on the demand of your pipelines. It achieves this by intelligently managing virtual machines (VMs) on cloud platforms, provisioning or terminating VMs as needed.

Gitlab Autoscale Executor

Key Features:

  • Dynamic Scaling: When the workload increases (many CI/CD jobs queued), the docker autoscaler executor instructs a cloud provider to spin up new VMs to handle the jobs. Conversely, when jobs are completed and the workload decreases, it terminates VMs to release resources.

  • Cost Optimization: By matching resource allocation to your CI/CD demands, you avoid paying for idle VMs when they are not needed.

  • Flexibility: The docker autoscaler executor wraps the docker executor, meaning you still benefit from running jobs in isolated Docker containers.

The docker autoscaler executor achieves its dynamic scaling capabilities through integration with Fleeting plugins. Fleeting is a framework that abstracts the management of autoscaled VM instances, and it offers plugins for different cloud providers, including Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Please find below a sample terraform.tfvars for bootstrapping a Gitlab runner with Docker executor via this blueprint.

project_id = "test-project"
gitlab_config = {
  hostname    = ""
  ca_cert_pem = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.."
gitlab_runner_config = {
  authentication_token = "auth-token"
  executors_config       = {
    docker_autoscaler = {
      gcp_project_id = "test-project
      zone           = "europe-west1-b"
      mig_name       = "gitlab-runner"
      machine_type   = "g1-small"
      machine_image  = "coreos-cloud/global/images/family/coreos-stable"
      network_tags   = ["gitlab-runner"]
network_config = {
  network_self_link = ""
  subnet_self_link  = ""
# tftest skip


Please be aware of the following requirements for the Docker Autoscaler executor Gitlab runner to work properly in Google Cloud Platform:

  • Ensure the gitlab runner (Manager) can connect to the Compute Engine VMs being part of the Managed Instance Group (running the docker executor) on port 22

  • Do not enforce os-login either at project or instance level otherwise the Gitlab Runner manager won't be able to connect to the instances with SSH keys added on the Compute Engine metadata. More information on this in the GCP documentation available at the following link.


name description type required default
gitlab_config Gitlab server configuration. object({…})
gitlab_runner_config Gitlab Runner config. object({…})
network_config Shared VPC network configurations to use for Gitlab Runner VM. object({…})
prefix Prefix used for resource names. string
project_id Project id, references existing project if project_create is null. string
region Region for the created resources. string
vm_config Gitlab runner GCE config. object({…})
admin_principals Users, groups and/or service accounts that are assigned roles, in IAM format (group:[email protected]). list(string) []
project_create Provide values if project creation is needed, uses existing project if null. Parent is in 'folders/nnn' or 'organizations/nnn' format. object({…}) null