Please, follow this template when opening a new issue: this will help us a lot in the process of helping you.
Tell us here what happened: don't miss any valuable detail, be clear and concise, don't use UPPERCASE or abbreviations which can make understanding what you wrote quite difficult.
If you have problems compiling MK4duo, report here the error messages Arduino IDE gives you.
Before posting this issue, however, take a long breath and check this two things:
- If you're not using the latest version of Arduino IDE, please try again with the latest one.
- Always check if an error (or more than one) starts with
DEPENDENCY ERROR: _something wrong!_
: DO NOT POST DEPENDENCY ERRORS, please! They are messages which tell you what config option was set badly. Fix your configuration and try again. If you also get other types of error, please be sure to have fixed dependency errors before posting this issue!
MK4duo's versions that have this issue.
If you used the online configurator, copy the content of Configuration_Overall.h
and Configuration_Pins.h
in two text files. Then Drag&Drop them here. DO NOT COPY THE CONTENT DIRECTLY HERE!!!
Have you configured MK4duo manually? Then write here a list of the settings that may be related to the issue:
- SETTING_CHANGED_3 "blablabla"
- ...
If needed, you'll be asked for other settings you modified.
Please be patient, we'll be trying to help you as soon as possible.