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COWJ Plugin Guide


About : Plugins

Basic idea of a plugin is one can have sort of LEGO blocks, that one can insert into appropriate point at will - and thus, can extend the experience of the base engine one created.

A very simple example of plugin is codecs, coder-decoder which based on the appropriate media format the media players load.

Cowj Plugins

Essentially, COWJ has a plugin based model.


Scriptable is very much plug-n-play, although we do not expose the ability to adding custom engine that easy. But we can. All jsr-223 engines are plugin based, while ZoomBA is a special plugin.

To add a Scriptable plugin:

  1. drop a JSR-223 engine binary to the lib folder with all dependencies
  2. register the type of the engine - manually - in some way
  3. register the type to the UNIVERRSAL Scriptable creator
  4. And you are done.

It is the step [3] that would require one to change Cowj source code, and thus, technically, the Scriptable are not really a plug-in.

Data Sources

Cowj runs on CRUD, and DataSource are the abstract entities from where and to where Cowj reads from and write on. As we do not know the type of the services it would provide, we abstract it as Object and nothing more.

A data source always relies upon the type of data source. This underlying type depends on underlying plugin.

For example, take this:

    fcm: FCMWrapper::FCM

    type: fcm
    credentials_file: _/credentials.json

So what is happening? the type of data-source named fcm_ds is fcm and that is the registration name under the plugin fcm - hence it would use the static field FCM of the full class cowj.plugins.FCMWrapper to create such a plugin.

All plugins in COWJ are, as of now, always producing DataSource type objects.

Plugin Life Cycle

Registration And Creation

Registration flow of plugin is as follows:

  1. System looks for the plugins key in the config file
  2. Any sub-key under the hood is the package name of the java class who has the plugin implemented
  3. Anything within that are of the form: type_registry_name : class_name::FIELD_NAME
  4. FIELD_NAME is the static field that would be a DataSource.Creator type
  5. This will be called to generate one DataSource object
  6. the type_registry_name gets stored as the key in the Scriptable.DATA_SOURCES static map
  7. The created data source object proxy() method's result gets stored as the value


Inside Source Code

The following code gets a data source back:

Object ds = Scriptable.DATA_SOURCES.get("fcm_ds");

Scripting Usage

In various scripts the Scriptable.DATA_SOURCES gets injected as a Bindings variable with variable name _ds.

Thus, based on the language the usage can be:

fcm_instance = _ds.fcm_ds // zoomba , groovy 
fcm_instance = _ds["fcm_ds"] // zoomba, js, groovy, python 

At this point fcm_instance is the instance returned by the proxy() method of the underlying data source.

Default Plugins

Either Monad

This is a way to create a monadic container to wrap result, error while calling APIs.

public final class EitherMonad<V> {
  public boolean inError();
  public boolean isSuccessful();
  public V value();
  public Throwable error();

It is highly encouraged to wrap around plugins exposed APIs with this class. Usage is as follows:

EitherMonad<Integer> EitherMonad.value( 42 );
EitherMonad<Integer> EitherMonad.error( new NumberFormatException("Integer can not be parsed!") );

Secrets Manager

Essentially to read configurations. The Plugin implementation is supposed to provide access to a Map of type Map<String,String> because one really want to serialize the data. See .

Technically, a Secret Manager provides an app to run using some virtual environment.

To define and use:

    gsm: SecretManager::GSM # google secret manager impl 
    local: SecretManager::LOCAL # just the system env variable 

    type: gsm
    config: ${key-for-config}
    project-id: some-project-id

Now, one can use this into any other plugin, if need be. In a very special case the port attribute of the main config file can be redirected to any variable - because of obvious reason:

port : ${PORT}

In which case system uses the PORT variable from the local secret manager which is the systems environment variable.

This also is true for any ${key} directive in any SecretManager , the problem of bootstrapping or who watches the watcher gets avoided by booting from a bunch of ENV variable passed into the system - and then SecretManager can be loaded and then the system can use the secret manager.


The implementer class is cowj.plugins.CurlWrapper.

This does web IO. This is how a data source looks like:

    curl: CurlWrapper::CURL # add to the plugins

  json_place: # name of the ds 
    type: curl # type must match the registered type of the curl plugin
    url: # base url to connec to
    proxy: _/ # use for transforming the request to proxy request

The wrapper in essence has 2 interface methods:

public interface CurlWrapper {
  // sends a request to a path for the underlying data source 
  EitherMonad<ZWeb.ZWebCom> send(String verb, String path, 
        Map<String,String> headers,
        Map<String,String> params, 
        String body);

  Function<Request, EitherMonad<Map<String,Object>>> proxyTransformation();

  String proxy(String verb, String destPath, 
       Request request, Response response){}

The function proxy() gets used in the forward proxying, to modify the request headers, queries, and body to send to the destination server.

The system then returns the response from the destination server verbatim. This probably we should change, so that another layer of transformation can be applied to the incoming response to produce the final response to the client.

The curl plugin can be used programmatically, if need be via:

em = _ds.json_place.send( "get", "/users", {:}, {:} , "" )
assert( em.isSuccessful(), "Got a boom!" )
result = em.value()
result.body() // here is the body 


JDBC abstracts the connection provided by JDBC drivers. Typical usage looks like:

    gsm: SecretManager::GSM
    jdbc: JDBCWrapper::JDBC


  secret_sorce: # define the secret manager to maintain env 
    type: gsm
    config: key-for-config
    project-id: some-project-id

  mysql: #  mysql connection 
    type: jdbc
    secrets: secret_source # use the secret manager 
      user: ${DB_USERNAME_READ}
      password: ${DB_PASSWORD_READ}
    connection: "jdbc:mysql://${DB_HOST_READ}/${DB_DATABASE_READ}"

  druid: # druid connection using avatica driver
    type: jdbc
    connection: "jdbc:avatica:remote:url=http://localhost:8082/druid/v2/sql/avatica/"

  derby: # apache derby connection 
    type: jdbc
    stale: "values current_timestamp" # notice the custom stale connection check query
    connection: "jdbc:derby:memory:cowjdb;create=true"

In this implementation, we are using the SecretManager named secret_source. The JDBC connection properties are then substituted with the syntax ${key} where key must be present in the environment provided by the secret manager.

connection is the typical connection string for JDBC.

connection: "jdbc:derby:memory:cowjdb;create=true"

is a typical string that we use to test the wrapper itself using derby.

The basic interface is as follows:

public interface JDBCWrapper {
    // underlying connection object  
    EitherMonad<Connection> connection(); 
    // create a connection object  
    EitherMonad<Connection> create();
    // check if connection is valid   
    boolean isValid(); 
    // how to check if connection is stale?
    default String staleCheckQuery(){
        * Druid, MySQL, PGSQL ,AuroraDB
        * Oracle will not work SELECT 1 FROM DUAL
        * */
        return "SELECT 1";
    // fortmatter query, returns a list of json style objects ( map )
    EitherMonad<List<Map<String,Object>>> select(String query, List<Object> args);

As one can surmise, we do not want to generally use the DB, but in rare cases we may want to read, and if write is necessary we can do that with the underlying connection. Mostly, we shall be using read.

isValid() is the method that uses some sort of heuristic to figure out if the connection() is actually valid. For that, it relies on staleCheckQuery() which is exposed as stale parameter as shown in the yaml.

There will be one guaranteed connection per JDBC, on boot. Then on, if any jetty thread access the db, a dedicated connection will be opened, and will be reused on the lifetime of the thread.

Work is underway to clean up the connection when the thread ends.


A redis ds is pretty straight forward, it is unauthenticated, and we simply specify the urls as follows:

    redis: RedisWrapper::REDIS

  local_redis :
    type : redis
    urls: [ "localhost:6379"]

It returns the underlying UnifiedJedis instance. The key urls can also be loaded from SecretManager if need be.

prod_redis :
  type : redis
  secrets: some-secret-mgr
  urls: ${REDIS.URLS}

Notification - FCM

Firebase notification is included, this is how we use it:

    fcm: FCMWrapper::FCM
    gsm: SecretManager::GSM

    type: gsm
    config: QA
    project-id: blox-tech

    type: fcm
    secrets: secret_source

The usage is pretty straightforward:

payload = { "tokens" : tokens , "title" : body.title, "body" : body.body, "image": body.image ?? '',"data": ?? dict()}
response = _ds.fcm.sendMulticast(payload)

The underlying wrapper has methods as follows:

public interface FCMWrapper {
  // underlying real object 
  FirebaseMessaging messaging();
  // create a single recipient message 
  static Message message(Map<String, Object> message);
  // multicast message 
  static MulticastMessage multicastMessage(Map<String, Object> message);
  // send messages after creation 
  BatchResponse sendMulticast(Map<String, Object> data) throws FirebaseMessagingException ;
  String sendMessage(Map<String, Object> data) throws FirebaseMessagingException;

Cloud Storage - Google Storage

We try to avoid all database, because they are the architectural bottleneck, in the end. We do directly support cloud storage, specifically google storage as follows:

    g_storage: GoogleStorageWrapper::STORAGE

    type: g_storage

And if configured properly, we can simply load whatever we want via this:

storage =
data = storage.load(_ds.secret_source.getOrDefault("AWS_BUCKET", ""), "static_data/teams.json")
_shared["qa:cowj:notification:team"] = data
panic (empty(data), "teams are empty Please report to on call", 500)

There are various methods defined on the storage, as follows:

public interface GoogleStorageWrapper {
  // underlying storage 
  Storage storage();
  // dumps the data to a bucket name with file name 
  Blob dumps(String bucketName, String fileName, String data);
  // dumps the object after converting it into json to a bucket name with file name
  Blob dump(String bucketName, String fileName, Object obj);
  // loads a bucket, file combo as string 
  String loads(String bucketName, String fileName);
  // loads a bucket, file combo - and then try converting to json obj 
  Object load(String bucketName, String fileName);
  // Generates a stream of blob objects from the various files in the bucket 
  Stream<Blob> all(String bucketName);
  // Gets stream of all string contents.. 
  Stream<String> allContent(String bucketName);
  // Gets objects of all ... if can not convert to json retain as string 
  Stream<Object> allData(String bucketName);



There are two types of authentication mechanism provided in plugins.

  1. Storage Based : StorageAuthenticator
  2. JWT Based : JWTAuthenticator

To use any of these authenticators, one must create the authentication by adding a auth/auth.yaml file in the app directory.

Cowj system automatically loads the authentication scheme.

Using Jython

As people might be aware of, Jython is pretty much dead, end of life, and we are yet to find out better solutions for the same which are portable.

Future of Jython · Issue #24 · jython/jython · GitHub

In any case, we can still use Jython.

A related question is many things which are given in Python 3+, say json support and all are not supported out of the box for Jython.

In those cases 2 things possible:

  1. Use the awesomeness of ZTypes.json() and ZTypes.string() functions from ZoomBA, or any other standard Java libraries to parse JSON - here is a manual on how to do it: Jython - Importing Java Libraries | Tutorialspoint - it is a breeze. We have also created a sample Python project in the app/samples/jython to showcase this in the file which uses multiple Java libraries to run stuff from Python.

  2. Install Jython PIP and then install pythonic dependencies. This is much harder to maintain - but this is discussed in this link : java - How can I install various Python libraries in Jython? - Stack Overflow

    This is also done in the file where we installed json package for Python 2.7 and run.

