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This python package provides the tools to build and manipulate unit cells and supercells and to calculate diffraction patterns from these cells. Using pyqtgraph the cells and supercells can be drawn in 3D.

The package has been developed as part of the project "Analyzing the Intermolecular Dynamics of Excited States in Molecular Semiconductors" funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within in the Walter Benjamin Program (project 490894053) which is greatfully acknowledged.

This package is under active development and collaborates are welcome. I will try to ensure consistency so that old code can run on newer version, but cannot guarantee it at this point.

At some point a readthedocs will also come up, so far you have to work with the docstrings of the functions, unfortunately. All classes and functions are well documented.


Either download the whole package from here and install into any environment by executing

python3 -m pip install -e celltools

inside the download folder, or use

python3 -m pip install git+

to install directly from Github.

Known issues

For drawing the unit cells the package uses the opengl module of pyqtgraph, which can be hard to get to work sometimes. Before you start, make sure that you can run all the 3D examples of pyqtgraph. Run

python3 -m pyqtgraph.examples

to start the example module and try all 3D examples. Unfortunately I cannot help you if you have problems there. What has been known to work is to install pyqt5, pyopengl and pyqtgraph into a clean environment and start from there. Good Luck!

For anaconda, loading errors of iris or swrast can sometimes be fixed by running

conda install -c conda-forge libstdcxx-ng

How do I use it

The package comes in two parts, celltools and simulation. The former contains all tools to build a unit cell and manipulate it, while the latter contains diffraction and pair distribution function simulations.


celltools cotains a linear algebra part linalg, a unit and supercell part cell and a drawing part draw. A quick explanation follows of the important features follows


Basis: class describing a basis system spanned by three linear independent vectors

from celltools.linalg import Basis
standard_basis = Basis([1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1])

Vector: class representing a vector defined by coordinates in a given Basis

from celltools.linalg import Basis, Vector
basis = Basis([2, 0, 0], [1,1,0], [1, 0, -3])
v = Vector([1,0,0], basis)
w = Vector([1,1,1], basis)

z = 3*v + w
print(f"coordinates: {z.vector}")
print(f"global coordinates: {z.global_coord}, global length: {z.abs_global}")

vector addition is possible for vectors in the same basis. Scaler multiplication is possible as well. Coordinates in basis system, coordinates and length in global reference frame can be returned by Vector.vector, Vector.global_coord and Vector.abs_global, respectively. If no basis is given, vectors are defined in the standard basis.

Line and Plane: Classes representing lines and planes in 3D space. They are defined by a point of origin and a directional/normal vector. Can be used to define rotational axis for example.

from celltools.linalg import Vector, Line, Plane

origin = Vector([1, 1, 1])
vec = Vector([1, 2, 3])

# Line through origin in direction to vec
line = Line(origin, vec)

# Plane through origin, normal to vec
plane = Plane(origin, vec)


Latice, Atom and Cell: Classes representing lattice vectors, atoms and unit cells.

from celltools.linalg import Basis, Vector
from celltools.cell import Lattice, Atom, Cell

#Aluminum lattice
lattice = Lattice(Basis([4.59, 0, 0], [0, 4.59, 0], [0, 0, 4.59]))
origin = Vector([0, 0, 0], lattice)
a, b, c = Vector([1, 0, 0], lattice), Vector([0, 1, 0], lattice), Vector([0, 0, 1], lattice)
#Atom positions in an fcc lattice
atoms = [Atom('Al', origin), Atom('Al', a), Atom('Al', b), Atom('Al', c), #corners
         Atom('Al', 0.5*(a+b)), Atom('Al', 0.5*(a+c)), Atom('Al', 0.5*(b+c)), # faces

al_unit_cell = Cell(lattice, atoms)

SuperCell: Class contructing a super cell of given size from a Cell object.

from celltools import SuperCell

supercell = SuperCell(al_unit_cell, (3,3,3))

Molecule: Container class for atoms, can also be content of a cell

from celltools.linalg import Vector
from celltools.cell import Atom, Molecule
#Atoms of CO2 molecule along x-axis of standard basis
atoms = [Atom('C', Vector([0,0,0])), Atom('O', Vector([-1.16,0,0])), Atom('O', Vector([1.16,0,0]))]
#Define molecule
carbondioxide = Molecule(atoms)
carbondioxide.auto_bonds() #add bonds between atoms automatically

Moving and Rotation

There are explicit functions to move atoms and molecules in Using the CO2 molecule from above as an example shows how it's done:

from celltools.linalg import Line
from celltools.cell import move, rotate
#Move atom 2 Angstrom along x-axis
move(carbondioxide, Vector([2,0,0]))

#Rotate molecule, now centered at (2,0,0) 45 degrees around its z-axis
zaxis = Line(Vector([2,0,0]), Vector([0,0,1]))
rotate(carbondioxide, zaxis, 45, mode="deg")


Drawing is done using pyqtgraph. There are a number of function provided in draw to facilitate the 3D depiction of the cells. We will give an example with the aluminum supercell from above

import pyqtgraph as pg
from celltools import make_figure, draw_cell

w = make_figure()
draw_cell(w, al_unit_cell)


Using draw_supercell instead of draw_cell draws a given super cell. With draw_line and draw_plane Line and Plane objections can be drawn, to e.g. show molecular planes or rotation axis.

import and export

Instead of adding each atom to the unit cell yourself, cif-files or crystals.Crystal objects can be used to generate Cell objects. Usually not all atoms in the unit cell are listed in the cif file, but only the irreducible basis is listed and the rest is generated from the space group symmetry. For the cell_from_cif function, there is the keyword argument mode which accepts "file", for which only the listed atoms of the cif-file are added , and "sym", for which the rest of the atoms is generated from the crystal symmetry. If the symmetry operations provided in the cif-file, the function will use these, otherwise, if the space group has been implemented, the necessary operations are taken from SPACE_GROUP dictionary in celltools\cell\

So far, there's no export option for the Cell or SuperCell class. Needs to be implemented

from celltools import cell_from_cif
from celltools.cell.generate import cell_from_crystal
from crystals import Crystal

cell_cif = cell_from_cif("./your_file.cif")

crystal = Crystal() #dummy Crystal object
cell_crystal = cell_from_crystal(crystal)


So far only the kinematic electron diffraction simulation has been implemented. I plan to implement electron pair distribution function and x-ray diffraction simulations as well.

Diffraction can either be simulated from a Cell or a Supercell. The scattering vectors as a Vector and the complex scattering amplitude can be simulated from a list of miller (hkl) indices. The package also provides a powder diffraction simulation.

import numpy as np
from celltools import cell_from_cif
from simulation.ediff import diffraction_from_cell, powder_pattern

cell = cell_from_cif("./your_file.cif")

# simulate diffraction for given miller indices
hkl = [(1,0,0), (1,-1,0), (0,2,0), (0,0,3)] #exmplary miller indices
scatter_vec, amlpitude = diffraction_from_cell(hkl, cell)

# simulate poweder instensity of given q-range
q = np.linspace(0,3,200)
q_scatt = [vec.abs_global for vec in scatter_vec]
intensity = powder_pattern(q, q_scatt, amlpitude, w=0.03)