This extension provides an interface to packwerk for vscode.
packwerk helps modularize large Rails monoliths
packwerk-vscode in Code Market Place
This is an alpha extension that is not guaranteed to work. We encourage you to experiment with it and provide feedback!
Specify configuration (via navigating to File > Preferences > Workspace Settings
and editing file settings.json):
// If not specified, uses `bin/packwerk check` (default and recommended, as this is what the packwerk setup guide recommends for executing packwerk)
// You may want to change this if, for example, you have a remote development environment that executes packwerk in a remote box.
"ruby.packwerk.executable": "",
// default true
"ruby.packwerk.onSave": true
Please install packages with yarn.
yarn install
You could install TSLint extension for .ts files.
Please format code using prettier.
yarn prettier src/* test/* --write
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.
Thanks to which this was modeled off of.